Running a local copy of SQL Server - sql-server

Our company has a SQL Server 2008 R2 database on one of our servers. We would like to be able to make a copy of this database and open it off of a local machine; however, the size is greater than 10GB so the Express version won't do it. Is there a way we can open this locally without paying for another full license, since we do have one for running the database itself?

There is no way to restore a DB over 4 gigs without a licence.
If we had more information about what you were trying to do with it, we might be able to suggest alternatives.
Is it for analysis? Perhaps you can come up with a SSIS package that copies over only the tables that you need.
Do you need it for backup? Perhaps there is another way to verify things.
Is it for testing? Well, you almost certainly need another licence in this case.


Trouble with Copy Database Wizard between two SQL 2008R2 Servers

I am trying to use Copy Database Wizard to copy from my live server (shared hosting) to my local machine. Both the live and local servers are SQL 2008 R2.
I have used CDW for several years with perfect success when copying from a live SQL 2000 server to my local 2008 R2. But now that I have migrated my live database to SQL 2008 R2 the CDW is giving me this error:
Could not read metadata, possibly due to insufficient access rights.
I've learned that this error can be predicted before you even complete the CDW setup: On the page where the CDW asks you for your desired destination database name, it is SUPPOSED to populate the .mdf and .ldf files with their name-to-be and size (e.g. MB, GB).
But in my case these file names and sizes are not being shown (area is simply blank in the wizard) and then of course when I attempt to execute the package it gives me the error.
After much research I believe that reason for this error is due to the CDW requirement of "You must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role on both the source and destination servers."
On my local server, my Windows Authentication login is listed as a Role Member for the sysadmin Server Role. However on my live server (keep in mind it is a shared SQL server with 250+ databases) the only Role Member listed is [sa].
Am I right in thinking that the only way to satisfy this requirement would be to add my specific SQL user to the live/source Server > Security > Server Roles > sysadmin role? I'm guessing that would never be done on a shared server right? Or is there some other way to make it work by messing with the specific database properties/users/roles?
I can't explain why CDW is working from the live SQL 2000 server and not the 2008 R2. I HOPE it is simply that something isn't set up right on the live database, but maybe it is due to changes that were made to SQL security over the years.
In case it matters, I must use the SMO method instead of detach/attach because it is a live database that I don't want to take down. Historically the CDW from SQL 2000 only takes 3 minutes with SMO method so speed isn't an issue anyway.
Here's my preference for a solution:
Find a way to get CDW to work, most likely by changing something on the live server. Is this possible? What would it be?
If that fails, then...
What about an idea of using CDW to create the package, but then going into to BIDS and manipulating something in the package to circumvent the sysadmin role requirement. (Does it really need the metadata? I don't need anything beside the actual data tables.) Is this possible?
UPDATE 6/14/2016: Editing a CDW package in BIDS won't work as it appears to simply use the .mdf and .ldf files, which of course I don't have access to on the shared server. I think an alternative is to use Import/Export Wizard to create a package, then edit in BIDS. The annoying part is that without access to metadata the Import/Export Wizard doesn't seem to be aware of Foreign Keys, and thus doesn't know what order to process the tables in.
If that fails, then...
Is there any other way to easily automate a daily copy from my live server to local machine? The reason I like CDW is because it is super simple to use (when it works), it can be scheduled to run daily as a SQL agent job, and requires no manual work on my part. Is there a "next best thing" if CDW can't be made to work?
You'd think that a very common scenario for all websites out there would be "how do I get a copy of my live database onto my local SQL server, daily, automatically"? But maybe I'm the weird one!
Another simple solution would be the Import/Export Wizard.
In SSMS right-click the database you want transferred and select 'Tasks' and then 'Export Data...'. It will open a wizard that is very similar to that of CDW. The difference here is that I could not find a sysadmin requirement to use it.
At the end it will give the option to run immediately and/or save the SSIS package. If you save the SSIS package (I prefer to save it to disk) you can then create a schedule via a SQL Agent job.

How to make a test database from AS400

For SQL Server, we are able to send over the db for the most part pretty easily to offshore staff.
Is this possible with the AS/400 or they can only VPN in to work?
Every database engine has a slightly different version of SQL. DB2 for i at V5R4 has differences to DB2 LUW 9.7 and both are different to SQL Server and MySQL at any version. So the quick answer is no, you can't simply make a copy of a DB2 for i database and run it on MySQL or SQL Server. You'd normally do exactly as you are doing with SQL Server: Have one machine here and another machine there and unload/reload the data as needed.
Having said that, the differences between SQL dialects are not usually crippling. Use the IBM Navigator for i and extract all of the DDL for the IBM database, then try to execute the DDL on the SQL Server machine. You'll have some syntax problems, but you should be able to work them out with someone who is knowledgeable in both dialects. Keep track of the changes to the DDL because you'll need them in order to extract the data from the IBM side.
Once you have the empty database created on the new machine, it's time to extract out the data. Write some CL programs to do CPYTOIMPF to generate CSV files or flat files or whatever it is that SQL Server wants in order to import properly. Then FTP that data to the new machine and write some scripts to do the import.
As you can tell, this is not going to be a simple process and it will take some time to develop and debug. I'd go with having the offshore staff using a VPN to the local IBM machine.
The easiest way I can think of would be to create a Save File (SAVF) then FTP that save file to the other IBM i and [restore it] (
In the PC world this is similar to zipping up a directory, FTPing it to another machine and then unzipping it.
If this isn't what you mean, can you elaborate on what you're wanting?
The offshore site probably has their own SQL Server, probably running the same version as you.
But unless they also have an IBM Power System running the same release of IBM i, then they will most likely need to access your system.

