I'm using libmysql in a simple multithreaded app which will run on a uni-core embedded system processor.
I read here that the client library is almost thread-safe.
Do I need to serialise my app (say, with a mutex)?
Depends on what you're doing. In a simple scenario you'd just link against libmysqlclient_r and make sure you don't share a connection with multiple threads nor execute multiple queries "simultaneously" on a single connection.
Other requirements:
Before creating any threads, call mysql_library_init() to initialise the MySQL library;
On each thread call mysql_thread_init() to initialise thread-specific variables before using any MySQL related functions;
Before destroying a thread, call mysql_thread_end().
If your program is respecting these limitations, MySQL is your friend.
I've been looking into how I could embed languages (let's use Lua as an example) in Erlang. This of course isn't a new idea and there are many libraries out there that can do this. However I was wondering if it was possible to start a Genserver with state which is modified by Lua. This means that once you start the Genserver, it will start a (long running) Lua process to manipulate the Genserver's state. I know this is possible as well, but I was wondering if I could spawn 1,000 10,000 or even 100,000 of these processes.
I'm not really familiar with this topic but I have done some research.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of these options).
TLDR; Skip to the last paragraph.
First option: NIFs:
This doesn't seem like an option since it will block the Erlang Scheduler of the current process. If I want to spawn a large amount of these it will freeze the entire runtime.
Second option: Port Driver:
It's like a NIF but communicates by sending data to a specified port, which can also send data back to Erlang. This is nice although this also seems to block the scheduler. I've tried a library which does the boiler plat for you as well, but that seemed to block the scheduler after spawning 10 processes. I've also looked into the postgresql example on the Erlang Documentation which is said to be async but I couldn't get the example code to work (R13?). Is it even possible to run as many Port Driver processes without blocking the runtime?
Third option: C Nodes:
I thought this was very interesting and wanted to try it out, but apparently the project "erlang-lua" already does this. It's nice because it won't crash your Erlang VM if something goes wrong and the processes are isolated. But in order to actually spawn a single process you need to spawn an entire node. I have no idea how expensive this is. Nor am I sure what the limit is for connecting nodes in a cluster, but I don't see myself spawning 100,000 C nodes.
Fourth option: Ports:
At first I thought this was the same as a Port Driver but it's actually different. You spawn a process which executes an application and communicates through STDIN and STDOUT. This would work well for spawning a large amount of processes, and (I think?) they aren't a threat to the Erlang VM. But if I'm going to communicate through STDIN / STDOUT, why even bother with an embeddable language to begin with? Might as well use any other scripting language.
And so after much research in a field I'm not familiar with I've come to this. You could a Genserver as an "entity" where the AI is written in Lua. Which is why I'd like to have a processes for each entity. My question is how do I achieve spawning many Genservers which communicate with long running Lua processes? Is this even possible? Should I be tackling my problem differently?
If you can make the Lua code — or more accurately, its underlying native code — cooperate with the Erlang VM, you have a few choices.
Consider one of the most important functions of the Erlang VM: managing the execution of a (potentially large number of) Erlang's lightweight processes across a relatively small set of scheduler threads. It uses several techniques to know when a process has used up its timeslice or is waiting and so should be scheduled out to give another process a chance to run.
You seem to be asking how you can get native code to run however it likes within the VM, but as you've already hinted, the reason native code can cause problems for the VM is that it has no practical way to stop the native code from completely taking over a scheduler thread and thus preventing regular Erlang processes from executing. Because of this, native code has to cooperatively yield the scheduler thread back to the VM.
For older NIFs, the choices for such cooperation were:
Keep the amount of time NIF calls ran on a scheduler thread to 1ms or less.
Create one or more private threads. Transition each long-running NIF call from its scheduler thread over to a private thread for execution, then return the scheduler thread to the VM.
The problems here are that not all calls can complete in 1ms or less, and that managing private threads can be error-prone. To get around the first problem, some developers would break the work down into chunks and use an Erlang function as a wrapper to manage a series of short NIF calls, each of which completed one chunk of work. As for the second problem, well, sometimes you just can't avoid it, despite its inherent difficulty.
NIFs running on Erlang 17.3 or later can also cooperatively yield the scheduler thread using the enif_schedule_nif function. To use this feature, the native code has to be able to do its work in chunks such that each chunk can complete within the usual 1ms NIF execution window, similar to the approach mentioned earlier but without the need to artificially return to an Erlang wrapper. My bitwise example code provides many details about this.
