getchar() in c program - Eclipse Luna - Permission Denied - c

Integer and Float based programs are working good in my Eclipse Luna Installation, without any permission problems created by Windows Process, but a string based C Program, gives errors or sometimes builds but empty console.
I hold a latest copy of
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
Version: Luna Service Release 1 (4.4.1) - Build id: 20140925-1800
MinGW - mingw version 0.6.2
on a Window 7 Ultimate 32-bit operating system.
This would be my code
This screenshot would be after the first build Ctrl+B
First Build shows no error/exceptions.
But when I tried to run it,
I get empty console, I believe atleast Enter String should have been present if error starts from getchar, but surprisingly the console is empty
I tried rebuilding it, below message came up.
I tried running it again Ctrl + F11
It's again empty.
I am not able to replicate the Permission Denied scenario, but however on monitoring the process I found this
but as soon as I end these processes, It was capable of building, but empty console again with no messages in problems tab. On occasions, these permission denied is appearing, and as soon as I end the process, this disappears.


Probem with XCode and C Program

My computer has suddenly stopped opening XCode to display graphs generated by running a previously-tested C program. It's giving me the following error (which it always did before even when it worked), and then just freezes when it immediately used to open the graphs.
(base) [~]$ root plot_hard_RE.C
root [0]
Processing plot_hard_RE.C...
Warning: wrong member access operator '.' plot_hard_RE.C:2:
When I do control - c, it doesn't take me back to root. Instead it just says "There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads: ..."
Does any have any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this problem?
I am on a Linux machine but SSH'ing into a server.
Note: When someone else SSH into the server and tries the same command from their machine, it works fine. I think it's a problem with my machine.

Keil UV5.23/24/25 crashes on a 2nd start of debug session on Emulator

I have encountered a problem with uVision and Hitex emulator (Tanto2) on a Win10 laptop (fresh install).
My initial setup was UV5.23, I updated to 5.24 and made tentative with 5.25 on Keil's request.
I have a dedicated SDK release for UV5.23, I switched to a new one for UV5.24.
Firmware emulator was reflashed when I was using SDK for UV5.23, and updated when moving to UV5.24
What I can do:
- start UV5, open my project,
- start a debug session on the emulator, load my project, make the first run and stop debug session.
Whatever the release I use, the problem appears when I want to start a second debug session on the emulator. Once I click on the Start Debug, UV5 crashes with this message:
"uVision IDE has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will ..."
I need to relaunch UV5 to run a new debug session.
The setup using Keil 5.23 and its dedicated SDK release was OK till the end of March.
Since the end of March, the Windows updates that have appeared are: KB4088776, KB4093110, KB4093112, KB890830, KB4099989.
I tried uninstalling KB4099989, but there was no change, the problem is still present.
Is there a link with these updates?
If someone encounters the same problem and was able to solve it, I hear you :-)
The same problem appears on the laptop of my colleague whereas it is working fine before the last Windows update.
Thank you in advance for your help.
This is because of the below issue. If there is a crash in application during dll unload, windows adds an entry in registry to ignore a future unload dll request. So if the application tries to load the dll again within the same session, then the application crashes.
As a workaround goto the below location in registry,
My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
and delete the unload registry path. Everytime if there is a new crash then the dll will be added back which needs to be removed.
[work around]
I also get crashes when entering debugger session, however I noticed that it occurs only if I click the debugger icon and then leave the pointer over that icon. I have never had it crash if I click and immediately move the pointer away.

"Operation in progress..." Never Ends When Previewing Rows in Kettle Spoon via Salesforce

I am trying to pull data from a Salesforce API account using Pentaho/Kettle Spoon. I am able to establish a connection on Pentaho with this account. I am also able to get fields from specific modules. However, when I try and "Preview rows" (even with a small number of rows), the "Operation in Progress" window comes up and never completes the task. When I try and cancel the job, Pentaho hangs and I have to force quit it.
I am running Fedora 21. Any input is greatly appreciated.
This works for me:
Since upgrading to Fedora 22 Spoon (the client tool of PDI) was not working properly anymore. Although I could start Spoon properly and create transformations etc, once I wanted to execute a transformation or sometimes even when trying to open settings, nothing was working and the terminal window showed several (SWT:20352): GLib-CRITICAL error messages. In a nutshell, Spoon was rendered useless.
Here is how to solve this:
Go to the Eclipse Download Page and download the latest 64bit verion of Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Note: There is a separate download area for SWT; however, for Linux there is no 64 bit version available. The only way to get one is to build it yourself. So I just went the easier way and downloaded Eclipse instead.
Unzip the file and search for swt. A search result will show a few files, but the ones interesting for us are (your version number might be different): org.eclipse.swt_3.103.2.v20150203-1313.jar and org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64_3.103.2.v20150203-1351.jar.
Copy the first one of these files into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86 and the second into <PDI_HOME>/libswt/linux/x86_64.
oth folders still have the original jar files in them. Rename them to swt-jar-old (Note: no extension, so that they are not picked up).
Start Spoon. There will be a few error messages shown, but so far Spoon is working way better for me than before.
i'm running Ubuntu 14.04, i5,6gb RAM, got same trouble..
when i check, the load in proccessor is 100%, evertime i try showing the content or other thing in pentaho, the Operation in progress is show up, and never end..
How to solve, check your access to file/connection in your database,unrecognize file,field,etc. after this resolve, my proccessor run normal, and i could run / execute the transformation.

