React's Refs in Reagent (or Om)? - reactjs

I sometimes find it useful to use React's Refs in order to change the state of the DOM as for example to focus an input field after rendering a component. Does Reagent or Om implement this or if not what is the idiomatic way to do this in those libraries?
EDIT (after the discussion below).
The use of this.getDOMNode in componentDidMount is not a generic solution to this problem. It only allows access to the physical DOM element after a component is mounted. Sometimes consistent access to an element is required after every call to render - as for example for triggering events. The way to do that is through Refs.

I found the answer from the author of Reagent here if anyone cares to look. It turns out refs cannot be directly supported because of the way Reagent does its rendering. The proposed solution is to wrap the portion of a component that needs to be referenced in another component and use component-did-mount in the wrapper.


Properties on a react returned jsx

I see three (3) properties on a value my react component is returning namely keys, props and type and i am blank on how they work. I even see a fourth one called ref when i use the createElement method to create my DOM elements. Any help that would enlighten me on the area will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Just a note - your questions are asking about the fundamental way that React works (pertaining to the use of the Virtual DOM and its component-based structure). I'll try to sum it up as much as possible and give links to resources that might be helpful.
The key attribute relates to the way React uses the Virtual DOM and one of the reasons it works as fast as it does. In short, React supports the key attribute to improve its ability to differentiate sibling elements/components from each other and prevent re-painting the whole element tree if only one of the sibling changes. I suggest reading further on this to better understand it.
The props attribute relates to how React passes data from one component to another (usually from a parent component to a child component). Think of them as the arguments that you pass to a function - where the function is React's internal way of compiling your code and eventually rendering the DOM elements.
type should be pretty straightforward - its used to determine the type of component/element (eg: div, or a React function component)
The ref attribute relates to a way that you can store references to a particular element. By passing a React ref to a component/element's ref attribute, you're essentially storing access to that component/element through the React ref. There are some pretty good explanations out there about how it works on a conceptual level.
Note that my use of the word "component" refers to a React components, and "element" refers to the DOM element

React Native how to use React.memo on every component from collection to render only changed ones. Strange behavior of React.memo

I have been trying to improve rendering performance by using React.memo on components. It works properly until I use it on every single component from the collection being inserted as children.
I prepared snack HERE
To understand what is going on you need to open the console because there are some logs presented.
You will see WrapperMemo which generally renders Child components (they are also wrapped in some auxiliary components to check something I will explain later).
When you press the first button named SLICE MYNUMBERS you will see that React.memo's isEqual function called isWrapperEqual returns true, but it still does not stop from rerendering Child components.
However neither Wrapper nor all other auxiliary wrapper components (ChildOk) are rendered!
When you click any PRESS ME:[number] button it forces you to re-render other Child components when only one is being modified.
It is worth mentioning that TestCompMemo is never re-rendered when any of the buttons are pressed - which is correct behavior.
1) Is there any explanation for that?
2) Is there a way to use React.memo on every component from collection to render only changed ones (as it is presented in Wrapper component) ?
Is there any explanation for that?
In your snack example, you have a Context.Provider wrapper at the top level of the application.
This is what causes the re-render. This is expected behavior and you can read more about it here:
Is there a way to use React.memo on every component from collection to render only changed ones (as it is presented in Wrapper component) ?
Using React.memo on every component is not recommended. You can run into bugs where components do not re-render and you are adding overhead with all the comparisons.
If you want to optimize the application, you might want to run the profiler and figure out which parts of the app is slowing things down and work from there.
But if you want to prevent unnecessary re-renders, you could move context usage up a few levels and pass the onPress to the child components.

When to use stateless and statefull components in ReactJS after Hooks changes?

So, i know the difference between the two but after hooks i'm kinda confused about when i should use stateless and when use statefull.
When i was learning the basics of React i was told that stateless is the "dumb" function and statefull is "smart". And that i should use stateless in simple things, because props are imutable and also use more than statefull. I dont really know the difference with Hooks changes in 16.8.
I know that we can use setState now but i dont understand it totally.
This is a great question, and one that I think people will have trouble with for a while. The way I see it, the term "stateless" has been dropped from regular component verbiage and they are just called "functional components".
The concept of "stateless" is still very important though, because it involves no inner state that does not mimic its props. As you said, they are dumb. Generally, if a component can be stateless, it will be more performant. Components that are rendered in loops with a high count do much better with this type of structure. On the other hand, don't stress too much about performance until you're hitting bottlenecks, which shouldn't happen until you've got thousands (or more) of components rendering at once.
To address hooks- they allow you to "hook" into the state and lifecycle of a component. As you will see in the docs, they do not offer more functionality, but a simpler API. This leads to cleaner code and more reusable custom hooks.
If you are dabbling with hooks, maybe try it on some new components you need to build. I've found it to be fun and simplifies my code considerably.
As a final answer, I would say that the concepts of "stateful" and "stateless" components is the same. Only the API that allows you to utilize state has been changed.
Your 'dumb' components should remaing dumb.
Your 'smart' components, can take advantage of hooks to make them 'dumb' with a hint of smart.
Imagine a component where you have to make it 'smart' because there is a toggle in it.
With the old way, you would create a component that has State.
With hooks, you can create a dumb functional component, that just happens to use the hook useToggle.
This keeps your code simple and concise, while at the same time keeping the same functionality you used to have building smart components.
Hooks are just another means to use state (and other functionality) in a so-called "smart", functional, component. That said, their existence doesn't change the answer to this question (of which, there are many).
One example of an appropriate use of state is when you have a component that will render different output based on some sort of change to the component after the initial render. More specifically, if you have a component that needs to make a network call to fetch some data for display, you could use state to keep track of the initial non-existence of that data and update it when the network call returns using setState.
In my experience, as a general pattern, you should use state for things that change and props for things that don't.
I think, the question is actually simple, when do we use the state hook in react? The answer is, if you write a function component and realize you need to add some state to it, now you can use a state hook inside that existing function component. Previously you had to convert it to a class component.
Then why don't we use the class component from the beginning instead of function component? Because when it was first introduced, the recommended pattern for react developers was to use as many stateless components as possible, in other words as many function component.
And in my personal opinion, the function component is neater and easier to use, maybe even more suitable with the reusable component concept. So then, yeah, now we can expand the use of the function component even more.
Hope it helps

