QSqlDatabase Connecting to Multiple Databases - database

I am having issues attempting to connect to two different databases in one Qt Application. I have my information database that stores all the information collected by the application and the new Log database which allows me to track all the changes that occur to the Application, button presses, screen loads etc, for easy debugging after its release. Separately, the databases work perfectly, but when I try to use both of them, only one will work. I read that this could be because I wasn't naming the connections and obviously only the most recently connected database could use the default connection. However when I give the databases names they wont work at all, isOpen() will return true on both, but as soon as they attempt to execute a query I get the errors
"QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open"
"QSqlError(-1, "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded")"
My two database declarations are:
database_location = filepath.append("/logger.sqlite");
logDB = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "LoggerDatabaseConnection");
for the Logger Database connection and :
database_location = filepath.append("/db.sqlite");
db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "NormalDB");
Also when I am running the first query on the databases to see if their tables exist I am using
QSqlQuery query("LoggerDatabaseConnection");
and likewise for the normal database, but I am still getting connection issues even after declaring the database connection to run the query on.
The database used for the application is declared as a static QSqlDatabase in a namespace to create a global effect, so everyone can access it, that was a previous programmer, and I created the Log database as Singleton with a private database connection. Like I said both versions of the code work separately but when they are together they are fighting each other. I know there is a huge debate over the proper design of Singleton vs Dependecy Injection, but again the code works separately so I am happy with how it is designed for now. If there is any missing information or if you have any ideas, please let me know. Thank you.

QSqlQuery query("LoggerDatabaseConnection");
The first parameter of the constructor is the query, not the connection name. It will use the default connection since you specified no database object.
Try something like this:
QSqlQuery query1("YourFirstQuery", db);
QSqlQuery query2("YourSecondQuery", logDB);
Important: Also do not forget to open and close the database before / after using it by calls to QSqlDatabase::open() and QSqlDatabase::close().

The correct way to have multiple databases is to not use the pointer returned from the static addConnection method. You should use the connectionName argument:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsqldatabase.html#addDatabase-1 during initilization and query usage:
void MyClass::initDb(QString dbPath, QString connName)
// initial db usage, etc
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(YOUR_DRIVER, connName);
// open it, etc
void MyClass::updateThing(QString val, QString name, QString connName)
QString q = QString("UPDATE THINGS SET val=%1 WHERE name=%2").arg(val, name);
// add the reference to your database via the connection name
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connName);
QSqlQuery query(db);
// handle the query normally, etc


Database connection from Java handler BIRT

I'm creating a rptlibrary to share with all the reports in my company.
The library has an oda datasource created and shared to all reports. We want to do some querys from ReportEventAdapter.initialize() to the database to get information from the database. I can acces the datasource in the library in this way:
ReportDesignHandle rdh = (ReportDesignHandle)reportContext.getReportRunnable().getDesignHandle();
DesignSessionImpl ds = rdh.getModule().getSession();
String rsf = ds.getResourceFolder( );
LibraryHandle libhan = ds.openLibrary(rsf + "/my.rptlibrary" ).handle( );
DataSourceHandle datasource = libhan.findDataSource("myDS");
But once I have the datasource, there's no way to get a connection to the database from the datasource. The only way to do this, is creating a classic JDBC connection to the database using the data from the datasource? Is there any way to use a more elegant method to connect to the database from the java handler? Like using pooling, reusing the connection, etc..
We can iterate over dataset values in a report script event, thus if a dataset is defined with a JNDI URL, queries can take advantage of a connection pool.
However it is quite complicated. There is a full example in this topic: the script defined in "getDefaultValueList" event of the report parameter can be moved anywhere in the report and then initialize a global variable. In particular we could move it to "initialize" event, or to "beforeFactory" event (in your case "beforeFactory" is probably what you want).

Is there any way to trace\log the sql using Dapper?

