bug with IEntity.toString()? - quickbooks-online

There seem to be a bug with calling .toString() on an entity created by createQueryEntity. If you use it in a query. It will have some garbage string "tring" in it.
IEntity queryEntity = (IEntity) GenerateQuery.createQueryEntity(Vendor.class);
Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();
start.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
Vendor vendor = (Vendor) queryEntity ;
return select($(vendor))
This would result to something like "select tring.tring.* from ..." Has anyone else seen this?

Finally figured it out. Apparently you can't call any methods on the queryEntity returned by createQueryEntity BEFORE calling select(). That means toString() or ((Vendor) queryEntity).isActive() shouldn't be called before select ($(vendor)).
The solution is to store the results of select($(vendor)) first before calling these methods.
Be careful when debugging because adding a watch expression will call toString() too.


EF Core 3.1.9 - FromRawSql using stored procedures stopped working - 'The underlying reader doesn't have as many fields as expected.'

At one point using FromSqlRaw to call stored procedures worked for me. I did not change anything in the project but now calling any stored procedure using FromSqlRaw returns
The underlying reader doesn't have as many fields as expected
I removed the model from the project and performed a BUILD. Then added the model back with no luck. I reduced the model and stored procedure to return a single column, no luck.
I tried adding Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational as a dependency, no luck. All my unit test that use FromSqlRaw to call a stored procedure return the same error and at one time they all worked.
I have received Windows updates but nothing I know about that would have affected EF Core. I have run through all internet problem solving I can find. I am starting to think I will need to use ADO as a work around but I do not want a work around when it worked for me at one point. Something changed on my machine but I am not sure what to cause this problem.
Here is my test method in case my code is messed up. It is very straight forward not much to mess up. I tried the "var" out of desperation.
public void WorkOrderBOMGridABS()
List<WorkOrderBOMGridABS> baseList = new List<WorkOrderBOMGridABS>();
using (WorkOrderDataContext context = new WorkOrderDataContext())
var param = new SqlParameter[] {
new SqlParameter() {
ParameterName = "#WorkOrderId",
SqlDbType = System.Data.SqlDbType.Int,
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Input,
Value = 38385
baseList = context.WorkOrderBOMGridABS.FromSqlRaw("[dbo].[WorkOrderBOMGridABS] #WorkOrderId", param).ToList();
//var results = context.WorkOrderBOMGridABS.FromSqlRaw("[dbo].[WorkOrderBOMGridABS] #WorkOrderId", param).ToList();
I was using an old table to get the Unit Of Measure value that had an integer ID value. I switched it to use a new table with a VARCHAR ID value. Making this change to the stored proc and model code allowed the FromRawSql to work. Not sure why because while the integer ID value was getting an integer, either 0 or number other than 0, it was a valid value for the model. Any error message I received did not mention this UnitId field. It was a pain but I am glad it is resolved. At least until the next error I run into that much is guaranteed.

Access $firebaseObject value with variable instead of string

I need to assign a variable to a string and pass that variable to a Firebase query in a $firebaseObject. But, when I try this, the firebaseObject is null. I tried with directly putting the string in and it works, but I don't want that.
//var itemkey='-JyO7Zsgsucf5ESttJwt';
var itemkey=window.localStorage['fbid'];-------> string: '-JyO7Zsgsucf5ESttJwt'
console.log(typeof itemkey); ------------------> string
$scope.galphoto = $firebaseObject(ref.child(itemkey));
console.log($scope.galphoto) ------------------> null
When I call
$scope.galphoto = $firebaseObject(ref.child(itemkey));
With itemkey='-JyO7Zsgsucf5ESttJwt',
then console.log($scope.galphoto) is properly shown. However, when I use what I really want to use,
then console.log($scope.galphoto) is null.
I think you may be trying to console.log the result before it's available. $firebaseObject returns the data with some delay. You may try to do something like
$scope.galphoto = $firebaseObject(ref.child(itemkey));
$scope.galphoto.$loaded().then(function () {
You should see the expected result, since you're waiting for the promise to respond. It could help you better understand how to get the desired result.

