Automatically push engine datastore data to bigquery tables - google-app-engine

To move data from datastore to bigquery tables I currently follow a manual and time consuming process, that is, backing up to google cloud storage and restoring to bigquery. There is scant documentation on the restoring part so this post is handy
Now, there is a seemingly outdated article (with code) to do it
I've been, however, waiting for access to this experimental tester program that seems to automate the process, but gotten no access for months
For some entities, I'd like to push the data to big query as it comes (inserts and possibly updates). For more like biz intelligence type of analysis, a daily push is fine.
So, what's the best way to do it?

There are three ways of entering data into bigquery:
through the UI
through the command line
via API
If you choose API, then you can have two different ways: "batch" mode or streaming API.
If you want to send data "as it comes" then you need to use the streaming API. Every time you detect a change on your datastore (or maybe once every few minutes, depending on your needs), you have to call the insertAll method of the API. Please notice you need to have a table created beforehand with the structure of your datastore. (This can be done via API if needed too).
For your second requirement, ingesting data once a day, you have the full code in the link you provided. All you need to do is adjust the JSON schema to those of your data store and you should be good to do.


Large data set for web application - use an API for each query or store locally on database?

I'm building an application which uses a publicly available set of data that is rather large. I have two options to query it:
Via an API. For each query, my application would send a request using this dataset's API.
Alternatively, I could download (downloading the CSV files take over 4.0GB) and store the entire dataset locally.
The type of operations and analysis that I'd like to perform on the data for my web application is easily done with either method. However I'm wondering which way is best and why?
The only thing I can think of is that querying a local database would be faster, however using the API would ensure the data is up-to-date ("valid" data in this dataset is said to expire after 10 years according to the organisation's website).
As you said both options are valid and it depends on your use case which option is better.
Consider the following questions:
How often is the data updated? Is it maybe completely historical data and will never be updated, or only new values will added but existing never change? How much effort would it be to update your locally stored data automatically.
How time critical is the response time and availability? Locally stored data makes you independent against network delay to the API, an outage of the API, a rate limit that the Service provider could implement to throttle the rate of requests, or taking the data offline. How much data is requested on average, what is the response time for the API?

big data load in salesforce

I came across weird constraint, want to hear if anyone has resolved this issue.
Problem statement: load data in salesforce from outside. volume of data is 1 million record in a burst, every 3 hrs.
my source orchestration tool (NiFi) is capable of making this many REST API, but salesforce has asked not to use REST with this much throughput. I am not sure if its a limit of salesforce or product team has created a artificial ceiling.
they have suggested use dataloader, which seems to be a batch loader for salesforce, but it is not that fast either. also it has different issues. I cant trigger dataloader, when i get the data, so not that helpful either.
Long time back i have used Informatica to connect to salesforce, and we used to pass similar amount of data, and with no issue. Can someone answer how informatica connector has solved this bottleneck issue ?what does it use underneath?
also any other way to push this much data to salesforce?
Short answer: rethink your use case. Rewrite your app to use different mechanism of connecting to SF.
Long answer: Standard Salesforce API (SOAP or REST, doesn't matter) is synchronous. Request-response, job done. It's limited to 200 records max in one API call. Your volumes are better suited for bulk API. That one is REST-only (although it can accept XML, JSON or CSV), up to 10K records in one API call. The key difference is that it's asynchronous. You submit the job, you get back the job's id, you can check it (every 10 seconds? every minute?) "is it done yet? if it is - give me back my success/failure results". But every of these checks will of course consume 1 API call too. In meantime SF received a bunch of zipped files from you and will work on unzipping and processing them as fast as resources allow.
So (ignoring the initial login call) let's talk about limits. In sandboxes the 24h rolling limit of API calls is 5 million calls. Massive. In production it's 15K API calls + 1K per every full license user you have (sales cloud, service cloud) + you can buy more capacity... Or just go to Setup -> Company Information and check your limit.
let's say you have 5 users so 20K calls/day in production. In 24h at max capacity you'll be able to push 10K * 20K = 200M inserts/updates. Well, bit less because of login calls and checking the status and pulling down the results file but still - pretty good. If that's not enough - you have bigger problems ;) Using standard API would let you go 200 * 20K = mere 4M records.
SF support told you to use Data Loader because in DL it's just ticking a checkbox to use bulk API. You don't care that backend mechanism is different. You could even script Data Loader to run from commandline ( chapter 4). Or if it's a Java application - just reuse the JAR file on top of which DL UI is built.
These might help too:

