Objectify cache hit/miss and quotas - google-app-engine

I have launched a new web app this month. I'm trying to understand why I'm getting such a high datastore read value, even though all my entities are cached.
So, my main point of misunderstanding is this. in the total quota overview for this month I have 1.12 M read operations in the datastore.
But when I go to the memcache section in the console, it tells me the hit ratio is 96.35% and the numbers are: 1,457,499 hit / 55,177 miss
First of all, is it true that these numbers are per month or are they per day?
Second, how is this possible?
I know that reads in transactions don't user the cache. But I do not make heavy use of transactions. Is there anything other than transactions that can cause this?

If you want more insight into your Objectify memcache hit rates, mount the MemcacheStatsServlet (or look at its code and do something similar). This will provide your cache hit ratio broken down by Kind.
Keep in mind that since it is reporting for just one instance (whichever you happen to hit with your request for stats), this is only a representative sample of what is going on in your cluster.


Google app engine - Sudden Increase of Datastore Read Operations

I'm maintaining a blog app(blog.wokanxing.info, it's in Chinese) for myself which was built upon Google app engine. It's been like two or three years since first deployment and I've never met any quota issue because its simpicity and small visit count.
However since early last month, I noticed that from time to time the app reported 500 server error, and in admin panel it shows a mysterious fast consumption of free datatstore read operation quota. Within a single hour about 10% of free read quota (~5k ops) are consumed, but I'm counting only a dozen requests that involve datastore read ops, 30 tops, which means an average 150 to 200 read op per request, which sounds impossible to me.
I've not commited any change to my codebase for months, and I'm not seeing any change in datastore or quote policy either. Despite that, it also confuses me how such consumption can be made. I use memcache a lot, which leaves first page the biggest player, which fetch the first threads using Post.all.order('-date').fetch(10, offset). Other request merely fetch a single model using Post.get_by_key_name and iterates post.comment_set.
Sorry for my poor English, but can anyone give me some clues? Thanks.
From Admin console check your log.
Do not check for errors only, rather check all types of messages inside the log.
Look for the requests made by robots/web crawlers. In most cases, you can detect such "users" by words "robot" or "bot" (well, if they are honest...).
The first thing you can do is to edit your "robot" file. For more detail read How to identify web-crawler? . Also, GAE has help for use of "robot" file.
If that fails, try to detect IP address used by bot/bots. Using GAE Admin console put such addresses in blacklist and check your quota consumption again.

Google App Engine low memcache performance

Memcache is one of those things where the solution could be absolutely anything, and no one ever really gives a decent answer, maybe because there is none. So I'm not looking for a direct answer, but maybe just something to get me going in the right direction.
For a typical request, here is my AppStats info:
So, out of a total 440 ms request, I spend 342 ms in memcache. And here I figured memcache was supposed to be lightning fast. I must be doing something wrong.
Looking at my memcache statistics in my admin console, I have this:
Hit count: 3848
Miss count: 21382
Hit ratio: 15%
I'm no expert on this stuff, but I'm pretty sure 15% is terrible.
The typical request above is a bit too detailed to explain, but basically, I create and put a new entity, which also updates and puts a parent entity, which also updates and puts any users associated with the parent entity.
Throughout all this, I always get by key, never query. Oh and I'm using NDB, so all the basic memcache stuff is handled automatically. So I never actually touch memcache manually on my own in my code.
Any ideas?
Edit: Here is the breakdown of my request
So I only have 2 datastore gets and 2 puts. The rest is automatically handled memcache stuff. Why is it doing so much work? Would I be better off handling this stuff manually?
Let's take a closer look at your data. Seven memcache writes took as much time as two datastore writes. This actually proves that memcache is, like, 3.5 times faster than Datastore.
If a typical request to your application requires updates of at least three database entities--followed by an update of more entities (the users associated), you can't make this operation "lightning fast." Memcache helps when you read entries much more frequently than you write them. If the amount of reads and writes to a User's record are on par, you should consider turning cache off for this model.
You can also try asynchronous operations and task queues. From your description, it looks like you try to first update the entity, and update its parent only after the update completes because it's natural. You may run these concurrently; this probably will require some refactoring, but it's worth it.
Second, updating "all the associated users" may be, perhaps. deferred to a task spawned in background; Task Queues have a very convenient interface for this. The "associated users" won't be updated immediately, but they probably don't need to! However, the latency of your request will be less then.

any number on Google App Engine free quota in terms of total number of request and unique visitors

