Continue while from nested for-loop - loops

I have the following loop structure:
while ($reader.Read() -eq $true)
$row = #{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++)
#continue with while
#do more stuff...
Now, is there any way to continue from within the for loop with the next iteration of the outer while loop without any break-variable? So if "something is true" I do not want to go #do more stuff but instead do the next $ Continue only goes to the next iteration of the for loop. Break will only break the for loop.

Factoring out the inner loop to a function could improve readability, depending on how tangled up your variables are.
function processRow($reader) {
$row = #{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++)
if(-not something...) { return $null }
# process row
while ($reader.Read()) {
$row = processRow $reader
if ($row) {
#do more stuff...
But if you want to do this directly, you can, because PowerShell has labeled breaks:
:nextRow while ($reader.Read()) {
$row = #{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++) {
if(something...) {
#continue with while
continue nextRow
#do more stuff...

EDIT: a revised, recursive (and untested!) solution so your millage may vary:
function doReader()
while ($reader.Read() -eq $true)
$row = #{}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $reader.FieldCount; $i++)
#continue with while
#do more stuff


How to map 2 arrays of object using PowerShell?

I would like to map an array object. I need to find the matched object of array. After the object match, I need to stop checking other objects, then continue to the next process.
I tried this, but it always return not match, even if the array object match exists.
$ID = #("8537", "8538", "8539", "8540", "85AC", "85DE", "82EA")
$Signal = #("8537", "8220")
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Signal.count; $i++)
if ($Signal[$i] -like "$ID[$i]")
"found ‘$($Signal[$i])’
at index $i"
# Do some process
else {
"Not Match"
# Do some process
If you need to go Match process if exists at least 1 match object, you can try this:
$ID = #("8538", "8539", "8540", "85AC", "85DE", "82EA","8537")
$Signal = #("8537","8220","85DE")
$matched = $false
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ID.count; $i++) {
if ($matched) {
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Signal.count; $j++) {
if ($ID[$i] -like $Signal[$j])
$matched = $true
"found $($ID[$i]) at index $i"
if ($matched) {
# Do some process
} else {
"Not Match"
# Do some process
Something like that you should test :
$ID = #("8538", "8539", "8540", "85AC", "85DE", "82EA","8537")
$Signal = #("8537","8220","85DE")
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ID.count; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $Signal.count; $j++) {
if ($ID[$i] -like $Signal[$j])
"found $($ID[$i]) at index $i"
# Do some process
"Not Match"
# Do some process
As mentioned in my comment above - to make your example work you can use a nested loop like this:
$ID = #("8537", "8538", "8539", "8540", "85AC", "85DE", "82EA")
$Signal = #("8234", "8512", "8220")
$MatchFound = $false
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Signal.count; $i++) {
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $ID.Count; $x++) {
if ($Signal[$i] -eq $ID[$x]) {
"found '$($Signal[$i])' at index $i"
$MatchFound = $true
if (-not $MatchFound) {
"No match was found"
If you have a complex object you want to compare you can take a look at the cmdlet Compare-Object.

Powershell - Creating an 2D array inside a class

I'm trying to create a "matrix / multidimensional array) inside a class function whit a loop.
Also (because I'm used to other languages) couldn't get it to work.
Is there somebody who could help me to get this working / or could explain to me what I'm doing wrong?
Class Matrix {
Matrix() {
Write-Host "No rows and columns provided"
Matrix($row, $column){
#Write-Host "row = " $row " column = " $column
$array = #(,#())
for ($i=0;$i -le $row -1 ; $i++) {
#Write-Host "This is row number " + $i
for ($j=0;$j -le $column -1 ; $j++) {
#Write-Host "This is column number " + $j
$array[$i][$j] = 2
$this.row = $row
$this.column = $column
$this.counter = 0
$ = $array
if ($adder.GetType().name -eq "Matrix"){
Write-Host "You had given a matrix not a number"
$this.counter = $this.counter + $adder
$matrix1 = [Matrix]::New(4,3)
I got it :)
for the people who are searching this , here is the code I used :
$temp_array = New-Object 'object[,]' $row,$col #<<<<============
for ($i=0;$i -le $row -1 ; $i++) {
for ($j=0;$j -le $col -1 ; $j++) {
$temp_array[$i,$j] = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 10
$this.row = $row
$this.col = $col
$this.counter = 0
$this.prosessed = 0
$ = $temp_array #<<<<============

