MSSQL - Extract second from time - sql-server

I'm new to Microsoft SQL Server. And I wanted to extract second from the time datatype.
I've got experience in PostgreSQL and I extract the second the using this function.
But in Microsoft SQL Server, I found this function -
DATEDIFF(second, 0, timestamp)
Which gives me the second if the time is less the 24 hours.
But when I try a query like this.
SELECT SUM(DATEDIFF(second, '0:00:00', '86:01:12'))
It gives me a error that.
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
Searching for a solution from Saturday and couldn't find it.
Some one help me out, how can I convert the time datatype which is greater then 24 hours to seconds.
Thanks in advance.

Maybe not the best way, but you can basically explode it to hours, minutes and seconds, then add them all up. If I understand right what you wish to do is to convert a time format to seconds.
This works on 2008 R2
DECLARE #inputTime AS VARCHAR(10) = '86:01:12'
DECLARE #timeSec AS INT = SUBSTRING(#inputTime,1,2) * 3600 + SUBSTRING(#inputTime,4,2) * 60 + SUBSTRING(#inputTime,7,2)
PRINT #timeSec
You can do this as a one-liner, to nest it in any of your queries:
SELECT SUBSTRING('86:01:12',1,2) * 3600 + SUBSTRING('86:01:12',4,2) * 60 + SUBSTRING('86:01:12',7,2)
As you can see it will treat it as a String, get the first two chars as hours, multiply by 3600 (60 seconds in a minute * 60 minutes in an hour). Next take the minutes and multiply them by 60 (60 seconds in a minute), and last add the seconds up, which is * 1 since that is the resolution you are looking for.
For easier use, you can create a function, and use that onwards to make your code less messy:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.stampSeconds (#inputTime VARCHAR(10))
DECLARE #timeSec AS INT = SUBSTRING(#inputTime,1,2) * 3600 + SUBSTRING(#inputTime,4,2) * 60 + SUBSTRING(#inputTime,7,2)
RETURN #timeSec
Which you can then use like:
SELECT dbo.stampSeconds ('29:07:01')


SQL Server Function to calculate minutes from hours and minutes

Is there a way to convert a value in H.M format in the a field like (1.2 means 1 hour 20 min) to 80 minutes?
i tried to use a function func_Split to split the Hours and minutes but got stuck on how to add the hours to minutes and bring the result to the select query.
A handy function you can use for this is parsename
declare #value decimal(4,2)=1.2
select ParseName(#value,2)*60 + ParseName(#value,1)
An alternative method would be with some arithmetic on the integer and decimal place values:
SELECT (CONVERT(int,YourColumn) * 60) + ((YourColumn % 1) * 100)
FROM dbo.YourTable;
FROM yourtable

