sql server date stored in table comparing with the system date - sql-server

really struggling to convert the below date format 10.11.2013 in the format
of the system date.
I have a request to compare column data with the system date.
In the column the date is storing as DD.MM.YYYY
Or we need to convert system date (getdate()) to the date values stored in the database table.
Thanks in Advance

try this:
convert system date (getdate()) to the date values stored in the
database table.
Gives formats as DD.MM.YYYY
select CONVERT( CHAR(10),GETDATE(),104) -- outputs 11.09.2014
with Your Column
select CONVERT( CHAR(10),MyColumn,104)


Convert unix date to utc [duplicate]

I have a problem in converting the Unix timestamp to sql server timestamp.
I have a data in excel sheet and I will import that data through a tool. So I am looking for a code or syntax which can convert that Epoch timestamp to sql server timestamp.
I have 3 different columns with the same format. How can I change the values in those columns.
For Example:
Epoch timestamp ---1291388960
sql server timestamp--- 2010-12-03 15:09:20.000
I have 3 different columns with the same format. How can I change the values in those columns.
To update 3 columns in a table, you can pair DATEADD seconds to the epoch (1 Jan 1970) with the column name, i.e.
update tbl set
datetimecol1 = dateadd(s, epochcol1, '19700101'),
datetimecol2 = dateadd(s, epochcol2, '19700101'),
datetimecol3 = dateadd(s, epochcol3, '19700101')
You can't update in place since a bigint column cannot also be a datetime column. You have to update them into 3 other columns.
Use the DATEADD function:
SELECT DATEADD(ss, 1291388960, '19700101')
...specifying a date of January 1st, 1970. In this example, it was provided in the YYYYMMDD format.
DATEADD will return a DATETIME data type, so if you have a table & column established -- you can use the function to INSERT/UPDATE depending on your needs. Provide details, and I'll clarify. Once you have a DATETIME to work with, you can use CAST or CONVERT to format the date in TSQL.

Comparing dates with current date in Sql server

I have a table which has list of some events with dates. I am trying to write a stored procedure that will return only the upcoming events.
I have written the following query in the stored procedure:
FROM Events
WHERE tDate >= (select CAST(GETDATE() as DATE))
But this is not returning correct result. This is also showing results that have dates less than current date. How to write a query that will return all the events that have date equal or greater than today's date.
Edit: Dates that have been entered on the table have the format yyyy/dd/mm and getdate() returns date in the format yyyy/mm/dd. I think this is causing the problem. Dates that have been entered into the table has been taken using jquery date picker. Any solution to this problem?
Not sure why you have an additional select
FROM Events
your DATE data is incorrectly stored within Sql Server. When your application passes the string '2015-09-04' and you save that your date column, it is saved as 4th Sept 2015 and not 9th April 2015. Hence your query returns such rows as they are greater than GETDATE().
DECLARE #D VARCHAR(10) = '2015-09-04'
you need to fix your data and then use a CONVERT with style when saving dates in your table from application, using something like this. CONVERT(DATE, '20150409',112)
DECLARE #D VARCHAR(10) = '20150409'
Refer these threads for more info:
Impossible to store certain datetime formats in SQL Server
Cast and Convert

how to know the format of a date

hi i am trying to update my tables consisting of dates i am encountering errors due to white spaces the date fields was given a varchar type by the pass programmer i want to convert my dates to this format mm/dd/yyyy but it seems the date fields are littered with this type of date APRIL 8, 2014 the question is how would i know that the date being updated are in this format sample APRIL 8, 2014? before updating it to proper format e.g mm/dd/yyyy
i have tried this SELECT convert(datetime, date_field, 101) but still it gives error
any suggestions?
The date and time datatypes in SQL Server do not have any implicit format. They are stored in an internal representation. The formatting is only applied when they are presented to a user on-screen or in a report etc. To store dates in a varchar() column was a mistake by the previous programmer which you should not repeat. Add a new column to your table of type date (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb630352.aspx). Copy values from the current varchar to this new column, converting as you go. Both these statements work
select CONVERT(date, 'APRIL 8, 2014')
select CONVERT(date, '04/08/2014')
To be sure these are the only combinations you should do some analysis on the current values using regular expressions (outside of SQL) or SUBSTRING() (inside SQL).
Drop the old varchar and rename the new date column. You may have to drop and re-create constraints, indexes and foreign keys etc.
When passing these values back to the application keep them in date format. Let the user interface or reporting application format the date however it needs to.

SQL Server: How to query date in a certain format

I am pretty new to SQL and hope someone here can help me with the following:
I have a table in SQL Server with one column storing dates and I have a simple stored procedure to select data from this table.
Currently it fetches the date including hours and minutes.
How can I achieve that it fetches the date in format yyyy-mm-dd (without the hours and minutes) ?
My column is called "logDate" and my table is called "logTable".
Thanks for any help with this, Tim
If you only want to store the date, convert the column to a date type, not a datetime.
If you want to keep the date and time in the data, but just display the date
select convert(date, logDate) from logTable
If you want to return the date as a string, use convert
select convert(varchar(10), logDate, 120) from logTable

SQL Server 2008 - date format issue while inserting

I am trying to insert date into a table but the date and format of inserted date is messed up. The datatype in the table is Date. My insert script is as below.
insert into Trans(ID, TDate, Description)
values(1, CONVERT(datetime, 25-02-2012, 101), 'Opening')
I am trying to insert in dd/MM/yyyy format and I want it in the same format in my table. But in my table the date is 1894-07-22 !!
I want the date to be inserted exactly as the format I wish and I want to see the inserted date as 25-02-2012 in the table.
What is wrong here ? Can somebody help ?
Try CONVERT(datetime ,'25-02-2012', 103)
use some single quotes around the value
choose your format accordingly (101 is US, meaning mm/dd/yyyy)
see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187928(v=sql.100).aspx for more details
you should use single quotes around your date. If you want date format of dd/mm/yyyy format then you will want to use the convert(datetime, '25-02-2012', 103)
insert into Trans(ID,TDate,Description)
if you use convert(varchar, getdate(), 101) the format of the date will be mm/dd/yyyy.
There are several helpful links to use as a reference for datetime conversions:
How to format datetime & date
Tips & tricks SQL Server Date formats
insert into emp
