Extjs set icon of treenode in TreeStore - extjs

I want to change icon of treenode of Tree Panel. I am able to do so when I append childNode dynamically. But how to set icon to treenode when we apply treestore through proxy directly to Treepanel view in initComponent().
initComponent: function() {
Ext.apply(this, {
store: new Ext.data.TreeStore({
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'json/treeview.json'
folderSort: true
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
text: 'Components',
flex: 2,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'childName'

You should be able to use a renderer to parse the value of the column and then set an icon based on whatever rules you may have. This simple example adds a class to the column cell that equals it's value, but you could parse the column value and set a specific class or icon in the renderer function instead.
columns: [{
xtype: 'treecolumn',
text: 'Components',
flex: 2,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'childName',
renderer: function (value, metaData) {
metaData.tdCls = value;
return value;
More info: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.3/#!/api/Ext.grid.column.Column-cfg-renderer


Getting Error as getEditor undefined

I'm trying to get the value of a cell in a grid using below. In-fact I'm just trying to print it in the console
console.log(Ext.ComponentQuery.query('gridcolumn[itemId=gridId]')[0].getEditor().getStore().findRecord('description', 'Description'));
Grid Code
Ext.define('Examples.grid.fdGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
xtype: foodGrid',
forceNewStore: true,
itemId: 'foodGrid',
height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 200,
autoload: false,
columns: [
text: 'Food Distrib',
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'food_distributor',
flex: 1,
renderer: function(value){
var store = this.getEditor().getStore();
return store.findRecord('foodid',value).get('description');
return value;
editor: {
xtype: 'combobox',
allowBlank: true,
displayField: "description",
valueField: "foodid",
listeners: {
expand: function () {
var call = this.up('foodgrid[itemId=foodGrid]').getSelectionModel().selection.record.data.networkname.trim();
property: 'call',
value: call,
exactMatch: true
But i'm getting an error as Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getEditor' of undefined
What's the error please?
Added the Grid Code part, and the column whose value I want to print.
The editor is created when needed (when the first edit occurs). So when the renderer is first called, the editor is not yet available.
What you want to do from inside your renderer, is to directly access the store, not go through the editor. Then you only need a pre-loaded store to be able to render the grid correctly.
renderer: function(value){
var store =Ext.getStore("MyStore");
return store.findRecord('foodid',value).get('description');
return value;
editor: {
Of course, you have to make sure that MyStore is loaded before you render the grid.
One can only guess what you are trying to do there but:
Column doesn't have a selection model of itself. Grid does.
Combobox needs a store.
getEditor may return String OR Object if an editor was set and column is editable
editable is provided by a grid plugin. In other words, specifying a column as being editable and specifying a column editor will not be enough, you also need to provide the grid with the editable plugin.
Some working example:
Ext.define('Examples.grid.fdGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
xtype: 'feedGrid',
forceNewStore: true,
itemId: 'foodGrid',
height: Ext.getBody().getViewSize().height - 200,
autoload: false,
selModel: 'cellmodel',
plugins: {
ptype: 'cellediting',
clicksToEdit: 1
columns: [
text: 'Food Distrib',
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'food_distributor',
flex: 1,
editable: true,
renderer: function(value){
var store = this.getEditor().getStore();
return store.findRecord('foodid',value).get('description');
return value;
editor: {
xtype: 'combobox',
allowBlank: true,
displayField: "description",
valueField: "foodid",
store: {
fields:['food_distributor', 'description'],
listeners: {
expand: function () {
var desc = this.up('grid').getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0].get('description').trim();
property: 'description',
value: desc,
exactMatch: true
Ext.create('Examples.grid.fdGrid', {
store: {
fields:['food_distributor', 'description'],
Do you have
var cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
Without the plugin the editor doesnt work! and the editor will be undefined when you will try to obtain it

