GeoExt2 WmsCapabilitiesLayerStore adding layer - extjs

I use Ext 4.2.1 and GeoExt2 for building mapviewer app. I defined a WmsCapabilitiesLayerStore
in grid to adding layers to map. It works but some wms layers adding base layer. Normally when user clicks the layer in the grid, selected layer will be added to overlay layers.
What is the reason of this?


Drag/drop and resize using material design

I am creating a web app using angular and Material, I want to be able to drag, drop and resize my sections. I have seen many plugins, e.g. angular-gridster and gridstack-angular but did not get right solution.

Fabric Canvas reset all objects and mouse events

I am using fabric canvas to draw rectangle on two mouse clicks.I am using Angular.js along with fabric.When I logged in to the application the rectangle drawn position changes after two mouse clicks.
I totally unaware about how to reset and refresh fabric js canvas. For any queries see my previous questions including code.

Adding more than one viewport in Extjs Application

Is it possible to add more than one viewport in an application. Since we can add other containers more than one time and viewport is also a container.
I think of the Viewport as representing all of the possible viewing space of the web browser window. It is a special Container that re-sizes as the web browser re-sizes. In a full screen ExtJS application, all the other containers should all be nested under the single Viewport so that they can re-size themselves relative to the browser window as well. For this reason there is no concept of multiple ExtJS Viewports.
If, instead of a full screen ExtJS application, you wish to have multiple ExtJS widget applications embedded in div tags of some static html page then Viewport should probably not be used. Container or Panel objects can be the top level parent.

How to develop multi paint (on maps)

I want to develop a multi-paint: An application, which each user can paint route on a map, save the route, and in the end all the saved routes will be "merged" into one big picture (like layers in photoshop)
How should I save the routes? List of pixels to be drawn? Save it to picture (with transparent background?)
The application will be developed in WPF on bing maps (on touch device).
Thank you very much
You would have to save the latitude and longitude values of the route points, perhaps in a LocationCollection, which is part of the Bing Maps WPF Control API.
Simply saving the pixels wouldn't work when you want to be able to zoom the map.

Custom Menu UserControl WPF

I have created a custom Menu User control in WPF Browser application. How can I achieve Navigation from one page to other page using this Custom Menu User control from Main page. The pages would be displayed in other Frame control of the Main page.
There are different options to achieve this. Can you provide more details on how you're loading your UI? (i.e. Prism regions/modules, Data Templates, etc.)
My general suggestion would be one of two options:
Use a mediator pattern to have the menu control notify the frame control. MVVM Light has an easy to use Messenger implementation, which is a great toolkit to explore, in my opinion.
Have both controls contained in one "parent" control (or view model if you're using MVVM) which can then communicate to the frame control since it contains both menu and frame controls.
