Reading and selecting files using dirent.h in C - c

I'm new into programming microcontrollers, and I have a problem.
I'm trying to make a device that plays music from USB. I can read from USB, but I have no idea how to choose a certain file. I'm using dirent.
My code so far:
while (true) {
USBHostMSD msd("usb");
//setup PWM hardware for a Class D style audio output
// wait until connected to a USB device
while(!msd.connect()) {
FILE *wave_file;
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ent;
int i=0;
int stevilo_datotek =0;
dir = opendir ("/usb/");
if (dir != NULL)
while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
lcd.printf ("%s\n", ent->d_name[0]);
Now this code displays what's on USB. How can I navigate through files on USB using the buttons on the device? I'd like to know if there's a way to assign certain song a certain number so I can navigate. I've studied dirent.h file for so long, and I can't find where dirent saves the file order (if it does).

You may be confusing the purpose of dirent.h In short it may be difficult to see the forest for the trees.
You can read the information (ent->d_name, note that ent->d_name is a pointer to an array of chars, often called a 'string') into a data structure (like an array or a list), then use that struct with code that detects button presses to move an index into the array information either up or down (to a greater or lesser index, make sure to check that your index doesn't go outside the range or your structure). Or you can create code where your while loop waits on a button press and only reads the file name then (using seekdir to go backwards).
UPDATE (to response to comment):
Keep in mind that filesystems are tree structures like so:
/ (root) +--- dir1 ----------------------------+- dir1.1
---- dir2 (empty) -- file1.1
---- dir3 ---- dir3.1 +--- file3.1
---- file1 ---- file3.2
---- file2
You have to decide how to handle that, are you going to only support one directory (make them put all their music files in one place), allow them to navigate directories, or look through all directories selecting only files you know how to play?
There is no inherit order to the files (or sub-directories) and in some systems files can be added or deleted at any time.
Here is a very simple-minded example of one way to keep the list of directory entries:
char *names[400]; // make space for 400 names
int ix;
ix = 0;
if (dir != NULL)
while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
lcd.printf ("%s\n", ent->d_name[0]);
// allocate memory to store the name
names[ix] = (char*) malloc(strlen(ent->d_name)); // strlen from string.h
// malloc from stdlib.h
// copy the name from the directory entry
strcpy(names[ix], ent->d_name); // strcpy from string.h
if (ix >= 400)
// do something because your array isn't big enough
Now you have your names in the array 'names' and can address them by index. The value 'ix-1' is your last name, 0 is your first name. Your button presses can increment/decrement the index into your name array which identifies the name you want. Keep in mind that some of those names might be directory names rather than file names.
Admittedly this is simply-minded, you might want to allocation the array rather than use a fixed value (in fact you have to if you want to pass the 'names' array to a calling function), there are "secure" versions of strcpy (meant to help prevent memory overflow corruption), etc. but it should give you an idea about how you can keep the names in memory.


save a file modified using a list (c language)

