ExtJS grid-like custom control - extjs

I need to implement grid like control that utilizes some complex custom widgets for viewing and displaying rows. Just like this one:
The key point here is that controls in the right column depend on the value selected in the combobox from the left column.
Does anyone know what is the best way to implement it using ExtJS 5.0 components? Should I create my own widgets to display row data that will serve as both custom renderers and editors?

I would use a beforeedit function which changes the editor of the right column (setEditor) to the required widget type depending on what is set in the left column. If you use Editing (RowEdit) plugin instead of CellEditing, you would also have to setEditor in the left column's change or select event.
This is the easiest way, but it won't show all editors at once, of course.
To have all editors displayed at once, I would make a new field containing multiple fields. You can add multiple instances of these fields to a fieldset, container, panel or form at runtime.


Material Table - is it possible to move row selection text from toolbar to the bottom of page

I'm using Material Table at the moment and am having difficulty customizing the position of the selection text (presented when one or more rows are selected via the checkbox).
Looking at the documents, I can see that the toolbar is overridable (https://material-table.com/#/docs/features/component-overriding), however the examples show simpler changes e.g. how to change the background color. I wonder if it's possible to separate the selection text from the toolbar and render it in a different location, like the below picture demonstrates.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
In the end, I turned off the row selection text in the toolbar by using showTextRowsSelected: false
I then made a custom footer using the row data presented by the onSelectionChange handler.

ExtJs cell editing

I have a grid with 3 columns and 5 rows.
I have attached a CellEditing plugin to the grid.
And for the 3rd column i have defined an numberfield editior.
So now due to this each row 3rd column has a numberfield editor attached to it.
But due to some condition present in data/column metadata, i want to disable the numberfield editor for 2nd and 4th row.
I am unable to disable cell editor for particular rows as the editor is attached at the column level.
Is there a way in ExtJS to handle this kind of scenario.
I am using ExtJS 5.
As noted in the comments by Evan, you need to use the beforeedit event to veto the edit before it starts.
ExtJS does not attach an editor to every cell. Instead, when the user triggers the edit (e.g. by single- or double-clicking on the grid cell), the CellEditing plugin will be invoked. If the beforeedit event is not vetoed, it will then attach the edit field to the cell in place. When the edit is finished, the edit field will be detached.
If you want to style the non-editable fields differently, to help indicate that they are not editable, the column can be assigned a renderer, which will allow you to provide cell-specific attributes, including CSS style.

How to make an extjs grid a form field?

I have a requirement to create a custom form field that is basically an extjs grid. The user should be able to click a result in the grid. This clicked result should then become the fields value. Also, this field needs to extend Ext.form.field. Here's what I got:
Ext.define('MyApp.field.Grid', {
alias: 'widget.GriedField',
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Base',
I'm a lot of confused on how to add a grid to form field base. Looks like form field base's template expects HTML. How do I get it accept a component?
If you just need to select a value from a list of items. Why not use a combobox?
If you need to select multiple items. There is an example of how to use the MultiSelect ux component in the documentation examples.
If you really must use a grid. Then I wouldn't bother with trying to create a field type and cause yourself grief.
Add a listener to your grids selectionchange event and update a hidden field in your form with the value you want from the grid. Job done.
I ended up putting the grid on a form indirectly through creation of dependencies on my model.
My model has master-detail, which the detail is just a store reference. I found that using associations did not work for me.
So, in adding a field to a form, I have something that manages changed events for the model (master record) and the detail stores.

How to dehighlight the row when checkbox is checked in extjs grid

I am using extjs4.1 grid in aspnet mvc3 application.
I have used checkboxrowselection model.
the issue is :
once the checkbox is checked,the row should not get highlighted in the extjs grid.
How can i acheive this.
please help
The purpose of the checkbox selection model is to select rows. In extjs, selecting a row means to specifically highlight it, what you want is just a logical selection. You should be using the user extension: Ext.ux.CheckColumn that ships with the core library.
To gather the rows, you would need to do a query on the store where the models property is set to true for the data index you define on the checkcolumn.

ExtJs Combobox with multiple values in one selection

I m new to ExtJs. I was wondering if there's some way wherein i can display multi-line combo-box in ExtJS in a way that for eg : when i select one item, that item may contain 2 values i.e ID and Name., and both the items are considered as one selection, and not with Ctrl+Select way.
Sure there is. Look at the tpl config option of ExtJS ComboBox. You can define a custom template where you may utilize any fields from the Store of the ComboBox as you wish. (See the example included for the tpl config option from ExtJS API documentation that I linked.)
