adf skin: inputText - oracle-adf

how to change the color when I select the inputText? I wanted it to be gray but already shifted at all border color (content: busy, focus, edit) and does not change.
can someone help me?

Depending on what do you mean by 'remains' you should use something like this (when using ADF Skinning):
border: none !important;


Floating label inside of border of container in React Native

I'm trying to add a label (title) inside the border of my container. Although there are many implementations of input fields with this feature, I haven't found any for normal containers. Here's a screenshot of what I'm referring to:
I considered adding a background to the text, but since the container's background is different from the background behind it, this won't work as the colors will clash. Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this in React Native?
I haven't implemented this in react-native so I can't say if this will work for you, but I have done this in a web app before using a linear-gradient background on the label with a little padding-left and padding-right:
label {
background-image: linear-gradient(transparent 50%, #666 50%);
padding-left: 3px;
padding-right: 3px;
The hex value would be the background color of your input.

How to adjust colors in angular material default themes

My users are complaining that the change in color for md-buttons on focus is too subtle.
What is the right way to make an adjustment to this for the default color palettes?
Append: I am looking on how to adjust the button styling when the button has focus, not looking for how to create my own theme.
Also, I am using Angular-Material 1, NOT 2
OK, for anyone else looking for this, I found the answer in angular-material.modules.closure.button and angular-material.modules.js.button[disabled]):hover {
background-color: '{{primary-600}}'; }[disabled]).md-focused,[disabled]).md-focused {
background-color: '{{primary-600}}'; }
This tells me what I needed, which is that focused buttons get primary-600.
NOW I can customized the theme palletes as recommended in the first comment

ExtJS 4 form textfield and color (background)

There is simple form and some textfields on this form. I have to set colors
(background and font) in two of them on runtime.
I tried to do it two ways:
1) fieldInstance.addClass('aaa') with css like this
.aaa .x-form-field {
background-color: black;
color: red;
2) fieldInstance.setFieldStyle('font-weight: bold;color: red;background-color: black;');
both methods are working because I see the bottom age of both is
fields is thick in black color, and both fields are working the same (almost) way.
Before enter and after exit background color is white.
When I start to edit this fields, background of first
is always white, background of the second is black until
I leave the field.
Could you explain me whats wrong?
For <input> element applied many classes beside x-form-field, like x-form-text and some of them define color and background-color aswell. So I guess that some of that classes may be more specific than .aaa .x-form-field. Try to use !important within your CSS rules:
.aaa .x-form-field {
background-color: black !important;
color: red !important;
I think that the 1st function append a class to the Others already presents.
In the second case you replace values of style already setted.
Maybe to have the same issue you need to modify the x-form-field fields, instead of append Others.
I Always use the second option if i have to modify style on Runtime.
maybe posting other code i can see better where the problem could present

JavaFX combobox, getting white background after listview

I m getting a white background in my ComboBox in javaFx
Screenshot of combobox I m getting
I simply used this
ComboBox mode = new ComboBox();
mode.getItems().addAll("Cash", "Cheque", "Account Transfer");
Please tell me how to resolve this..
As you can read here, when the combo is shown a PopupControl that extends `PopupWindow' is shown. It has its own scene and styling.
My guess is you have some styling applied to the CSS rule .root.popup, something like this:
.root.popup {
-fx-background-color: white;
Try to remove that sytling or change it to:
.root.popup {
-fx-background-color: transparent;
and check if the problem is solved.

Changing background textfield in ExtJS

I have read a few questions here and here on this on StackOverflow but nothing seems to help with my situation.
I want to set the background color and border of a textfield dynamically.
My textfield looks like this, but the background is still not changed :
This is because of an image in the background that gives a shading effect. So I try and remove it in the CSS using background-image:none; and background:none; :
.invalid-component {
background-color : #f4f777;
border: 2px dotted #ffee27; //works!!
This still has no effect, the image is not removed and the background color does not change. Any help?
Im taking a guess here and going for ExtJS 4.2.1 with Classic theme.
So just change your CSS to
.invalid-component {
background : #f4f777 !important;
border: 2px dotted #ffee27; //works!!