SQL Server : measuring real-time efficiency by operator

I've been working on some SQL code to measure efficiency in real-time for some production data. Here's a quick background:
Operators will enter in data for specific sub assemblies. This data looks something like this:
ID PO W/S Status Operator TotalTime Date
60129515_2000_6_S025 107294 S025 Completed A 38 05/08/2020
60129515_2000_7_S025 107294 S025 Completed A 46 05/08/2020
60129515_2000_8_S025 107294 S025 Completed A 55 05/08/2020
60129515_2025_6_S020 107295 S020 Completed B 58 05/08/2020
60129515_2025_7_S020 107295 S020 Completed B 47 05/08/2020
60129515_2025_8_S020 107295 S020 Completed B 45 05/08/2020
60129515_2000_1_S090 107294 S090 Completed C 33 05/08/2020
60129515_2000_2_S090 107294 S090 Completed C 34 05/08/2020
60129515_2000_3_S090 107294 S090 Completed C 21 05/08/2020
The relevant columns are the Operator, TotalTime and Date (note that the date is stored as varchar(50) because it plays nicer with Microsoft PowerApps that way).
What I need to do is:
Aggregate the sum of "TotalTime" grouped by Operator
Calculate the time elapsed based on a condition:
If between 7AM and 4PM, calculate the time elapsed since 7AM of the current day
If after 4PM, return the total time between 7AM and 4PM of the current day
Divide the SUM(TotalTime) by the TimeElapsed (AKA the first list item / second list item) in order to get a rough estimate of labor hours worked vs. hours passed in the day.
This calculation would change every time the query was ran. This will allow the Microsoft PowerApp that is pulling this query to refresh the efficiency measure in real time. I've taken a stab at it already - see below:
THEN (SUM(isNull(md.TotalTime, 0)) + SUM(isNull(md.DelTime, 0))) * 1.0 / DATEDIFF(MINUTE, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(DATE, DATEADD(HOUR, -5, GETUTCDATE()))) + '7:00' , DATEADD(HOUR, -5, GETUTCDATE())) * 100.0
ELSE (SUM(isNull(md.TotalTime, 0)) + SUM(isNull(md.DelTime, 0))) / 420 * 100.0
END AS OpEfficiency
[Master Data] AS md
md.[Date] = CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEADD(HOUR, -5, GETUTCDATE()), 101)
Note: the DelTime is a different column regarding delay times. I am also converting back from UTC time to avoid any time zone issues when transferring to PowerApps.
However, this is horribly inefficient. I am assuming it is because the Date needs to be converted to datetime every single time. Would it work better if I had a calculated column that already had the date converted? Or is there a better way to calculate time elapsed since a certain time?
Thanks in advance.
There are a few things you can do to increase efficiency considerably. First, you want to make sure SQL can do a simple comparison when selecting rows, so you'll start by calculating a string to match your date on since your [Date] field is a string not a date.
Second, calculate the minutes in your shift (either 540 for a full shift or scaled down to 0 at 7 AM exactly) ahead of time so you aren't calculating minutes in each row.
Third, when summing for operators, use a simple sum on the minutes and calculate efficiency from that sum and your pre-calculated shift so far minutes.
One note - I'm casting the minutes-so-far as FLOAT in my example, maybe not the best type but it's clearer than other decimal types like DECIMAL(18,6) or whatever. Pick something that will show the scale you want.
My example uses a Common Table Expression to generate that date string and minutes-so-far FLOAT, that's nice because it fits in a direct query, view, function, or stored procedure, but you could DECLARE variables instead if you wanted to.
By filtering with an INNER JOIN on the [Date] string against the pre-calculated TargetDate string, I make sure the data set is pared down to the fewest records before doing any math on anything. You'll definitely want to INDEX [Date] to keep this fast as your table fills up.
All these together should give a pretty fast query, good luck
with cteNow as ( --Calculate once, up front - date as string, minutes elapsed as FLOAT (or any non-integer)
--4PM in UTC-5, expressed in minutes
THEN CONVERT(float,(16-7)*60) --minutes in (4 PM-7 AM) * 60 minutes/hour
ELSE --Assume nobody is running this at 6 AM, so ELSE = between 7 and 4
--Minutes since midnight minus minutes from midnight to 7 AM, shifted by
--UTS offset of 5 hours
END as MinutesToday --Minutes in today's shift so far
, FORMAT(DATEADD(HOUR,-5,GETUTCDATE()),'MM/dd/yyyy') as TargetDate --Date to search for
--as a string so no conversion in every row comparison. Also, index [Date] column
SELECT md.Operator, SUM(md.TotalTime) as TotalTime, SUM(md.TotalTime) / MinutesToday as Efficiency
FROM [Master Data] AS md INNER JOIN cteNow as N on N.TargetDate = md.[Date]
GROUP BY md.Operator, MinutesToday
BTW, you didn't make allowances for lunch or running before 7 AM, so I also ignored those. I think both could be addressed in cteNOW without adding much complexity.

