Database snapshot performance considerations - sql-server

I have a very big stored procedure that is timing out.
That procedure updates around 15 different tables.
It also read data from different databases in the same server.
I would like to reproduce the environment, without changing anything (update/insert data in any table).
Is it OK to create a snapshot of the original database and do all my tests there?

No. A database snapshot is read only so the procedure will not be able to do anything. To repro the problem ask the database administrator of the system to give you a backup of the database. Restore this backup on your dev/test environment and analyze the problem there. As your proc reads from multiple DBs, you'll also need a backup of those. Ideally the dev/test environment would have identical hardware characteristics (same CPU/cache/Memory/disk), but this is often impossible.
Read How to analyse SQL Server performance to understand what you have to look at after you get your repro environment. Make sure you solve the actual problem, not a problem that occurs only on your repro environment because of hardware diffs.
As a side note, an enormous amount of information can be collected non-invasively from the production server just via adequate monitoring. Again, read the article linked.


sql server - data backing into local - is it necessary

In all the years of my experience, I always connected to a database by creating a new connection using IP address, username and password.
I recently joined a company where they use a desktop application written in VB6 that has an SQL server backend. Here, the practice is, get a backup of the latest version of SQL server and name it as a different DB, use it for testing purposes.
We now have a issue where we have loads of these databases created by users and it needs cleanup.
My question: Is it possible to have a centralised database which exists remotely to which everyone connects and gets the data? what are the things that we need to keep in mind to achieve this goal, so everyone can have one single database to access to, where they can make the changes.
We've been using a single centralized dev/test environment for over a decade now, with up to 50 full time developers using it -- and I'd say it works quite fine. Most of the changes are new columns into tables and not that many developers are working with the same tables / modules at the same time, so it doesn't cause that much issues.
All our stored procedures / functions are renamed for each release separately (by adding a release number in the end), and installed automatically with compilation process, even for developers. For developers compilation, the version numbers also include the developers userid. This way changing stored procedures in development won't break the test environment, or the procedures other developers are using.
The biggest advantage of this is that we can use similarly sized databases for testing and production.
Your ability to do that is really a functional and/or procedural issue. There's nothing technical that prevents you from having a single, shared database for dev/test. The challenge is, dev/test environments tend to be destructive and/or disruptive.
If you have a single DB used for all development and testing requirements, you'll probably get little to no work done. One dev modifying an object (SP, FN, table, view, etc...) can potentially break everyone else (or no one). A tester running stress tests will have everyone else getting mad about slow responses, timeouts, etc... Someone decides to test Always Encrypted or even sometime simpler like TDE can end up breaking everybody.
Dev environments almost always need their own sandbox before check-in. Checked in code/schema then get tested in a central environment that mimics prod before going to pre-prod that is (ideally) identical to prod. This is pretty basic though each team/company will have its variations.
One thing you could do right away is to automate taking a copy backup of the prod database so you drop a fresh .bak to a common location where everyone can grab from and restore to their own instance. This reduces the impact on your production system and reduces storage consumption. Another benefit is you remove all non-essential access to your production database - this is really, really important. Finally, once this is standard op, you can implement further controls or tasks in the future easily (e.g. restore to a secure instance, obfuscate/mask sensitive data, take new backup for dev/test use).
It is possible but it's usually not a good idea. It would be ok (and no more than ok) if all database access was inquiry only, but imagine the confusion that could arise if developer a fires in some updates to a table that developer be is writing a report for or if the DB was recovered in an uncontrolled manner. Development and test need a lot of managing and how many databases you need and where will depend on an analysis of your dev and test requrements.
Thanks for all the answers. We all had a discussion in our team and came up with a process that suits to our team:
There is a master database backed up and restored from the most recent and stable source
Only QA team has got write access to this database
Developers make their own test database using the Master backup
If new data is required, write SQL scripts to add it
Run unit & E2E tests on their copy
Give the new tests and scripts to add new data (if any) to QA
QA runs the tests and data scripts on the Master
When the tests are passed, if there is a SQL update script, then QA restores the Master Database from the backup (to remove data changes made by running the tests), runs the SQL scripts to update the data then backs it up as the new Master
Scripts are added to source control so we have a history
Note: As an extra safeguard we can keep a copy of the very first ever Master database somewhere else. So if anybody ever does something dumb and corrupts it, we can retrieve it and run all the SQL scripts to bring it up to date.

