Allocate memory for struct array element (string) - c

I am trying to read from keyboard and store the info in my struct book. The user is asked to enter the array size and I dynamically allocate the size to my book array. But when n > 1, the run time error is exc_bad_access. I don't know why it works when n = 1 and it doesn't work when n > 1.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct book
char *title;
char *author;
double price;
int main()
int n, i = 0;
printf("please enter the value for n\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
struct book *stack = malloc(sizeof(struct book) * n);
stack->author = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
stack->title = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
//allocate memory for book and struct members
while (i < n )
printf("Please enter the title\n");
scanf("%s", stack[i].title);
printf("Please enter the author\n");
scanf("%s", stack[i].author);
printf("Please enter the price\n");
scanf("%lf", &stack[i].price);
i ++;
return 0;

You're allocating enough structures for any size of elements you input, but not the space for the buffers:
struct book *stack = malloc(sizeof(struct book) * n);
stack->author = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
stack->title = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
// what about stack[1].author, stack[2].author and the rest??
This will work instead:
struct book *stack = malloc(sizeof(struct book) * n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
stack[i].author = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
stack[i].title = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
And remember to free your memory as well.

For each book in the stack, you have to allocate memory for the author and the title.
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
stack[i].author = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
stack[i].title = malloc(sizeof(char) * 100);
You are only allocating memory for the first element.

You need to allocate memory for
char *title;
char *author;
When you do struct book *stack = malloc(sizeof(struct book) * n); memory is allocated for char* pointers (4 or 8 bytes depending on platform you're building).
So you need to allocate some memory for inside values
while (i < n )
char *title = malloc(255 * sizeof(char));
printf("Please enter the title\n");
scanf("%s", title);
stack[i].title = title;
i ++;


How to edit structure values after passing them c

Hello guys i just want to read the students from a file and then ask the user to add a new student but first I have to add it to my structur and I don't really kmow how to edite or add students to my allocated structure. Please learn me how to send the values of my struct to any other function and edite them..
struct student {
char personnummer[11];
char förnamn[11];
char efternamn[10];
char gender[7];
char programmdife[20];
char age[4];
char email[30];
//struct likaprogramms *likaprogramm;
} *personer;
void f(struct student **x)
char str[200];
int j=0;
struct student *personer = (struct student*)malloc(j * sizeof(struct student));
FILE* f;
f = fopen("elever.txt", "r");
while (fgets(str,sizeof str, f)!=NULL )
sscanf(str,"%10s %9s %9s %6s %19s %3s %29s", personer[j].personnummer,personer[j].förnamn, personer[j].efternamn, personer[j].gender, personer[j].programmdife, personer[j].age, personer[j].email);
printf("%10s %9s %9s %6s %19s %3s %29s\n", personer[j].personnummer,personer[j].förnamn, personer[j].efternamn, personer[j].gender, personer[j].programmdife, personer[j].age, personer[j].email);
int i;
int main()
printf("skriv ny personnummret\n");
printf("skriv förnamn\n");
printf("skriv gender\n");
printf("skriv programm\n");
printf("skriv ålder\n");
printf("skriv email\n");
// printf("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", personnummer,förnamn,efternamn,gender,programm,age,email);
return 0;
As already stated in the comments your malloc will return either NULL or a valid pointer to a buffer of 0 bytes, because j is 0 when malloc is called.
No matter which happens, your code will write to invalid memory.
Then i would strongly recommend to enable warnings (gcc/clang: -W -Wall -Wextra).
One possible solution would be to set *x = NULL at the start of your function and use realloc to increase the buffer blockwise in the while loop.
In this case the caller has to make sure to use free on the memory if it is not used anymore.
Something like this:
const int block_size = 16;
int num_allocated = 0;
*x = NULL;
while (your_condition)
if (num_allocated <= j)
struct student *new_ptr = realloc(*x, (sizeof(struct student) * num_allocated) + (sizeof(struct student) * block_size));
if (new_ptr == NULL)
// realloc failed, but ptr is still valid (or NULL if the first call to realloc failed)
return num_allocated;
*x = new_ptr;
num_allocated += block_size;
// use *x as array of struct student here and fill it
// for every filled element j has to be increased
return number of (usable) elements
You can adjust the blocksize for your needs.
If you do not want to waste memory you can also shrink the buffer at the end to the really needed size:
struct student *new_ptr = realloc(*x, sizeof(struct student) * num_allocated);
if (new_ptr == NULL)
return j;
*x = new_ptr;
return j;