Convert from 4 digit Military time to Standard time

I am using SQL Server 2016 and I'm trying to convert military time to standard time. The military time is a 4 digit integer and I'm trying to get the standard time format (00:00 am/pm).
I ran a simple CASE statement that made it standard but without ':' and 'am/pm'.
WHEN SA_BEGTIME between 0 and 1259 then SA_BEGTIME
WHEN SA_BEGTIME between 1300 and 2400 then SA_BEGTIME - 1200
END as Time
How do I convert it so that it is in the right format: '00:00 am/pm'
Thank you!
You can split it into parts with integer division and modulo, cast it to a VARCHAR and then you can convert it to a TIME:
declare #x int = 109
select cast(cast(#x / 100 as varchar(2)) + ':' + cast(#x % 100 as varchar(2)) as time)
Or you can use the new TIMEFROMPARTS() function (SQL Server 2012+):
declare #x int = 109
select TIMEFROMPARTS(#x / 100,#x % 100, 0, 0, 0)
You can then format it however you'd like.
Assuming your data is stored as an integer, and also assuming there is not invalid time stored (i.e. values above 2400 or below 0) you can use the following:
declare #TheTime int = 900
select right(convert(varchar(20),
cast(stuff(right('0000' + convert(varchar(4),#TheTime),4),3,0,':')
as datetime),100),7)
Sorry for the density of the solution. This is what I did:
Convert #TheTime to varchar(4)
Add a string of zeros at the front
Take the rightmost 4 characters from this new string
Stuff a colon sign in the middle of this new string
Cast the string as datetime
Convert back to string using 100 as the style indicator to get AM/PM
Get the right most 7 characters of the string.
I am sure there are more elegant ways, but this one works for me quite well.
I'm using the solution that #BaconBits provided but I had to make a tweak because 2400 was a valid representation but it failed with that code. Here's the tweaked solution:
declare #x int = 2400
select TIMEFROMPARTS((#x / 100) % 24,#x % 100, 0, 0, 0)
I needed to convert a datetime field where the time was military to just the time in AM/PM format. This worked beautifully.
Left(convert(varchar(20), cast(MyDateField as time),100),7)
You can use convert to get n appropriate presentation of time.
declare #mt varchar(4) = '1500'
select convert(varchar, cast(left(#mt, 2) + ':' + right(#mt, 2) as time), 0)

Weeding out lengthy Durations

I only want to keep durations less than 10 minutes long. my current code is as follows:
Duration = DateDiff(ss, TimeBegin, TimeEnd)
TimeBegin and TimeEnd are in TIME format. Obviously Duration right now comes back as:
That's where I'm running into trouble. Can I use a statement that looks like this:
<= 00:10:00 or <= '00:10:00'
Essentially I want:
Duration = (Datediff(ss, TimeBegin, TimeEnd) *ONLY IF LESS THAN 10 MINUTESg)
I already state earlier in the query that if no result is returned to create a NULL, so when a duration is Greater than 10 minutes, I just want it to be ignored as if it didn't exist.
DateDiff(ss, TimeBegin, TimeEnd) gives you the difference in seconds. Just use a Case statement to return the value only if that's under 600 (...ELSE Null is implied):
set #Duration = CASE
WHEN DateDiff(ss, #TimeBegin, #TimeEnd) < 600
THEN DateDiff(ss, #TimeBegin, #TimeEnd)
Agreed with #aucuparia. But (this is for topic starter) be careful with using datediffs is seconds instead of minutes. Their behavior isn't the same, like months/years datediffs. I mean server rounds your operands:
select datediff(mi,'2014-05-15 19:00:00','2014-05-15 19:10:59')
is not the same like
select datediff(ss,'2014-05-15 19:00:00','2014-05-15 19:10:59')
Just execute them both and see the difference. The first one still is 10-minutes difference, but the second will be cut off by 600-seconds 'where' clause.

SQL: Is it possible to SUM() fields of INTERVAL type?