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

I recently installed CodeBlocks with mingw32 on Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit in order to dust off my c skills, but this problem has me somewhat stumped.
I decided to fire off a short Fibonacci generator to make sure my setup was working, but I ran into a hurdle.
The program compiles, links and whatnot like a charm and I get a corresponding executable which runs as expected.
The problems occur if I try to compile again, then I get the following:
c:/codeblocks/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.4.1/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot open output file bin\Debug\Fibonacci.exe: Permission denied
I can't even edit the permissions of the generated executable.
I've checked the usual suspects:
Executable is verily not running.
Path to executable is read/writable to mingw32 (otherwise it wouldn't be able to build in the first place)
I'm not running cygwin in any shape or form.
And now for the funny bit: Usually after a few minutes, any executables generated by mingw32 which are displaying this Access Denied behaviour will automatically vanish without any intervention from me.
I've googled this somewhat, but most of the other results were either vague or inapplicable.
I wonder whether there is some Windows 7 security setting playing havoc with my .exe's, but I'm not that knowledgeable about Win 7 as to know where to begin searching.
Any one have any ideas?
I had exactly the same problem right after switching off some (in my opinion unneccessary) Windows services. It turned out that when I switched ON again the "Application Experience" everything resumed working fine.
May be you simply have to turn on this service? To switch ON Application Experience:
Click the Windows start buttonn.
In the box labeled "Search programs and files" type services.msc and click the search button. A new window with title "Services" opens.
Right click on "Application Experience" line and select "Properties" from popup menu.
Change Startup type to "Automatic (delayed start)".
Restart computer.
Application Experiences should prevent the problem in the future.
Your program is still running. You have to kill it by closing the command line window.
If you press control alt delete, task manager, process`s (kill the ones that match your filename).
If you think the executable is locked by a process, try Process Explorer from SysInternals. In the File/handle, enter Fibonacci.exe and you should see who holds the file.
If it is not enough, you can use Process Monitor (from SysInternals, again) to follow the activity of all processes on your system on Fibonacci.exe.
With a little bit of analysis (call stacks), you'll may find out why the access to the file is denied and what make it disappear.
Problem Cause :
The process of the current program is still running without interuption.
(This is the reason why you haven't got this issue after a restart)
The fix is simple :
Go to cmd and type the command taskkill -im process_name.exe -f
taskkill -im demo.exe -f
demo - is my program name
The Best solution is go to console in eclipse IDE and click the red button to terminate the program.
You will see the your program is running and output can be seen there. :) !!
I had the same behaviour, and fixed it by running Code::Blocks as administrator.
Open task manager -> Processes -> Click on .exe (Fibonacci.exe) -> End Process
if it doesn't work
Close eclipse IDE (or whatever IDE you use) and repeat step 1.
I had a similar problem. Using a freeware utility called Unlocker (version 1.9.2), I found that my antivirus software (Panda free) had left a hanging lock on the executable file even though it didn't detect any threat. Unlocker was able to unlock it.
Got the same issue. Read this. Disabled the antivirus software (mcaffee). Et voila
Confirmed by the antivirus log:
Blocked by Access Protection rule d:\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\bin\ld.exe d:\workspace\cpp\bar\foo.exe User-defined Rules:ctx3 Action blocked : Create
It may be your Antivirus Software.
In my case Malwarebytes was holding a handle on my program's executable:
Using Process Explorer to close the handle, or just disabling antivirus for a bit work just fine.
i experienced a similar issue. Bitdefender automatically quarantined each exe-file i created by MinGW g++. Instead of the full exe-file i found a file with a weird extension 'qzquar'
When i opened quarantined items in Bitdefender i found my exe-file quarantined there.
I got this error when using the Atom editor and mingw (through a package called gpp-compiler) for C++. Closing the open console window fixed my issue.

WPF application using win32 dialogs on XP crashes

We have a WPF application that was developed on Windows 7 using VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 framework.
I have created an install package for it using the Visual Studio Installer.
When running on XP it appears to go into a bad state after using the win32 OpenFileDialog. It took me a while to track this down, as it doesn't fail right away. The dialog appears, you select the file you want to open, it opens up and is displayed on the screen. I was using it for about two minutes and then it crashed. I get the message that my program has encountered a problem and needs to close.
I can now run my application, open a file and make it crash right away, since a specific action always makes it crash. It does on any file I open, even a new one.
So I tried opening the same file without using the OpenFileDialog, I have a MRU list that I selected the file from, and it works flawlessly. I have not been able to make it crash.
Anyone experience similar behavior or have any ideas?
Since I do not have a debug environment on the XP machine I tried putting in some tracing statements within the application to write out to our log file where it is and what value some variables have. The really strange thing is that as soon as the OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog method is called all writing to our log file stops. I am just using standard file I/O and actually open, write and then close the file for every log message. This makes it difficult to debug this way, but also further supports the fact that something is gone wrong in the environment.
I have tried on four different XP machines, all with the same results.
