iAd Producer checkbox radio buttons? - checkbox

I'm new to iAd Producer - what I'm really looking for is a replacement for Dashcode, since Apple seems to have abandoned it. But while it looks as though iAd Producer CAN produce iBooks Author widgets, it seems to be missing a few fundamental objects - namely checkboxes and radio buttons.
I'm sure there's a way to hack HTML and perhaps use jQuery to get the job done, but this was a relatively simple, straightforward thing in Dashcode. Am I missing something? With tools like buttons, sliders, and such, I'd think checkboxes and radio buttons would be included.
Anybody know an EASY way to replicate Dashcode functionality in iAdProducer?

I've had the exact same problem for the last week and finally came across a solution. You can "escape" the checkboxes in a way by including an empty onclick property to the checkbox or label that you want to affect. This should override native code that relates to cut-and-paste gestures and make checkboxes unusable. I've had success with this in iBooks Widget Tester.

Funny... we seem to be working on the same issue at the same time. Closest I've got to a solution is to build in iAd Producer using the HTML template. There you can add in the objects that are missing using HTML code while also adding drag and drop objects available in the software.
However, while I can populate my view with checkboxes and get them to be checked in iAd Producer's preview, when I preview on my iPad, I can't check the boxes. Radio buttons remain unresponsive too.


React Js Autocomplete Multi select example

I'm pretty new to React Js, I have a requirement for building AutoComplete Multiselect dropdown.
Despite looking around for lot of examples,
I was suggested not use any third party libraries. And pretty
clueless how to start and proceed further.
My requirements are
Have an input text box for typing names.
Display sugggested name with checkbox.
Upon checking the names, they must be display in an with an 'X' symbol(remove item)
If I uncheck the name from the multiselect dropdown, it must be removed from the li.
If I Click the 'X' it should be removed from the li and uncheck the item from dropdown list.
And lastly , I need to display the selected items in the input fields like
I've been trying to implement this functionality but figure out how.
Can anyone please provide some reference and any guidance in implementing this functionality or any examples. It would be a great help.
I'm not sure why the recommendation against third party libraries. These component can get complicated fast.
I recommend you use a third party. Don't reinvent the wheel!
Something like https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select will do what you want. It has been around for years and has over 300 contributors and 2 million weekly downloads.

Don't show the Next or Done buttons in the Android VKB

How can I prevent the showing of the Next or Done buttons of the Android VKB in a Codename One app?
Currently, for my app, they are a mess: the next button of the VKB doesn't focus the next field, but the previous. After tons of trials, I didn't find a way to make them working correctly (but there are fine on iOS and on the Simulator). I also tried to override the Layout.overridesTabIndices(com.codename1.ui.Container) and Layout.getChildrenInTraversalOrder(com.codename1.ui.Container) methods in the Form, but nothing changed on Android.
I supposed two possible causes: the use of a Form inside a Form or, more probably, the fact that I replace all the TextFields and Pickers in the same Form (and other components). Maybe the fact that the inner Form is deeply changed results in a confusion for the Android mapping of the "next" button.
That's why my request: because I didn't find a way to make the "next" button useful, I'm asking how I can avoid that it's been shown.
Thank you
Nesting forms would probably mess with the focus traversal/tab order.
Normally you should be able to override public TabIterator getTabIterator(Component start) to return a blank iterator. I'd suggest doing the same for both the parent and child form to disable the "next" feature.

TestRecorder with MaterialCommand in Toolbar

In a test-class, is there any way to invoke Buttons inside the toolbar, without a name (""), which were added like this?
getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.MATERIAL_PICTURE_AS_PDF, e -> createPDF());
Or can I somehow tell the test-class to show a specific form ?(which is happening when I click the button without a label).
The test recorder is not generating any code in that case. It seems that it is only working with buttons, which have a non-empty String as name, as they are simply invoked by
The test recorder was written before the Toolbar existed, we tried to update it for the Toolbar recently but this proved to be pretty difficult.
We have this issue that covers this bug. As a workaround you can post the command directly in the code of the test.

Paginated Drop Down Angular js

I have a dropdown containing 100+ options in it. Can it be paginated so that when user selects the dropdown it shows only 10 options with pager.Is there any angular plugin to do so.Thanks
I've personally never seen such a widget and i think it's a bit weird to be honest. The user wouldn't expect that behaviour from a dropdown which harm the usability quite a bit.
I would recomment to simply use a normal dropdown instead - if you think of a standard country-dropdown for example (Germany, France, Italy etc.) it holds around 100 entries as well but doesn't do some unexpected behaviour like pagination in it.
The standard select doesn't support this behaviour for sure and i'm not aware of any public widget that does.
So if you really want to do this you will probably have to implement it on your own.
Yes it can, but the pagination should happen a little bit special way. There is a plugin, called ngInfiniteScroll which does the pagination based on where additional content for a web page is appended dynamically to the bottom of the page as the user approaches the end of the content.
You may try to use this, but then you have to have your custom dropdown built. In this way you can achieve a convenient usage of a dropdown without showing 100+ hits on start.
ngInfiniteScroll website: https://sroze.github.io/ngInfiniteScroll/

Cannot tab out of databound Winforms dropdown list

This is a bit of a strange one, but I've been struggling for a few hours now and I can't understand what is happening.
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem, and can perhaps explain it. I'm building a simple Winforms app and trying to use many of the built in controls.
Basically, I've got a form with a user control and some data capture fields. 3 of the fields are dropdown lists and on the user control I have a bindingSource control that binds directly to a Product class.
At run time I provide an instance of the Product class to the BindingSource and the class contains a property of ProductType. For simplicity I also added a List<ProductType> ProductTypes to the Product Class which loads itself when queried, which means I can just use the same bindingSource and choose the ProductTypes Data Member as the Datasource for the dropdownlist.
Upon running the form, the list binds perfectly and I can see all the product types listed, and I can select one and tab or click to the next field. But obviously the selected value won't bind because I've not chosen any bindings-SelectedValue for the dropdown, only a datasource. As soon as I make sure that the drop down modifies the instance of the Product by binding to the Bindings-SelectedValue, and then run the form, the list still gets populated perfectly and I can tab through the controls as long as I don't make a selection from the dropdown. If I make a selection from the dropdown then the dropdown holds focus. I cannot tab out for love or money and can't even click cancel button on the form, the close button top right is the only button I can click which works and I can't click any other field or dropdown. This affects all three dropdowns as soon as a selection is made.
Anyone have any ideas what I'm missing?
I have tried changing a few things and had some success by feeding the dropdown values a string[] instead of a member of an object. That seems to work, but defeats the object of using databinding doesn't it?
Any help appreciated!
Just guessing here, because I don't have time to set up a test and confirm right now, but are you doing any validating? I seem to remember that data-bound controls won't let you leave if the contents don't validate. Even if you aren't explicitly, try setting CausesValidation to False to see if there's any sort of validation going on behind the scenes, that might at least give you a hint.
Thanks for the input on this, helped me wrap my head around this.
In my case, it turns out that an exception was being thrown in one of the EventHadlers for my ComboBox.Validating event. It was hard to track down, because the IDE didn't show me that exception. I was able to modify the Exception behavior (in the debug menu) and have it show me any InvalidOperationException that was being thrown, and then I was able to track it down.
As Tom suggested, turning off CuasesValidation was the ticket to figuring it out.
For Infragisticst Dropdowns (may not be true for other winform dropdowns): If you have "LimitToList" set to true you can be stuck in a dropdown that you can't get out of without realizing it. Use the ItemNotInList even to trigger a warning message.