Why ReactJS components must act like pure functions?

the documentation says
All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props., but does not explain the real reason behind it, why is that?
A React component should be pure, this means the result of its render method should depend solely on the props and the state, and for the same properties and state render should give the same result.
If render is not pure, it means it can return different results for the same input, so React cannot tell which parts of the DOM need to be updated based on the changes to the component. This is critical as the performance of React depends of this. Why? That's a bit complex.
It is amazing to define the UI based on a state, and have the UI re-render itselfs every time any part of the state changes. But you can imagine doing a complete re-render of the entire DOM every time you change something would be painfully slow.
React solves this by checking the minimum ammount of changes needed o the DOM to reflect the new state. It knows what those changes are based on what properties and state each component receives, and can tell if it needs to update a component if any of its properties or state changed.
Take this tree as an example of a component hierarchy
Here we changed h to 8, so we also changed f because h is a child of f, and we also changed c because f is child of c and etcetera.
The key here is to think how React checks the component tree. It ill start at the root and see it changed. Then it'll check all the children and realize only c changed, so there is no need to check all the a and b branches. Then it'll check the c branch and realize only f changed so there is no need to check e and g. That operation is done on every component to calculate the minimum ammount of changes and also what needs to be updated.
If at any point you could mutate how a component is rendered it means React will need to check all of the branches and all of its children to know what changed because it can't rely on the state and the props to know when a branch changed and how. This would be painfully slow and make the whole React framework inviable.
I would say because of tracking the component state changes. If it isn't pure, it would cause side-effects every time it is executed. That way, would be very hard to know what has changed and furthermore how to react to these changes.
Pure functions, in other way, have the same output with the same input. Making it a lot easier to manage properties and track when something has changed, resulting a easier and predictable way to react to the change.
If they weren't pure functions in relation to their props then it would be violating the entire heirarchy/delegation structure that react provides and relies on.
Lets say you have two components, component A and Component B, and Component A is the parent to Component B. Component A has its own state based on some sort of data. When you pass a part of its state down as a prop to component B, you are establishing a contract between the two components that component B will delegate to component A to get the value of said prop.
This is in a sense a contract between the two components and the only way the contract isn't violated is that component B doesn't directly alter or change the passed down prop. That is what being a pure function means, that it doesn't mutate the prop directly. Of course you can clone the prop and then change it however you want that isn't a breaking of contract since at that point they aren't referencing the same values. But if you do mutate props directly you will also be mutating the parent component value. This can cause unintended side effects as well as cause issues with the react shadow dom differencing algorithm.
Here is that explained from the official react docs
You will discoverer "Why" understanding Reconciliation algorithm React uses for rendering.
Here you have all the information needed to understand what you want.
Part of that is well explained in Marco Scabbiolo's answer, but If you want to understand the way React works I strongly recommend you to read the post I've suggested.
Posting the answer here would be too much for a post and unnecesary because It has already explained by React Team. That's why I prefer giving you the source directly.

ReactJS Modal Component

How do you create a ReactJS component that reaches multiple levels up the component/DOM hierarchy?
A good example of this is a Modal. I want to trigger and control the modal from a child nested way down in my app, but a Modal requires that the DOM be much higher, most likely all the way up as a child of the document body.
I'm considering a "portal" pattern, as described here:
FakeRainBrigand even wraps the pattern up nicely in a mixing in this post:
This feels like a hack to me. Great if you want to use a non-react library like jquery-ui, but without that need breaking out of react just to render a react component somewhere else in the DOM seems like overkill. Is there a more "React" way of achieving this?
I'll leave this best to the react documentation. If you must have buried React elements that need to communicate with other elements outside of their Parent Child or possibly even grandparent than see the below.
For communication between two components that don't have a
parent-child relationship, you can set up your own global event
system. Subscribe to events in componentDidMount(), unsubscribe in
componentWillUnmount(), and call setState() when you receive an event.
I've written a library to help with this. I avoid the DOM insertion hacks used by Portal strategies out there and instead make use of context based registries to pass along components from a source to a target.
My implementation makes use of the standard React render cycles. The components that you teleport/inject/transport don't cause a double render cycle on the target - everything happens synchronously.
The API is also structured in a manner to discourage the use of magic strings in your code to define the source/target. Instead you are required to explicitly create and decorate components that will be used as the target (Injectable) and the source (Injector). As this sort of thing is generally considered quite magical I think explicit Component representation (requiring direct imports and usage) may help alleviate confusion on where a Component is being injected.
You can completely use my library to bind a ModalComponent to a root level component that you decorate with the Injectable helper. I plan on adding an example of this use case soon. It even supports natural props pass throughs, and all the various component types i.e. stateless/class.
See for more info.