edit : im sorry it seems like i havent explained well
what my program does is
open file for reading => load list from the file => operations chosen by user will be applies to list (not file)(add-search-display-reset)\ => import change to file(in case there is any)
if the user chooses to only add an employee and quit will it be better to append the added node to the end of file, close and free list or its okay to open file for reading and overwrite all the nodes from the beggining
this last option will save me a lot of lines of code but will it save time and energy for the user while execution ?
i am workig on a (c language) school project where we have to use both lists and files to :
display a list of employees
add employees
search an employee
reset list
save and quit
so i am looking for the best way to do it, and as i know a good code is the one that ensures the program uses as less memory as it can and be as fast as it can.
what i am asking you is
after opening the file that contains the infos of employees and loadig it to the list, and modifying the list by add or reset, would it be better to :
open the file for "w" and fill it with the list.
or open it for "a+" to add from last employee.
note that this last way i will have to memorize the initial_number_of_lines (aka nodes) and look for the 'initial last node' to start loading from it.
note : the employee variables are first_name last_name and salary; VERIFY(file) returns 1 i file opened returns 0 if not;
void load_file(list *list, char *filename)
if (current_number_of_lines != initial_number_of_lines || list_reset == 1)
if (current_number_of_lines > initial_number_of_lines && list_reset == 0)
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "a+");
if (VERIFY(file) == 1)
for (int i = 0; i < initial_number_of_lines; i++)
list = list->next;
while (list != NULL)
fprintf(file, "%s\t%s\t%lf\n", list->emp.Fname, list->emp.Lname, list->emp.salary);
list = list->next;
else if (list_reset == 1)
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "w");
while (list != NULL)
fprintf(file, "%s\t%s\t%lf\n", list->emp.Fname, list->emp.Lname, list->emp.salary);
list = list->next;
If all your add operations adds the new node to the end of the list, you will get better performance using a+. On the other hand, the code will be more simple if you always rewrite the the whole file. So what is most important for you? Performance or simple code? I would start with the simple approach.
Some other notes.
It's pretty strange that you call the function load_file when it actually writes the file.
The variables: current_number_of_lines, initial_number_of_lines, list_reset seem to be global variables. Using global variables is something you should avoid.
The logic (aka if statements) seems too complicated. You can simply do:
void load_file(list *list, char *filename)
if (list_reset == 1)
else if (current_number_of_lines > initial_number_of_lines)
else if (current_number_of_lines < initial_number_of_lines)
If you use "w" to fopen() then it will truncate file to zero length or create text file for writing. The stream is positioned at the beginning of the file. You have to write all records to the file.
If you use "a+" to fopen() then the file will be open for reading and appending (writing at end of file). The file is created if it does not exist. Output is always appended to the end of the file. Warning: POSIX is silent on what the initial read position is when using this mode. In the mode, you will only write records that needs to be added.
Please also note that neither of the methods are well suited for sharing the data between two or more applications.
If new records are added at the end of the list, obviously it is faster to append those records ate the end of the file ("a+" mode).
Since you have a text file (made of text lines), it is unfortunately not possible to update the changed records. In that case, you must write everything from the list to the file ("w" mode).
If you change you file format in order to use a fixed size record then you can optimize the writing by positioning the file on the record and then write. For that, you'll define your record as a struct containing fixed size strings. And of course add an item in that struct to remember where it has been read from the list.