Erlang 17 also brought an experimental feature, off by default, called dirty schedulers. This is a set of VM schedulers that do not have the same native code execution time constraints as the regular schedulers; work there can block for essentially infinite periods without disrupting normal VM operation.
Dirty schedulers come in two flavors: CPU schedulers for CPU-bound work, and I/O schedulers for I/O-bound work. In a VM compiled to enable dirty schedulers, there are by default as many dirty CPU schedulers as there are regular schedulers, and there are 10 I/O schedulers. These numbers can be altered using command-line switches, but note that to try to prevent regular scheduler starvation, you can never have more dirty CPU schedulers than regular schedulers. Applications use the same enif_schedule_nif function mentioned earlier to execute NIFs on dirty schedulers. My bitwise example code provides many details about this too. Dirty schedulers will remain an experimental feature for Erlang 18 as well.
Native code in linked-in port drivers is subject to the same on-scheduler execution time constraints as NIFs, but drivers have two features NIFs don't:
Driver code can register file descriptors into the VM polling subsystem and be notified when any of those file descriptors becomes I/O-ready.
The driver API supports access to a non-scheduler async thread pool, the size of which is configurable but by default has 10 threads.
The first feature allows native driver code to avoid blocking a thread for I/O. For example, instead of performing a blocking recv call, driver code can register the socket file descriptor so the VM can poll it and call the driver back when the file descriptor becomes readable.
The second feature provides a separate thread pool useful for driver tasks that can't conform to the scheduler thread native code execution time constraints. You can achieve the same in a NIF but you have to set up your own thread pool and write your own native code to manage and access it. But regardless of whether you use the driver async thread pool, your own NIF thread pool, or dirty schedulers, note that they are all regular operating system threads, and so trying to start a huge number of them simply isn't practical.
Native driver code does not yet have dirty scheduler access, but this work is on-going and it might become available as an experimental feature in an 18.x release.
If your Lua code can make use of one or more of these features to cooperate with the Erlang VM, then what you're attempting may be possible.
I have a server that spawns a new process or thread for every incoming request and I need to read and write a variable defined in this server from both threads and processes. Since the server program needs to work both on UNIX and Windows I need to share the variable in a portable way, but how do I do it?
I need to use the standard C library or the native syscalls, so please don’t suggest third party libraries.
shared memory is operating system specific. On Linux, consider reading shm_overview(7) and (since with shared memory you always need some way to synchronize) sem_overview(7).
Of course you need to find out the similar (but probably not equivalent) Windows function calls.
Notice that threads are not the same as processes. Threads by definition share a common single address space. With threads, the main issue is then mostly synchronization, often using mutexes (e.g. pthread_mutex_lock etc...). On Linux, read a pthread tutorial & pthreads(7)
Recall that several libraries (glib, QtCore, Poco, ...) provide useful abstractions above operating system specific functionalities, but you seem to want avoiding them.
At last, I am not at all sure that sharing a variable like you ask is the best way to achieve your goals (I would definitely consider some message passing approach with an event loop: pipe(7) & poll(2), perhaps with a textual protocol à la JSON).
I am building a server application that is supposed to do text processing in the background but it's task changes based on signals from a client application. My problem is that I can't do the programs primary job while waiting for connections. Is there anyway to run this job at the same time? I have looked at multithreading, however because the application is supposed to maintain an internal state while running I can't work out how make it function in this way. The program is written in C.
If you have to maintain internal state that all threads need access to, you need synchronization. Every thread comes with its own stack, but they all share the heap. If you access an object on the thread, you need to make sure your thread obtains a lock on that state (possibly wait until you can get it) and then changes the state, releases the lock and so on.
The common way to do this on POSIX systems is the pthread API. C11 has added standardized threading support to the language which can be found in the header threads.h, but support for it is very rare.
Alternatively, you can also use multiple processes. That would change how you communicate between threads but the general model of your application would remain the same.
I noticed that on a single threaded application, SDL still spawns some threads on initialization. It's usually not of my concern by I noticed cURL requires its initialization to be done before any thread creation for thread-safety. Can they generally be ignored [for cURL initialization] or not? [Also, are they just a sign of using an external library etc.?]
grepping the source, it looks like the audio subsystem can utilize threading on most platforms, as well as the event subsystem on some platforms (mostly X11 it seems).
cURL requires its initialization to be done before any thread creation for thread-safety
It doesn't mean the universe will implode if you create any thread (well, you've already created one by starting the process) before initialising it. It means that you can't have multiple threads calling cURL routines before initialisation (because it has to create synchronisation primitives, etc.).
