Can a component know its own DOM tree context? - reactjs

I am attempting to write a <Heading /> component that will abstract away some of the headaches of dealing with headings (h1, h2, etc) in conjunction with accessibility standards.
The goal being that this component would be able to dynamically choose a h(1,2,3) depending on its closest parent heading. However, Looking up the DOM tree like this remind me more of jQUERY than react. I've looked through the docs and SO but haven't seen anything about it, so I'm not sure if this is even possible.
So the question is: Is it possible for a component to know where it is rendered in the DOM tree and then execute some logic with that info? (probably somewhere in componentWillMount).

You could look upward in the DOM in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate, but that's messy and uncontrolable. There may be a better solution but this is the first thing that comes to mind.
var headerFactories = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'].map(function(tag){
return React.createFactory(tag)
var makeHeader = function(level){
var make = function(){
var factory = headerFactories[make.level]
|| headerFactories[headerFactories.length - 1];
return factory.apply(this, arguments);
make.sub = function(){
return makeHeader(make.level + 1);
make.level = level;
return make;
The api may seem a bit strange, but let's say we have a Page component and an Article child which may have another Article child.
var Page = React.createClass({
render: function(){
// make a root level header
var header = makeHeader();
return <div>
{header(null, "My Page")}
<Article headerFactory={header.sub()} data={foo} subArticle={bar} />
var Article = React.createClass({
render: function(){
var subArticle = false;
if (this.props.subArticle) {
subArticle = <Article headerFactory={this.props.headerFactory.sub()} />
return <div>
What happens is when we do headerFactory(null, "foo") we get a component of that header level. When we call .sub() we get a version of that headerFactory with the next header level.
var h1 = makeHeader();
var h2 = h1.sub();
var h3 = h2.sub();
var h4 = h3.sub();
This allows components to have header levels based on their parents without breaking out of React.


