ETL - Pervasive to SQL Server - sql-server

I am a SQL Server developer and I have been asked to write some stored procedures to be used to connect a database (Pervasive) to the website.
I was completely unfamiliar with Pervasive before this was asked of me, so I though the best thing to do was to create a SQL Server database (probably express) and have some ETL running nightly moving the data from Pervasive to Microsoft, then I can write all the website code on the SQL Server rather than the live Pervasive database.
Is anyone aware of any free/cheap methods/software for the daily ETL I am planning?
Would SSIS be an option with SQL Server Express?

Lets go the opposite way..
If you are gonna use SQL Server express for your website i would propose something else:
Use SQLite / MySQL for the website.
If you do this, then you can use SSIS to make your ETL from Pervasive -> SQLite / MySQL.
If and only IF your ETL logic is simple and you just want to get rid of Pervasive, then instead of SSIS you can write your own .NET application to handle the data transfer. In that case you can use SQL Express if you want.


what is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database

I have two remote databases, Oracle 19c and SQL Server 19. In my redhat linux, I have to read SQL Server table and write it to Oracle.
I wrote a Python code to read data from SQL Server and insert it to Oracle database. But, I think it is so slow. Since, the table has about 16 million records.
I search a lot and see this post:
It said that Oracle Transparent Gateway makes it possible to run a procedure for migrating data from extra database to Oracle in little time.
I can access to Oracle database using terminal and don't have any graphical accesses.
Would you please guide me if Oracle Transparent Gateway is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database, how to install Oracle Transparent Gateway and use it? If not, what is the best way?
Any help is really appreciated.
One solution would be to work from SQL Developer.
You can download SQL Developer for free from
SQL Developer provides a "migration workbench" that supports SQL Server.
The data migration can be done online or offline.
Online causes the table data to be moved by SQL Developer when you have completed the necessary information in the wizard; Offline causes SQL Developer to generate scripts after you have completed the necessary information in the wizard, and you must later run those scripts if you want to move the data. (Online moves are convenient for moving small data sets; offline moves are useful for moving large volumes of data.)

How to migrate from Azure SQL to SQL Server? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I copy SQL Azure database to my local development server?
(24 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Okay this is not about migrating existing sql server database to azure database. Its the other way round.
I want to stop using azure sql database, and moved to full version of SQL Server. How do I migrate existing database in AZURE Sql to a new SQL Server 2008 database?
If you don't want to lose any data, you have to stop using it for the moment of transfer. I can suggest you couple of ways:
First way is to use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard. Yes. Although it is originally designed to migrate your local SQL DB to SQL Azure, it can be used the other way around. I've done in numerous times. Just first point the migration wizard to your SQL Azure instance, then target the local server.
Second way is to use the Azure SQL Database backup. Create a bacpac archive either using the portal or via SSMS. Then import this BacPac package into your local SQL Server instance.
If you don't want downtime and want full data synchronization I will suggest doing the following:
Move schema and data initially using any of the above methods (for live systems I highly recommend to first a new database AS COPY and then create the BacPac from it, or use the Migration wizard to transfer it).
Enable the SQL Data Sync to begin synchronizing local data with on-going live data.
Wait while local is fully in sync.
Switch the connection strings in your app.
Cut down SQL Azure.
There are a lot of third party tools that will allow you to synchronize your SQL Azure database with full SQL Server database. Just use any of these to synchronize structures and then data.
You can try tools from Red Gate, ApexSQL, Idera or any other… Even though these tools are not really cheap you can still use them in trial mode (its fully functional in most cases) to get the job done.

Insert rows into a SQL Server table from Oracle

I have an Oracle 10G database running on a Unix environmnent and have a requirement to write a PL/SQL job that will be running on the Oracle database that will populate tables in another database which is a microsoft SQL Server database running on a Windows platform.
Having looked around, it looks like this is possible via database links. Has anyone got any more information on this? For example how reliable is the connection and are there any disadvantages in having such a setup?
Chances are that i would have limited access to the SQL Server database. Is the above possible without having to make any changes to the SQL server database? (Assuming the DBA on the SQL server has configured the database to be accessed from other databases)
Use the Oracle feature DG4ODBC, it is as reliable as any normal DBLINK setup, to the SQL Server side it will look like any other sort of client connection. You only need to do anything more elaborate if you are planning to do distributed transactions between Oracle and SQL Server (i.e. 2 Phase Commit). You will probably also want UnixODBC and FreeTDS.

SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 how to make it compatible?

I have in production SQL Server 2005 and in Development SQL Server 2008 Database.
I would like to detach database from production create tables, insert data etc. and then attach it back.
How make it compatible after I make some changes in SQL server 2008?
What is the right way to do it?
There is no way to do this.
The only way I know to move a database from MSSQL2008 to 2005 is to script the tables.
Once the new tables are created in 2005, you can transfer the data either by scripting it (no fun) or by the data transfer wizard.
Changes to tables and data (for lookup tables) should be scripted and in source control like any other code. Then you run the scripts for the changes you are promoting to prod. This way other dev changes which are not ready to go to prod can be held back from being sent to prod.
I also do not recommend that you have a development database in a differnt version of SQL Server unless what you are testing to see if anything needs to be changed in preparation of moving to 2008. Otherwise, it is highly likely that bad code will be written that the prodcution database cannot handle becasue it is the wrong version and you will not find this out until you send the change to production.

LINQ to Entities on (database != Microsoft SQL Server)

My production is on full blown SQL Server 2008.
I would like to have integration tests with some light weight database that
doesn't have to be installed on the machine and
doesn't run as a service
...if at all possible.
I use LINQ to Entities in my code that probably makes this goal even more complicated.
Is it possible to use any lightweight DB to accomplish this goal? Do those DBs have LINQ providers or whatever they're called to translate LINQ to actual queries...
Anybody has any experience with LINQ to Entities with third party databases?
What about SQL Server 2008 Express? That's about as lightweight as a SQL Server 2008 compatible system gets. It's basically a light-weight workstation install for SQL Server - it's a server, it's a service in the background.
There's also SQL Server Compact 3.5 which should be compatible with SQL Server 2008, but I don't know if it's supported by the Entity Framework as a store. This is just a bunch of DLLs you need to add to your project, and it stores all its data in a single .sdf file.
