So I'm very new to C programming and I'm being asked to write a programming to compute the mean effective pressure of an internal combustion engine's cylinder.
I'm given:
MEP = (66,000 * HP) / (L * A * RPM)
A = (pi * D^2) / 4 (cross sectional area of the cylinder
D = 3.5in. (Cylinder diameter)
L = 0.417ft (cylinder stroke)
RPM = 5000
HP = 110
I'm supposed to output the Bore (in), Stroke (ft), and the MEP (psi).
This seems like a relatively easy programming, but I just need a few walkthroughs to get me to the finish line. I'm using LCC-Win for testing.
That is what I have so far:
int main()
float A, MEP, D, A, L, RPM, HP; //declaring all variables
D = 3.5;
L = .417;
RPM = 5000;
HP = 110;
MEP = (66000*HP)/(L*A*RPM);
double compute_area(double diameter);
const double pi = 3.14159265;
return (pi * diameter * diameter) / 4;
You can try this:
#define pi 3.14159265; //macro to define value of pi
//function compute_area is defined here
double compute_area(double diameter){
return (pi * diameter * diameter) / 4;
int main(){
double A, MEP, D, L, RPM, HP; //declaring all variables
D = 3.5;
L = .417;
RPM = 5000;
HP = 110;
A=compute_area(D); // calling the function compute_area
MEP = (66000*HP)/(L*A*RPM); // calculating the MEP as per your formula
printf("MEP %f", MEP); //printing the MEP result
return 0;
I want to estimate multiplicity of polynomial roots.
I have found some info about it, choosed the test example and made c program
Here should be 4 roots. One simple root and one with multiplicity 3.
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
complex long double z0 = +1.5; // exact period = 1 stability = 3.000000000000000000 multiplicity = ?
complex long double z1 = -0.5; // exact period = 2 stability = 0.999999999999900080 multiplicity = ?
complex long double c = -0.75; // parameter of the f function
int GiveMultiplicity(const complex long double c, const complex long double z0 , const int pMax){
complex long double z = z0;
complex long double d = 1.0; /* d = first derivative with respect to z */
complex long double e = 0.0; // second derivative with respect to z
complex long double m;
int multiplicity;
int p;
for (p=0; p < pMax; p++){
d = 2*z*d; // f' = first derivative with respect to z */
e = 2*(d*d +z*e); // f'' = second derivative with respect to z
z = z*z +c ; // f = complex quadratic polynomial
m = (d*d)/(d*d -z*e);
multiplicity = (int) round(cabs(m));
return multiplicity;
int main(){
int m;
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z0, 1);
printf("m = %d \n", m);
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z1, 1);
printf("m = %d \n", m);
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z1, 2);
printf("m = %d \n", m);
return 0;
The result is :
Is it good ? Maybe I should simply add the results ?
Good results using symbolic computations are roots: [ 3/2, -1/2] and its multiplicities : [1,3]
Here is a graph of the function f(z)= (z^2-0.75)^2-z-0.75 = z^4-1.5*z^2-z-3/16
Is it possibly to compute the similar values numerically ?
You do this with contour integration, see here. Software is available.
Summary of changes:
evaluate e before evaluating d inside the loop;
when subtracting z0 from z after the loop, you also need to subtract 1 from d to match;
perturb input a small amount from true root location to avoid 0/0 = NaN result: h must be small enough, but not too small...
Complete program:
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
complex long double h = 1.0e-6; // perturb a little; not too big, not too small
complex long double z0 = +1.5; // exact period = 1 stability = 3.000000000000000000 multiplicity = ?
complex long double z1 = -0.5; // exact period = 2 stability = 0.999999999999900080 multiplicity = ?
