data capture using CDC - cdc

To capture the deleted user name I had added a new column in my CDC table (eg:- cdc.dbo_testCDC_CT) to set the logged SQL user name.
ie; ALTER TABLE cdc.dbo_testCDC_CT ADD username VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT(SUSER_SNAME())).
The value coming in that column is always "sa", but I am logged as windows authentication. Why this happing?

First of all, you should never be modifying the system tables generated by cdc. This table was generated when you enabled cdc on your dbo.testCDC table and will include the columns of your source table, plus 5 additional columns, whose meaning is described here: It will be deleted automatically when you disable cdc from your table.
I recommend reading up on cdc and the intended usage patterns first. A good start could be this article:
To answer your question why sa was always assigned to your column: all rows in the *_CT tables are filled by the log reader process which happens to run under the sa account in your case. This is not the way to add auditing to your system. The previously mentioned article can give you some pointers on better ways to implement auditing too.

Your solution should be capturing the 'Changed By' or 'Inserted By' Logged User Name and persisting that to the underlying data table subject of the capture instance itself. In that way your CDC Instance will also capture the logged User Name for you.
As already mentioned, you should NEVER change the system-generated tables, for two simple reasons:
1. When they are restored for any reason, your changes will be lost
2. Changing system tables can provide you with quite unintended consequences.
Hope this might assist.

Rather than changing the CDC table change the base table (Main source table for default value set DEFAULT(SUSER_SNAME())) COLUMN you will get the user who deleted , or inserted and updated


Access Linked to SQL: Wrong data shown for a newly created record, autonumber primary keys

This is similar to another question and I have given it the same name. But my situation is a bit different.
The first question for reference: Access Linked to SQL: Wrong data shown for a newly created record
I have an Access front end linked to tables in SQL Server. For all relevant tables, there is an autonumber (int with Identity Specification) as Primary Key. About half of the linked tables have the following issue, the others do not, despite being set up similarly:
When adding a new record to the table, the record is inserted in the SQL database, but then in the access front end view, be it a table or form, the added record is filled up with data of another record.
In the other question, it was explained that Access is querying SQL Server with ##IDENTITY. I saw the same thing in a trace. In my case it tries SELECT ##IDENTITY twice, then attempts to pull the new record with a sp_prepexec generated SQL that I can't read, and consistently gets the wrong one, in certain tables, not in others, which are set up basically the same.
The wrong record being returned seems to be an earlier autonumber in the table, and if I do it several times in a row, it returns a series of autonumbers in sequence, for instance, 18347, 18348, 18349. (These are the incorrect autonumbers being displayed, along with all data from their records, instead of the newly created record.) But if I wait a few minutes, there will be a gap, it might return 18456 next, for instance.
Refreshing does bring the correct record into view.
The autonumber fields do show up in Access design view as Primary Keys.
The Access front end is an .mdb file. We are using Access for Microsoft 365 MSO 64 bit.
As a general rule, this issue should not show up.
However, there are two cases to keep in mind.
First case:
Access when you START typing in a record, with a Access back end (BE), then the auto number is generated, and displayed instant, and this occurs EVEN before the record save.
And in fact if the record is not saved (user hits Esc key, or un-do from menu, or even ctrl-z). At that point, the record is not dirty and will not be saved. And of course this means gaps will and can appear in the autonumber.
WHEN using a linked table to sql server? You can start typing, and the record becomes dirty, but the AUTONUMBER will NOT display, and has NOT yet been generated. And thus your code cannot use the autonumber quite yet. The record has to be saved first before you can get/grab/use the autonumber.
Now for a form + sub form? Well, they work because access (for sql or access tables) ALWAYS does a record save of the main form when focus moves to the child form. So these setups should continue to work.
I note, and mention the above since SOME code that uses or requires use of the autonumber during a record add process MIGHT exist in your application. That code will have to be changed. Now to be fair, even in a fair large application, I tend to find few places where this occurs.
Often the simple solution is to modify the code, and simply force the record to be written, and then you have use of the autonumber.
You can do this:
if me.IsNewReocrd = True then
if me.dirty = true then me.Dirty = false
end if
' code here that needs the PK autonumber
lngNewID = me!id ' the autonumber is now generated and available for use.
The next common issue (and likely YOUR issue).
The table(s) in question have triggers. You have to modify the store procedures to re-select the PK id, and if you don't, then you see/find the symptoms you see. If the store procedure updates other tables, then it can work, but the last line of the store procedure will need to re-select the PK id.
So, in the last line of your store procedure that is attached to the table? you need to re-select the existing PK value.