recursive function - array values disappears

Before calling a recursive function (RecursiveWebs()) $webinfo.Count is 1. During the execution of recursive function, Count is increased, but as soon as the recursive function is completed and control returns to the main function, $webinfo.Count again decreases to 1.
function RecursiveWebs($web) {
$Properties = #{
Title = $web.Title
URL = $web.Url
$webinfo += New-Object PSObject -Property $properties
foreach ($w in $web.Webs) {
if ($w.Webs.Count -gt 0) {
RecursiveWebs $w
$global:webinfo = #()
$sites = Get-SPOSite -Limit All
foreach ($site in $sites) {
Write-Host $site.Url
try {
$Properties = #{
Title = $site.Title
URL = $site.Url
NoOfSubsites = $site.Webs.Count
$webinfo += New-Object PSObject -Property $properties
if ($site.Webs.Count -gt 0) {
RecursiveWebs $site
} catch {
Write-Host $_ -ForegroundColor Red
Replaces $webinfo with $Global:webinfo everywhere in the code and it did the trick

Get all combinations of an array

I'm currently trying to make a function that gets all possible combinations of array values.
I have come up with a non function version but it's limited to 3 values so i'm trying to make a function out of it to become more Dynamic
I tried searching SO but could not find a powershell example of what i was trying to do, i could find a PHP version but i'm very limited in my PHP
PHP: How to get all possible combinations of 1D array?
Non-function Script
$name = 'First','Middle','Last'
$list = #()
foreach ($c1 in $name) {
foreach ($c2 in $name) {
foreach ($c3 in $name) {
if (($c1 -ne $c2) -and ($c2 -ne $c3) -and ($c3 -ne $c1))
$list += "$c1 $c2 $c3"
This gives me the result
First Middle Last
First Last Middle
Middle First Last
Middle Last First
Last First Middle
Last Middle First
I'm not sure how i would rearrange the values when i'm recursing the function, this is what i have so far:
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return = $Temp
$newArray = new-object system.collections.arraylist
Write-Verbose ($return | Out-String)
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
#Write-Verbose $i
$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_)}
Write-Verbose ($newArray | Out-String)
if ($newArray.Count -le 1)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp $Temp -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations
But the output i'm getting is all over the place
28/08 Update
Getting closer but still getting weird output
Short description
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Get-Combinations
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
# Param1 help description
Write-Verbose "Starting Function Get-Combinations with parameters `n`n$($Array | Out-String)`n$temp`n`n$($Return | Out-String)"
If ($Temp)
$Return += $Temp
#$newArray = new-object [System.Collections.ArrayList]
#$Array | ForEach-Object {$newArray.Add($_) | Out-Null}
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$newArray = $Array
Write-Verbose "return -> $return"
For($i=0; $i -lt $Array.Length; $i++)
Write-Verbose "`$i -> $i"
$element = $newArray[0]
Write-Verbose "`$newArray -> $newArray"
Write-Verbose "Element -> $element"
if ($newArray.Count -gt 0)
Get-Combinations -Array $newArray -Temp (($temp + " " +$element).Trim()) -Return $Return
$Return = $Temp + " " + $element
Write-Verbose "Exiting Function Get-Combinations"
$combinations = #("First","First2","Middle","Last")
$return = #()
$Combos = Get-Combinations -Array $combinations -Return $return
New output (Yes there is a space before the 'Last' value, no i have no idea why)
First First2 Middle Last
First First2 Last
First Middle Last
First Last
First2 Middle Last
First2 Last
Middle Last
Here is my solution:
function Remove ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
function Append ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
function Permute ($list)
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute (Remove $_ $list)
return Append $_ $permutations
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t", "v"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
EDIT: the same in one function (Permute). This is cheating a bit, however since I replaced plain functions whith lambdas. You could replace recursive calls with a stack you handle yourself, but that would make the code unecessarily complex ...
function Permute ($list)
$global:remove = {
param ($element, $list)
$newList = #()
$list | % { if ($_ -ne $element) { $newList += $_} }
return $newList
$global:append = {
param ($head, $tail)
if ($tail.Count -eq 0)
{ return ,$head }
$result = #()
$tail | %{
$newList = ,$head
$_ | %{ $newList += $_ }
$result += ,$newList
return $result
if ($list.Count -eq 0)
{ return #() }
$list | %{
$permutations = Permute ($remove.Invoke($_, $list))
return $append.Invoke($_, $permutations)
$list = "x", "y", "z", "t"
$permutations = Permute $list
$permutations | %{
Write-Host ([string]::Join(", ", $_))
I tried to learn something new and help you out but Im stuck. maybe this will help you get in the right direction but I dont know enough about Powershell recursion to figure this out. I converted the php to powershell and in theory it should work but it doesnt.
$array = #('Alpha', 'Beta', 'Gamma', 'Sigma')
function depth_picker([system.collections.arraylist]$arr,$temp_string, $collect)
if($temp_string -ne ""){$collect += $temp_string}
for($i = 0; $i -lt $arr.count;$i++)
[system.collections.arraylist]$arrCopy = $arr
$elem = $arrCopy[$i]
if($arrCopy.count -gt 0){
depth_picker -arr $arrCopy -temp_string "$temp_string $elem" -collect $collect}
else{$collect += "$temp_string $elem"}
$collect = #()
depth_picker -arr $array -temp_string "" -collect $collect
It seems to work and will get you the first set of possibles:
Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta Gamma
Alpha Beta Gamma Sigma
But for some reason that I cant figure out when it gets back to the previous functions and does $i++ then checks ($i -lt $arr.count) $arr.count it always 0 so it never goes to the next iteration to continue finding the possibilities.
Hopefully someone else can fix what I cant seem to figure out as I dont know enough about recursion. But it seems that with each level of depth called the previous depth level $arr variable and values is lost.
Here is my solution with a recursive function. It generates space separated strings but it's quite simple to split each element with $list[$i].split(" "):
function Get-Permutations
param ($array, $cur, $depth, $list)
$depth ++
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Count; $i++)
$list += $cur+" "+$array[$i]
if ($depth -lt $array.Count)
$list = Get-Permutations $array ($cur+" "+$array[$i]) $depth $list
$array = #("first","second","third","fourth")
$list = #()
$list = Get-Permutations $array "" 0 $list
The solution posted by Micky Balladelli almost worked for me. Here is a version that does not duplicate values:
Function Get-Permutations
param ($array_in, $current, $depth, $array_out)
$array_in = $array_in | select -Unique
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_in.Count; $i++)
$array_out += ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]).Trim()
if ($depth -lt $array_in.Count)
$array_out = Get-Permutations $array_in ($current+" "+$array_in[$i]) $depth $array_out
else {}
if(!($array_out -contains ($array_in -Join " "))) {}
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array_out.Count; $i++)
$array_out[$i] = (($array_out[$i].Split(" ")) | select -Unique) -Join " "
$array_out | select -Unique