How to migrate a database from SQL Server 2005 to 2008 as is?

I want to migrate a database completely or partially. Right now, I will do a complete database. Partial will be posted as a separate question.
Strategies I am considering:
copy database wizard
convert 2005 database to script. Run script on 2008
simple SQL query
My question - I want to use method 2. Is it even possible to do this? If yes, how to do it? Any limitations/risks ?
NOTE - The source server is a SQL Server 2005 database with one IP. Destination is a SQL Server 2008 instance with another IP.
I don't know if you need to be sysadmin to do this. I am not even sure if I am sysadmin. If yes, then how to check if I am a sysadmin ?
Just RESTORE it on the SQL2008 server and it will be automatically upgraded. And you can check if you're a sysadmin using IS_SRVROLEMEMBER.
My question - I want to use method (2). Is it even possible to do this ? (...) any limitations/risks ?
Option 2 could be a problem if database is too large. Worked for me with up to 2 GB databases.
any limitations/risks ?
You may need to increase SQL's buffer and/or run the script through command line, since a large script in SQL Manager eats up plenty of memory.
If yes, how to do it ?
To generate the script, simply right click and choose generate script. Select both data and model for whole database, and choose appropriate options for others.
As Pondlife said, Just backup the database at SQL 2005, restore as a new database at SQL 2008. You change the compatible mode to SQL 2005 which is version 9, or you can leave it to 2008 which is version 10 or 10.5. I think you want to keep the database as is, so you could set the compatible more to 9.0.xxxx and you all be done.
As usual grant access to users, create them as new if you have to, or migrate them from SQL 2005.
Generating script from 2005 and running on 2008 is a long route. There may be some possibilities for errors and TSQL compatibility.
Hope it helps !!
Most simple way to do this is to restore backup or copy MDF and LDF files to new server. If your servers are in the same network you can do this by creating shared folders on the second server and copying files there.
If that is not an option for any reason then you can zip the backup (make sure to add strong password) upload it to some online storage and then download it from second server.
Final option is to use third party comparison and synchronization tools from RedGage or ApexSQL (there are a lot of these on the market and they all have fully functional trials)

Easiest way to copy Oracle DB to test DB on same server?

I'm used to working with SQL Server and when I want to copy a DB there, I just need a handful of clicks in the wizard and voila...a complete copy of the DB, without taking the source DB offline.
We now also have an Oracle 11g because some machines require it, and I want to make a copy of the database. Just a copy on the same server, to use as a test DB for my software development.
All instructions that I find are pages full of steps, using RMAN or not, you have to write scripts, use command line stuff...I'm amazed at how inefficient such a common task is when using Oracle.
Aren't there any easy ways of copying a DB? Maybe just exporting everything to a SQL file, then editing it to use another DB name, and then executing it again?
I see that in SQL Developer you can choose 'Database Copy...' from the Tools menu, but it asks a destination connection. How can I select a destination when creating the destination DB is the whole point of running the wizard? Or is a connection not the same as a DB?
Thanks for helping me out here!
You're generally going to need a new database to copy the data to, and the data could be copied with datapump export/import. There aren't many ways of getting around that I'm afraid, but one option that you might consider is to make more use of VM's such as Oracle's own VirtualBox, as they can be cloned very easily with an absolute certainty of byte-by-byte fidelity.
Incidentally, one problem in making logical copies (via export/import) of a database is that it's easy to end up with a different physical pattern to the table and indexes, which can lead to unexpected differences in query optimisation.

Tool to copy SQL Server 2008 db to SQL Server 2008 Express?

I have a typical dev scenario: I have a SQL 2008 database that I want to copy every so often to my local instance of 2008 Express so that I can do dev, make changes, etc. to the local copy. I have some constraints though: the source db is part of a live e-commerce site in shared hosting so I can't detach it and the hosting service wants me to pay $5 for each ad hoc back up I invoke.
What I'd like is some tool that I can invoke ad hoc to take a snapshot (complete, not incremental) of the live db that I can then import in my local one. I've tried the SSMS 2008 Copy Database Wizard but it gives me an error saying I can't do that with Express. I tried the Generate Scripts tool and thought that was going to make it - the export to my local disk worked but when I went to import using SQLCMD (the script was 1GB so SSMS errored when I tried to open it there), it told me there was a syntax error a few thousand lines in.
Coming from the MySQL world, this process is trivial. All I want is an analog of mysqldump and then a command-line way to import that file into a db. Surely there's an easy way to do this in the SQL Server world? This seems like the most basic use-case for developers.
[ Yes, I've seen a few other questions here that seem similar but I didn't think they had the same constraints. ]
Best answer: full backup, restore, pay $5. Anything else seems to me like it'd waste a lot more than $5 worth of time.
If they don't charge you to run queries against the database these tools may help. Granted these are not free tools, but are handy on so many fronts it would be worth buying one. These tools can diff your source db and target db both data and structure or just one or the other, and optionally sync the target database to be just like the source.
Try SQL Dumper.
SQL Server Dumper enables you to dump selected SQL Server database tables into SQL INSERT statements, that are saved as local .sql files and contain all the data required to create a duplicate table, or to be used for backup purposes. You can choose to create an individual .sql file for each table, or combine all selected tables into a single file.
SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard and osql usually do the trick for me with large databases.
