Bootstrap versus AngularUI [closed] - angularjs

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a pro/con argument for using either Bootstrap or AngularUI with Angular. From what I understand, AngularUI is a set of directives that have Bootstrap so I can use Bootstrap responsive aspects. Can I also use straight Bootstrap and Angular instead of AngularUI? What are the benefits of either approach?

Hopefully this will help.
Angular UI, but more specifically UI-Bootstrap is bootstrap written natively for AngularJS. The reason being is some features in bootstrap use jQuery, which when used with angular, can produce adverse results than what is expected.
This can become very opinionated. But seriously, use Angular-UI. You'll potentially run into more problems if you try to mix the two (Bootstrap 3 + Angular).
Quote from "Thinking in AngularJS" if I have a jQuery background?
Don't even use jQuery. Don't even include it. It will hold you back. And when you come to a problem that you think you know how to solve in jQuery already, before you reach for the $, try to think about how to do it within the confines the AngularJS. If you don't know, ask! 19 times out of 20, the best way to do it doesn't need jQuery and to try to solve it with jQuery results in more work for you.
Please see Stop using jQuery as a crutch in angular for a general idea of the issues.
EDIT: Changed language

Although some people are marking this as opinion there is an answer here that can help the OP.
AngularUI and Bootstrap really aren't a either/or type of choice. They can happily, and probably should live, side by side.
Bootstrap is mainly a CSS library with some javascript UI bits on the side. The AngularUI library is just more UI bits coded up to work better with angular. There is a lot of overlap between the two but each project is a little different so use each where it makes sense.
I'd assume that your app will benefit from using both. I have 3-4 apps right now with both libraries included and happily working together.

Angular UI A lot of helpful utilites for Angular
Bootstrap CSS Framework
UI Bootstrap Angular UI utilities focused on making Bootstrap work awesome with Angular


How to configure angular 4 with angular 1? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have designed a web app using angularjs with angular material. Now, i want to convert some parts to be an angular 4 in the angularjs web app. i have added npm packages for angular 4. But scss files are not getting applied. How to fix this? Thanks..!
Without seeing some specific code, it's very difficult to help diagnose issues with your upgrade. All I can recommend is that you try and follow the official angular upgrade guide:
Essentially, you will create an angular 4 application and then embed the angularjs app inside it (in parallel).
You will still need to link to your angularjs SCSS output directly (I'm assuming that's what the problem is), unless you're using #angular/cli in which case you can add it into the .angular-cli.json config.
It only becomes difficult when you get to splitting the router (just a word of warning).
Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular.
One of the keys to a successful upgrade is to do it incrementally, by running the two frameworks side by side in the same application, and porting AngularJS components to Angular one by one. This makes it possible to upgrade even large and complex applications without disrupting other business, because the work can be done collaboratively and spread over a period of time. The upgrade module in Angular has been designed to make incremental upgrading seamless.
For more information, see Angular Developer Guide - Upgrading from AngularJS
See also, Angular 2+ can't find Angular 1.X to bootstrap

ag-grid vs slick-grid vs angular-grid which is better? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Recently we thought to change our current grid tool. Currently we're using kendo-ui for grid and all. After searching we came with 3 results. But, still we're not sure which is better and why in future run.
While using kendo we missed having control over it. It would be a great if any one can help us out on choosing right grid with angularjs.
Disclosure: I'm the founder and CEO of ag-Grid.
First, some clarification on the question, ag-Grid used to be called angular-grid, however I presume you meant angular-ui-grid (or simply ui-grid), so allow me to answer ag-grid vs slick-grid vs ui-grid. The answer is ag-Grid.
For reference, these are the sites: ag-Grid, ui-grid, slick-grid
All grids are popular and widely used, each with a community of users.
To give a full comparison is outside the context of a Stackoverflow response, however feedback from the community says ag-Grid is better for the following reasons:
ui-Grid only works in AngularJS 1.x. ag-Grid supports Angular 1 and 2, React and even native Javascript (no-Framework). So if using ui-Grid, you have only one option for your framework, that's AngularJS 1. Slickgrid is native Javascript (uses JQuery) so will work outside any framework also.
Documentation for ag-Grid is excellent.
For enterprise features (grouping, filtering, custom cell rendering, pinning) ag-Grid again wins. The grouping and aggregation feature of ag-Grid is not matched by the others. Slickgrid doesn't have pinning, which was a blocker for me. Only ag-Grid has Excel like filtering.
slickgrid is no longer maintained by the founder (according to his website).
ag-Grid is written using pure Javascript, it does not have any libraries as dependencies. ui-grid depends on Angular. Slickgrid depends on JQuery.
Performance wise, SlickGrid and ag-Grid are on par. However ui-grid performs poorly on large datasets.
Source code wise, the code inside ag-Grid is very well laid out, so when you need to understand how something works, it's easy to debug in through the code.
Size-wize, ag-Grid is larger than much of the competition. Circa 1-Aug-2018, the CDN download for ag-grid is 783978 bytes minified..that doesn't include stylesheets. This may be a deal-breaker for some people.
And lastly, if ui-grid or slickgrid were up to my standards, I wouldn't have needed to write ag-Grid!
I was looking around and found the best answer here :
All popular grid tools in one place, with demos and features and popularity indicators right there.
To make this a StackOverflow accepted answer, the comparison lists, in decreasing order of github stars:
ui-grid ,
Multiple others
All of these are usable within an Angular app, some more 'native' than others. Which one is 'better' depends on what you want to accomplish, and level of effort going into it.
I like Jeet grid
with Stylus
Stylus makes no attempt to be CSS syntax compliant and so is more powerful than SCSS