Freeing structure elements in C

I have a structure:
struct student{
int roll_no;
char *name = malloc(25 * sizeof(char));;
char *phone_no = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));;
char *dob = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));;
int main(){
s1 = malloc(5 * sizeof(student)); //array of student
What is appropriate code for the complete loop for allocating an array of student of size 'n' and then de-allocating it afterwards?
Note: The question here deals with allocation and de-allocation of elements of the instance of a structure.
typedef struct student{
int roll_no; // (the following illegal syntax commented out)
char *name; // = malloc(25 * sizeof(char));;
char *phone_no; // = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));;
char *dob; // = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));;
...from what is being described as the need, (minus the illegal assignment statements) could probably better be formed as:
typedef struct {
int roll_no;
char *name; //needs memory
char *phone; //needs memory
char *dob; //needs memory
Then, use the new variable type: STUDENT, to create the instances of the struct as needed. Your OP indicates you need 5:
STUDENT s[5]; //Although this array needs no memory, the
//members referenced by it do
//(as indicated above)
Now, all that is necessary is to create memory for the 3 members that require it, in each of the 5 instances.
s[i].name = calloc(80, 1); //calloc creates AND initializes memory.
s[i].phone = calloc(20, 1); //therefore safer than malloc IMO.
s[i].dob = calloc(20, 1); //Also, change values as needed to support actual
//length needs for name, phone and dob
// Use the string members of s[i] as you would any other string, But do not
// forget to free them when no longer needed.
Note, because of the way the array s is created in this example, i.e. with memory on the stack instead of the heap, there is no need to free it.
One other note, the example code above focused on a method to create memory for the char * members of your struct array, but when actually coding for keeps, the return of [m][c][re]alloc should always be checked that memory was created before trying to use the variable. For example:
s[i].name = calloc(80, 1);
if(!s[i].name) //checking that memory was created
;//if failed, then handle error.
In addition to ryyker's answer, if you want to do it dynamically:
#include <stdlib.h>
struct student{
int roll_no;
char *name;
char *phone;
char *dob;
int main()
int i, student_count = 5;
struct student ** s = malloc(sizeof(struct student *) * student_count);
if (s)
for (i = 0; i < student_count; ++i)
s[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct student));
if (s[i])
//set up student's members
for (i = 0; i < student_count; ++i)
//free student's members before the next line.
return 0;
You must free everything you malloc, and as mentioned in the comments you cannot malloc inside the struct.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NUM_STUDENTS 5
struct student{
int roll_no;
char *name;
char *phone;
char *dob;
int main(void)
int i;
// if this was me, I would simply replace this with
// struct student s[NUM_STUDENTS];, but the goal here is to illustrate
// malloc and free
struct student* s = malloc(sizeof(struct student) * NUM_STUDENTS);
if (s == NULL) // handle error
for (i=0; i<NUM_STUDENTS; i++)
// sizeof(char) is guaranteed to be 1, so it can be left out
s[i].name = malloc(25);
if (s[i].name == NULL) // handle error
s[i].phone = malloc(10);
if (s[i].phone == NULL) // handle error
s[i].dob = malloc(10);
if (s[i].dob == NULL) // handle error
// do stuff with with the data
// time to clean up, free in the reverse order from malloc
for (i=0; i<NUM_STUDENTS; i++)
// the dob, phone, name order here isn't important, just make sure you
// free each struct member before freeing the struct
// now that all the members are freed, we can safely free s
return 0;
User Abhijit gave an answser that was in the right direction, but not complete. His answer should have been:
typedef struct STUDENT{
int roll_no;
char *name;
char *phone;
char *dob;
void example(int n_students)
student **s;
int i;
s= malloc(n_students * sizeof(student *));
for (i=0; i<n_students; i++)
s[i]= malloc(sizeof(student));
s[i]->name= malloc(25);
s[i]->phone= malloc(10);
s[i]->dob= malloc(10);
// now free it:
for (i=0; i<n_students; i++)

How to allocate memory for char strings in a struct array?

I am about to create a programm which stores data of students in a list.
My question is, how to shall I allocate memory for each char string in my struct array.
My code is down below. If there're some other mistakes, please correct me.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DATA 10;
#define NAME 10;
typedef struct{
int id;
char *givenname;
char *familyname;
} students;
int main()
int answer;
int incr = 0; // Index for students in the list
int datalen = DATA;
int namelen = NAME;
students *studentlist;
studentlist = malloc(datalen * sizeof(students)); // Allocate memory for first ten students
if(NULL == studentlist){
printf("Error: Couldn't allocate memory\n");
for(incr = 0; incr < datalen; incr ++){
printf("Add student to the list? Yes(1) No(2)\n");
scanf("%d", &answer);
if(answer != 1){
studentlist[incr]->givenname = malloc(namelen * sizeof(char)); // Allocate memory for each name
studentlist[incr]->familyname = malloc(namelen * sizeof(char));
printf("Insert ID: ");
scanf("%d", &studentlist[incr].id);
printf("Insert given name: \n");
scanf("%s", studentlist[incr].givenname);
printf("Insert family name: \n");
scanf("%s", studentlist[incr].familyname);
return 0;
Reference of some elements is wrong:
It should be:
Allocation of strings seems fine.
Your freeing code needs change:
You need to free studentlist.givename and studentlist.familyname in a loop and then free studentlist at the end:
for(incr = 0; incr < datalen; incr ++){