Seems like ViewModel persists after its View is destroyed in extjs

I'm sure there's something I'm missing here and I just can't see what it is.
I have demo project I'm building in extjs 6. In it I have a grid of inventory items.
extend: "Ext.container.Container",
xtype: 'inventory',
requires: [
controller: "inventory-inventory",
viewModel: {
type: "inventory-inventory"
closable: true,
refreshList: 'onRefreshList'
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
xtype: 'grid',
flex: 1,
{xtype: 'button', text: 'New Item', handler: 'newInventoryItem'}
store: '{inventory}'
itemclick: 'showDetails'
{ text: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', flex: 1 },
{ text: 'Price', dataIndex: 'price' },
{ text: 'Active', dataIndex: 'active' },
When you click on a row, a new detail panel is created and the selected record is linked to its viewmodel and it's added to the container view that holds the grid. I also want to use the same detail panel when creating a new inventory record so I extracted the shared logic for creating and editing so it can be reused in the controller.
Here's the list's controller:
Ext.define('InventoryDemo.view.inventory.list.InventoryController', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewController',
alias: 'controller.inventory-inventory',
// holds the newly created detail panel
detailsPanel: null
showDetails: function (grid, record, item, index, e, eOpts){
// This creates the link in the new detail panel's viewmodel for the
// selected record. We specifically do NOT do this in the
// `newInventoryItem`.
details.getViewModel().linkTo('inventoryitem', record);
newInventoryItem: function (button, e){
this.addTitleToDetailsPanel('New Item');
// I thought that because the previous panel was destroyed during the
// `createDetailsPanel` method any previously linked record would not
// be linked to the new detail panel created and that not linking here
// would give me an empty detail panel.
createDetailsPanel: function (){
if(this.getDetailsPanel() !== null){
// I'm destroying any previous view here which, as I understand,
// would also destroy the the associated ViewController and ViewModel
// which would also kill any links to the viewmodel
details = Ext.create('InventoryDemo.view.inventory.details.Inventory',{
session: true,
refreshList: 'onRefreshList'
addDetailsPanelToView: function (){
addTitleToDetailsPanel: function (title){
this.getDetailsPanel().setTitle("<h3>" + title + "</h3>");
onRefreshList: function (){
The details panel being created looks like this:
extend: "Ext.form.Panel",
requires: [
controller: "inventory-details-inventory",
viewModel: {
type: "inventory-details-inventory"
flex: 1,
closable: true,
bodyPadding: 10,
reference: 'inventorydetails',
layout: 'anchor',
anchor: '50%'
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock: 'bottom',
ui: 'footer',
{xtype: 'button', text: 'Update', handler: 'updateRecord'},
{xtype: 'button', text: 'Delete', handler: 'deleteRecord'}
xtype: 'hiddenfield',
name: '_method',
value: 'PUT'
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'IDs',
collapsible: true,
xtype: 'textfield'
name: 'id',
fieldLabel: 'ID',
readOnly: true,
bind: '{inventoryitem.id}'
name: 'brand_id',
fieldLabel: 'Brand ID',
readOnly: true,
bind: '{inventoryitem.brand_id}'
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Details',
xtype: 'textfield'
name: 'name',
fieldLabel: 'Name',
bind: '{inventoryitem.name}'
name: 'price',
fieldLabel: 'Price',
bind: '{inventoryitem.price}'
The problem that I'm running into is if I click on a row to view it's details (which works) and then click on the New Item button, the record that was loaded on the previous detail panel is still loaded on the new detail panel.
If I click the New Item button first I get the blank form I'm going for and if I select different item rows each of the records from the selected row loads into the detail panel correctly (it's not a situation where the record from the first row is "stuck" in the detail panel), but as soon as I select a row, the New Item button will only give me forms with the previously loaded record.
Is there something that would make a link to a viewmodel persist between the destruction and creation of two separate views/viewmodels/viewcontrollers (or is there a flaw in my controller logic that I'm just not seeing)?
if the only thing you need in the detail's viewModel is this singular property you are trying to link to, consider not using a stand-alone viewModel for the detail at all.
When your detail panel resides in the items of your inventory view, it actually has natural access to the view's viewModel (detailPanel.lookupViewModel() will return the single closest viewModel in the component tree hierarchy). Bindings should work too.
However, if you need a separate viewModel for the detail panel, you can create the detail view with an ad-hoc viewModel config that gets merged into the detail's viewModel upon instantiation.
The view:
extend: "Ext.container.Container",
alias: 'widget.theView',
controller: 'theView',
viewModel: { type: 'theView' },
config: {
detailConfig: { xtype: 'theDetail', reference: 'detail' }
items: ...
The view's viewController:
extend: "Ext.app.ViewController",
alias: 'controller.theView',
onOpenDetail: function(){
var detail = this.lookupReference('detail');
var view = this.getView(),
detailConfig = view.getDetailConfig(),
theProperty = this.getViewModel().get('theProperty');
detailConfig = Ext.apply({
viewModel: {
// This actually gets correctly merged with whatever there is
// in the viewModel configuration of the detail
data: { theProperty: theProperty }
}, detailConfig));
detail = view.add(detailConfig);
// Do something with the detail instance
And the detail:
extend: "Ext.panel.Panel",
alias: 'widget.theDetail',
controller: 'theDetail',
viewModel: { type: 'theDetail' },
items: ...
Hope this helps a little! :-)

