SSIS Logging in sql server 2012 - sql-server

I have a huge number of SSIS 2012 packages from different SSIS projects, often the SSIS packages names in the different projects are identical.
I use SSIS logging from all the packages to one single table in a log database. I would like to keep it that way, to be sure only to have one database to search for all the SSIS logging.
When I am using the SSIS logging in the packages, is it possible to identify the project name also ? so I can identify what SSIS packages and project that are affected?

It sounds like you are using package deployment, in which case there is no ssis catalog and no project (per se), hence, no further information about your package. Logging that writes to sysssislog was designed before the concept of project deployment so that's why that piece of information is missing. As well, the use of MSDB also predated project deployment so it has no information either.
So there's no simple solution. I would guess that you could convert to project deployment and take advantage of all of the built in logging and reporting there (which you already said you don't want). Or you could modify all the packages to log there package id and project name into an additional table.


SSISDB v MSDB Deployment for Execute Task

I had some old SQL server 2012 solution files from my last data warehouse implementation, & decided to try and make them work in SQL 2019. The whole deployment thing was not working, so I upgraded all of the packages & then made a new 2019 solution and started adding in all of the existing packages
The thing is I was bred on making DWs' in Cognos tools, so I was getting to grips with the MS way of doing things at the time, & package based deployment with Configurations was the original setting, I don't know whether they have imported into a package or project deployment model in the new solution, but I have deployed them to an IS Catalog SSISDB.
I never really got the whole deployment think properly in the fact that why do you create an SSISDB to deploy to (it seems from right-clicking in the solution file) but then when you place an 'Execute Package Task' in your package, you have to select the package either from a local file or from the package store on MSDB... Why do you not execute the package from the SSISDB? That means that now have to copy all of those packages 1 by 1 into the MSDB package store & have a maintenance plan to deploy all package modifications to SSISDB & then also remember to do the upload to MSDB too!?
Could anybody please confirm that I have this understanding correct, & why on earth would we want to do this?
Thank you for any help
A lot to unpack here...
The SSISDB is a bespoke database for managing Project Deployment model packages. Among the many benefits are: versioned deployments, native package execution, a unified logging approach, and a simplified and secure approach for configuration.
The SSISDB stores a project (the deployable unit has a .ispac extension). A project is the packages, project parameters, project level connection managers (if any) and a metadata file. MSDB stores packages.
The mechanism for deploying a package deployment model is the process dtutil.exe. The mechanism for deploying a project deployment model is the process ISDeploymentWizard.exe Visual Studio will offer to deploy a project deployment model to the SSISDB but under the covers, the process is going to be ISDeploymentWizard
I don't understand your deploy to msdb to run maintenance plan to deploy to SSISDB. That's not a thing I have encountered in 15 years of working with SSIS and 8 years with the Project Deployment Model. You just deploy the project to the SSISDB.
Execute package task
The Execute Package task is a mechanism for one package to run another. In the Package Deployment model, you must specify where to find the package either through a file connection manager or a database (going by memory here). When you launch it, you can specify whether it's in process (wait for it to complete) or out of process (fire and forget).
In the Project deployment model, you have an additional option of a project reference package. When you use that, you don't specify where the package is because it's right here, in the deployable quantum of our .ispac file.
If you think about the Package Deployment model, I could have 10 packages all focused on a Sales function in a Visual Studio project. They are only "together" because I have them that way. There's no enforced/trust relationship between them once Visual Studio is closed. I could deploy 3 packages to the file system, 3 to the SSIS Package Store (also the file system but a predefined location) and 4 to the msdb. Or maybe just create a custom folder per package and deploy all to the file system. The point is, package1 cannot assume that package2 is in a relative location to it.
The Project deployment model does ensure that relationship exists outside of the confines of an SSIS project. This empowers you to design packages that take parameters when they run or use a shared resource, like a connection manager or a project scoped property (parameter).
You could have an Package Deployment model package that expected a run-time variable to be passed in to override a design-time variable but the Execute Package Task didn't allow you that level of granularity.
But I want to execute a package that is in a different project and uses the Project deployment model
In this scenario, you're not reaching for the Execute Package Task. Instead, you're going to need an OLE/ADO/I-guess-ODBC-would-work-but-would-not-recommend Connection manager to your SSISDB and then you're going to fire off the correct TSQL statements.
You'll likely want at least one parameter in there with a SYNCHRONIZED setting if you want to wait on the child package to run. Otherwise, you won't know if it when it finished. And maybe that's ok for your work.

