endpointscfg.py returning TypeError when app uses endpoints-proto-datastore - endpoints-proto-datastore

When I run
endpointscfg.py get_client_lib java -bs grandle x.apis.app
I get
TypeError: x.apis.app is not a ProtoRPC service
Is there a work around for this?

Was not calling it with the full path to the api class. Apparently you need to call EACH class, this is not as helpful as I thought it would be.


Unable to mount actionable to routes

I am trying to add ActionCable to my routes.
One guide says to do:
mount ActionCable.server = '/cable'
However when I try to do so and run rails routes, I get the following error:
undefined method server=' for ActionCable:Module (NoMethodError) Did you mean? server
I have tried looking for an answer to this however I couldn't find anything.
I am trying to do a React - Ruby on Rails class project.
Wondering if the syntax changed with rails versions. In the Rails Guides (which you should be using), it states to use mount in the application.rb file
class Application < Rails::Application
config.action_cable.mount_path = '/websocket'

Implementing a Social Sharing in Ionic using cordova plugins

I'm trying to implement social sharing in ionic. I followed this tutorial https://www.thepolyglotdeveloper.com/2014/10/implement-social-media-sharing-ionicframework/
I'm getting the error as
TypeError: Cannot read property 'socialsharing' of undefined
at Object.share (ng-cordova.min.js:9)
at Scope.$scope.shareAnyWhere (shareController.js:10)
at $parseFunctionCall (ionic.bundle.js:21037)
at ionic.bundle.js:53344
at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (ionic.bundle.js:23093)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (ionic.bundle.js:23192)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (ionic.bundle.js:53343)
at HTMLButtonElement.eventHandler (ionic.bundle.js:11706)
at triggerMouseEvent (ionic.bundle.js:2863)
at tapClick (ionic.bundle.js:2852)
I have install the plugins which was mentioned in the tutorial.
First make sure you include ng-cordova before cordova.js. Then take a look at the working example here, try that.
Secondly, Make sure you are doing your tests on a real device or on an emulator, Social sharing plugin is intended for native sharing functionality on the OS you are targeting, it is not intended and it will not work on the browser. If you are on a browser then that is why!
You can use the Ionic CLI to run your tests.
You can make use of window.plugins.socialsharing object and call the functions like shareViaFacebook etc ..this is working for me right now in all my projects.
For more details and full code you can check the video here Social Sharing Plugin: Ionic App

appengine error - java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessClassInPackage.com.sun.org.apache.xerces

I re-deployed my app (google appengine), it seems to be working fine, but when I try to parse Xml I get:
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessClassInPackage.com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers")
what does it mean? and how I can solve it?
on previous version of the app I didn't got this error.
when running the app locally I don't get this error.
I made minor changes - I pass some data from the UI to the datastore
Here is the code that parse the XML:
public static <T extends BaseDataObject> T xml2Bean(Class<T> clazz,
String xmlData) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, JAXBException {
Reader reader = new StringReader(xmlData);
JAXBContext context = getContext(clazz);
Unmarshaller um = context.createUnmarshaller();
return (T) um.unmarshal(reader);
My guess is that Google use to support com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers but now they don't, and my old code still working because it was pushed when it was still supported...
how can I verify this guess? i.e. where can I find the list of unsupported packages?
I'm thinking of dropping the XML code and use json instead, how can I make sure json is supported?
Problem was solved: I've downloaded xerces and added the jars to war\WEB-INF\lib and to the build path in eclipse.
I also upgrade to the latest JDK (java 7).
I'm not sure which of those solved the problem...
Something in your code or a dependency of your code, is trying to refer to the package com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers, which is not allowed on GAE. Just a guess: maybe a dependency has been upgraded and this dependency is trying to access that package.

Sencha Command + Error evaluating http://localhost/Production/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot call method 'substring' of undefined

Im here trying to find out how to solve this little problem.
I've been working with Sencha Touch v2.1 to create all my views and stuff.
After that, i started working with Sencha Command v3.0.0.250 to improved performance in my app, but after Sencha C. do its own business and try to open the index.html (throw IIS) something like that occurrs. (using chrome)
"Error evaluating http:// localhost/Production/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot call method 'substring' of undefined "
Whats going on? What substring is talking about?
Thanks in advance!
Ensure that you see no warning messages in the Console since you have to add requires following by the classes you will be using before building it.

TypeError in qx.ui.mobile.core.EventHandler after update to qooxdoo 1.5

After updating to qooxdoo 1.5 I am seeing this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Expecting a function in instanceof check, but got #<HTMLDocument>
Strange thing is, that I am not using the qx.ui.mobile.* classes at all. This is with a source-all build and "qx.debug" set.
As for including the qx.ui.mobile.* classes, this comes from using the source-all job, which includes, well, all known classes, also the qx.ui.mobile.* ones. Try using the normal source job, which only includes the classes necessary for your app.
As for the error, please open a bug report at http://bugzilla.qooxdoo.org. Please specify the OS and browser you are using when you get the error. If possible, supply a minimal Application.js (or a Playground link) that reproduces the error. Cheers.