Convert Quill Delta to HTML

How do I convert Deltas to pure HTML? I'm using Quill as a rich text editor, but I'm not sure how I would display the existing Deltas in a HTML context. Creating multiple Quill instances wouldn't be reasonable, but I couldn't come up with anything better yet.
I did my research, and I didn't find any way to do this.
Not very elegant, but this is how I had to do it.
function quillGetHTML(inputDelta) {
var tempCont = document.createElement("div");
(new Quill(tempCont)).setContents(inputDelta);
return tempCont.getElementsByClassName("ql-editor")[0].innerHTML;
Obviously this needs quill.js.
I guess you want the HTML inside it. Its fairly simple.
If I've understood you correctly, there's a quill thread of discussion here, with the key information you're after.
I've quoted what should be of most value to you below:
Quill has always used Deltas as a more consistent and easier to use (no parsing)
data structure. There's no reason for Quill to reimplement DOM APIs in
addition to this. quill.root.innerHTML or document.querySelector(".ql-editor").innerHTML works just fine (quill.container.firstChild.innerHTML is a bit more brittle as it depends on child ordering) and the previous getHTML implementation did little more than this.
Simple, solution is here:
The main code is:
This is a very common confusion when it comes to Quilljs. The thing is you should NOT retrieve your html just to display it. You should render and display your Quill container just the same way you do when it is an editor. This is one of the major advantages to Quilljs and the ONLY thing you need to do is:
$conf.readOnly = true;
This will remove the toolbar and make the content not editable.
I have accomplished it in the backend using php.
My input is json encoded delta and my output is the html string.
here is the code , if it is of any help to you.This function is still to handle lists though and some other formats but you can always extend those in operate function.
function formatAnswer($answer){
$formattedAnswer = '';
$answer = json_decode($answer,true);
foreach($answer['ops'] as $key=>$element){
$result = $element['insert'];
foreach($element['attributes'] as $key=>$attribute){
$result = operate($result,$key,$attribute);
$image = $element['insert']['image'];
// if you are getting the image as url
if(strpos($image,'http://') !== false || strpos($image,'https://') !== false){
$result = "<img src='".$image."' />";
//if the image is uploaded
//saving the image somewhere and replacing it with its url
$imageUrl = getImageUrl($image);
$result = "<img src='".$imageUrl."' />";
$formattedAnswer = $formattedAnswer.$result;
return nl2br($formattedAnswer);
function operate($text,$ops,$attribute){
$operatedText = null;
case 'bold':
$operatedText = '<strong>'.$text.'</strong>';
case 'italic':
$operatedText = '<i>'.$text.'</i>';
case 'strike':
$operatedText = '<s>'.$text.'</s>';
case 'underline':
$operatedText = '<u>'.$text.'</u>';
case 'link':
$operatedText = ''.$text.'';
$operatedText = $text;
return $operatedText;
Here's a full function using quill.root.innerHTML, as the others didn't quite cover the complete usage of it:
function quillGetHTML(inputDelta) {
var tempQuill=new Quill(document.createElement("div"));
return tempQuill.root.innerHTML;
This is just a slight different variation of km6 's answer.
For Quill version 1.3.6, just use:
Try it online:
Detailed explaination on my blog
This link if you have to post the Quill HTML content in a form
quill.root.innerHTML on the quill object works perfectly.
$scope.setTerm = function (form) {
var contents = JSON.stringify(quill.root.innerHTML)
I put together a node package to convert html or plain text to and from a Quill Delta.
My team used it to update our data model to include both Quill's Delta and HTML. This allows us to render on the client without an instance of Quill.
See node-quill-converter.
It features the following functions:
- convertTextToDelta
- convertHtmlToDelta
- convertDeltaToHtml
Behind the scenes it uses an instance of JSDOM. This may make it best suited for migration scripts as performance has not been tested in a typical app request lifecycle.
console.log ( $('.ql-editor').html() );
Here is how I did it, for you Express folks. It seems to have worked very well in conjunction with express-sanitizer.
import expressSanitizer from 'express-sanitizer'
app.use(expressSanitizer())'/route', async (req, res) => {
const title = req.body.article.title
const content = req.sanitize(req.body.article.content)
// Do stuff with content
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<form action="/route" method="POST">
<input type="text" name="article[title]" placeholder="Enter Title">
<div id="editor"></div>
<input type="submit" onclick="return quillContents()" />
<script src=""></script>
const quill = new Quill('#editor', {
theme: 'snow'
const quillContents = () => {
const form = document.forms[0]
const editor = document.createElement('input')
editor.type = 'hidden' = 'article[content]'
editor.value = document.querySelector('.ql-editor').innerHTML
return form.submit()
express-sanitizer (
document.forms (
My view only has one form, so I used document.forms[0], but if you have multiple or may extend your view in the future to have multiple forms, check out the MDN reference.
What we are doing here is creating a hidden form input that we assign the contents of the Quill Div, and then we bootleg the form submit and pass it through our function to finish it off.
Now, to test it, make a post with <script>alert()</script> in it, and you won't have to worry about injection exploits.
That's all there is to it.
Here is a proper way to do it.
var QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter = require('quill-delta-to-html').QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter;
// TypeScript / ES6:
// import { QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter } from 'quill-delta-to-html';
var deltaOps = [
{insert: "Hello\n"},
{insert: "This is colorful", attributes: {color: '#f00'}}
var cfg = {};
var converter = new QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(deltaOps, cfg);
var html = converter.convert();
For a jQuery-style solution that allows getting and setting the Quill value I am doing the following:
Quill.prototype.val = function(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
this.container.querySelector('.ql-editor').innerHTML = newVal;
} else {
return this.container.querySelector('.ql-editor').innerHTML;
let editor = new Quill( ... );
//set the value
editor.val('<h3>My new editor value</h3>');
//get the value
let theValue = editor.val();
quill-render looks like it's what you want. From the docs:
var render = require('quill-render');
"attributes": {
"bold": true
"insert": "Hi mom"
// => '<b>Hi mom</b>'
If you want to render quill using nodejs, there is a package quite simple based on jsdom, usefull to render backside (only one file & last update 18 days from now) render quill delta to html string on server
Just use this clean library to convert from delta from/to text/html
const { convertDeltaToHtml } = require('node-quill-converter');
let html = convertDeltaToHtml(delta);
console.log(html) ; // '<p>hello, <strong>world</strong></p>'