complex long double c = -0.75; // parameter of the f function
int GiveMultiplicity(const complex long double c, const complex long double z0, const int pMax){
complex long double z = z0;
complex long double d = 1.0; /* d = first derivative with respect to z */
complex long double e = 0.0; // second derivative with respect to z
complex long double m;
int multiplicity;
int p;
for (p=0; p < pMax; p++){
e = 2*(d*d +z*e); // f'' = second derivative with respect to z
d = 2*z*d; // f' = first derivative with respect to z */
z = z*z +c ; // f = complex quadratic polynomial
d = d - 1;
z = z - z0;
m = (d*d)/(d*d -z*e);
multiplicity = (int) round(cabs(m));
return multiplicity;
int main(){
int m;
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z0 + h, 1);
printf("m = %d\n", m);
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z1 + h, 1);
printf("m = %d\n", m);
m = GiveMultiplicity(c, z1 + h, 2);
printf("m = %d\n", m);
return 0;
m = 1
m = 1
m = 3
I have found one error im my initial program. Function for finding periodic points should be
f^n(z) - z
for (p=0; p < pMax; p++){
d = 2*z*d; // f' = first derivative with respect to z */
e = 2*(d*d +z*e); // f'' = second derivative with respect to z
z = z*z +c ; // f = complex quadratic polynomial
z = z - z0; // new line
I have choosed the method based on the geometrical notation of the root
It is described in The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra: A Visual Approach by Daniel J. Velleman
I count how many times color chages along a circle around root.
I use carg function which returns the phase angle of z in the interval [−π; π]. So count the sign change of the argument and divide it by 2. This estimates the multiplicity of the root.
It is probly the same method as above, but easier to understand and implement for me.
Here is the image of dynamical plane
before transformation:
and after f(z):
and the code:
// gcc p.c -Wall -lm
// ./a.out
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// parameter c of the function fc(z) = z^2+c is c = -0.7500000000000000 ; 0.0000000000000000
const long double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029L;
long double EPS2 = 1e-18L*1e-18L; //
complex double c = -0.75;
complex double z = 1.5; //-0.5;
int sign(long double x){
if (x > 0.0) return 1;
if (x < 0.0) return -1;
return 0;
int DifferentSign(long double x, long double y){
if (sign(x)!=sign(y)) return 1;
return 0;
long double complex Give_z0(long double InternalAngleInTurns, long double radius )
//0 <= InternalAngleInTurns <=1
long double a = InternalAngleInTurns *2.0*pi; // from turns to radians
long double Cx, Cy; /* C = Cx+Cy*i */
Cx = radius*cosl(a);
Cy = radius*sinl(a);
return Cx + Cy*I;
int GiveMultiplicity(complex long double zr, int pMax){
int s; // number of starting point z0
int sMax = 5*pMax; // it should be greater then 2*pMax
long double t= 0.0; // angle of circle around zr, measured in turns
long double dt = 1.0 / sMax; // t step
long double radius = 0.001; // radius should be smaller then minimal distance between roots
int p;
long double arg_old = 0.0;
long double arg_new = 0.0;
int change = 0;
complex long double z;
complex long double z0;
//complex long double zp;
for (s=0; s<sMax; ++s){
z0 = zr + Give_z0(t, radius); // z = point on the circle around root zr
// compute zp = f^p(z)
z = z0;
for (p=0; p < pMax; ++p){z = z*z + c ;} /* complex quadratic polynomial */
// turn (zp-z0)
z = z - z0; // equation for periodic_points of f for period p
arg_new = carg(z);
if (DifferentSign(arg_new, arg_old)) {change+=1;}
arg_old = arg_new;
//printf("z0 = %.16f %.16f zp = %.16f %.16f\n", creal(z0), cimag(z0), creal(zp), cimag(zp));
t += dt; // next angle using globl variable dt
return change/2;
int main(){
printf("multiplicity = %d\n", GiveMultiplicity(z,2));
return 0;
And here is the image of argument of z around root ( it uses carg )
So I wanted to implement the path of the Moon around the Earth with a C program.
My problem is that you know the Moon's velocity and position at Apogee and Perigee.
So I started to solve it from Apogee, but I cannot figure out how I could add the second velocity and position as "initial value" for it. I tried it with an if but I don't see any difference between the results. Any help is appreciated!