FatFS: f_findfirst returns a string that does not correspond to the file found

I am using the FatFs library to create and manage a file system on an SD card. The goal is to identify a file containing the firmware for the bootloader to update (or not) the device.
The procedure im following is the follwing:
DIR directory;
FILINFO filinfo;
f_findfirst(&directory, &filinfo, "", "firmware_");
To my understanding, the first file that starts with "firmware_" should be identified and the information stored in filinfo . This does work, but when I try to extract the name from filinfo.fname the name that has been extracted is the follwing: "\0IRMWA~1.BIN".
I don't know the reason why the naming of the file is extracted in this format. The idea would be to later take the second part of the file: "firmware_01_01_01" and perform a char to int conversion to process the version number, but I cannot extract the full string of the file name.
I had a similar problem. Here is my code. Hope you find this helpful
#define FW_FOLDER "fw"
#define FW_PATH "0:/" FW_FOLDER
#define FW_BIN "*.bin"
DIR dir;
static char fw_path[128];
// Find first item
res = f_findfirst(&dir, &fno, FW_PATH, FW_BIN);
// Create directory (optional)
if (res == FR_NO_PATH)
printf("Creating %s directory!\n", FW_FOLDER);
// Repeat until proper item is found
while (res == FR_OK)
// Make sure file name is valid
if (fno.fname[0] == 0)
// Debugging
printf("Scanning: %s\n", fno.fname);
// Make sure it is not a directory
if (!(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR))
// Success!
printf("Found: %s\n", fno.fname);
// Construct file path
sprintf(fw_path, "%s/%s", FW_PATH, fno.fname);
// Move to the next one
res = f_findnext(&dir, &fno);
// Close directory
And yes, you need to enable FF_USE_FIND == 1 in fatfs library. And if you decide to use 2 for FF_USE_FIND you have to check altname as part of fno.
Also, I had to update file validation eventually to this snippet
// Make sure file name is alpha numeric
if (!isalnum(fat_fno.fname[0]))
Always read the documentation.
After the directory specified by path could be opened, it starts to
search the directory for items with the name specified by pattern. If
the first item is found, the information about the object is stored
into the file information structure fno.
The matching pattern can contain wildcard characters (? and *). A ?
matches an any character and an * matches an any string in length of
zero or longer. When support of long file name is enabled, only
fname[] is tested at FF_USE_FIND == 1 and also altname[] is tested at
FF_USE_FIND == 2. In this revision, there are some differences listed
below between FatFs and standard systems in matching condition.
- "*.*" never matches any name without extension while it matches any name with or without extension at the standard systems.
- Any pattern terminated with a period never matches any name while it matches the name without extensiton at the standard systems.
- DBCS extended characters are compared in case-sensitive at LFN with ANSI/OEM API.
This is a wrapper function of f_opendir and f_readdir function.
Available when FF_USE_FIND >= 1 and FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1. Examples
/* Search a directory for objects and display it */
void find_image_file (void) {
FRESULT fr; /* Return value */
DIR dj; /* Directory search object */
FILINFO fno; /* File information */
fr = f_findfirst(&dj, &fno, "", "dsc*.jpg"); /* Start to search for photo files */
while (fr == FR_OK && fno.fname[0]) { /* Repeat while an item is found */
printf("%s\n", fno.fname); /* Display the object name */
fr = f_findnext(&dj, &fno); /* Search for next item */
Then you will learn that you need to use:
you need to check the function return value
if the first char of the filename is zero - it means that the no file was found
I was using Long File Name (LFN) which had been activated in the ffconf.h file (the options file that comes with FatFs). The problem was that I was using filinfo.fname which refers to the 8.3 file name structure (short naming scheme).
If LFN is activated, the fields lfname and lfsize within the FILINFO struct are active. These two fields are a pointer to a char array as well as the size. Both fields must be initialized before using them like follows:
static char lfn[_MAX_LFN + 1]
//MAX_LFN is defined in ffconf.h and is 255, maximum value for LFN
filinfo.lfname = lfn;
filinfo.lfsize = sizeof lfn;
f_findfirst(&directory, &filinfo, "", "firmware_*.bin");
The documentation that also shows an example can be read here.
When LFN feature is enabled, lfname and lfsize in the file information structure must be initialized with valid value prior to use the f_readdir function. The lfname is a pointer to the string buffer to return the long file name. The lfsize is the size of the string buffer in unit of TCHAR.
lfname and lfsize would work the same for f_findfirst as with f_readdir.
This is a wrapper function of f_opendir and f_readdir

Remove file from directory - ext-like file system implementation

I have an issue. I'm currently trying to implement an ext-ish file system. I've done the inode operations such as read and write. I've created a structure that represents both a regular file and a directory. I have a problem when trying to remove a certain file from the directory.
dirremove(struct dirent *dir, struct dirent *file)
dirent_t n = {.mode = NODDIR, .inumber = remdirnod,
.r = 0, .w = 0};
strcpy(n.nm, dir->nm);
dirent_t t;
dir->r = 0;
char r = 1;
while (!dirread(dir, &t))
int tt = dir->r;
dir->r = 0;
dirent_t ff[3];
filread(ff, dir, 3 * entrysiz);
dir->r = tt;
if (!strcmp(t.nm, ""))
return 1;
if (!(!strcmp(t.nm, file->nm) && !(r = 0)))
assert(!dirappend(&n, &t));
assert(n.w == dir->w - entrysiz);
dir->w = n.w;
dir->r = n.r;
copyinode(dir->inumber, remdirnod);
return r;
This is the function called from the rm command. It takes the directory object (where the file is stored) and the file object to be deleted. I know this solution is not the best in terms of speed and memory usage but I'm still a beginner in this area, so don't hate me a lot, please :).
The function is designed to do the following. It has to read all files and check if the current is the one to be deleted. If not, the file is added to a new directory (empty in the beginning) which will replace the old one at the end of the function. The "new" directory is an entry saved entirely for this purpose, so there isn't a chance that all inodes are already used.
The test that I've done is to create a file (works fine), then remove it, then create it again and remove it. Everything works perfectly except for the second execution of the dirremove function. The directory has its dot and dot-dot directories by default so it goes through them first. The result is that the first deletion is successful. Everything works perfectly. But the second time things go wrong somewhere.
int tt = dir->r;
dir->r = 0;
dirent_t ff[3];
filread(ff, dir, 3 * entrysize;
dir->r = tt;
I added the ff array that should read the whole content of the directory and this would help me figure out if the correct files are there. On the first and second iteration, all files (".", ".." and "some-other-file") are there but at the iteration which should hold the object of the file that's to be removed the third file suddenly goes all zeroes.
I've debugged this for several hours but it continues to fail the same way.
Probably I didn't explain the failure the best way, but there are a lot of things that I forgot to say, so if I missed something please don't ignore the question and just ask about it.