How to append to powershell Hashtable value?

I am interating through a list of Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server objects and adding them to a hashtable like so:
$instances = Get-Content -Path .\Instances.txt
$scripts = #{}
foreach ($i in $instances)
$instance = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $i
foreach($login in $instance.Logins)
$scripts.Add($instance.Name, $login.Script())
So far so good. What I want to do now is append a string to the end of the hashtable value. So for an $instance I want to append a string to the hashtable value for that $instance. How would I do that? I have started with this, but I'm not sure if I'm on the right track:
foreach ($db in $instance.Databases)
foreach ($luser in $db.Users)
$scripts.Set_Item ($instance, <what do I add in here?>)
$h= #{}
$h.add("Test", "Item")
Name Value
---- -----
Test Item
$h."Test" += " is changed"
Name Value
---- -----
Test Item is changed
I would go with this code.
$instances = Get-Content -Path .\Instances.txt
$scripts = #{}
foreach ($i in $instances)
$instance = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $i
foreach($login in $instance.Logins)
$scripts[$instance.Name] = #($scripts[$instance.Name]) + $login.Script().ToString()
foreach ($db in $instance.Databases)
foreach ($luser in $db.Users)
$scripts[$instance] = #($scripts[$instance]) + $luser.Script().ToString()
The result will be a hash table with each instance as a key, and an array of strings where each string is the T-SQL script for a user.
The .Script() method returns a string collection. There's probably a more elegant way of doing it, but replacing
$scripts.Set_Item ($instance, <what do I add in here?>)
$val = $scripts[$instance]
$val.Add("text to add")
$scripts.Set_Item($instance, $val)
should work.
$test = #{}
$test.Hello = "Hello World"
Write-Host "message from $($test.Hello)"
$test.Hello += " Cosmonaut"
Write-Host "message from $($test.Hello)"
