Center fotorama slider on a webpage - fotorama

I'm using the beautiful and excellent Fotorama slider, but I have a question!
By default, the slider is on the top on the left!
I just want it center on the page.
I find in the .css, but i don't find the answer.
Can u help me?

Add this to your CSS and you should be fine ;-)
.fotorama__wrap {
margin: 0 auto;


Antd floating icon in the tittle of Drawer

I want to make an absolutely positioned element (an icon) to float inside an Antd Drawer title but it gets cut beyond the modal.
I have tried to give it infinite z-index in the div and in the Drawer prop but without success.
I am attaching a codesanbox so that I can explain my point and you can play around.
What am I missing?
Codesandbox example
Is this what you want to achieve?
If yes, just give a position: relative to the parent container :)
z-index will not work until and unless the position of that element is set. You are giving the z-index but not giving the position to the drawer. Please give position: relative; to the Drawer
Alright, I found it!
In the end it was simpler than other approaches that I tried...
It is always tricky when you have to play with a new library. Anyway I updated the codesandbox so you can see it working!
Here is the magic:
.ant-drawer-open .ant-drawer-content-wrapper {
overflow: visible;
.ant-drawer-open .ant-drawer-content {
overflow: visible;

Onsen - multiline toolbar

Can I have a multi line toolbar?
I need a fixed header for all my pages, but the ons-toolbar have only one line. I need two of it in my header.
It is possible to do that?
Thank you!
You can put an extra <div> with the appearance of a toolbar with class="navigation-bar":
It is also possible to change the CSS of your current toolbar to make it bigger, if you want. The anwer of this question may be helpful: Doesn't show div in onsen ui and angularjs
Hope it helps!
Edit: some CSS to do this...
Fix the position to the top under a main toolbar: position: fixed; top: 44px;
Change the page content so the new toolbar does not overlap with it:
ons-toolbar ~ .page__content {
top: 88px;
Working here:

Angular-ui ui-select - force dropdown to show above

So I have some controls in a fixed position to the bottom of the screen for easy reach on mobile, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to make the option content appear above the select menu.
I tried messing with append-to-body="true" and some other stuff that was totally off the wall. I feel like this should be a simple hook but not finding anything..
Add position='up' to <ui-select-choices>.
Other options include down and auto (top/down depending on available space).
Edit on Plunker available at
[Dropdown Position]
I was able to get it with css by adjusting the absolute positioning.. This is actually kind of nice because I could control when it happened this way, for me it was only for mobile screen widths.
.some-container-class .ui-select-choices {
top: auto;
bottom: 100%;

Rollover fade on fluid image

I'm creating a responsive site with a gallery composed of fluids images . For this, I must use css img {max-width: 100%;}. I also want a fade effect on hover.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
So far, all the solutions I've tried, does'nt work with css img {max-width: 100%;}
Thank you very much for your help!
Define image width also along with its max-width. And it must be in pixels or em's.
You don't need to keep max-width or min-width in %'s.
Browser renders from its original width or height value. As
This is for example.
And every images'll be flexible with viewport.

CSS advice for centering a YUI calendar

I am using the YUI multi page calendar on my website. I would like to center this on my web page but I am unsure of how to do this due to the complex CSS I am not used to. I have tried adding margin-left & margin-right: auto but this is not working.
An example of this multi-page calendar can be found here:
Would somebody be able to help me center this calendar?
Thanks in advance.
This is extremely simple. You just need to define a width for the main div so the margin can center it. You also need to put a div right before the main div closes to clear the months so the main div has a distinct height/width.
Add this style to the main Div:
<div id="cal1Container" class="yui-calcontainer multi" style="margin: 0 auto; width: 500px; float: none;">
And before this Div closes add this
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
Now it works! Floats are pretty confusing at first, but often that's something that needs to be done. Other than that it's basic CSS.
