Using Kendo UI MOBILE (Q3 2014 Beta) with AngularJS AND ui-router - angularjs

Is it possible to combine Kendo UI Mobile and Angular UI Router?
Currently I am using the Q3 2014 Beta of Kendo UI. But I still can not find a solution. Having a state with an url /welcome I get something like
GET http://localhost:4000/welcome?html 404 (Not Found)
If I remove the kendo view I get the message
"Your kendo mobile application element does not contain any direct
child elements with data-role="view" attribute set. Make sure that you
instantiate the mobile application using the correct container."
Without Kendo UI the navigation is working fine. Is it possible to combine these two? Is it perhaps not recommended? Do I have to skip Kendo application if I want to use another routing? If the only chance is to use Kendo UI and plain AngularJS without routing (or is the default routing of angular possible?)... - how can I separate the view from the controller? All the kendo ui angular samples only show bad coding style...
Is it possible to combine Kendo UI Mobile and Angular UI Router? In other words:
<div kendo-mobile-application>
<div ui-view>


What is the core difference between Bootstrap CSS and AngularJS UI Bootstrap?

So I am developing a new MVC application using AngularJS and I wanted to implement bootstrap for the UI but upon searching for bootstrap from within NuGet I see AngularJS UI Bootstrap.
I did a little reading to find that this unfamiliar flavor of Bootstrap could actually serve as a replacement for the traditional bootstrap that I am more familiar with but I really don't understand what the core difference is of when one would opt to use one over the other.
So what are the advantages of using AngularJS UI Bootstrap instead of Bootstrap? Given my current stated position for what I am doing, would it be more advantageous to use AngularJS UI Bootstrap or is it purely a matter of personal preference?
Angular UI-bootstrap is a replacement for the Bootstrap javascript, not for the css framework. It has rebuild the bootstrap JS functionalities such as modals and popovers to 'the Angular way', so if you want to use those functionalities use Angular UI-bootstrap

AngularJS UI Components

I need to know whether AngularJS only enable architecture for develop the applications and it self doesn't provide any UI components and Widgets (calenders, charts etc)?
Whether we have to get them (UI components) only via the third party UI Frame works?
it self doesn't provide any UI components and Widgets
try angularUI
AngularJS itself doesn't provide any UI controls, here are some other resources for UI controls:
Bootstrap with AngularJS
Angular Material - This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on Material Design.
Kendo UI controls - calender
3 AngularJS UI Frameworks

Tabs and Carousel in Angular JS

I want to implement tabs and inside the tabs route to a carousel.Can anybody provide me the code sample as I am new to Angular JS and have issues implementing routing inside tabs in Angular JS.Here bootstrap can also be used in Angular JS.
ng-view is not good for you maybe as you can have only 1.
try to take a look at ui-view in angularUI project to enable multiple views with sub views.
as for carousel and tabs, you got implementation for that with angularUI/bootstrap/jqueryUI so no need to implement by yourself.

Is KendoUI a competitor to AngularJS?

Are AngularJS and KendoUI competing frameworks or are they used to solve different problems?
Yes, very different things.
Angular is a framework for building single page applications. Kendo is a control suite
Define "competitor".
AngularJS is a framework for building JS applications which doesn't come bundled with UI widgets (but there are projects like Angular UI).
Kendo UI provides UI controls like grids, date pickers, charts, but also things like a router module, view models and templating for bidirectional data binding. So while they're not equivalent (Kendo UI having a focus on, well, UI, and AngularJS on the framework aspect), there is some overlap.
You can also use them in combination, e.g. by making use of the Angular Kendo project.

AngularJS routing for Kendo UI mobile

I'm starting to develop mobile application with Kendo UI mobile, AngularJS, PhoneGap. It would be nice to use Angular routing stuff. But Kendo UI mobile has its own routing system. Are any approaches to use AngularJS routing system instead of Kendo UI mobile?
Maybe some wrappers...
Well, routing for Angularjs is all client based, so you can use it without needing the kendoui routing, You just need to setup your routing for angular. You can route to any url you would like. That said, if you need specific functionality that that Kendoui provides, it has a client side version of the routing you can use JavaScript to combine the two, the syntax for the routing for both are very similar.
