This is a program to calculate a definite integral using numerical quadrature method (I don't know if this is the right translation):
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
float f(float x){
float y;
y = 4/(+x*x);
return y;
void quadra(float a, float b, float *Q, float *E, float f(float)){
float q1, q2, m, h, fa, fb;
h = b - a;
fa = f(a);
fb = f(b);
q1 = (fa+fb)*h/2.;
m = (a+b)/2.;
q2 = ( (fa+2*f(m)+fb) ) *h/4;
*Q = q2;
*E = fabs(q2-q1)/3;
void scambia(float *x, float *y) {
float z;
z = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = z;
void sort(float x[], int n) {
int flag=1, k=n-1, i;
while (flag == 1 && k > 0) {
flag = 0;
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (x[i]>x[i+1]) {
scambia(&x[i], &x[i+1]);
flag = 1;
k = k-1;
int intautri(float A, float B, float TOL, int MAXFUN, float *Q, float *E, int *N, float FUN(float)){
void sort(float [], int);
void quadra(float, float, float*, float*, float(float));
float Q1,Q2,c,d,Iold,Eold,E0,E1,E2,alist[100],blist[100],qlist[100],elist[100];
int n, flag;
quadra(A, B, &Q1, &E0,FUN);
*N = 3;
n = 1;
alist[n] = A;
blist[n] = B;
qlist[n] = Q1;
elist[n] = E0;
*Q = Q1;
*E = E0;
if (*E<=TOL || *N>=MAXFUN){
flag = 1;
c = alist[n];
d = blist[n];
Iold = qlist[n];
Eold = elist[n];
n = n-1;
quadra(c, (c+d)/2, &Q1, &E1, FUN);
quadra((c+d)/2, d, &Q2, &E2, FUN);
*Q = *Q - Iold + Q1 + Q2;
*E = *E - Eold + E1 + E2;
*N = *N + 6;
intautri(A , B, TOL, MAXFUN, Q, E, N, FUN);
alist[n+1] = c;
blist[n+1] = (c+d)/2;
qlist[n+1] = Q1;
elist[n+1] = E1;
alist[n+2] = (c+d)/2;
blist[n+2] = d;
qlist[n+2] = Q2;
elist[n+2] = E2;
n = n+2;
sort(alist, n);
sort(blist, n);
sort(qlist, n);
sort(elist, n);
flag = 0;
return flag;
int main(){
int intautri(float, float, float, int, float *, float *, int*, float(float));
float TOL, MAXFUN, A, B,Q,E;
int N, J;
float f(float);
A = 0;
B = 1;
TOL = 0.0001;
MAXFUN = 200;
J = intautri(A, B, TOL, MAXFUN, &Q, &E, &N, f);
printf("%d\n", J);
printf("%d\n", N);
printf("%f\n", Q);
return 0;
Anyway I compile without problems that code, but when I run it "segmentation fault (core dumped)" appears on terminal. I know that error could depend by memory allocation but I don't understand what is wrong...can you help me??
You have an exit condition in intautri:
if (*E<=TOL || *N>=MAXFUN){
but in the beginning of the function you also have:
*N = 3;
This means that your second exit condition will never fire. Without attempting to understand the logic of the code, I believe that you should:
Initialize N in main().
Remove the *N = 3 assignment in intautri().
i have a C code that finds the solution of a function using the methode of bisection and Newton Raphson, and i want to compare the results using graphs ( i am asked to do so in matlab as it's a school project ), but i have no idea how.
here's my code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
float F0 (float V)
float J0 = 1e-15;
float n = 0.68;
float V0 = 0.025;
int E = 1;
int R = 100;
return (E-V-R*J0*(exp(n*V/V0)-1));
float F1 (float V)
float J0 = 1e-15;
float n = 0.68;
float V0 = 0.025;
int E = 1;
int R = 100;
return (-1-n*R*J0/V0*exp(n*V/V0));
void Dichotomie (float *V, float a, float b, int *itr)
printf("Iteration no. %3d V = %7.5f\n", *itr, *V);
void Newton(int itr, int maxmitr, float h, float V0, float V1, float err)
for (itr=1; itr<=maxmitr; itr++)
printf("Iteration no. %3d, V = %9.6f\n", itr, V1);
if (fabs(h) < 2*err)
printf("After %3d iterations, root = %8.6f\n", itr, V1);
printf(" The required solution does not converge or iterations are insufficient\n");
int main ()
float J0 = 1e-15;
float n = 0.68;
float V0 = 0.025;
int E = 1;
int R = 100;
int itr = 0, maxmitr;
float V, a, b, err, V1;
float h;
a = 0;
b = 1;
err = 0.000001;
maxmitr = 100;
Newton(itr, maxmitr,h,V0,V1,err);
Dichotomie (&V, a, b, &itr);
if (F0(a)*F0(V) < 0)
Dichotomie (&V1, a, b, &itr);
if (fabs(V1-V) < 2*err)
printf("After %d iterations, root = %6.6f\n", itr, V1);
return 0;
while (itr < maxmitr);
printf("The solution does not converge or iterations are not sufficient");
return 1;
I read some documentations about this in the Matlab website, and i found that there is a function block in Simulink to be used, but i have no idea how Simulink works.
