Compiling with .lst file - c

I am trying to install the MIRACL library for my crypto system. While I was configuring the library, it gave me "miracle.lst" that contains list of files I need to compile. I was just wondering is there any way me to compile all files inside of .lst file once? I don't think it is an assembly file because it only contains names. I saw this link but it is nothing related with my situation.
List File In C (.LST)
Inside of miracl.lst

In my case
gcc -I./include -c -O2 source/mr*.c


How to use LibFuzz on a C project that is not a library

I am trying to run libFuzz on a C project that usually compiles to an executable. The examples I found for libFuzz almost exclusively link with a library, i.e. a mylibary.a file. So I compiled the project with the normal Makefile, and combined the generated object files into a library with ar rcs a.o b.o etc.. Now I want to link this library file with the fuzzing target using clang++, but the linker is not able to find the implementation of the function I want to fuzz.
The command I use for linking inside the src directory of the project is
clang++ -Wall -fsanitize=fuzzer -Wno-cpp -Wpedantic -std=c++11 -O2 -g  -I/usr/include/libxml2 -g -O2 -rdynamic  -o fuzzing libmylib.a -lcurl -lxml2 -I.
The error I get is "Undefined reference to function_xy()"
So the compiler finds the import of the function but not the implementation of it.
I am new to clang and generally building complex C projects so all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I tried compiling the project with the included Makefile, then combining the generated object files into a .a library and finally linking the library with my fuzzing target.
The error you got is about linking, not the LibFuzzer. If you can compile and link your file without implementing function in LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput, then the fuzz-target should work: Include header in your code, call the function, compile file and link with libraries. Please check the order of include path, file, linked libraries. Be careful with the option of optimization (-O2), sometimes the fuzzer does not give crash with this option.

Is there a way to automatically find which files are compiled into a library using cmake/make?

I have a C library which I am using in a project. It consists of .c and .h files in src and include directories. I wrote a CMakeLists.txt file that generates a Makefile which compiles
The thing is, the library also includes .c files for tests, compatibility headers for other operating systems, and other files which I don't actually use. I would like to determine which src/header files are actually compiled into the .so library. Is there a way to do so automatically, based on CMakeLists.txt or Makefile, without going through and examining each file?
If you are using gccthen you can trick the compiler into telling you which source files it used by generating the dependency information for the next make run. If I am right, the necessary flags are:
-MT $# -MMD -MP -MF $(AUTODEP_DIR)$(notdir $#).d
This should produce for foo.cpp a file foo.o.d which contains target-prerequisites lines like:
foo.o : foo.cpp bar.hpp baz.hpp
foo.cpp :
bar.hpp :
baz.hpp :
where the line with the object file as target (the file before the :) displays what got used as C/C++ source in the compile run (all files after the :). Starting with the list of .o files which are in the libary, this should give you the exact list of files that you are looking for. It requires a bit of scripting but doesn't look too complicated.
clang and other compilers of course have their own, maybe differing set of flags but it shouldn't be too hard to pick them.

How to use functions in a package that is written in C in a different location

I am trying to use a linear algebra package called hnfprof. I have done the installation with the given instructions and now its ready to use. Now I want to use some functions in hnfproj/src/lift/lift.c file. I want to create my own matrix examples and check outputs for each functions separately. I am not clear how to do this. (I know only basics of C language, creating .c files in a folder and running it in my Ubuntu terminal.)
I know that I should write a C file including this "#include <lift.c>" file name and creating a matrix in my file "main.c". I don't know how to include a file name in a different location. When I compile I can not use "gcc -o program main.c lift.c". My "main.c" file is in a different folder. I don't want to create any make file inside the package folder. So how I can just use the "lift.c" file inside my "main.c" file which is in a separate folder "Main" and create all executable make files inside "Main" folder?
If its difficult to give a answer, appreciate if you can suggest me some source to learn this. Thank you
No need to include lift.c directly in main.c, and you can call function in lift.c from main.
When it comes to compilation, you can use:
gcc -o program main.c file_location/lift.c
If you need other options, add them (most flags at the start; libraries at the end, after the source code). You can also compile each file to object code separately and then link the object files together:
gcc -c main.c
gcc -c file_location/lift.c
gcc -o program main.o lift.o
Compiling multiple C files with gcc

Mixing C and assembly sources and build with cmake

I'm using eclipse for building a avr-gcc project that mixes assembly code and C source files.
I want to get rid of the automatic makefile generation of eclipse because I need to automate some process into the makefiles and for other reasons.
I used cmake some times ago and I was happy with it so I want to try to compile my source files using it. Everything run as expected with C sources. The problem is that at the end I need to compile some assembly files (actually 2) and add them to the target.
I googled around but I didn't found a way for doing this.
someone have an idea on how to do this?
The problem is that in eclipse I have
-x assembler-with-cpp
added to gcc argument list. I need to find a way for selectively add this param to the standard gcc argument list only for the asm files. I didn't find around any way for doing this.
thank you in advance
set in CMakeLists.txt every file to compile in the same list
enable_language(C ASM)
add_executable(program ${SOURCES} )
in the Toolchain file you should place:
SET(ASM_OPTIONS "-x assembler-with-cpp")
the second line is just if you need to pass extra options while compiling asm files. I wanted to pass all the CFLAGS plus some ASM_OPTIONS
CMake supports assembler out of the box. Just be sure to enable the "ASM" language in your project. If an assembler source file needs preprocessing, also set the source file's compilation options:
project(assembler C ASM)
set_property(SOURCE foo.s APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "-x" "assembler-with-cpp")
add_executable(hello foo.s bar.c)
Based on your solution, one of the simplest solutions is this one-liner:
SET(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS "${CFLAGS} -x assembler-with-cpp")

How to link pnglite library in c?

I installed from kubuntu's package management this handy pnglite library. It contains just one header file "pnglite.h" and one object file "pnglite.o". I have found out where those files are, but I don't know how to link them. I'm using netbeans, but don't know how to link them in there. Also I don't understand how to link them at console.
I have a little test program that I would like to test, but I get the error message "undefined reference to function: XXXXXXX". Both netbeans and at console I'm using gcc. That header file is in /usr/include directory, object file is in /usr/lib directory and my test program is under my programming directory at my home directory.
Should I put that header and object into the same directory as where my source is? Or is there a way to link them from their current locations? I know that it should be possible to link them from where they are at the moment and I would like to know and understand how to do that.
Any help will be appreciated :)
You just need to add /usr/lib/pnglite.o to your linking invocation of gcc, plus any shared libraries that pnglite requires (from your comment it appears to require zlib). Eg if your source is in myapp1.c and myapp2.c, then:
gcc -c myapp1.c
gcc -c myapp2.c
gcc -o myapp myapp1.o myapp2.o /usr/lib/pnglite.o -lz