segmentation fault using malloc

I'm new to C, so this may be a silly question to ask:
What I want to do here is to input the data to the array of pointers to a structure and then print it out. But I get a segmentation fault when running into the insert function.
Below is my code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct book * Book;
struct book{
int id;
char *name;
extern int b_insert(Book *b, int id, char *name);
extern int b_print(Book books[], int len);
#include "common.h"
int b_insert(Book *b, int id, char *name){
Book p;
p = (Book)malloc(sizeof(struct book));
p->id = id;
strcpy(p->name, name);
*b = p;
printf("success insert book:\n");
printf("\tID: %d Name: %s\n", (*b)->id, (*b)->name);
return 0;
int b_print(Book books[], int len){
int i;
printf("Book List\n");
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
printf("books[%d] = ID: %d, Name: %s\n", i, books[i]->id, books[i]->name);
return 0;
#include "common.h"
#define MAX 2
int main(){
Book books[MAX];
Book *b=books;
int i;
int id;
char name[10];
for(i=0; i<MAX; i++){
printf("please input new books info\n");
printf("ID: ");
scanf("%d", &id);
printf("Name: ");
scanf("%s", name);
if(b_insert(b, id, name) == -1){
printf("fail to insert\n");
b_print(books, MAX);
return 0;
Main problem:
Allocate memory for p->name before using
strcpy(p->name, name);
using malloc:
p->name = malloc(10); //Or some other size
Other problems:
Remove the cast here:
p = (Book)malloc(sizeof(struct book));
Why? Here is the answer
if(b_insert(b, id, name) == -1){ will never be true.
Check the result of malloc to check if it was successful in allocating memory.
Check the return value of all the scanfs to see if it was successful in scanning data.
Add a length modifier to the second scanf to prevent buffer overflows:
scanf("%9s", name); /* +1 for the NUL-terminator */
You're not allocating space for name:
int b_insert(Book *b, int id, char *name){
Book p;
p = malloc(sizeof(struct book));
if (p != NULL)
p->name = malloc(strlen(name)+1); // It allocates space where the input name will be copied.
if (p->name != NULL)
p->id = id;
strcpy(p->name, name);
*b = p;
printf("success insert book:\n");
printf("\tID: %d Name: %s\n", (*b)->id, (*b)->name);
else return -1; // No space to allocate string
else return -1; // No space to allocate struct
return 0;
As mentioned before, allocate space for p->name. You should probably also use something different to read the book title, either scanf format %ms with a pointer to a char pointer, or %9s with your buffer, otherwise the title "war or peace" will also result in a segfault.
Here you create a static variable and the space for it is allocated automatically.
Book p;
You can allocate a space manually when you assign it to pointer, in this line it's not pointer but static variable.
p = (Book)malloc(sizeof(struct book));
What's more if you want to refer to attribute of static variable you should use "." instead of "->". So you have two option. Create a pointer and allocate a space for the structure and then you "->" oraz create static variable.
p->id = id;