ExtJS 4.2 - Bind Date Picker to Grid - Newbie Q

I am new to ExtJS 4 and struggling at times with the learning curve. I have followed the documentation on sencha's site for MVC concept for basic structure of my app, however I am having difficulty determining where/how to implement certain components/handlers/listeners as I don't quite have the feel for this frame work yet.
So, here is my question.... (Yes I did look at other posts on SO but I think at this point I am too stupid to identify and apply what similar posters may have come accross to solve my issues)
How do I bind a date field in my grid to the date picker date that is selected and vice versa? If I select a date in my date picker I would like to have my grid load relevant rows from my db. If I select a row in my grid I would like to see the date picker reflect the date in the selected row.
Can someone give me a narrative of the approach i should be taking? I have seen some code examples but I don't clearly see an obvious preferred method or the way it should be done. If there is a link someone can give me to look at I will be happy to study.
This is my first post on SO so please forgive me for any etiquette I am lacking as well as other annoying things. Thanks in advance!
Ext.define('AM.store.Users', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'AM.model.User',
autoLoad: true,
type: 'ajax',
read: '',
update: ''
type: 'json',
root: 'data',
successProperty: 'success',
totalProperty : 'dataset'
Ext.define('AM.model.User', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{name: 'message_id',type: 'textfield'},
{name: 'recip_email',type: 'textfield'},
{name: 'unix_time_stamp',type:'datefield'}
Ext.define('AM.view.user.List' ,{
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.userlist',
title: 'All Users',
store: 'Users',
plugins:[Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.RowEditing', {clicksToEdit: 1})],
dockedItems: [{ xtype: 'pagingtoolbar',
store: 'Users',
dock: 'bottom',
displayMsg: 'Displaying Records {0} - {1} of {2}',
displayInfo: true}],
initComponent: function() {
this.columns = [
resizable: true,
align: 'center',
minWidth: 35,
header: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'message_id',
flex: 1,
allowBlank: false,
header: 'Email',
dataIndex: 'recip_email',
flex: 1,
allowBlank: false,
header: 'Date Time',
dataIndex: 'unix_time_stamp',
width: 120,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),
field:{ xtype:'datefield',
editor: new Ext.form.DateField(
{format: 'm/d/y'}) }
// This array is for testing.
dateArray = ["12/14/2013","12/16/2013","12/18/2013","12/20/2013"];
requires: ['Ext.container.Viewport'],
name: 'AM',
appFolder: 'app',
controllers: ['Users'],
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
region: 'center',
title:'The Title',
xtype: 'tabpanel', // TabPanel itself has no title
activeTab: 0, // First tab active by default
xtype: 'userlist',
select: function(selModel, record, index, options)
// do something with the selected date
// Ext.Msg.alert(record.data.message_id, record.data.recip_email +'<br> ' + record.data.unix_time_stamp);
region: 'west',
xtype: 'tabpanel',
split: false,
title: 'The Title',
height: 100,
minHeight: 100,
title: 'Tab 1',
xtype: 'datepicker',
title: 'mydate',
minDate: new Date('12/15/2013'),
maxDate: new Date(),
// Disable dates is set to invert dates in array
// disabledDates:["^("+dateArray.join("|")+").*$"],
handler: function(picker, date)
// do something with the selected date
Ext.Msg.alert('date picker example in init2.js');
title: 'Tab 2',
html: 'ers may be added dynamically - Others may be added dynamically',
Update to Datepicker in Viewport:
