add template for kendo tooltip in k-content attribute - angularjs

I am trying to add a kendo tooltip with some html template. In the example mentioned in the link:
How would i have a template mentioned in <script> tag added as part of k-content? I have tooltip content bound from view model and the content is dynamic. The content has html tags as well.So how can i bind the template using html element attibutes only.

You can use angular directive to create a template, then use it as k-content.


Using custom angular directive into kendo ui grid as column template

I have created a custom angular directive, number control, and would like to use that in kendo ui grid column template.
How to achieve this? Could someone provide an example?
suppose your directive name is myDirective. You can apply template as
template: '<my-directive></my-directive>'
template: '<span my-directive></span>'

add attribute to element after a angular-ui-bootstrap renders its template

I would like to add a 'ng-click' to an element that ui-bootstrap renders from the accordion directive.
I am using angular 1.5, so there are a lot of solutions out there but they dont work for angular 1.5.
If I am correct you can override the template with your own template and put ng-click on the element in the template.
template-url (Default: template/accordion/accordion.html) - Add the ability to override the template used on the component.

Angular directive loading order

I am using Packery in a directive as in the example here
Packery angular directive
enter code here
I am also creating dynamic elements as described here angular dynamic templates
in which I wish to apply the directive to however I believe the packery directive is loaded before the dynamic template gallery so the new content is not working with packery , I am looking for a way to ensure the dynamic content works with the packery directive

Can I use a AngularJs template in a kendo multiselect itemTemplate and tagTemplate?

I have an AngularJs template that I would like to re-use with my Kendo Multiselect Item Template and Tag Template.
Is there any way to do this? I'm not sure how to pass data. When I just try to use AngularJS templates, it doesn't work.
Kendo UI templates are just a javascript functions which accepts single parameter - objects to render and return rendered html.
AngularJS template is an HTML fragment which is rendered by $compile service and stored by $templateCache.
It is theretically possible but hard way.

ng-click does not work with Kendo grid cell template

I'm trying to use the kendo ui grid and display a link column in an AngularJS application. The column is rendered using a template. I'm using the AngularJS ng-click directive in the template to call a method when the link in a cell is clicked. ng-click does not appear to work in a column template.
Here is an example.
However a similar example that DOES NOT use a column template seems to work fine with ng-click.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