ReactJS parent/child list items not rendering properly after an item is removed

In an application I am working on, I have a parent container (List, in my example) that contains a list of children (Hero, in my example). The list is governed by an outside object. For simplicity I declared the object directly in the JS. (In my real application the data store is properly namespaced and so forth.)
The problem I have is in the list I have three elements, if I remove an item from the middle, the rendered list appears to remove the last element. However the outside object reflects the proper list.
For example:
My list has the elements: cap, thor, hulk
If you remove "thor", "cap" and "thor" are rendered
The heroList reflects "cap" and "hulk" as it should
I am relatively new to ReactJs, so there is a good chance my premise is fundamentally flawed.
Note: The example reflects a much more complex application. It's structured similarly for purposes of demonstration. I am aware you could make a single component, but it would not be practical in the actual app.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the code from JSFiddle:
var heroList = [
{ name: "cap" },
{ name: "thor"},
{ name: "hulk"}
var List = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
console.log("heros", heroList);
return {
heros: heroList
this.setState({heros: heroList});
var hero = heros[i];
console.log("removing hero...", hero);
heroList = _.filter(heroList, function(h){ return !==;});
render() {
var heros = this.state.heros;
var createHero = (hero,index) => {
return <Hero hero={hero} key={index} onRemove={this.removeHero.bind(this,index,heros)}/>;
console.log("list", heros);
return (
var Hero = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return {
hero: this.props.hero
render() {
var hero = this.state.hero;
return (
<li>Hello {} | <button type="button" onClick={this.props.onRemove}>-</button></li>
<List />,
Additional: I was having problems copying the code from JSFiddle, anything I broke by accident should work in the JSFiddle listed at the top of this question.
Based on the commentary from madox2, nicole, nuway and Damien Leroux, here's what I ended up doing:
I wish there was a way to give everyone credit, you were all a big help.
Changing your Hero class to this fixed the issue of displaying the wrong hero name for me:
var Hero = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<li>Hello {} | <button type="button" onClick={this.props.onRemove}>-</button></li>
i.e. I removed the local state from the class and used the prop directly.
Generally speaking, try to use the local store only when you really need it. Try to think of your components as stateless, i.e. they get something through the props and display it, that's it.
Along these lines, you should consider passing the hero list through the props to your List component as well.
if you really have problems with managing your data you should use Flux or Redux.
in this code:
heroList = _.filter(heroList, function(h){ return !==;});
i just dont get why you filer the heroList instead of this.state.heros? every time you add or remove a hero, the heroList in your current scope shouldnt be kept in state? the global heroList is just the initial state.
The problem is with the keys used. Since the key is taken from the index, that key has already been used and thus the hero with that key is shown.
change it to key={Math.random() * 100} and it will work

how to change an image url by changing parent-state in ReactJS?

I am new to reactJS, but thought I had understood the minimal change and update of DOM. Apparently I was wrong. I have a ReactJS-class Gallery, which renders a list of images (I included two functions of this class). The url of one image (in the images-list) is dependent on the Gallery state (index), so I thought that the image-url would change (forcing a new get request to the server), since it is dependent on the index-value of Gallery, by changing the gallery state.index to something else. How is my thinking incorrect? how can I update an image-url from the gallery class?
getInitialState: function(){
var self = this;
window.addEventListener('keypress', function(e){
if(e.keyCode == 39){
if(self.state.index < self.state.size){
self.setState({index: self.state.index+1});
if(e.keyCode == 37){
if(self.state.index > 0){
self.setState({index: self.state.index-1});
var images= [];
var url = "/patient/" + this.state.index.toString();
images.push(<Image src={url} width={500} height={520} left={150} top={this.state.base} />);
return (
might be a very relevant link (investigating now): Reactjs: how to modify child state or props from parent?

How to "override" the render function?