One additional note is that i notice a property attribute in the JSON packet that has the date included even without making you suggested changes to the store. I notice there may be a bug in the link you provided?? If i set to false or remove it altogether from my store it has same behavior and is included in my JSON packet.
Do I need to encode the url also? when I click on a row in my grid and hit the update button i recive the grid row on my server side with what appears to be already url encoded by extjs perhaps?
// This array is for testing.
dateArray = ["12/14/2013","12/16/2013","12/18/2013","12/20/2013"];
requires: ['Ext.container.Viewport'],
name: 'AM',
appFolder: 'app',
controllers: ['Users'],
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
layout: 'border',
region: 'center',
title:'The Title',
xtype: 'tabpanel', // TabPanel itself has no title
activeTab: 0, // First tab active by default
xtype: 'userlist',
select: function(selModel, record, index, options)
// do something with the selected date
// Ext.Msg.alert(record.data.message_id, record.data.recip_email +'<br> ' + record.data.unix_time_stamp);
region: 'west',
xtype: 'tabpanel',
split: false,
title: 'The Title',
height: 100,
minHeight: 100,
title: 'Tab 1',
xtype: 'datepicker',
minDate: new Date('12/15/2013'),
maxDate: new Date(),
// Disable dates is set to invert dates in array
// disabledDates:["^("+dateArray.join("|")+").*$"],
handler: function(picker, date)
// do something with the selected date
// Ext.Msg.alert('date picker example in init2.js' + '<br>' + Ext.Date.format(date,'m/d/Y'));
console.log('date picker example in init2.js' + Ext.Date.format(date,'m/d/Y'));
// get store by unique storeId
var store = Ext.getStore('Users');
// clear current filters
// filter store
store.filter("unix_time_stamp", Ext.Date.format(date,'m/d/Y'));
// store.proxy.extraParams = { key:'test'};
title: 'Tab 2',
html: 'ers may be added dynamically - Others may be added dynamically',
If you want to filter records displayed in grid by selected date in date picker on the server side try to filter grid's store.
In your store configuration you need to set remoteFilter config attribute to true. Then store proxy will automatically add filter params into store load data requests. Also if you have only one instance of this store, add to configuration unique storeId.
In your datepicker handler you need set store filter to selected date:
handler: function(picker, date)
// get store by unique storeId
var store = Ext.getStore('storeId');
// clear current filters
// filter store
store.filter("unix_time_stamp", date);
Then on server side you need to parse and process filter param.

order of rows with drag and drop in extjs grid

I am using the drag and drop function in a grid like this:
xtype: 'gridpanel',
id: 'editlinesGrid',
title: 'line',
forceFit: true,
store: 'gridEditlines',
region: 'center',
viewConfig: {
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop', {
ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop'
listeners: {
drop: {
fn: me.onGriddragdroppluginDrop,
scope: me
columns: [{
xtype: 'rownumberer',
dataIndex: 'stopOrder'
}, {
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'stopId',
text: 'stopId',
field: {
xtype: 'combobox',
allowBlank: false,
displayField: 'stopId',
store: 'gridStops'
When i drag the row to a higher or lower position i need to send the new position to the service. What i need to send is this:
"stopOrder": 1, <-- here should be the new position in the grid
"stopDTO": {
"stopId" : 1
this is the eventbinding i use for the drag and drop
onGriddragdroppluginDrop: function(node, data, overModel, dropPosition, options) {
What do i need to do to send the data back to the service?
As far as question is not answered, and me also spend some time to 'find' it, this is link to main sencha doc Reorder grid rows using DnD

In ExtJs 3.3.1, how can I show a ComboBox drop down without click in EditorGrid?