Does anyone have any number on Google App Engine (free quota) in terms of total number of request and unique visitors it allows per day?
Maybe someone who has live production code can tell us this?
Rough number is enough, just to get the idea.
I can not get this information from the pricing model.
I had this question when I first started using App Engine, but it's impossible to answer with the information in your question.
You must have an estimate on the individual API quota usages, then calculate based on that.
You might be able to simplify it by trying to figure out which API quota you're likely to hit first, and then figuring out the number of requests you can serve before that quota runs out. ie:
Storing photos or other large data for users? You'll probably hit the blobstore quota first. Daily/unique visitor counts probably won't matter.
Serving lots of photos or large data? You'll probably hit the bandwidth quota first.
Need to start a channel for every view? You'll probably hit the channel quota first and get 100 views per day.
Need to send an email for every view? You'll probably hit the mail quota first.
Need to query the datastore a lot? You'll probably hit the datastore limit first.
The datastore limit is the hardest to calculate. You get 50k read and 50k write ops. Most likely you'd read more than write.
If you need 2 read ops per page, you might could do 25k views per day.
If you need 2 read ops per page, but you're smart and you memcache them, and memcache is effective 80% of the time, you could get 125k views per day.
If you need 500 read ops per page and you can't cache it, you can do 100 views per day. That's provided you don't run out of one of the other quotas.
Do your own math.
The quotas and rates (for free and paid apps) are listed on https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.

Google App Engine HRD - what if I exceed the 1 write per second limit for writing to the entity group?

According to the Google App Engine documentation, writing to one entity group is limited to one write per second when using High Replication Datastore. So...
What happens if I exceed this limit? Some kind of exception? And what should I do?
How do I know that I'm close to exceeding this limit? I can design the application in a way that particular actions (adding an entity...) are not likely to happen often but naturally I can't guarantee that.
Based on the GAE documentation and from my limited experience:
Expect something like 1 QPS rate and tune your app accordingly.
Sharding is a common pattern to handle datastore contention.
Always add defensive code to handle every possible exception (Application Error 5, The datastore operation timed out, Transaction collision for entity group, ..)
In case of error, retry the write moving the task in a proper taskqueue or, if you can, just alert the user to try again.
Retrying a write, usually works.
When possible, use a write-behind cache mechanism moving the writes operation that can lead to contention to Memcache and a Taskqueue slowing down the datastore hit rate.
A good way to avoid contention is to keep the entity groups small, but don't count on it too much.
You can have contention even on single entity.
one write per second is a little low. it actually supports more than that. i would even say between 5 and 10 writes per second but i can't guarantee that of course.
if you hit that limit you will get an exception yes. the exception message will be:
Too much contention on these datastore entities. please try again.
but i don't know/remember the exact Exception that will raise.
you have the choice to retry, continue or whatever else you think is right to to at that point.
you can't tell if you are close to a 1 write per second limit. it happens and you deal with it.

How often does memcache on Google AppEngine lose data?

Memcache in general and on AppEngine in specific is unreliable in the sense that my data may be deleted from the cache for whatever reason at any point in time. However, in some cases there might be cases where a small risk may be worth the added performance using memcache could give, such as updating some data in memcache that gets saved periodically to some other, more reliable storage. Are there any numbers from Google that could give me an indication of the actual probability that a memcache entry would be lost from the cache before its expiration time, given that I keep within my quotas?
Are there any reasons other than hardware failure and administrative operations such as machines at the data centers being upgraded/moved/replaced that would cause entries to be removed from memcache prematurely?
Memcache, like any cache, should be used as... a cache. If you can't find something in the cache, there must be a strategy to find it in permanent storage.
In addition to the reasons you mention, Memcache and other caching approaches have limits to the amount of items they will hold (discarding usually the least recently used ones when the cache is full), and often also set other cache invalidation policies (e.g. flush everything unused for one hour).
If you don't configure and operate the cache yourself, you have NO guarantee of when and how items might be removed from the cache intentionally / by design.
Any concrete answer you get to this question is 100% subject to change.
That said, I've used memcache under light loads to accumulate data for 15 minutes or so before writing it all to the Datastore. This was for totally non-critical analytic data though. Do not depend on it.
It's not that data can be lost, but that if it is lost, it can be easily regained.
For example, using it to store data from the datastore is ideal, in that if a piece of data is not in the cache, it can be easily fetched.
If you're storing data such as a hit counter in the cache, it can't be regained if the cache is cleared, so you'll lose data.
If you're concerned about load for a common job, how about setting a job to update the counter later, using the task queue?
I have implemented a shared-memcache based stats counter that collects hourly to DB and can identify cache loss (log it). So far I see constantly <10% cache-losses total each day after at most 1h (average 30 mins) cache time with about 60 active counters. Counter losses appear to be random single counters. I suspect, that counters that are incremented only once (occurs quite often in my case) could have higher probability of being dropped.
My App uses <1MB total memcache in the shared memcache system. Unfortunately using dedicated memcache with 1GB minimum and substantial costs per year is out of the question. Stats counter used.
I have created a stackdriver counter that records memcache losses for a counter that is saved every full hour. The graph shows successful saves in red and memcache fails in blue. The counter saves every full hour and has a few counts in the hour.