SQL Server: log modifications

I have a SQL Server and I need to log any changes made to a set of tables and their fields. Information needed is the user, the date time, the related table / field and the new value.
I saw the Change Data Capture (CDC) feature which seems perfect but it requires a non-standard version - and I have (and I may only have) the standard version.
The single solution I see is to use trigger, but it may cause performance troubles (it blocks the related table while the log is being inserted). Is there any other solution?
If you don't want triggers to do this, then define a stored procedure that will insert entries in log, after inserting the data into the table successfully.
it blocks the related table while the log is being inserted
Most probably you are using FOR INSERT for trigger, i think you should try AFTER INSERT

For Oracle Database How to find when the row was inserted? (timestamp) [duplicate]

Can I find out when the last INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement was performed on a table in an Oracle database and if so, how?
A little background: The Oracle version is 10g. I have a batch application that runs regularly, reads data from a single Oracle table and writes it into a file. I would like to skip this if the data hasn't changed since the last time the job ran.
The application is written in C++ and communicates with Oracle via OCI. It logs into Oracle with a "normal" user, so I can't use any special admin stuff.
Edit: Okay, "Special Admin Stuff" wasn't exactly a good description. What I mean is: I can't do anything besides SELECTing from tables and calling stored procedures. Changing anything about the database itself (like adding triggers), is sadly not an option if want to get it done before 2010.
I'm really late to this party but here's how I did it:
SELECT SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(MAX(ora_rowscn)) from myTable;
It's close enough for my purposes.
Since you are on 10g, you could potentially use the ORA_ROWSCN pseudocolumn. That gives you an upper bound of the last SCN (system change number) that caused a change in the row. Since this is an increasing sequence, you could store off the maximum ORA_ROWSCN that you've seen and then look only for data with an SCN greater than that.
By default, ORA_ROWSCN is actually maintained at the block level, so a change to any row in a block will change the ORA_ROWSCN for all rows in the block. This is probably quite sufficient if the intention is to minimize the number of rows you process multiple times with no changes if we're talking about "normal" data access patterns. You can rebuild the table with ROWDEPENDENCIES which will cause the ORA_ROWSCN to be tracked at the row level, which gives you more granular information but requires a one-time effort to rebuild the table.
Another option would be to configure something like Change Data Capture (CDC) and to make your OCI application a subscriber to changes to the table, but that also requires a one-time effort to configure CDC.
Ask your DBA about auditing. He can start an audit with a simple command like :
AUDIT INSERT ON user.table
Then you can query the table USER_AUDIT_OBJECT to determine if there has been an insert on your table since the last export.
google for Oracle auditing for more info...
SELECT * FROM all_tab_modifications;
Could you run a checksum of some sort on the result and store that locally? Then when your application queries the database, you can compare its checksum and determine if you should import it?
It looks like you may be able to use the ORA_HASH function to accomplish this.
Update: Another good resource: 10g’s ORA_HASH function to determine if two Oracle tables’ data are equal
Oracle can watch tables for changes and when a change occurs can execute a callback function in PL/SQL or OCI. The callback gets an object that's a collection of tables which changed, and that has a collection of rowid which changed, and the type of action, Ins, upd, del.
So you don't even go to the table, you sit and wait to be called. You'll only go if there are changes to write.
It's called Database Change Notification. It's much simpler than CDC as Justin mentioned, but both require some fancy admin stuff. The good part is that neither of these require changes to the APPLICATION.
The caveat is that CDC is fine for high volume tables, DCN is not.
If the auditing is enabled on the server, just simply use
You would need to add a trigger on insert, update, delete that sets a value in another table to sysdate.
When you run application, it would read the value and save it somewhere so that the next time it is run it has a reference to compare.
Would you consider that "Special Admin Stuff"?
It would be better to describe what you're actually doing so you get clearer answers.
How long does the batch process take to write the file? It may be easiest to let it go ahead and then compare the file against a copy of the file from the previous run to see if they are identical.
If any one is still looking for an answer they can use Oracle Database Change Notification feature coming with Oracle 10g. It requires CHANGE NOTIFICATION system privilege. You can register listeners when to trigger a notification back to the application.
Please use the below statement
select * from all_objects ao where ao.OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' and ao.OWNER = 'YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME'

SQL Server 2000: Is there a way to tell when a record was last modified?