I am using ExtJs 3.3.1.
Within an EditorGrid, my "editable" column has a ComboBox as its editor. How can I have the ComboBox always showing for each row? Meaning, the user would not have to click on a cell to know there is a ComboBox there. Currently, I have clicksToEdit set to 1, but I wish I could set this to 0 (I tried that).
See some of my code below to see my current configuration.
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
typeAhead: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
lazyRender: true,
mode: 'local',
store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
id: 0,
fields: [
data: data
valueField: 'statusId',
displayField: 'displayText'
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [{
id: 'orderId',
header: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
width: 50
}, {
header: 'Status',
dataIndex: 'status',
width: 130,
editor: (data.length == 1) ? null : combo,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(combo)
}, {
id: 'orderSummary',
header: 'Summary',
dataIndex: 'summary',
renderer: this.renderSummary
var orderGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: this.getOrderStore(),
cm: cm,
autoExpandColumn: 'orderSummary',
clicksToEdit: 1
Here is the solution I came up with.
In my column model, I made sure that the column I am making "editable" has an id. Each cell in that column will now have a CSS class associated with it named "x-grid-col-{id}". My column id is "status" so the class was "x-grid-col-status".
I created the CSS for class "x-grid-col-status" which sets the dropdown arrow image as the background, aligned right. It also sets the cursor to pointer, so the user knows they can click on the cell.
background-image: url(Image/trigger-single.gif);
background-position: right;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
Next, I set up a listener for my ComboBox that listens for the 'focus' event. On focus, I expand the drop down. It is important that I had to add lazyInit: false to my ComboBox config, or else an empty list will appear when you expand. lazyInit - true to not initialize the list for this combo until the field is focused (defaults to true)
The code:
Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer = function (combo) {
return function (value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
var record = combo.findRecord(combo.valueField, value);
return record ? record.get(combo.displayField) : combo.valueNotFoundText;
var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({
typeAhead: true,
triggerAction: 'all',
lazyInit: false,
lazyRender: true,
mode: 'local',
editable: false,
store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
id: 0,
fields: [
data: data
valueField: 'statusId',
displayField: 'displayText',
listeners: {
'focus': {
fn: function (comboField) {
comboField.doQuery(comboField.allQuery, true);
, scope: this
, 'select': {
fn: function (comboField, record, index) {
, scope: this
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
defaults: {
sortable: true
columns: [
id: 'orderId',
header: 'ID',
dataIndex: 'id',
width: 50
}, {
header: 'Status',
id: 'status',
dataIndex: 'status',
width: comboColumnWidth,
editor: combo,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.comboRenderer(combo)
}, {
id: 'orderSummary',
header: 'Summary',
dataIndex: 'summary',
renderer: this.renderSummary
var orderGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: this.getOrderStore(),
cm: cm,
autoExpandColumn: 'orderSummary',
title: title,
clicksToEdit: 1
I think you'll need to add a special css to the combo box that displays the drop down icon. This is natively not supported by Ext JS. Here's an example of how it can be done:
var companyColumn = {
header: 'Company Name',
dataIndex: 'company',
renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
// provide the logic depending on business rules
// name of your own choosing to manipulate the cell depending upon
// the data in the underlying Record object.
if (value == 'whatever') {
//metaData.css : String : A CSS class name to add to the TD element of the cell.
//metaData.attr : String : An html attribute definition string to apply to
// the data container element within the table
// cell (e.g. 'style="color:red;"').
metaData.css = 'name-of-css-class-you-will-define';
return value;
Or you could use the Ext.grid.TemplateColumn and specify the tpl config. This will automatically generate a renderer for the cells in the column and apply the tpl.