I am trying to sum INTERVAL. E.g.
Is it possible to write a query that would work both on Oracle and SQL Server? If so, how?
Edit: changed DATE to INTERVAL
I'm afraid you're going to be out of luck with a solution which works in both Oracle and MSSQL. Date arithmetic is something which is very different on the various flavours of DBMS.
Anyway, in Oracle we can use dates in straightforward arithmetic. And we have a function NUMTODSINTERVAL which turns a number into a DAY TO SECOND INTERVAL. So let's put them together.
Simple test data, two rows with pairs of dates rough twelve hours apart:
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'
2 /
Session altered.
SQL> select * from t42
2 /
D1 D2
-------------------- --------------------
27-jul-2010 12:10:26 27-jul-2010 00:00:00
28-jul-2010 12:10:39 28-jul-2010 00:00:00
Simple SQL query to find the sum of elapsed time:
SQL> select numtodsinterval(sum(d1-d2), 'DAY')
2 from t42
3 /
+000000001 00:21:04.999999999
Just over a day, which is what we would expect.
"Edit: changed DATE to INTERVAL"
Working with TIMESTAMP columns is a little more labourious, but we can still work the same trick.
In the following sample. T42T is the same as T42 only the columns have TIMESTAMP rather than DATE for their datatype. The query extracts the various components of the DS INTERVAL and converts them into seconds, which are then summed and converted back into an INTERVAL:
SQL> select numtodsinterval(
2 sum(
3 extract (day from (t1-t2)) * 86400
4 + extract (hour from (t1-t2)) * 3600
5 + extract (minute from (t1-t2)) * 600
6 + extract (second from (t1-t2))
7 ), 'SECOND')
8 from t42t
9 /
+000000001 03:21:05.000000000
At least this result is in round seconds!
Ok, after a bit of hell, with the help of the stackoverflowers' answers I've found the solution that fits my needs.
This returns a float (which is totally fine for me) that represents days both on Oracle ant SQL Server.
The reason I added zero to both DATEs is because in my case date columns on Oracle DB are of TIMESTAMP type and on SQL Server are of DATETIME type (which is obviously weird). So adding zero to TIMESTAMP on Oracle works just like casting to date and it does not have any effect on SQL Server DATETIME type.
Thank you guys! You were really helpful.
You can't sum two datetimes. It wouldn't make sense - i.e. what does 15:00:00 plus 23:59:00 equal? Some time the next day? etc
But you can add a time increment by using a function like Dateadd() in SQL Server.
In SQL Server as long as your individual timespans are all less than 24 hours you can do something like
SELECT '00:02:00'
SELECT '23:02:00'
SELECT '17:02:00'
--UNION ALL SELECT '24:02:00' /*This line would fail!*/
SummedTimes As
SELECT cast(SUM(CAST(TimeSpan AS FLOAT)) as datetime) AS [Summed] FROM TIMES
FROM SummedTimes
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 17 7 0
If you wanted to handle timespans greater than 24 hours I think you'd need to look at CLR integration and the TimeSpan structure. Definitely not portable!
Edit: SQL Server 2008 has a DateTimeOffset datatype that might help but that doesn't allow either SUMming or being cast to float
I also do not think this is possible. Go with custom solutions that calculates the date value according to your preferences.
You can also use this:
EXTRACT (DAY FROM call_end_Date - call_start_Date)*86400 +
EXTRACT (HOUR FROM call_end_Date - call_start_Date)*3600 +
EXTRACT (MINUTE FROM call_end_Date - call_start_Date)*60 +
extract (second FROM call_end_Date - call_start_Date) as interval
from table;
You Can write you own aggregate function :-). Please read carefully
You must create object type and its body by template, and next aggregate function what using this object:
create or replace type Sum_Interval_Obj as object
-- Object for creating and support custom aggregate function
duration interval day to second, -- In this property You sum all interval
-- Object Init
static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(
actx IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj
) return number,
-- Iterate getting values from dataset
member function ODCIAggregateIterate(
self IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj,
ad_interval IN interval day to second
) return number,
-- Merge parallel summed data
member function ODCIAggregateMerge(
self IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj,
ctx2 IN Sum_Interval_Obj
) return number,
-- End of query, returning summary result
member function ODCIAggregateTerminate
self IN Sum_Interval_Obj,
returnValue OUT interval day to second,
flags IN number
) return number
create or replace type body Sum_Interval_Obj is
-- Object Init
static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(
actx IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj
) return number
actx := Sum_Interval_Obj(numtodsinterval(0,'SECOND'));
return ODCIConst.Success;
end ODCIAggregateInitialize;
-- Iterate getting values from dataset
member function ODCIAggregateIterate(
self IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj,
ad_interval IN interval day to second
) return number
self.duration := self.duration + ad_interval;
return ODCIConst.Success;
when others then
return ODCIConst.Error;
end ODCIAggregateIterate;
-- Merge parallel calculated intervals
member function ODCIAggregateMerge(
self IN OUT Sum_Interval_Obj,
ctx2 IN Sum_Interval_Obj
) return number
self.duration := self.duration + ctx2.duration; -- Add two intervals
-- return = All Ok!
return ODCIConst.Success;
when others then
return ODCIConst.Error;
end ODCIAggregateMerge;
-- End of query, returning summary result
member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(
self IN Sum_Interval_Obj,
returnValue OUT interval day to second,
flags IN number
) return number
-- return = All Ok, too!
returnValue := self.duration;
return ODCIConst.Success;
end ODCIAggregateTerminate;
-- You own new aggregate function:
a_Interval interval day to second
) RETURN interval day to second
Last, check your function:
select sum_interval(duration)
from (select numtodsinterval(1,'SECOND') as duration from dual union all
select numtodsinterval(1,'MINUTE') as duration from dual union all
select numtodsinterval(1,'HOUR') as duration from dual union all
select numtodsinterval(1,'DAY') as duration from dual);
Finally You can create SUM function, if you want.