I'm trying to parallelize my code, but i got errors. I need to calc a Cauchy problem (it's already done) but than i need to parallelize it using OpenMP lib.
I've tried to write some code with OpenMP, but it's not working.
I've created a struct to collect result.
struct Dots {
double par;
double x;
double y;
This is my target function with parameter.
int ode_func (double x, const double y[], double f[], void *params)
double mu = *(int *)params;
f[0] = x + 2 * y[0] / (1 + mu * mu);
This is the main function. I currently didn't find a way how to create a array of arrays of struct, but this is not the main problem.
void calc_cauchy_problem(struct Dots ArrayOfDots[], double x_start, double x_end, double y_start,
int count) {
int dim = 1;
double x = x_start;
double y[1] = {y_start};
int mu = 5;
int param = 0;
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {ode_func, NULL, dim, ¶m};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys,
gsl_odeiv2_step_rkf45, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
int status = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for shared(ArrayOfDots) private(sys, param, d, status)
for (int param = 1; param < mu; param++) {
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {ode_func, NULL, dim, ¶m};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys,
gsl_odeiv2_step_rkf45, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
double xi = x_start + i * (x_end - x_start) / count;
int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply(d, &x, xi, y);
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
// ArrayOfDots[i].par = mu;
// ArrayOfDots[i].x = xi;
// ArrayOfDots[i].y = y[0];
gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
The main
int main() {
double x_start = 0;
double x_end = 10;
double y_start = 0;
int count = 10;
struct Dots ArrayOfDots[count];
calc_cauchy_problem(ArrayOfDots, x_start, x_end, y_start, count);
return 0;
It's compiled successfully with this gcc main.c -o main -fopenmp -lgsl -std=gnu11 but when i launch it i got error
gsl: driver.c:354: ERROR: integration limits and/or step direction not consistent
Default GSL error handler invoked.
I think that the main problem with this #pragma omp parallel for shared(ArrayOfDots) private(sys, param, d, status) but i have no idea how to rewrite this in the other way.
Thanks for your responses.
With Kaveh Vahedipour help my code partially start to work. It means that half of my for cycle start to work.
After another investigations i had the following code:
It's compile and run, but i got Process finished with exit code 4 and printf("Elapsed time = %f\n", omp_get_wtime() - start_time); don't print anything.
struct Dots {
double par;
double x;
double y;
int ode_func (double x, const double y[], double f[], void *params)
double mu = *(int *)params;
f[0] = (x + 2 * y[0]) / (1 + mu * mu);
void calc_cauchy_problem(double x_start, double x_end, double y_start,
int count, int param1, int param2) {
int dim = 1;
double x = x_start;
double y[1] = {y_start};
int param = param1;
int j = 0;
int status = 0;
char filename[10];
#pragma omp parallel for private(param, status, x, y)
for (param = param1; param <= param2; param++) {
struct Dots ArrayOfDots[count];
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {ode_func, NULL, dim, ¶m};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d =
gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rkf45, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
double xi = x_start + i * (x_end - x_start) / count;
int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply(d, &x, xi, y);
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
ArrayOfDots[i].par = param;
ArrayOfDots[i].x = xi;
ArrayOfDots[i].y = y[0];
gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
int main() {
double start_time = omp_get_wtime();
double x_start = 0;
double x_end = 10;
double y_start = 0;
const int count = 500;
int param1 = 1;
int param2 = 10;
calc_cauchy_problem(x_start, x_end, y_start, count, param1, param2);
printf("Elapsed time = %f\n", omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
return 0;
Add x to private loop vars: private(sys, param, d, status, x). Please get back to me, if you still experience issues.