Is there a way to dump the generated sql to the Debug log or something? I'm using it in a winforms solution so the mini-profiler idea won't work for me.
I got the same issue and implemented some code after doing some search but having no ready-to-use stuff. There is a package on nuget MiniProfiler.Integrations I would like to share.
Update V2: it supports to work with other database servers, for MySQL it requires to have MiniProfiler.Integrations.MySql
Below are steps to work with SQL Server:
1.Instantiate the connection
var factory = new SqlServerDbConnectionFactory(_connectionString);
using (var connection = ProfiledDbConnectionFactory.New(factory, CustomDbProfiler.Current))
// your code
2.After all works done, write all commands to a file if you want
File.WriteAllText("SqlScripts.txt", CustomDbProfiler.Current.ProfilerContext.BuildCommands());
Dapper does not currently have an instrumentation point here. This is perhaps due, as you note, to the fact that we (as the authors) use mini-profiler to handle this. However, if it helps, the core parts of mini-profiler are actually designed to be architecture neutral, and I know of other people using it with winforms, wpf, wcf, etc - which would give you access to the profiling / tracing connection wrapper.
In theory, it would be perfectly possible to add some blanket capture-point, but I'm concerned about two things:
(primarily) security: since dapper doesn't have a concept of a context, it would be really really easy for malign code to attach quietly to sniff all sql traffic that goes via dapper; I really don't like the sound of that (this isn't an issue with the "decorator" approach, as the caller owns the connection, hence the logging context)
(secondary) performance: but... in truth, it is hard to say that a simple delegate-check (which would presumably be null in most cases) would have much impact
Of course, the other thing you could do is: steal the connection wrapper code from mini-profiler, and replace the profiler-context stuff with just: Debug.WriteLine etc.
You should consider using SQL profiler located in the menu of SQL Management Studio → Extras → SQL Server Profiler (no Dapper extensions needed - may work with other RDBMS when they got a SQL profiler tool too).
Then, start a new session.
You'll get something like this for example (you see all parameters and the complete SQL string):
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM Updates WHERE CAST(Product_ID as VARCHAR(50)) = #appId AND (Blocked IS NULL OR Blocked = 0)
AND (Beta IS NULL OR Beta = 0 OR #includeBeta = 1) AND (LangCode IS NULL OR LangCode IN (SELECT * FROM STRING_SPLIT(#langCode, '','')))',N'#appId nvarchar(4000),#includeBeta bit,#langCode nvarchar(4000)',#appId=N'fea5b0a7-1da6-4394-b8c8-05e7cb979161',#includeBeta=0,#langCode=N'de'
Try Dapper.Logging.
You can get it from NuGet. The way it works is you pass your code that creates your actual database connection into a factory that creates wrapped connections. Whenever a wrapped connection is opened or closed or you run a query against it, it will be logged. You can configure the logging message templates and other settings like whether SQL parameters are saved. Elapsed time is also saved.
In my opinion, the only downside is that the documentation is sparse, but I think that's just because it's a new project (as of this writing). I had to dig through the repo for a bit to understand it and to get it configured to my liking, but now it's working great.
From the documentation:
The tool consists of simple decorators for the DbConnection and
DbCommand which track the execution time and write messages to the
ILogger<T>. The ILogger<T> can be handled by any logging framework
(e.g. Serilog). The result is similar to the default EF Core logging
The lib declares a helper method for registering the
IDbConnectionFactory in the IoC container. The connection factory is
SQL Provider agnostic. That's why you have to specify the real factory
services.AddDbConnectionFactory(prv => new SqlConnection(conStr));
After registration, the IDbConnectionFactory can be injected into
classes that need a SQL connection.
private readonly IDbConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
public GetProductsHandler(IDbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
The IDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection will return a decorated
version that logs the activity.
using (DbConnection db = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
This is not exhaustive and is essentially a bit of hack, but if you have your SQL and you want to initialize your parameters, it's useful for basic debugging. Set up this extension method, then call it anywhere as desired.
public static class DapperExtensions
public static string ArgsAsSql(this DynamicParameters args)
if (args is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var name in args.ParameterNames)
var pValue = args.Get<dynamic>(name);
var type = pValue.GetType();
if (type == typeof(DateTime))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} DATETIME ='{1}'\n", name, pValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));
else if (type == typeof(bool))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} BIT = {1}\n", name, (bool)pValue ? 1 : 0);
else if (type == typeof(int))
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} INT = {1}\n", name, pValue);
else if (type == typeof(List<int>))
sb.AppendFormat("-- REPLACE #{0} IN SQL: ({1})\n", name, string.Join(",", (List<int>)pValue));
sb.AppendFormat("DECLARE #{0} NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{1}'\n", name, pValue.ToString());
return sb.ToString();
You can then just use this in the immediate or watch windows to grab the SQL.
Just to add an update here since I see this question still get's quite a few hits - these days I use either Glimpse (seems it's dead now) or Stackify Prefix which both have sql command trace capabilities.
It's not exactly what I was looking for when I asked the original question but solve the same problem.