The table doesn't have a last updated field and I need to know when existing data was updated. So adding a last updated field won't help (as far as I know).
SQL Server 2000 does not keep track of this information for you.
There may be creative / fuzzy ways to guess what this date was depending on your database model. But, if you are talking about 1 table with no relation to other data, then you are out of luck.
You can't check for changes without some sort of audit mechanism. You are looking to extract information that ha not been collected. If you just need to know when a record was added or edited, adding a datetime field that gets updated via a trigger when the record is updated would be the simplest choice.
If you also need to track when a record has been deleted, then you'll want to use an audit table and populate it from triggers with a row when a record has been added, edited, or deleted.
You might try a log viewer; this basically just lets you look at the transactions in the transaction log, so you should be able to find the statement that updated the row in question. I wouldn't recommend this as a production-level auditing strategy, but I've found it to be useful in a pinch.
Here's one I've used; it's free and (only) works w/ SQL Server 2000.
You can add a timestamp field to that table and update that timestamp value with an update trigger.
OmniAudit is a commercial package which implments auditng across an entire database.
A free method would be to write a trigger for each table which addes entries to an audit table when fired.

Editing database records by multiple users

I have designed database tables (normalised, on an MS SQL server) and created a standalone windows front end for an application that will be used by a handful of users to add and edit information. We will add a web interface to allow searching accross our production area at a later date.
I am concerned that if two users start editing the same record then the last to commit the update would be the 'winner' and important information may be lost. A number of solutions come to mind but I'm not sure if I am going to create a bigger headache.
Do nothing and hope that two users are never going to be editing the same record at the same time. - Might never happed but what if it does?
Editing routine could store a copy of the original data as well as the updates and then compare when the user has finished editing. If they differ show user and comfirm update - Would require two copies of data to be stored.
Add last updated DATETIME column and check it matches when we update, if not then show differences. - requires new column in each of the relevant tables.
Create an editing table that registers when users start editing a record that will be checked and prevent other users from editing same record. - would require carful thought of program flow to prevent deadlocks and records becoming locked if a user crashes out of the program.
Are there any better solutions or should I go for one of these?
If you expect infrequent collisions, Optimistic Concurrency is probably your best bet.
Scott Mitchell wrote a comprehensive tutorial on implementing that pattern:
Implementing Optimistic Concurrency
A classic approach is as follows:
add a boolean field , "locked" to each table.
set this to false by default.
when a user starts editing, you do this:
lock the row (or the whole table if you can't lock the row)
check the flag on the row you want to edit
if the flag is true then
inform the user that they cannot edit that row at the moment
set the flag to true
release the lock
when saving the record, set the flag back to false
# Mark Harrison : SQL Server does not support that syntax (SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).
The SQL Server equivalent is the SELECT statement hint UPDLOCK.
See SQL Server Books Online for more information.
-first create filed (update time) to store last update record
-when any user select record save select time,
compare between select time and update time field if( update time) > (select time) that mean another user update this record after select record
SELECT FOR UPDATE and equivalents are good providing you hold the lock for a microscopic amount of time, but for a macroscopic amount (e.g. the user has the data loaded and hasn't pressed 'save' you should use optimistic concurrency as above. (Which I always think is misnamed - it's more pessimistic than 'last writer wins', which is usually the only other alternative considered.)
Another option is to test that the values in the record that you are changing are the still the same as they were when you started:
customer_nm AS customer_nm_orig
FROM demo_customer
WHERE customer_id = #p_customer_id
(display the customer_nm field and the user changes it)
UPDATE demo_customer
SET customer_nm = #p_customer_name_new
WHERE customer_id = #p_customer_id
AND customer_name = #p_customer_nm_old
RAISERROR( 'Update failed: Data changed' );
You don't have to add a new column to your table (and keep it up to date), but you do have to create more verbose SQL statements and pass new and old fields to the stored procedure.
It also has the advantage that you are not locking the records - because we all know that records will end up staying locked when they should not be...
The database will do this for you. Look at "select ... for update", which is designed just for this kind of thing. It will give you a write lock on the selected rows, which you can then commit or roll back.
With me, the best way i have a column lastupdate (timetamp datatype).
when select and update just compare this value
another advance of this solution is that you can use this column to track down the time data has change.
I think it is not good if you just create a colum like isLock for check update.