SQL Server 2005- Investigate what caused tempdb to grow huge

The tempdb of my instance grew huge eating up all the available disk space and causing applications to go down. Had to restart the instance in emergency. However, I want to investigate and dig deep as to what caused the temp db to grow huge all of sudden. What were the queries, processes that casued this? Can someone help me to pull the required info. I know I wont get much of historical Data from the SQL serevr. I do have the Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager(third party tool) deployed. Any help to use the tool would be really appreciated.
As for postmortem analysis, you can use the tools already installed on your server. For future proactive analysis, you can use SQL traces directly in SQL Profiler, or query the traces using SQL statements.
You can also use an auditing tool that tracks every event that happened on a SQL Server instance and databases, such as ApexSQL Comply. It also uses SQL traces, configures them automatically,and processes captured information. It tracks object and data access and changes, failed and successful logins, security changes, etc. ApexSQL Comply loads all captured information into a centralized repository.
There are several reasons that might cause your tempdb to get very big.
A lot of sorting – if this requires more memory than your sql server has then it will store all temp results in tempdb
DBCC commands – if you’re frequently running commands such as DBCC CheckDB this might be the cause. These functions store its results in temp db
Very large resultsets – these are also using temp db to run properly
A lot of heavy transactions such as bulk inserts
Check out this article for more details on how to troubleshoot this.
We have Idera DM tool as well. If you know the time frame around what time your tempdb was used heavily you can go to History on the Idera tool to see what query was running at that time and what lead to the server to hose... On the "Tempdb Space used OverTime" you would usually see a straight line or a graph but at the time of heavy use of tempdb there's a pike and a straight drop. Referring to this time-frame you can check into Sessions>Details too see the exact query and who was running the query.
In our server this happens usually when there is a long query doing lots of join. or when there is an expensive query involving in dumping into temp table / table variable.
Hope this will help.
You can use SQL Profiler. Please try the link below
Sql Profiler

SQL Server database and safety approach

I've created a software that is supposed to synchronize data between two databases in SQL Server. The program is tested as much as I was able to do so while having a limited amount of data and limited time. Now I need to make it run and I want to play that safe.
What would be the best approach to be able to recover if something goes wrong and database gets corrupted? (meaning not usable by the original program)
I know I can backup both databases each time I perform the sync. I also know that I could do point in time recovery.
Are there any other options? Is it possible to rollback only the changes made by the sync service? (both databases are going to be used by other software)
You probably have, but I suggest investigating the backup and recovery options available in SQL Server. Since you have no spec, you don't know how the system is going to behave against these changes, leaving you with a higher likelihood of problems. For this reason (and many other obvious reasons) I would want to have solid SQL backups/recovery process in place. Unfortunately Express isn't very good in automating this area, but you can run them manually before the sync.
At the very least, make everything transactional; a failure in your program should not leave the databases in a partially sync'd state.
Too bad you don't have a full version of SQL Server... then you might be able to use something like replication services and eliminate this program altogether? ;)

Continuous database backups?

I have the following scenario:
Our system is running a SQL Server Express 2005 database locally (on each users desktop, if you will). The system is storing a lot of production data from a machine. There are high demands on the safety of the data, and doing a backup each night, or even each hour is not enough. We need a backup strategy that will ensure almost instantaneous/continuous backup of the database.
Is there anyone out there that has successfully implemented a system similar to this, and/or has got some ideas of how to accomplish it? The only thing I can think of right now is to have mirrored drives (raid) to hold the data, but that would be complicated and expensive.
I would appreciate any and all thoughts on this, since it is a real issue for me and my company. Thanks in advance!
I was not clear enough in my description of the scenario. The system is storing data in a vehicle that has no connection to anything. A centralized database is therefor not possible. Neither can we use a standard/enterprise version of SQL Server, since it would be to expensive (each vehicle would need a license). Thanks for your input!
Switch your database into "Full" recovery mode. Do full backup every night and do delta backup after major user action. The delta backups can be done to the flash memory or different hard-drive, and all data can be synchronized with server when online.
Another simple way is to trace all user changes and important data in a text file that stored on a separate drive. If SQL database crashes the user or other operator can repeat steps to restore data.
One way I've seen this done is by using DoubleTake.
I will assume that a central database on a server is not feasible because your systems are running standalone and are not connected to anything. So this is what I would do
Set up RAID on the computer. This insures you against simple disk failure.
Any SQLSever database can be recovered to the point of the last commited transaction if you have a full database backup and a set of transaction logs available. Basically you simply restore the last full backup then apply the transaction logs going forward. See these links.
So what you need to do is set up a periodic full backup of both the database and transaction logs, and more regular transaction log backups (and ensure that your transaction log can never run out of space).
In the event of failure you restore the last full backup, then apply the transaction logs going forward.
Myself, if these are critical systems, I would be inclined to add an additional drive to the system and make sure that the backups are copied over to that. This is because as good as raid is it does sometimes have issues - raid controllers fail, disks get wiped accidentally in parallel, disk failures go unnoticed so your just running on one disk etc. If you ensure backups are copied to a separate disk then you can always recover to the last transaction log backup. You should also ensure tape backups of course, but they are generally a last resort in the event of trouble.
If for some reason you cannot set up raid then you should still install a second disk, but place the database file on one drive and the transaction log on the other and copy backups to both disks. In the event of failure of the C drive, or some other software issue crashing the database you can still recover to the last commited transaction. Failure on the D drive limits you to the last transaction log backup (Oracle used to allow you to mirror the transaction log from the database, which again would completely cover you, but I don't think this facility exists in SQL Server)
If you are looking for a scheduler for SQL Server Express (which doesn't come with one) then I've been using SQLScheduler quite happily without problems, and it's free.
The most obvious answer would be to ditch SQL Server Express running locally and use a single source for your data (such as a standard SQL server install on a central storage location). Unless your system requires individual back ups of every single person's own individual instance of SQL Server Express.
If your requirements are so stringent as to call for instantaneous backups on every operation, you should definitely think about a different method of storage than local instances of SQL Server Express.
Wouldn't it be easier to just use one centralized SQL Server and back that up every hour or so? If you truly need instantaneous backup, your company (which seems not to want to spend money by installing Express on each machine) will need to spring for two servers and two SQL Server Enterprise licenses to implement Mirroring.
Raid isn't that expensive, but it is also not the best option. If you really want high availability data you should upgrade to sql server standard on a remote server where each user connects to and use transaction based replication to an sql server (express) instance on another machine. Raid doesn't always protect you from dataloss. If the data is that important for you then the costs should not be that much of an issue.
Update in response to the question update.
If you can't use remote servers then there a couple of options:
You write a trigger which initiates a backup script on each insert or update and stores it on a seperate harddrive.
You use raid. But beware that if the raid controller fails that you still got a problem.
RAID is not expensive. Use RAID to protect against hard drive failure. You also need monitoring though. No point in having this if you let both drives fail.
Also, implement hourly incremental backups, then daily incremental backups and finally weekly full backups.
You need all of these strategies working together because they protect against different things. RAID does not protect against human or coding errors destroying data. Hourly and weekly backups don't protect against hard drive failure.