how to use malloc () in Double Pointer in Structure in C

I have structs:
typedef struct accont
char **tel;//list of tel
char **email;//list of emails
typedef struct _strcol
int count; //total of accounts
acc **list;
} strcol ;
I access the structure with a pointer:
strcol index;
contato *p;
p = (index.list + index.count);
the question, how i use malloc() in this function?
i try:
(*p)->tel = (char **) malloc(i * sizeof (char*)) = (char **) malloc(i * sizeof (char*))
&(*p)->tel = (char **) malloc(i * sizeof (char*))
and then as I do the second malloc to save data email or tel
my first post, excuse anything
So this:
(*p)->tel = (char **) malloc(i * sizeof (char*))
allocates space to store i pointers to char - so you can have i telephone number strings. But you don't actually have any space allocated to store those telephone number strings themselves yet. To do that, you need (for the first telephone number):
(*p)->tel[0] = malloc(j);
If this call to malloc() succeeds, you can now store nul-terminated string of length j-1 in the space pointed to by (*p)->tel[0]. You can then do the same for the other pointers in (*p)->tel up to (*p)->tel[i-1].
Using malloc() is simple if code follows:
some_type *p;
p = malloc(number_of_elements * sizeof *p);
if (p == NULL) Handle_OutOfMemory();
So with,
// = (char **) malloc(i * sizeof (char*)); = malloc(i * sizeof *(;
if ( == NULL) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
I'm going to assume 'p' is acc *p; (i have no idea what 'contato' is).
Anyway ... the point is to show how memory can be allocated & tel/email data stored/accessed ... Also copied tel #/email id simply to demonstrate ...
Regarding casting void pointer returns from malloc, I've seen arguments for/against ... i cast (malloc's about the only case where i cast).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct accont
char **tel; //list of tel
char **email; //list of emails
typedef struct _strcol
int count; //total of accounts
acc **list;
int main()
int iNumAccounts = 5; // Assume there are 5 Accounts.
int iNumTels = 2; // Each Account has 2 Tel #s.
int iNumEmails = 3; // Each Account has 3 Email ids.
strcol index;
acc *p = NULL;
index.list = (acc **)malloc(5 * sizeof(acc *)); // Master list
// of 'acc' pointers i.e. pointer to a set of pointers.
int i, j;
for(i=0; i<iNumAccounts; i++) // Go through the 5 Accounts, one at
// a time ... and allocate & store tel #s/email ids.
index.list[i] = (acc *)malloc(sizeof(acc));
p = index.list[i];
p->tel = (char **)malloc(iNumTels * sizeof(char*));
for(j=0; j<iNumTels; j++)
p->tel[iNumTels] = (char *)malloc(11 * sizeof (char)); // 10 digit tel # + 1 byte for '\0' ...
strcpy(p->tel[iNumTels], "1234567890");
p->email = (char **)malloc(iNumEmails * sizeof(char*));
for(j=0; j<iNumEmails; j++)
p->email[iNumEmails] = (char *)malloc(51 * sizeof(char)); // 50 char long email id + 1 byte for '\0' ...
strcpy(p->email[iNumEmails], "kingkong#ihop.yum");
for(i=0; i<iNumAccounts; i++) // Go through the 5 Accounts, one at a time ... and display.
p = index.list[i];
for(j=0; j<iNumTels; j++)
printf("Tel # is: %d\n", p->tel[iNumTels]);
for(j=0; j<iNumEmails; j++)
printf("Email id is: %s\n", p->email[iNumEmails]);
If I've understood the case correct, a stack implementation will be best suited in this case. You can use the standard stack library header (of gcc) or create your own stack implementation suited for your own need.
An example may be something like the code below but you'd better follow the Jerry Cain's videos about the stack procedures (you'll find these videos on youtube: Stanford - Programming Paradigms videos. Stack session should be between video number 6 to 8). link from here
note: be careful! Killing stack elements (via StackPop) will not kill the char strings created by strdup. You'll need to free them individually. These are explained in the videos but I don't exactly remember how (again, you'd find some valuable info in those videos for your case).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
char *tel;
char *email;
} account;
typedef struct {
int *ptrElement; // starting address of the stack
int sizeAllocat; // total size allocated
int sizeCurrent; // current size
int sizeElement; // byte length of the stack element
} Stack;
// create a new stack pointer
void StackNew (Stack *s, int sizeElement) {
assert (s->ptrElement > 0);
s->sizeElement = sizeElement;
s->sizeCurrent = 0;
s->sizeAllocat = 4;
s->ptrElement = malloc (4 * sizeElement);
assert (s->ptrElement != NULL);
// kills a stack pointer
void StackDispose (Stack *s) {
free (s->ptrElement);
// expands stack space
static void StackGrow (Stack *s) {
s->sizeAllocat *= 2;
s->ptrElement = realloc (s->ptrElement, s->sizeAllocat * s->sizeElement);
// insert new stack pointer (of type account for example)
void StackPush (Stack *s, void *ptrElement) {
if (s->sizeCurrent == s->sizeAllocat) {
StackGrow (s);
void *target = (char *) s->ptrElement + s->sizeCurrent * s->sizeElement;
memcpy (target, ptrElement, s->sizeElement);
// pops (deletes) an element from stack
void StackPop (Stack *s, void *ptrElement) {
void *source = (char *) s->ptrElement +
(s->sizeCurrent - 1) * s->sizeElement;
memcpy (ptrElement, source, s->sizeElement);
// relocate stack element
void StackRotate (void *first, void *middle, void *after) {
int foreSize = (char *) middle - (char *) first;
int backSize = (char *) after - (char *) middle;
char tmp [foreSize];
memcpy (tmp, first, foreSize);
memmove (first, middle, backSize);
memcpy ((char *) after - foreSize, tmp, foreSize);
int main () {
Stack s;
account *acc;
StackNew (&s, sizeof (acc));
// your code here
// example
// acc->tel = strdup("some number");
// acc->email = strdup("some text");
// StackPush(&s, &acc);
// StackPop(&s, &acc);
StackDispose (&s);
return 0;