Insert data into external MSSQL database through Yii Framework

I'm using Yii Framework to create my project. I need to export some data from MySQL (my project) to an external Microsoft SQL server which is on the same network.
Basically, the user needs to click on a button (which will do the export-insert) in my view and the results should be displayed - Success (if the query has been successful) or Failure (if something went wrong).
The results part is quite easy as I'll be using 'setFlash' to display the appropriate message but I want to know how to insert data into an external database through Yii.
Do you have any idea how this can be done?
Well, I agree with #SuVeRa on the first part of defining two db instances in the config.php but i don't think the sql Commands part is necessary (Plus i hate writing sql :D )
Instead you can do:
class SomeModel extends CActiveRecord
// Override the getDbConnection() function to use the ms sql db connection
public function getDbConnection()
return Yii::app()->ms_sql_db_connection; // The name of the connection in config.php
public function transfer()
// Here you can do all the transferring logic using normal Yii Active Record functions
Check out the docs on getDbConnection().

Issue with getting database via Sitecore API

We noticed a slight oddity in the Sitecore API code. The code is below for your reference. The code is trying to get a database by doing new Database(database). But randomly it was failing.
This code worked for a while with Database db = new Database(database); but started failing randomly yesterday. When we changed the code to Database db = Database.GetDatabase(database);, the code started working again. What is the difference between the two approaches and what is recommended by Sitecore?
I've seen this happen twice now - multiple times in production and a couple of times in my development environment.
public static void DeleteItem(string id, stringdatabase)
//get the database
Database db = new Database(database);
//get the item
item = db.GetItem(new ID(id));
if (item != null)
using(new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())|
//delete the item
A common way you will see people get a specific database is:
Sitecore.Data.Database master = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
This is equivalent to Sitecore.Data.Database.GetDatabase("master").
When you call either of these methods it will first check the cache for the database. If not found it will build up the database with all of the configuration values within the config file via reflection. Once the database is created it will be placed in the cache for future use.
When you use the constructor on the database it is simply creating a rather empty database object. I am rather suprised to hear it was working at all when you used this method.
The proper approach to get a specific database would be to use:
// or
If you are looking to get the database used with the current request (aka context database) you can use Sitecore.Context.Database. You can also use Sitecore.Context.ContentDatabase.

Database connection

I have a WinForms project, which consists of 10 forms. Forms are called to each other, each shape is drawn to the database
(I'm using LINQ to SQL) how best to create a database connection, I set up the connection when loading the main form
string path = "Data Source = | DataDirectory | \ \ Database.sdf";
Database db = new Database (path);
and then loading each window is transmitted through an object constructor db, then work with the database,
Window1 win1 = new Window1(db)
there may be a better way?
Try to use static class for your db operations.
Well for one, you should abstract your database logic / connections into their own class or assembly. The connection string shouldn't be hard coded, but come from the app.config file.
I don't think you should be passing around the connection object.
As I stated above, abstract our your database code and wrap your the context in a Using statement.