Database Backup/Restore Process

The backup and restore process of a large database or collection of databases on sql server is very important for disaster & recovery purposes. However, I have not found a robust solution that will guarantee the whole process is as efficient as possible, 100% reliable and easily maintainable and configurable accross multiple servers.
Microsft's Maintenance Plans doesn't seem to be sufficient. The best solution I have used is one that I created manually using many jobs with many steps per database running on the source server (backup) and destination server (restore). The jobs use stored procedures to do the backup, copying & restoring. This runs once a day (full backup/restore) and intraday every 5 mins (transaction log shipping).
Although my current process works and reports any job failures via email, I know the whole process isn't very reliable and cannot be easily maintained/configured on all our servers by a non-DBA without having in-depth knowledge of the process.
I would like to know if others have this same backup/restore process and how others overcome this issue.
I've used a similar step to keep dev/test/QA databases 'zero-stepped' on a nightly basis for developers and QA folks to use.
Documentation is the key - if you want to remove what Scott Hanselman calls 'bus factor' (i.e. the danger that the creator of the system will get hit by a bus and everything starts to suck).
That said, for normal database backups and disaster recovery plans, I've found that SQL Server Maintenance Plans work out pretty well. As long as you include:
1) Decent documentation
2) Routine testing.
I've outlined some of the ways to go about doing that (for anyone drawn to this question looking for an example of how to go about creating a disaster recovery plan):
SQL Server Backup Best Practices (Free Tutorial/Video)
The key part of your question is the ability for the backup solution to be managed by a non-DBA. Any native SQL Server answer like backup scripts isn't going to meet that need, because backup scripts require T-SQL knowledge.
Because of that, you want to look toward third-party solutions like the ones Mitch Wheat mentioned. I work for Quest (the makers of LiteSpeed) so of course I'm partial to that one - it's easy to show to non-DBAs. Before I left my last company, I had a ten minute session to show the sysadmins and developers how the LiteSpeed console worked, and that was that. They haven't called since.
Another approach is using the same backup software that the rest of your shop uses. TSM, Veritas, Backup Exec and Microsoft DPM all have SQL Server agents that let your Windows admins manage the backup process with varying degrees of ease-of-use. If you really want a non-DBA to manage it, this is probably the most dead-easy way to do it, although you sacrifice a lot of performance that the SQL-specific backup tools give you.
I am doing precisely the same thing and have various issues semi regularly even with this process.
How do you handle the spacing between copying the file from Server A to Server B and restoring the transactional backup on Server B.
Every once in a while the transaction backup is larger than normal and takes a longer time to copy. The restore job then gets an operating system error that the file is in use.
This is not such a big deal since the file is automatically applied the next time around however it would be nicer to have a more elegant solution in general and one that specifically fixes this issue.