Unique String generator

I want to make a program (network server-client).
One of the specification for this program is next:
The server will receive the sent packages and save it into a file, with a unique name (generated by the server at the moment the transfer starts.
Ex __tf_"unique_random_string".txt
I made a function that returns a pointer to a "unique" string created.
The problem is: If i stop the server and then start it again it will generate the same names.
Ex:this file names were generated and then i stopped the server.
I start it again and i try to generate 3 file names. Them will be the same.
Sorry for my english. I'm still learning it.
My function to generate this "unique string" is:
char *create_random_name(void)
const char charset[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
char *file_name;
int i=0;
int key;
if((file_name = malloc(16 * sizeof ( char )) ) == NULL)
printf("Failed to alloc memory space\n");
return NULL;
for(i=5 ; i<11 ; i++)
key = rand() % (int)(sizeof(charset)-1);
file_name[15] = '\0';
return file_name;
One option is saving to a file the names that have been used, and using them as a checklist. You also want to seed rand with something like srand(time(NULL)).
another is ignoring the randomisation, and just going in order, e.g. aaa, aab aac...aba ,abb etc. Again, save where your cycle is up to on a file.
Your question seems a little bit unclear but if you want to generate a unique string there are a couple of things you can consider:
Get System timestamp ( yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-fff-tt)
Use Random function to generate a random number
Combine this with your function and I am sure you will get a unique string.
Hope it helps !
If it's available, you could avoid manually generating random names that might collide and let the system do it for you (and handle collision resolution by creating a new name) by using mkstemps. This is also safer because it opens the file for you, removing the risk of a random name being generated, verified to be unique, then trying to open it and discovering another thread/process raced in and created it.
char name[] = "/path/to/put/files/in/__ft_XXXXXX.txt";
int fd = mkstemps(name, strlen(".txt"));
if (fd == -1) { ... handle error ... }
After mkstemps succeeds, name will hold the path to the file (it's mutated in place, replacing the XXXXXX string), and fd will be an open file descriptor to that newly created file; if you need a FILE*, use fdopen to convert to a stdio type.
Before calling rand(),--- once and only once---, call srand(time()) to initialize the random number generator.
Before settling on any specific file name, call stat() to assure that file name does not already exist.

Adding one Item to linked list creates two Items?