Since SDL doesn't call cURL at any point, the initialisation order doesn't matter in this case.
I have a daemon to write in C, that will need to handle 20-150K TCP connections simultaneously. They are long running connections, and rarely ever tear down. They have a very small amount of data (rarely exceeding MTU even.. it's a stimulus/response protocol) in transmit at any given time, but response times to them are critical. I'm wondering what the current UNIX community is using to get large amounts of sockets, and minimizing the latency on response of them. I've seen designs revolving around multiplexing connects to fork worker pools, threads (per connection), static sized thread pools. Any suggestions?
the easiest suggestion is to use libevent, it makes it easy to write a simple non-blocking single-threaded server that would comply with your requirements.
if the processing for each response takes some time, or if it uses some blocking API (like almost anything from a DB), then you'll need some threading.
One answer is the worker threads, where you spawn a set of threads, each listening on some queue to work. it can be separate processes, instead of threads, if you like. The main difference would be the communications mechanism to tell the workers what to do.
A different way to do is to use several threads, and give to each of them a portion of those 150K connections. each will have it's own process loop and work mostly like the single-threaded server, except for the listening port, which will be handled by a single thread. This helps spreading the load between cores, but if you use a blocking resource, it would block all the connections handled by this specific thread.
libevent lets you use the second way if you're careful; but there's also an alternative: libev. it's not as well known as libevent, but it specifically supports the multi-loop scheme.
If performance is critical then you'll really want to go for a multithreaded event loop solution - i.e. a pool of worker threads to handle your connections. Unfortunately, there is no abstraction library to do this that works on most Unix platforms (note that libevent is only single-threaded as are most of these event-loop libraries), so you'll have to do the dirty work yourself.
On Linux that means using edge-triggered epoll with a pool of worker threads (Windows would have I/O completion ports which also works fine in a multithreaded environment - I am not sure about other Unixes).
BTW, I have done some work trying to abstract edge-triggered epoll on Linux and Windows I/O completion ports on http://nginetd.cmeerw.org (it is work in progress, but might provide some ideas).
If you have system configuration access don't over-do it and set up some iptables/pf/etc to load-balance connections across n daemon instances (processes) as this will work out of the box. Depending on how blocking the nature of the daemon n should be from the number of cores on the system or several times higher. This approach looks crude but it can handle broken daemons and even restart them if necessary. Also migration would be smooth as you could start diverting new connections to another set of processes (for example, a new release or migrating to a new box) instead of service interruptions. On top of that you get several features like source affinity wich can help significantly caching and contention of problematic sessions.
If you don't have system access (or ops can't be bothered), you can use load balancer daemon (there are plenty of open source ones) instead of iptables/pf/etc and use also n service daemons, like above.
Also this approach helps with separating privileges of ports. If the external service needs to service on a low port (<1024) you only need the load balancer running privileged/or admin/root, or kernel.)
I've written several IP load balancers in the past and it can be very error-prone in production. You don't want to support and debug that. Also operations and management will tend second-guess your code more than external code.
i think javier's answer makes the most sense. if you want to test the theory out, then check out the node javascript project.
Node is based on Google's v8 engine which compiles javascript to machine code and is as fast as c for certain tasks. It is also based on libev and is designed to be completely non-blocking, meaning you don't have to worry about context switching between threads (everything runs on a single event loop). It is very similar to erlang in that respect.
Writing high performance servers in javascript is now really, really easy with node. You could also, with a little bit of effort, write your custom code in c and create bindings for node to call into it to do your actual processing (look at the node source to see how to do this - documentation is a little sketchy at the moment). as an uglier alternative, you could build your custom c code as an application and use stdin/stdout to communicate with it.
I've tested node myself with upwards of 150k connections with absolutely no issues (of course you will need some serious hardware if all these connections are going to be communicating at once). A TCP connection in node.js on average uses only 2-3k of memory so you could theoretically handle 350-500k connections per 1GB of RAM.
Note - Node.js is not currently supported on windows, but it is only at an early stage of development and i'd imagine it will be ported at some stage.
Note 2 - you will have to ensure the code you are calling into from Node does not block
Several systems have been developed to improve on select(2) performance: kqueue, epoll, and /dev/poll. In all these systems, you can have a pool of worker threads waiting for tasks; you will not be forced to setup all file handles over and over again when done with one of them.
do you have to start from scratch? You could use something like gearman.