Identifying data sources within SSIS through SSMS in SQL Server 2016

As a company we have grown and we are now moving a couple of SQL Server 2016 databases over to a new server. We have SSIS packages that run off the databases that we are moving from server 1 to server 2.
Is there a way to easily identify using SSMS which SSIS packages use the current server and databases we are moving? Some of the old SSIS packages don't have documentation so we are trying to avoid physically opening up all the SSIS packages. We would prefer to identify the SSIS packages that are impacted.
Thank you!
Here are my solutions on the top of my head. I'm not an expert by any means so don't be surprised if someone comes up with something better.
In SSMS, you can view the data sources being utilized by a
package by... Object Explorer > SQL Server Agent > Jobs > (Your Job) > Steps > Edit... > Data Sources (Tab)
Here, you can view the data sources of your package. This is
slightly faster than opening all your SSIS packages; but, it isn't a
great solution either.
Conversely, recognize that .dtsx files are simply plain text
files. You can scan keywords within all of them using a number of
different scripts (PowerShell, Python, SSIS package w/ a Script
Task, etc.)
What you can use depends on the tech stack that your organization
supports but I imagining Googling for such a program/script would
not be difficult.
If you are utilizing SQL Server configurations in your packages
and you consistently do so for every package, you can query the
[SSIS_Configurations].[dbo].[SSIS Configurations]
NOTE: Solution (1) and (2) do not take configurations into account.
Hopefully, some of these solutions are helpful to you. I would be interested in an efficient means to do this without delving into scripts as well.

Determining when a SSIS 2008 package was deployed on a server

I want to find when an SSIS 2008 package was deployed under MSDB in an instance of SQL Server. In the table dbo.sysssispackages, I can see package creation date but where can I find the last modified/deployed date of a package?
The date an SSIS package was deployed to the MSDB is not tracked so you do not have the ability to know when a package was deployed, who performed this feat, etc.
With SQL Server 2012+ and the project deployment model, the SSISDB supports the ability to track when a project was deployed and by whom.
The best answer I have for you is much the same as Tab has just posted except I tied mine to VerBuild, which is a monotonically increasing number that VS updates whenever you save a package.
If it's absolutely crucial that you have this information, you could look at modifying msdb.dbo.sp_ssis_putpackage. That's definitely off the reservation so buyer beware, etc but depending on your appetite for risk, you could either extend dbo.sysssispackages by adding your custom columns there or create a new table dbo.sysssispackages_extended and there record who did what and when.
This information is not stored, and is not available for retrieval from SQL Server.
The best way to make this information available that I have found is to use the Version-related fields (VersionMajor, VersionMinor, VersionComments) in the SSIS package. Combined with use of source control, you can see which version of your package is currently live on your server, and find that version in source control to find which version of the code it is.

SQL Server Data Tools 2012 - deployment package for multiple databases

In our company we have database solution that contains three SQL Server instances each with different databases. Each instance has some jobs and replication.
As for now we are maintaining creation and update scripts manually and execute them with bat files.
Our deployment package contains scripts for all objects including jobs and replication.
We want to automate our process to make and test deployment packages after every svn commit - continuous integration. Also we have branches for every release. Release correspond to a database version. Different clients have different releases/versions installed. We need to create deployment package for any branch.
Can we use SQL Server Data Tools 2012 for our needs? I have only seen tutorials for single database and I don't know how to use it in more complex environment.
Optionally we could use Data Tools for maintaining schema scripts and write manually scripts for jobs/replication. But can we use the build process to combine it all into one package?
You should be able to use SSDT for this, by way of Publish Profiles. Create a publish profile for each instance and set up your CI jobs accordingly.
Standardizing your database names across instances (especially if they're all for the same product) would help.

Store SSIS package in named database?

I have a server hosting a number of different databases, all with the same structure, and a library of SSIS packages, some of which are common across the client databases and others are client-specific.
I'm aware that you can store packages in MSDB, but this is a shared store across the whole SQL instance - is it possible to attach a package to a specific database?
Actually, when you store packages into the msdb, they are stored in specific instance's msdb. Either run SELECT * FROM dbo.sysdtspackages90 (2005) or SELECT * FROM dbo.sysssispackages (2008) across all your instances and you'll determine which one is currently hosting your packages. If you are using folders, I have fancier version of these queries available.
What I believe you are observing is an artifact of the tools. There is only one instance of the SQL Server Integration Services Service. This service doesn't stop you from storing packages in specific instance, it just makes it a little more complex to do so. Or as I see it, by ditching the GUI (SSMS) you free yourself from the fetters of non-automated administration.
How do you push packages into the other named instances? You can either edit the service's .ini file as described in the above link and then reconnect to the Integration Services thing in SSMS or use a command line or query approach to managing your packages. We used the SSISDeployManifest in my previous shops with success to handle deployments. There is a GUI associated to the .ssisDeploymentManifest and you can use that to handle your deploys or you're welcome to work with the .NET object model to handle deployments. I was happy with my PowerShell SSIS deployment and maintenance but your mileage my vary.
Finally to give concrete examples for a command line deployment, the following would deploy a package named MyPackage.dtsx sitting in the root of C to named instances on the current machine and deploy them into the root of MSDB.
dtutil.exe /file "C:\MyPackage.dtsx" /DestServer .\Dev2008 /COPY SQL;"MyPackage"
dtutil.exe /file "C:\MyPackage.dtsx" /DestServer .\Test2008 /COPY SQL;"MyPackage"
I have an earlier version of my PowerShell script for generating calls to dtexec instead of using the object library directly.
Let me know if you have further questions