I'm trying to develop a device to copy files from one USB-drive to another, with both using the FAT-Filesystem. Therefor I use the "Vinculum II" microcontroller by FTDI. The Code is written in C.
To be able to copy all files, I need to know the names of the (sub-)directories on the drive because each of them has to be treated separately. There is a on-chip function to scan the current directory for files and sub-directories ('fat_dirTableFindFirst()' and 'fat_dirTableFindNext()').
I need to store the names of all directories (data type char *) which I received from the scan dynamically. I decided to use a linked-list. I use it like a stack (LIFO).
It's important for understanding the code, so I'll stress it again, that I have to scan each directory separately. So at first, I scan the root directory for its entries. Those ones that are further sub-directorys get pushed onto the stack.
After finishing the scan in the first directory, I grab the upper sub-directory off the stack (pop()). Then, I push the place marker "space" onto the stack, to be able to identify later, that I went into a deeper level/layer of that "directory-tree". If I don't find further directories during a scan, I move back to the last level and so on. Hence the scanning procedure should be similar to preorder traversing of a tree.
It works perfectly if there is max. one sub-directory in each directory. But if there are more than one, I get a confusing error: The first directory is pushed correctly, but all following entries appear twice on the stack! Because of that, the controller copies the same files again and again.
Single stepping through the program doesn't clearify why it happens. The code also writes the content of the stack before and after every push or pop into a .txt file with the same confusing results. It looks a bit like a push()-operation creates two Items, but only if it's called during that do...while loop.
Here's the interesting part of the code. vos_free() und vos_malloc() is equivalent to the usual free() an malloc() calls (ordner is the German word for directory or folder):
struct ordner {
char* data;
struct ordner* next;
void push(struct ordner** headRef, char* dirName)
struct ordner* newOrdner;
if (newOrdner = vos_malloc(sizeof(struct ordner)) != NULL)
newOrdner->data = dirName;
newOrdner->next = *headRef;
*headRef = newOrdner;
char* pop(struct ordner** headRef)
struct ordner* temp;
char* value = " ";
temp = *headRef;
value = *headRef->data; // "save" last element to return it
*headRef = temp->next;
return (value);
file_context_t fileToCopy; // File-Handle
struct ordner dummy;
struct ordner* head = &dummy; = NULL; = begin;
newScan: fat_dirTableFindFirst(fatContext1, &fileToCopy); if(firstRun == 0) // First filename in first scan is the name of the disk, and has to be ignored
fat_dirTableFindNext(fatContext1, &fileToCopy);
firstRun = 1;
// if the entry is a Directory, add it to the stack
if (fat_dirEntryIsDirectory(&fileToCopy) == 1)
strncpy(nextDir, (char*) &fileToCopy, 11);
push(&head, nextDir);
// The next if-statement usually cannot be true, because there can't be
// two files with the same name in one directory and the different levels/layers
// of sub-directories are separated by a place marker, but actually it becomes
// true (LEDs are flashing because of blink(3))
if (head->data == head->next->data) blink(3);
strncpy(nextFile, (char*) &fileToCopy, 11);
copyFile(fatContext1,fatContext2, nextFile); }
} while (fat_dirTableFindNext(fatContext1, &fileToCopy) == FAT_OK); // perform scan, until all items of the directory were scanned
// then the next (sub-)directory has to be opened to scan it
// there are two possibilities to proceed:
// (1) no directory found ("space" on stack) --> go back to last layer and open & scan the next directory there (if there is another one)
// (2) a new sub-directory was found --> open & scan it
change_layer: if (head != NULL)
nextDir = pop(&head); // get next Directory from stack
// Possibility (1)
if (nextDir == space)
// move back to last Directory
goto change_layer;
// Possibility (2): neue Unterordner gefunden
push(&head, space); // sign for entering next layer
// open next directory
goto newScan;
} // End while(1)
Can you tell me why it happens that one item appears twice on the stack? Is my Algorithm wrong?
After hours and hours of reasearching and coding I couldn't solve that problem.
Please forgive me my bad programming style with those assembler-like loops and my bad English (I'm from Germany :) )
Thanks in advance
Here is the declaration of a node for the linked list:
struct ordner {
char* data;
struct ordner* next;
So, the data has no storage associated with it. It is simply a pointer.
Then in your loop I do not see you call strdup() to allocate memory for a copy of the filename. You seem to be passing some buffer address directly to push() which saves a copy. This is a mistake.
I recommend that you change push() to call strdup() and save the filename. Then when you free an instance of ordner you must free data, the duplicate string, before you free the ordner instance.
Since in your design pop() also frees memory, you should change pop() so that the caller provides a buffer, and pop() copies the filename to the buffer before freeing the memory of the popped ordner instance.
You don't show where nextDir is declared, but at first glance, this seems likely:
You strncpy a directory name into nextDir. Then, you push this onto the stack. You now have for example an entry with data "dir1" on the stack.
If there is another directory within the same directory, you strncpy the next directory name into the same nextDir buffer, effectively overwriting it. You push it onto the stack. Its data pointer becomes the same nextDir buffer.
Now, both entries have the same data pointer, and the value is the value of the second entry, so the stack looks like "dir2","dir2".
If you want to have a string in each entry on the stack, you need to allocate the memory for each one (make sure you free it eventually though!)
I don't think you can declare variable like this within a while loop. The compiler might give you the same pointer over and over again.
file_context_t fileToCopy; // File-Handle
struct ordner dummy;
struct ordner* head = &dummy;