void calc_cauchy_problem(double x_start, double x_end, double y_start,
int count, int param1, int param2) {
int dim = 1;
double x = x_start;
double y[1] = {y_start};
int param = param1;
int j = 0;
int status = 0;
char filename[10];
#pragma omp parallel for private(param, status, x, y)
for (param = param1; param <= param2; param++) {
struct Dots ArrayOfDots[count];
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {ode_func, NULL, dim, ¶m};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d =
gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rkf45, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
double xi = x_start + i * (x_end - x_start) / count;
int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply(d, &x, xi, y);
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
ArrayOfDots[i].par = param;
ArrayOfDots[i].x = xi;
ArrayOfDots[i].y = y[0];
//write_data_to_file(param, count, ArrayOfDots);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
printf ("%d: %f, %f, %f\n", omp_get_thread_num(),
ArrayOfDots[i].par, ArrayOfDots[i].x, ArrayOfDots[i].y);
gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
Seems like this version works fine. I think problem was with this struct Dots ArrayOfDots[count]; and when i try to push values to this struct.
ArrayOfDots[i].par = param;
ArrayOfDots[i].x = xi;
ArrayOfDots[i].y = y[0];
Here is the full code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
// GSL lib includes
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_odeiv2.h>
int ode_func (double x, const double y[], double f[], void *params)
double mu = *(int *)params;
f[0] = (x + 2 * y[0]) / (1 + mu * mu);
void calc_cauchy_problem(double x_start, double x_end, double y_start,
int count, int param1, int param2) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int param = param1; param < param2; param++) {
gsl_odeiv2_system sys = {ode_func, NULL, 1, ¶m};
gsl_odeiv2_driver * d =
gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new (&sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk8pd,
1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0);
int i;
double x = x_start, x1 = x_end;
double y[1] = { y_start };
for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
double xi = i * x1 / count;
int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply (d, &x, xi, y);
if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
printf ("error, return value=%d\n", status);
// printf ("%d %d %.5e %.5e\n", omp_get_thread_num(), param, x, y[0]);
gsl_odeiv2_driver_free (d);
int main() {
double start_time = omp_get_wtime();
double x_start = 0;
double x_end = 10;
double y_start = 0;
const int count = 100000;
int param1 = 1;
int param2 = 20;
calc_cauchy_problem(x_start, x_end, y_start, count, param1, param2);
printf("Elapsed time = %f\n", omp_get_wtime() - start_time);
return 0;
Really thanks to Kaveh Vahedipour.
I want to create a polynomial with only one term: 6/5 and display it.
It should print this: 6/5X^0
The structure of polynomial is :
typedef struct __poly_struct_t *poly_t;
struct __poly_struct_t{
unsigned int deg;
ratio_t *coeffs;
Where ratio_t is an array of rational numbers, it's structure is:
typedef struct __ratio_struct_t{
int64_t num;
int64_t den;
I used two functions to construct this polynomial. polyFromRatioArray works: it prints 6/5X^0
poly_t polyFromRatioArray(ratio_t *c, unsigned int degree){
poly_t p = (struct __poly_struct_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct __poly_struct_t));
p->deg = degree;
p->coeffs = c;
return p;
The other one made the denominator overflowed: polyFromRatio prints 6/140218959144480X^0
poly_t polyFromRatio(ratio_t c){
return polyFromRatioArray(&c, 0);
Main function:
int main(){
ratio_t ra = createRatio((int64_t)6,(int64_t)5);
poly_t p1 = polyFromRatioArray(&ra, 0); // one that works
poly_t p2 = polyFromRatio(ra); // this doesn't
return 0;
Other fonctions involved:
ratio_t createRatio(int64_t a, int64_t b){
if(b == 0){
printf("Error : a divise by 0 \n");
ratio_t r;
int64_t pgcd = gcd(a, b); // gcd(int64_t a, int64_t b) is a function that finds pgcd using Euclid.