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef void (*ode)(double* p, double t, double* k, double* dk);
void euler(ode f, double *p, double t, double* k, double h, int n, int N)
double kn[N];
double dk[N];
double Rp = - 3.633 * pow(10,8); // x position at Perigee
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
f(p, 0, k, dk);
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if (k[0] == Rp) // this is the "if" I mentioned in my comment
// x coordinate at Perigee
k[1] = 0; // y coordinate at Perigee
k[2] = 0; // x velocity component at Perigee
k[3] = 1076; // y velocity component at Perigee
kn[j] = k[j] + h * dk[j];
printf("%f ", kn[j]);
k[j] = kn[j];
void gravity_equation(double* p, double t, double* k, double* dk)
// Earth is at the (0, 0)
double G = p[0]; // Gravitational constant
double m = p[1]; // Earth mass
double x = k[0]; // x coordinate at Apogee
double y = k[1]; // y coordinate at Apogee
double Vx = k[2]; // x velocity component at Apogee
double Vy = k[3]; // y velocity component at Apogee
dk[0] = Vx;
dk[1] = Vy;
dk[2] = (- G * m * x) / pow(sqrt((x * x)+(y * y)),3);
dk[3] = (- G * m * y) / pow(sqrt((x * x)+(y * y)),3);
void run_gravity_equation()
int N = 4; // how many equations there are
double initial_values[N];
initial_values[0] = 4.055*pow(10,8); // x position at Apogee
initial_values[1] = 0; // y position at Apogee
initial_values[2] = 0; // x velocity component at Apogee
initial_values[3] = (-1) * 964; //y velocity component at Perigee
int p = 2; // how many parameters there are
double parameters[p];
parameters[0] = 6.67384 * pow(10, -11); // Gravitational constant
parameters[1] = 5.9736 * pow(10, 24); // Earth mass
double h = 3600; // step size
int n = 3000; // the number of steps
euler(&gravity_equation, parameters, 0, initial_values, h, n, N);
int main()
return 0;
Your interface is
euler(odefun, params, t0, y0, h, n, N)
N = dimension of state space
n = number of steps to perform
h = step size
t0, y0 = initial time and value
The intended function of this procedure seems to be that the updated values are returned inside the array y0. There is no reason to insert some hack to force the state to have some initial conditions. The initial condition is passed as argument. As you are doing in void run_gravity_equation(). The integration routine should remain agnostic of the details of the physical model.
It is extremely improbable that you will hit the same value in k[0] == Rp a second time. What you can do is to check for sign changes in Vx, that is, k[1] to find points or segments of extremal x coordinate.
Trying to interpret your description closer, what you want to do is to solve a boundary value problem where x(0)=4.055e8, x'(0)=0, y'(0)=-964 and x(T)=-3.633e8, x'(T)=0. This has the advanced tasks to solve a boundary value problem with single or multiple shooting and additionally, that the upper boundary is variable.
You might want to to use the Kepler laws to get further insights into the parameters of this problem so that you can solve it just with a forward integration. The Kepler ellipse of the first Kepler law has the formula (scaled for Apogee at phi=0, Perigee at phi=pi)
r = R/(1-E*cos(phi))
so that
R/(1-E)=4.055e8 and R/(1+E)=3.633e8,
which gives
==> E = (4.055-3.633)/(4.055+3.633) = 0.054891,
R = 3.633e8*(1+0.05489) = 3.8324e8
Further, the angular velocity is given by the second Kepler law
phi'*r^2 = const. = sqrt(R*G*m)
which gives tangential velocities at Apogee (r=R/(1-E))
y'(0)=phi'*r = sqrt(R*G*m)*(1-E)/R = 963.9438
and Perigee (r=R/(1+E))
-y'(T)=phi'*r = sqrt(R*G*m)*(1+E)/R = 1075.9130
which indeed reproduces the constants you used in your code.
The area of the Kepler ellipse is pi/4 times the product of smallest and largest diameter. The smallest diameter can be found at cos(phi)=E, the largest is the sum of apogee and perigee radius, so that the area is
pi*R/sqrt(1-E^2)*(R/(1+E)+R/(1-E))/2= pi*R^2/(1-E^2)^1.5
At the same time it is the integral over 0.5*phi*r^2 over the full period 2*T, thus equal to
which is the third Kepler law. This allows to compute the half-period as
T = pi/sqrt(G*m)*(R/(1-E^2))^1.5 = 1185821
With h = 3600 the half point should be reached between n=329 and n=330 (n=329.395). Integration with scipy.integrate.odeint vs. Euler steps gives the following table for h=3600:
n [ x[n], y[n] ] for odeint/lsode for Euler
328 [ -4.05469444e+08, 4.83941626e+06] [ -4.28090166e+08, 3.81898023e+07]
329 [ -4.05497554e+08, 1.36933874e+06] [ -4.28507841e+08, 3.48454695e+07]
330 [ -4.05494242e+08, -2.10084488e+06] [ -4.28897657e+08, 3.14986514e+07]
The same for h=36, n=32939..32940
n [ x[n], y[n] ] for odeint/lsode for Euler
32938 [ -4.05499997e+08 5.06668940e+04] [ -4.05754415e+08 3.93845978e+05]
32939 [ -4.05500000e+08 1.59649309e+04] [ -4.05754462e+08 3.59155385e+05]
32940 [ -4.05500000e+08 -1.87370323e+04] [ -4.05754505e+08 3.24464789e+05]
32941 [ -4.05499996e+08 -5.34389954e+04] [ -4.05754545e+08 2.89774191e+05]
which is a little closer for the Euler method, but not much better.
