I'm new to hybris and I'm having problems with the usage of SOLR.
I have a catalog with prices and I want to use webservices because I have a custom UI and I want to use hybris as backend.
What I do is simply map the electronicsSolr index to my site and start a full indexation. Afterwards, when I invoke the webservice ../rest/v1/{webSiteName/catalogs/{catalogName}/{catalogVersion/?options=CATEGORIES, PRODUCTS - I see everything...
but when I call rest/v1/{webSiteName/products?query:price-asc:category:{myCategory} some of the products are missing. can you give me na idea where do I make a mistake? Probably I have to set up something in the electornicsIndex that I'm using but I dont know what...
It may not be missing the products, its may be due to pagination results, can you please check the number of products you are getting. Some times you will get 20 products which is like default number of products for a page in pagination results. For getting other set of results try sending page number as 2, 3....
I'm managing a company website, where we have to display our products. We however do not want to handle the admin edit for this CPT, nor offer the ability to access to the form. But we have to read some product data form the admin edit page. All has to be created or updated via our CRM platform automatically.
For this matter, I already setup a CPT (wprc_pr) and registered 6 custom hierarchical terms: 1 generic for the types (wprc_pr_type) and 5 targeting each types available: wprc_pr_rb, wprc_pr_sp, wprc_pr_pe, wprc_pr_ce and wprc_pr_pr. All those taxonomies are required for filtering purposes (was the old way of working, maybe not the best, opened to suggestions here). We happen to come out with archive pages links looking like site.tld/generic/specific-parent/specific-child/ which is what is desired here.
I have a internal tool, nodeJS based, to batch create products from our CRM. The job is simple: get all products not yet pushed to the website, format a new post, push it to the WP REST API, wait for response, updated CRM data in consequence, and proceed to next product. Handle about 1600 products today on trialn each gone fine
The issue for now is that in order for me to put the correct terms to the new post, I have to compute for each product the generic type and specific type children.
I handled that by creating 6 files, one for each taxonomy. Each file is basically a giant JS object with the id from the CRM as a key, and the term id as a value. My script handles the category assertion like that:
wp_taxonomy = [jsTaxonomyMapper[crm_id1][crm_id2]] // or [] if not found
I have to say it is working pretty well, and that I could stop here. But I will have to take that computing to the wp_after_insert_post hook, in order to reaffect the post to the desired category on updated if something changed on the CRM.
Not quite difficult, but if I happen to add category on the CRM, I'll have to manually edit my mappers to add the new terms, and believe me that's a hassle.
Not waiting for a full solution here, but a way to work the thing. Maybe a way to computed those mappers and store their values in the options table maybe, or have a mapper class, I don't know at all.
Additional information:
Data from the CRM comes as integers (ids corresponding to a label) and the mappers today consist of 6 arrays (nested or not), about 600 total entries.
If you have something for me, or even suggestions to simplify the process, I'll go with it.
Went with another approach, see comment below.
For a weblog I am trying to get the top 10 popular posts from for example the last month. I figured I'd get the data out of Matomo, as that's already tracking visits and has an API. I've never used this API before though, so I've been reading the documentation and trying out some things. I am able to get data from the API using the Actions.getPageUrls method. However, when I try to filter using segment=^http://example.org/post I still get data from other URL's. It looks like it filters on session and gives back all data from the sessions that have at least 1 page that conforms to the filter.
The full URL I'm using is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&expanded=1&segment=pageUrl%3D%5Ehttp%253A%252F%252Fexample.org%252Fpost. I've also tried with less and no URL encoding for the segment, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. If I use a URL that doesn't exist I get an empty array returned.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a different way to only get the top pages with a URL starting with http://example.org/post? Or do I have to sift through the data myself to only get the pages I want?
I am using Matomo version 3.13.5.
I figured it out. There is no need to use segment. This can be achieved using the flat, filter_column and filter_pattern parameters.
Setting flat=1 will make it so all pages are returned in a single array, instead of hierarchically.
With filter_column and filter_pattern I can filter the results.
The URL I use now is: http://example.org/matomo/index.php?&module=API&token_auth=12345&method=Actions.getPageUrls&format=json&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&flat=1&filter_column=label&filter_pattern=%5E%2Fpost%2F. This does exactly what I want.
The unencoded pattern is ^/post/, so this will filter out any page that does not start with /post/.
im trying to obtain some demographic data from the google analytics api, my intention is to integrate this on a cms to generate reports, etc... is this possible?
if it is, is there someone who knows a tutorial or something? i have used the examples provided and i get some sessions that have been in the last 7 day period. But nothing besides that. If that is not possible, what kind of things i can obtain with this api?
here is what i have tried:
function getResults(&$analytics, $profileId) {
return $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $profileId,
thanks in advance.
You can obtain everything that's listed in the Dimensions and Metrics Reference. This includes ga:userAgeBracket and ga:userGender for demographic information.
To include additional metrics (numerical data) you put it as a parameter where you now have ga:sessions (separate multiple metrics with a comma). You need at least one metric for a query to work.
To add dimensions (i.e. categorical data) you need to pass an options array to your query that has a key/value pair for dimensions. This may also include additional options like filters or sort options, see the example here..
$optParams = array(
'dimensions' => 'ga:userAgeBracket,ga:userGender'
return $analytics->data_ga->get(
'ga:' . $profileId,
This for version 3 of the API. If you are just getting started an have no legacy code to maintain you might as well start with there current version (v4).
To be able to get age and gender informations from analytics, you should Enable Demographics and Interests reports on your GA account.
doc : https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2819948
I want to make a search into google patent using the following URL which is obsolete
It gives me limited number of records per page.
But at the end of the JSON it also returns the cursor which has start and label keys. So my question is that how can I use that cursor to show all the records in my search. Like if there are 8 pages and each page contains 4 records so I want to show all 32 records on my UI.
How can I achieve that?
And second question that is there REST APi for google patent search? If yes then how can I search the patent using REST API and how can I get all the records on one page?
It looks like the API is restricted to a maximum of 8 results per request (you can increase your current 4 results to 8 by using the query param rsz=8.
So I guess the only way to get all results is by performing multiple requests. So if the current page info data is...
You would make 5 requests chaining the start param start=0, start=8 ... and so on, extracting the results and pushing to an array store. If you're not already I recommend using something like Restangular, as it would make this process much easier.
Depending on how your UI is set out, it would be nice maybe to do this with some lazy loading as the user is scrolling through the list?
I want to create a small web app which would display a list of movies, with a Google spreadsheet set as a database. So far, I was able to connect my spreadsheet to my app and I also added some filters to it. (As a side note, this thread really helped me in the process.)
Here is a very simplified version of my app: http://plnkr.co/edit/BtbSCVOh7KJsMHjANxMP?p=preview
I still have 3 problems with my <select>, which I can't fix despite trying for hours:
I can't sort my <options> alphabetically. Trying with orderBy didn't return anything.
I can't figure out a way to split my categories when there are more than one for a movie.
If the "categorie" field in my spreadsheet is empty, it will return a blank <option> which I would like to remove or hide.
My guess is that I'll need to update my function one way or another, but I'm a bit lost at the moment.
Any help on this would be really appreciated!