r.num = a/pgcd;
r.den = b/pgcd;
return r;
int64_t gcd(int64_t a, int64_t b){
int64_t u, v, g;
ext_eucl_div(&u, &v, &g, llabs(a), llabs(b));
return g;
void ext_eucl_div(int64_t *u, int64_t *v, int64_t *g, int64_t a, int64_t b){ // this function stocks pgcd of a and b in g
int64_t u1, u2, u3 , v1, v2, v3, q, t1, t2, t3;
int tour = 0;
if(tour == 0){
u1 = 1; u2 = 0; u3 = a; v1 = 0; v2 = 1; v3 = b;
u1 = v1; u2 = v2; u3 = v3; v1 = t1; v2 = t2; v3 = t3;
q = u3/v3;
t1 = u1 - q*v1;
t2 = u2 - q*v2;
t3 = u3%v3;
} while(t3>=1);
*u = v1;
*v = v2;
*g = v3;
void polyPrint(poly_t p){
unsigned int i;
for(i=0; i<= p->deg; i++){
if(p->coeffs[i].num != 0){
if(i != p->deg) printf("X^%u + ", i);
else printf("X^%u\n", i);
}else printf("0\n");
void printRatio(ratio_t a){
printf("%" PRId64, a.num);
printf("/%" PRId64, a.den);
This is very strange, polyFromRatioArray and polyFromRatio seem like doing the same thing but nope.
I have a general idea of how to do this, as you can see by the code I did below. The only problem I am having is finishing the interchange part. Basically, what I am trying to do is move the value of the lowest variable into the 1st variable, the second middle value to the 2nd variable, and the biggest to the 3rd variable.
I know I do this with the interchange and using temp somehow, but how would I complete that, because with three values temp would get overridden somehow. What am I missing? So basically a = 4.0, b = 7.0, c = 1.0, c (1.0) needs to go into a, a (4.0) needs to go into b, and b (7.0) needs to go into c.
#include <stdio.h>
void interchange(double * x, double * y, double * z);
int main(void)
double a = 4.0, b = 7.0, c = 1.0;
printf_s("Originally a = %d, b = %d, and c = %d.\n", a, b, c);
interchange(&a, &b, &c);
printf_s("Now, a = %d, b = %d, and c = %d.\n", a, b, c);
return 0;
void interchange(double * x, double * y, double * z)
double temp;
temp = *z;
*y = *z;
* = temp
// what am I missing here? I cant get my head around this above ^^^
Thanks for the guidance!
Something like:
void swap(double* first, double* last){
double temp = *first;
*first = *last;
*last = temp;
void interchange(double * x, double * y, double * z){
if(*x > *y) swap(x, y);
if(*y > *z) swap(y, z);
if(*x > *y) swap(x, y);
the simplest way is:
if (*x > *y) {
temp = *x; // store value of x
*x = *y; // overwrite x with y
*y = temp; // overwrite y with x (which is in temp)
// now we sure that x <= y
if (*y > *z) {
temp = *z;
*z = *y;
*y = temp;
// now we sure that x <= z and y <= z, but we don't know x/y relationships
if (*x > *y) {
temp = *x;
*x = *y;
*y = temp;
// now x <= y <= z
I am tyring to make velocity Verlet method, by using C language.
I thought I made it good. However, there pops up 'Segmentation fault(core dumped)' whenever, I increase the size of the vector or array, x and y.
For the size n equal and less than 1e3, it's fine, but at the point of n = 1e4, the program gets error.
Please anybody help me on this.
Thank you.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
double verlet(double t, double x)
double E = 0.252;
double B = 0.052;
double a = M_PI/2;
return -sin(x) + E*cos(t) + B*cos(2*t+a);
double pverlet(double(*f)(double, double), double dt, double t, double x, double y)
return x + dt*( y + (dt/2)*f(t, x));
double vverlet(double(*g)(double, double), double dt, double t, double x, double y)
return y + (dt/2) * g(t, x);
int main(void)
int i;
double t;
int n = 1e4;
double ti = 0, tf = 1e5, dt = (tf-ti)/n;
double *x = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*n);
double *y = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*2*n);
if (x == NULL)
printf("error allocating memory!\n");
return 1;
if (y == NULL)
printf("error allocating memory!\n");
return 1;
for (y[0] = 0, i = 1; i <2*n; i++)
y[i] = vverlet(verlet, dt, ti + dt*(i-1), x[i-1], y[i-1]);
for (x[0] = 0, i = 1; i < n; i++)
x[i] = pverlet(verlet, dt, ti + dt*(i-1), x[i-1], y[2*(i-1)]);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
t = ti + dt * i;
printf("%e %e %e\n", t, x[i], y[2*i]);
return 0;
for (y[0] = 0, i = 1; i <2*n; i++)
y[i] = vverlet(verlet, dt, ti + dt*(i-1), x[i-1], y[i-1]);
x is defined from 0 to n-1.