Using Active Record pattern in CakePHP, and avoiding passing arrays around

As my CakePHP 2.4 app gets bigger, I'm noticing I'm passing a lot of arrays around in the model layer. Cake has kinda led me down this path because it returns arrays, not objects, from it's find calls. But more and more, it feels like terrible practice.
For example, in my Job model, I've got a method like this:
public function durationInSeconds($job) {
return $job['Job']['estimated_hours'] * 3600; // convert to seconds
Where as I imagine that using active record patter, it should look more like this:
public function durationInSeconds() {
return $this->data['Job']['estimated_hours'] * 3600; // convert to seconds
(ie, take no parameter, and assume the current instance represents the Job you want to work with)
Is that second way better?
And if so, how do I use it when, for example, I'm looping through the results of a find('all') call? Cake returns an array - do I loop through that array and do a read for every single row? (seems a waste to re-fetch the info from the database)
Or should I implement a kind of setActiveRecord method that emulates read, like this:
function setActiveRecord($row){
$this->id = $row['Job']['id'];
$this->dtaa = $row;
Or is there a better way?
EDIT: The durationInSeconds method was just a simplest possible example. I know for that particular case, I could use virtual fields. But in other cases I've got methods that are somewhat complex, where virtual fields won't do.
The best solution depends on the issue you need to solve. But if you have to make a call to a function for each result row, perhaps it is necessary to redesign the query taking all the necessary data.
In this case that you have shown, you can use simply a virtual Field on Job model:
$this->virtualFields = array(
'duration_in_seconds' => 'Job.estimated_hours * 3600',
..and/or you can use a method like this:
public function durationInSeconds($id = null) {
if (!empty($id)) {
$this->id = $id;
return $this->field('estimated_hours') * 3600; // convert to seconds

Change Value of ParamInfo after adding to DynamicParameters?

I'm calling a stored proc in a foreach loop and would like to change the value of one of the parameters on each iteration. Currently, there doesn't seem to be any way to access the parameters once they've been added to DynamicParameters although from reading the source, I can see that DynamicParameters does keep an internal Dictionary. Any reason why this isn't public or if there's another way to get at the ParamInfos to change values?
What I have currently:
foreach ( var fooID in fooIDs )
var dynamicParameters = new DynamicParameters();
dynamicParameters.Add( ParameterNames.BarID, barID );
dynamicParameters.Add( ParameterNames.FooID, fooID);
connection.Execute( ProcNames.MyProc, dynamicParameters, commandType:CommandType.StoredProcedure );
Re-Add the parameter.
// Call Add() with new values.
dynamicParameters.Add(ParameterNames.BarID, differentBarID);
There is no real reason DynamicParameters is so secret about what it does, the ParamInfo class could be exposed and I would be happy to provide proper iteration/modification properties and/or methods. If you feel like you would like to pitch in, please submit a patch.
In the mean time you can simply implement IDynamicParameters which is the trivial interface we use to dispatch this to the underlying command, in your app. You can use DynamicParameters as a starting point.

why does gql query result cause exception when calling get()

I am attempting to retrieve an entry from my datastore with this:
query = UserData.gql("WHERE mDeviceId = :1", id)
Utils.log("my Object:" + str(query))
entry = query.get()
It just so happens that the variable 'id' doesn't even exist (typo), so I know how to fix this, but I don't understand why the result I get won't let me call get() on it. When I do, I get the error:
Exception: Unsupported type for property : <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
Normally I just check if entry == None to see if I get no results. Does anyone know why this occurs and if I should be doing my checks for None differently, in case I have such typos in the future?
A variable named id is not defined in your code, so it passes the builtin function id, and QL complains that it's getting a function when it expected a value (integer?).
Check to make sure you're assigning id a value before you use it.
Even better, don't shadow builtins with your own variables-- it'll cause confusing errors like this. :-)