I want to calculate the sunset for specific localization (latitude, longtitude) in C.
I modeled on:
For the given model I tried to calculate the sunrise - this value was good.
I still get the incorrect value for sunset: -11:-22.
Here's some code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.1415926
#define ZENITH -.83
float calculateSunset(int year,int month,int day,float lat, float lng,int localOffset) {
//1. first calculate the day of the year
float N1 = floor(275 * month / 9);
float N2 = floor((month + 9) / 12);
float N3 = (1 + floor((year - 4 * floor(year / 4) + 2) / 3));
float N = N1 - (N2 * N3) + day - 30;
//2. convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
float lngHour = lng / 15;
float t = N + ((18 - lngHour) / 24); //if setting time is desired:
//3. calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
float M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;
//4. calculate the Sun's true longitude
float L = fmod(M + (1.916 * sin((PI/180)*M)) + (0.020 * sin(2 *(PI/180) * M)) + 282.634,360.0);
//5a. calculate the Sun's right ascension
float RA = fmod(180/PI*atan(0.91764 * tan((PI/180)*L)),360.0);
//5b. right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
float Lquadrant = floor( L/90) * 90;
float RAquadrant = floor(RA/90) * 90;
RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant);
//5c. right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
RA = RA / 15;
//6. calculate the Sun's declination
float sinDec = 0.39782 * sin((PI/180)*L);
float cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec));
//7a. calculate the Sun's local hour angle
float cosH = (sin((PI/180)*ZENITH) - (sinDec * sin((PI/180)*lat))) / (cosDec * cos((PI/180)*lat));
if (cosH > 1) {
printf("the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)");
return 0;
if (cosH < -1) {
printf("the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)");
return 0;
//7b. finish calculating H and convert into hours
float H = acos(cosH); // if setting time is desired:
H = H / 15;
//8. calculate local mean time of rising/setting
float T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622;
//9. adjust back to UTC
float UT = fmod(T - lngHour,24.0);
//10. convert UT value to local time zone of latitude/longitude
return UT + localOffset;
void printSunset() {
float localT = calculateSunset(2018,10,4,51.8446,19.2094,2);
double hours;
float minutes = modf(localT,&hours)*60;
printf("Sunset: ");
int main()
return 0;
Could anyone help me? What am I doing wrong?
I think your main problem is that you expect fmod to return a positive result - that is not true, fmod preserves the sign i.e. if you are taking fmod of a negative value you'll get a (correct) negative result, if you use it on an positive value the (also correct) result will be positive. If you require an positive result you could for example simply add the divisor if the result is negative i.e.
float a = fmod(T, 360.0);
if(a < 0) { a = a + 360.0; }
Problem: To measure the volume of liquid in the tank, a depth gauge (measuring stick) can be used. It is inserted into an opening at the top and the level of liquid on the gauge can be used to determine the amount of liquid in the tank.
The tank has width w, height h and length len (in m). In the example output shown below, we take w=8, h=4 and len=7. Your programs should work for any values of w, h and len, not just these specific values.
We look at inserting a measuring stick that is already calibrated in units of 10 centimeters. This measuring gauge can be inserted into an opening at the top of the tank and used to measure the depth of the liquid in the tank.
Your task will be to write a C program to produce a table of values showing the volume of liquid in the tank for each of the points on the gauge.
The output of your program (for the example above) should look like:
Depth 10 cm : Volume 1.188814 cubic meters
Depth 20 cm : Volume 3.336448 cubic meters
Depth 30 cm : Volume 5.992683 cubic meters
. . .
