Jumping cursor in CKeditor - cursor

I am using CKeditor, version 4.4.1 and SCYAT for spelling check. When there is an error in the word, the cursor jumps to the beginning of this word. Is it possible to fix it somehow and make the cursor stay where is?
Thanks in advance.

There was a bug reported for that and I think that it's already closed. You can search in the SCAYT's bugs. If you can find it there, it means that the bug should be already fixed in latest SCAYT version.
However, CKEditor does not ship yet with the latest SCAYT, so you will need to build your own CKEditor using e.g. the CKEditor presets repo and updating the SCAYT submodule there.
You can also wait for CKEditor 4.4.6, because very likely it will ship with the newest SCAYT.


React application on Safari throws SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name

I've just updated some depencencies in a React project using npm install and the updated project works nicely on all browser except Safari.
On Safari it shows a blanks screen and an error in the console:
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name
file: 2.f80ba52b.chunk.js
I can exclude breaking changes from updated dependencies, otherwise it would have broken on other browsers too. Despite that, I cannot figure out what is causing it.
Even if similar questions exist, and the root cause has been already recognized as the missing Safari support for lookbehind regex, I would like to provide a general way to handle those situations where, as described in the main question, you can not just fix a line of code - for example when the issue is caused by an external library.
How to handle broken external depencencies
In my case, the bug had been introduced with draft-js-utils 1.4.1, so I solved it downgrading to the first know working version (1.4.0). In order to achieve this, I edited the package.json file changing the dependency line from
"draft-js-utils": "^1.4.0"
"draft-js-utils": "1.4.0"
TIP: Avoiding the caret range, you can stick it to a specific version.
How to find broken external depencencies
The only way to find out what dependencies have been affected by this bug is to look for the error message in Github/Gitlab search - currently almost 300 public repositories have a related issue opened.
The hardest thing about this bug is that it could be hidden inside transitive dependencies.
You might not even know you are using that package.
If you are not lucky enough to spot it using a Github/Gitlab search, you could try with a local search using your IDE or grep. You need to look for the lookbehind symbols ?<!:
grep -r "?<\!" node_modules
Being a last resort, this approach could be either very slow or produce a huge-and-hard-to-read output.
A sad note
It looks like Webkit developers are not going to add lookbehind regex support soon - the issue has been created in July 2017 without receiving attention from them. Moreover, even if the Safari's issue has been recognized and tracked, no polyfill exists to fix it at the build level (e.g. using Babel).
I just want to add that I spent a week downgrading Babel and other packages to pre-2018 packages, only to realise that my problem was in a helper function within my own code that was to filter for malicious html code.
#lifeisfoo mentions to grep for the string '?<!' above in node_modules, but i recommend also grepping the entire project.
fyi, my regex that was breaking Safari was '?<=!'. Which is also an unsupported lookbehind
I tested my regex: (?<=![)(.*?)(?=]) in Safaris regex tester https://www.regextester.com/ and the output says 'Lookbehind is not supported in Javascript'
To end, I found Safaris console error message worthless and spread around the 10,000s of lines of the bundle.js, giving the impression that the issue was within the packages/dependancies, which it clearly was not.
I spent ages downgrading the packages only to find the same error message appear on a different line of the bundle.js code.

installed ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets, but i don't have _rfce

i used _rfce 2days ago, but it disappeared suddenly...
i installed ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets v4.1.0
and this is not disable.
also nothing have _blah _blah..
From version 4, they removed the underscore snippets, and provides options to customize the behavior of the snippets.
If you don't want import React on top.
Open your settings.json, and add the following:
"reactSnippets.settings.importReactOnTop": false
Now, you can just type rfce without the underscore.
The same happened to me. Apparently there was an update that changed things a bit. I went back to version 3.1.1.
In the last 10 days there have been at least 6 updates. It uses version 3.1.1 which is the one that works well.

ANDROID: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle 'org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.nls.logcat_en_US', key ''

There seems to be countless reports of this bug in Stack Overflow. None of the suggestions worked. In my case it is almost identical to this stack overflow report
except this case is in Android being built in Android Studio. It only happens in release mode with proguard. Proguard corrupts it somehow. And yes I have done the following in proguard:
-keep class org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.logging.JSR47Logger { *; }
-keep class org.eclipse.paho.** { *; }
I have also parsed the jars downloaded by gradle. I cannot update to 1.2.1 because that only works with the latest versions of Android ... according to comments made by the developers. If I could get the source code for 1.1.0 maybe I could stop it from calling a resource that does not exist.
Anyone solve this problem or is it a bug in proguard/paho?
Looking at the apks generated by release builds (uses proguard) and debug builds (no proguard) shows that proguard is taking the org.eclipse.... package name of the properties and changing the 'org' to some letter like 'c'. The mqtt paho client is looking for the property file using the full package name and therefore cannot find it, no matter what you include or exclude in proguard. I looked at an apk made a few months ago (I have not done anything with the paho client or that part of the code using the paho client ... it has worked fine and I have had no need to change it). I see in that old release apk that the 'org' is there as it should be.
So the problem is in proguard. All I could do to move forward is take the source files for 1.1.0, create a new java project module, and tediously comment out every 'log' and getLogger in the source code. Its a temporary and unpleasant fix but it works. When proguard (R8) fixes this, then I can go back to what I had.
So I guess the only real fix is to submit a bug to R8. That I have not done.

How to make VSCode play nice with React syntax?

I installed all recommended extensions, still VSCode won't recognize any React syntax.
What must i do to make VSCode play nice with React (js / jsx) syntax?
The plugin that was causing issues for me here actually Babel ES6/ES7 as mentioned in another comment.
Once removing that plugin and reloading, it all worked well
VS Code has built-in support for JSX and TSX. You do not need to install any extensions unless you want additional functionality
As the OP noted, the problem was one of their extensions was inserting spaces around the tags. I suspect it was the js css html formatter extensions since this has caused problem for people in the past
1.Delete all html-js-css formatters.
2.If you want to work with this formatters,
install prettier.
Right click and select format document with and then select prettier. Repeat this every saving.
This happens because you use some HTML formatter, so first go to your react native or js extension settings(simple click the bottom bar language mod), and check the HTML fomatter in that setting page.
"[html]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "apility.beautify-blade"
remove this, and you are good to go.
Afaik, vscode does not understand JSX by default. Installing jsx plugin should help there.
Install Babel ES6/ES7 extension from here.
Works like charm.

Class 'SqlFormatter' is missing CAKEPHP 3 DebugKit

I've just installed the latest Debugkit from https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kit.
Everything is working. However, when I clicked on the "SQL Log", the CakePHP logo keeps spinning. I tried to debug by opening up the console.log and saw an 500 error. It shows the below.
Error: Class 'SqlFormatter' not found
File /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/App/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Template/Element/sql_log_panel.ctp
Line: 24
From my understanding, SqlFormatter class is not found in sql_log_panel.ctp. How can I add/declare the SqlFormatter class?
Just install it via composer, problem very likely solved then.
I highly recommend you to become familiar with composer, it is a standard tool for php developers for some time now. Composer will automatically install the dependencies for you.
Your second best option would be to download the SqlFormatter package manually from where ever it comes from and set your autoloading or include manually up.