I'm just getting started with React. I have a project that includes many tables, some pretty complex, but all generally output a table from a set of data. Some have parent-child relationships (with toggleable child rows), and each has a slightly different format for the row output (e.g. some have buttons that open modals). Normally, I would use jQuery DataTables for this, which is easy and flexible for something like this. I'm struggling to figure out how to do it sustainably (scaleably?) in React, though.
I've written a basic table component where it accepts a set of items via props and spits out a table and handles child rows via internal state. Today I'll convert that to use two components: the table and a separate one for the rows. I really don't want to have to write X or 2X different components though (where X is the number of tables in the project), but I'm not sure how to make it reusable. All of the tables should have some things in common like style, filter capability, paging, etc., which I would try to put at the Table component level and reuse.
The best solution so far that I've thought about doing is passing in a preRender function via props and using that to create the actual row JSX, and having the render function just assemble all of those snippets into one output (which is basically what I do already but with I could then provide the preRender via a prop (if that works), like this:
var Table = React.createClass({
render: function() { // mixin?
var rows = [];
for (var i=0; i<this.props.items.length; i++) {
return rows; // plus html boilerplate...
var Parent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var foodItems = this.state.foodItems;
var drinkItems = this.state.drinkItems;
var foodRender = function(i) { return (<tr>{i} <a href?>Buy me</a></tr>); }
var drinkRender = function(i) { return (<tr>{i} <button>Drink me</button></tr>); }
return (
<Table items={foodItems} preRender={foodRender}/>
<Table items={drinkItems} preRender={drinkRender}/>
Another thing I thought of was somehow passing in a different Row component to the Table component, if that's possible. I guess the root problems are:
The table-level stuff is very similar or identical across tables but may have parts needing customization per-table.
The rows do things like open popovers, so they will have a state (or need to circle around w/props).
Is there a better way to do this sort of logic/dependency injection, or will I probably just need to make a ton of slightly-different controls.
I'd start with something like this (using ES6 syntax for brevity):
const FoodItem = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<tr><td>{this.props.item} Buy me</td></tr>
const DrinkItem = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<tr><td>{this.props.item} <button>Drink me</button></td></tr>
const Table = React.createClass({
render() {
const {items, itemComponent: ItemComponent} = this.props;
return (
{ => <ItemComponent item={item} />)}
const Parent = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<Table items={this.state.foodItems} itemComponent={FoodItem}/>
<Table items={this.state.drinkItems} itemComponent={DrinkItem}/>
An alternative pattern would be this (which is best depends on your requirements):
const FoodItem = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<tr><td>{this.props.item} Buy me</td></tr>
const DrinkItem = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<tr><td>{this.props.item} <button>Drink me</button></td></tr>
const Table = React.createClass({
render() {
// I'm assuming you ultimately want your table to do something cleverer than just rendering a table element
return (
const Parent = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<Table>{ => <FoodItem item={item} />)}</Table>
<Table>{ => <DrinkItem item={item} />)}</Table>

BackboneJS - same el for many views

I am using same el for more than 1 view like below. I'm not facing any problem till now. Is this good approach or should i do any changes?
<div id="app">
<div id="app-header"></div>
<div id="app-container"></div>
<div id="app-footer">
App View:
el: "#app",
v1: new View1(),
v2: new View2(),
render: function () {
if (cond1) {
} else if (cond2) {
View 1:
el: "#app-container",
render: function (){
View 2:
el: "#app-container",
render: function (){
By reading your question, I do not really see what advantages you could possibly have using this approach rather than having the different div elements being the root el for your views 1, 2, 3 and using
in the render method.
Your approach could work for a small application, but I think it will become really hard to maintain as the application grows.
I still do not really get your point, you could only initialize everything only once in both cases.
Here is a working Fiddle.
By the way I am changing the content by listening to the click event but this is to simplify the example. It should be done by the router.
I do use a mixin to handle such situation, I call it stated view. For a view with all other options I will send a parameter called 'state', render will in-turn call renderState first time and there after every time I set a 'state' renderState will update the view state. Here is my mixin code looks like.
var setupStateEvents = function (context) {
var stateConfigs = context.getOption('states');
if (!stateConfigs) {
var state;
var statedView;
var cleanUpState = function () {
if (statedView) {
var renderState = function (StateView) {
statedView = util.createView({
View: StateView,
model: context.model,
parentEl: context.$('.state-view'),
context.setState = function (toState) {
if (typeof toState === 'string') {
if (state === toState) {
state = toState;
var StateView = stateConfigs[toState];
if (StateView) {
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid State');
} else {
throw new Error('state should be a string');
context.getState = function () {
return state;
stateConfigs = null;
full code can be seen here
hope this helps
Backbone Rule:
When you create an instance of a view, it'll bind all events to el if
it was assigned, else view creates and assigns an empty div as el for that view and bind
all events to that view.
In my case, if i assign #app-container to view 1 and view 2 as el and when i initialize both views like below in App View, all events bind to the same container (i.e #app-container)
this.v1 = new App.View1();
this.v2 = new App.View2();
Will it lead to any memory leaks / Zombies?
No way. No way. Because ultimately you are having only one instance for each view. So this won't cause any memory leaks.
Where does it become problematic?
When your app grows, it is very common to use same id for a tag in both views. For example, you may have button with an id btn-save in both view's template. So when you bind btn-save in both views and when you click button in any one the view, it will trigger both views save method.
See this jsFiddle. This'll explain this case.
Can i use same el for both view?
It is up to you. If you avoid binding events based on same id or class name in both views, you won't have any problem. But you can avoid using same id but it's so complex to avoid same class names in both views.
So for me, it looks #Daniel Perez answer is more promising. So i'm going to use his approach.