Loading data from google cloud storage to BigQuery

I have a requirement to load 100's of tables to BigQuery from Google Cloud Storage(GCS -> Temp table -> Main table). I have created a python process to load the data into BigQuery and scheduled in AppEngine. Since we have Maximum 10min timeout for AppEngine. I have submitted the jobs in Asynchronous mode and checking the job status later point of time. Since I have 100's of tables need to create a monitoring system to check the status the job load.
Need to maintain a couple of tables and bunch of views to check the job status.
The operational process is little complex. Is there any better way?
When we did this, we simply used a message queue like Beanstalkd, where we pushed something that later had to be checked, and we wrote a small worker who subscribed to the channel and dealt with the task.
On the other hand: BigQuery offers support for querying data directly from Google Cloud Storage.
Use cases:
- Loading and cleaning your data in one pass by querying the data from a federated data source (a location external to BigQuery) and writing the cleaned result into BigQuery storage.
- Having a small amount of frequently changing data that you join with other tables. As a federated data source, the frequently changing data does not need to be reloaded every time it is updated.

How to keep Firebase in sync with another database

We need to keep our Firebase data in sync with other databases for full-text search (in ElasticSearch) and other kinds of queries that Firebase doesn't easily support.
This needs to be as close to real-time as possible, we can't just export a nightly dump of the Firebase JSON or anything like that, aside from the fact that this will get rather large.
My initial thought was to run a Node.js client which listens to child_changed, child_added, child_removed etc... events of all the main lists, but this could get a bit unweildy and would it be a reliable way of syncing if the client re-connects after a period of time?
My next thought was to maintain a list of "items changed" events and write to that every time an item is created/updated, similar to the Firebase work queue example. The queue could contain the full path to the data which has changed and the worker just consumes that and updates the local database accordingly.
The problem here is every bit of code which makes updates has to remember to write to this queue otherwise the two systems will get out of sync. Some proxy code shouldn't be too hard to write though.
Has anyone else done anything similar with any success?
For search queries, you can integrate directly with ElasticSearch; there is no need to sync with a secondary database. Firebase has a blog post about integrating and a lib, Flashlight, to make this quick and painless.
Another option is to use the logstash-input-firebase Logstash plugin in order to listen to changes in your Firebase real-time database(s) and forward the data in real-time to Elasticsearch using an elasticsearch output.

How to handle caching and data-store sync in GAE

I am writing a small appengine application and I want to start using Datastore.
My app has some users and each user is a complicated JAVA class.
Users might swap some "point" objects between them, so I need the data to be available and fast.
My question is quite generic:
How should I handle the data caching?
Storing the data entirely in the Datastore and fetching it in every call sounds slow in runtime.
On the other hand, holding the data in a static JAVA class sounds tricky, because every now and then the server resets and data is erased.
If I had a main loop, like in a regular console application I would've probably saved the data twice-three times a day on predefined hours of the day.
How should I manage my code in such a way that it would save the status in the datastore every now and then and this way will not loose any data.
if the number of write operations are less than read operations,
it is good to try "Write-through caching" with memcache module.
basically the write-through caching works like this:
for every write operations, program update the datastore, then backup the data to memcache
for every read operations, program will try to read from memcache. if it can found required data, then it returns, otherwise it will fetch the data from datastore and backup the results to memcache.
As #lucemia noted, you should use memcache.
If you use objectify, you can set-up caching declaratively, without writing and cache handling code.