Depth 380 cm : Volume 172.547399 cubic meters
Depth 390 cm : Volume 174.657114 cubic meters
Depth 400 cm : Volume 175.743037 cubic meters
If the tank has width W and height H (in centimeters), the focal radii of the cross section are A = W/2 and B = H/2. Then the equation of the ellipse is:
X^2/A^2 + Y^2/B^2 = 1
To find the volume at given depth you should compute the cross-sectional area of the tank for each given depth using a numerical integration
algorithm such as the trapezoidal method.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
double WIDTH;
double HEIGHT;
double LENGTH;
//Function: y in terms of x
typedef double (*DFD) (double);
double f (double x)
double a = HEIGHT / 2.0;
double b = WIDTH / 2.0;
double y = (b / a) * sqrt (a * a - x * x);
return y;
//Integrating the function -> Area
double trapezoidal_int (DFD f ,double a, double b, int n){
double x, dx, sum=0.0;
int i=0;
dx = (b-a)/ n;
sum = (f(a) + f(b))/2;
for (i=1, x = a + dx; i < n; i++, x += dx)
sum += f(x);
return 2.0 * sum * dx;
int main ()
int h_cm;
printf ("Enter Width of the tank (in m):\n");
scanf ("%lf",&WIDTH);
printf ("Enter Height of the tank (in m):\n");
scanf ("%lf",&HEIGHT);
printf ("Enter Length of the tank(in m):\n");
scanf ("%lf",&LENGTH);
for (h_cm = 0; h_cm <= HEIGHT * 100; h_cm += 10) {
double h = h_cm / 100.0;
double area = trapezoidal_int (&f, HEIGHT / 2 - h, HEIGHT / 2, 100);
double volume = area * LENGTH;
printf ("Depth %d cm: Volume %.6lf cubic metres\n",
h_cm, volume);
return 0;
There are a few mistakes here and there. First, let's use global variables for the dimensions of the tank so that function f() can use them:
double WIDTH;
double HEIGHT;
double LENGTH;
You function f() had the height and width reversed:
double f (double x)
double a = HEIGHT / 2.0;
double b = WIDTH / 2.0;
double y = (b / a) * sqrt (a * a - x * x);
return y;
The doubling of the value of the integral, which is necessary to measure both sides of the major axis, should be done in main() and not in trapezoidal_int(). It is bad practice to have a function that does not do what it's name suggests.
The bounds of integration were also wrong:
int main ()
int h_cm;
WIDTH = 8.0;
HEIGHT = 4.0;
LENGTH = 7.0;
for (h_cm = 0; h_cm <= HEIGHT * 100; h_cm += 10) {
double h = h_cm / 100.0;
double area = 2.0 * trapezoidal_int (&f, HEIGHT / 2 - h,
HEIGHT / 2, 100);
double volume = area * LENGTH;
printf ("Depth %d cm: Volume %.6lf cubic metres\n",
h_cm, volume);
return 0;
I'm trying to implement a audio synthesizer using this technique:
I'm doing it in standard C, using SDL2_Mixer library.
This is my BLIT function implementation:
double blit(double angle, double M, double P) {
double x = M * angle / P;
double denom = (M * sin(M_PI * angle / P));
if (denom < 1)
return (M / P) * cos(M_PI * x) / cos(M_PI * x / M);
else {
double numerator = sin(M_PI * x);
return (M / P) * numerator / denom;
The idea is to combine it to generate a square wave, following the paper instructions. I setted up SDL2_mixer with this configuration:
SDL_AudioSpec *desired, *obtained;
SDL_AudioSpec *hardware_spec;
desired = (SDL_AudioSpec*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
obtained = (SDL_AudioSpec*)malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
And here's my create_rect function. It creates a bipolar impulse train, then it integrates it's value to generate a band-limited rect function.
void create_rect(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) {
static double angle = 0;
static double integral = 0;
int i = 0;
// This is the freq of my tone
double f1 = tone_table[current_wave.note];
// Sample rate
double fs = 44100;
// Pulse
double P = fs / f1;
int M = 2 * floor(P / 2) + 1;
double oldbipolar = 0;
double bipolar = 0;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (++angle > P)
angle -= P;
double angle2 = angle + floor(P/2);
if (angle2 > P)
angle2 -= P;
bipolar = blit(angle2, M, P) - blit(angle, M, P);
integral += (bipolar + old bipolar) * 0.5;
oldbipolar = bipolar;
*stream++ = (integral + 0.5) * 127;
My problem is: the resulting wave is quite ok, but after few seconds it starts to make noises. I tried to plot the result, and here's it:
Any idea?
EDIT: Here's a plot of the bipolar BLIT before integrating it: