Assigning AngularJS model inside ngRepeat - angularjs

I would like to iterate over an array in AngularJS like this:
var languages = ['en', 'es', 'fr'];
To generate something like this:
<input type="text" ng-model="mymodel.en" placeholder="Name (EN)">
<input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Name (ES)">
<input type="text" ng-model="" placeholder="Name (FR)">
I have tried this:
<div ng-repeat="language in languages">
<input type="text" ng-model="mymodel.{{language}}" placeholder="Name ({{language | uppercase}})">
But throws an error:
"Syntax Error: Token '{' is an unexpected token at column ..."
How should I perform this loop?

Use mymodel[language] instead of mymodel.{{language}}
<div ng-repeat="language in languages">
<input type="text" ng-model="mymodel[language]" placeholder="Name ({{language | uppercase}})">
See the plnkr, and start typing in any of the input fields to see the model changes.

you cantry something like this,
<input type="text" ng-model="mymodel[language]" ...

You shouldn't use {{}} notation inside ng-model here you can refer to your property in the mymodel object.
But it seems that you are trying to get binding via model somehow for your inputs. It's not gonna work in your case because you need to init mg-model directives.
For catching changed in your model from dynamically generated you need to compile used directives using $compile service.
Here you can check out sample. I googled it but I've solved similar problem in similar way.


There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel"

I am using angular 2 forms in my application and i have created the input based on my model. I have binded my input field with ngmodel and now I want to do a dirty check on this input field. So i have added input with # variable. Here is my code:-
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}" class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
But I am getting an error something like:-
There is no directive with "exportAs" set to "ngModel" ("="form-control" name="query3" id="query3" [(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" [ERROR ->]#query3="ngModel">
Can anybody help me here..
You dont need to use #query3="ngModel" for angular.js 2,
so change
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" #query3="ngModel">
to (this will work)
<input type="text" [ngClass]="{red: sampledetails.rules[0].query3.dirty}"
class="form-control" name="query3" id="query3"
[(ngModel)]="sampledetails.rules[0].query3" >

ngModel that points to dynamic html

I have a repeater setup that looks like this
<table class="table table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="m in resp.AvailableTemplates">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="m.Selected" />
<span ng-bind-html="m.MessageText"></span>
Where m.MessageText is a string that looks something like
Hello <input type='text' value=''/>!, thanks for the <input type='text' value=''/>
The user will see a list of template phrases, check off the desired phrases, fill in the text areas, and submit which sends an email filled in with the phrases provided.
By using ng-bind-html, the output looks as it should. But when using ng-model, the output doesn't display the html. How can I bind this information so it renders as proper html, but also allows me to gather the information provided by the user?
Try this:
<span ng-bind-html="{{m.MessageText}}"></span>
Guess you need the provided html
Hello <input type='text' value=''/>!, thanks for the <input type='text' value=''/>
to be binded to your angular model, something like
Hello <input type='text' value='' ng-model="m.messageContentOne"/>!, thanks for the <input type='text' value='' ng-model="m.messageContentTwo"/>
BUT you cant render HTML that contains angular bindings with ng-bind-html (well, you can, but the bindings will not work)
To make it work, you need to bind AND COMPILE the HTML to make the angular bindings work.
To do this you can use the custom directive bind-html-compile, from this link
You can also do it yourself, you just need to create a directive that compiles the directive element with the angular $compile service
Hope it helps.

AngularJS: SetValidity in ng-repeat fields

I have a form that generates some fields using ng-repeat. I want to attach each independent field to set validity in case it is left empty. Is there a way to do this?
You need to use ng-form with your ng-repeat. I'd update your example, but you didn't give me one... so the idea is something like this:
<form name="myForm">
<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-form="repeatForm">
<input type="text" name="foo" ng-model="" required/>
<span ng-show="$error.required">required</span>
If you needed to access 'setValidity' on the model for some reason, you'd probably have to pass to a function either on your controller or on your scope. like ng-click="myWeirdValidationFunction(". There's probably not much of a use case for this though.

Angular form that contains nested directive not validating

I have a very simplified bit of html like so:
<form name="hotListForm" >
<input type="text" name="phoneOtherText" id="phoneOtherText" class="form-control" required="required" ng-model="phoneNumber" ng-pattern="validation" ng-trim="false"/>
<span class="error" ng-show="hotListForm.phoneOtherText.$error.pattern">Not a valid phone number</span>
But this doesn't work. Is there a special way to do this when in a nested directive. I have verified pattern is available.
Screenshot of it definitely being in the form and of form structure:
It is not working probably because you have the id set to "phoneOtherText" as well, try changing the id and try

Angularjs dynamic binding for ng-model

Here is the Plunker that describe my problem with dynamic binding in Angularjs.
Before using Angularjs, I am used to using the input name/value like the following to generate desirable data structure for back end processing
<input type="text" name="computer[details][][purchaseddate]" />
<input type="text" name="computer[details][][warrantyperiod]" />
With Angularjs ng-model, it is possible to bind a complex data structure like
<input type="text" ng-model="[0].name" />
However it does not work with dynamic property like the following:
<input type="text" ng-model="computer.details[0].name" />
Angular keeps telling me that I am trying to set property 'name' to undefined 'details[0]', I am aware of that but are there any ways to get the same behavior with previous input's name/value where I can specify dynamic property without having to declare it first?
Thank you,
Binding to attributes that don't exist yet works. You can bind to a.b.c even if $scope.a does not exists. Angular creates the objects and attributes on-the-fly.
<input type="text" ng-model="a.b.c" />
But you are trying to bind to an array element that does not exist yet:
<input type="text" ng-model="a.b[0].c" />
Angular would have instantiate the array and then push an empty object in it and then assign it's name. Apparently this does not work.
I ran into the same situation and tried everything.
This is how I was able to get dynamic values inside 2 deep ng-repeat:
$scope.newContact = {
name: [],
phone: [],
email: [],
notes: []
$scope.saveNewContact = function (idx) {
<input type="text" ng-model="[$index]" />
<input type="text" ng-model="[$index]" />
<input type="text" ng-model="[$index]" />
<input type="text" ng-model="newContact.notes[$index]" />
<button ng-click="saveNewContact($index)">Save</button>