Ionic framework + Google material design, which framework to use? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I really want to use Ionic Material Design into my app. I am currently using Ionic Material:
It is really easy to use and it work great sometime but not the others. It is little bit buggy on the actual devices and it is NOT PRODUCTION ready (and I am using it on a production app...)
I heard someone has success with Ionic Material -
But is this play well with Ionic? I heard it need jQuery. Does jQuery play well with Ionic? (never combine these 2 together...since jQuery is evil and why we use Ioinc + AngularJS the first place...correct me if I am wrong of this opinion...)
And there is other option out there. And I heard a lots of painful stories Angular Material with Ionic...anyone agree?
I just want to find the best framework before I dive myself into modification. I will start a poll if I can!
I haven't used the Ionic Material tool much, but agree it is primarily a fun dev tool and not ready for production (not that it might be eventually, but its certainly not as field tested as Ionic itself).
Can Ionic and jQuery work together? Sure. Its really can Angular and jQuery work together, since Ionic leverages Angular. Its common to use jQuery with Angular (Angular itself uses a subset of jQuery already, and will use the entire jQuery version if it is found on the page.) jQuery is not evil, the prolific use of jQuery for simple things that can be done without jQuery is what people often refer to as 'evil'. Think of it like loading jQuery just to use it for 5 lines of JavaScript that could have been written without jQuery to begin with.
You can also look at Angular Material ( for a Google backed project that was actually built with help from the Ionic team. However, it is not Ionic and not finished either. I use it in my projects though haven't used it much on mobile yet (it is designed to meet Material Design spec, which is designed for all platforms).
Lastly, you could just use Ionic. There are some customizations you can make, and I don't know what your vision is exactly, but I think it is the most robust option for hybrid apps today.
I'm using materializecss without any problems. jQuery is mandatory but I did not have any problems with it. I also tried muicss but I had some issues on the iPhone 6 with the button animation.

Angularjs for large web application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Would angularjs be suitable to handle large scale web application? Is reliable enough for good performance at scale ?
Its depend on your requirement. As Angular is the best for CRUD application, if your application doesn't have too much complexity then you can surely go with Angular. If you required too much DOM manipulation which usually requires for gaming app then Angular can be painful.
Is Angular slow?
Well, In some cases, you may feel that angular is very slow. Specially when you iterate over the complex JSON then there may be too much data binding so angular gets slow after 2500+ watches.
There are lots of directive to overcome this problem. Also day by day Angular itself updating their library to solve these kind of problems. Some of the directives which is helpful to improve performance of Angular are as below:
Angular Once
Angular InView
Quick ng-repeat Directive (Customized ng-repeat directive)
Karl Seamon's saying about Angular Performance
Points that should be clear in mind while using Angular for Large Application
The best feature of Angular can be painful if you don't implement it in a right way. if you are new to angular and you have worked with jQuery then first of all you need to change your thinking towards problems to Angular way rather than jQuery. Read this
Angular Scope
Angular Directive
Simply, you must be clear about the basic concepts of an Angular to use it properly. Angular also gives amazing feature of unit testing. You should write tests for each smaller chunks of your code.
I'm fan of angular. It's awesome. I would surely recommend you AngularJS.
It really comes down to your definition of a large web application. As Angular is modular by design and integrates seemlessly out of the box with unit testing in that regard its great for large web applications.
Angular is a framework for building applications and once you get it more or less right your benefits pop right out at you. Try doing similar things with jQuery or even Backbone and you will have problems (jQuery might be an unfair comparison, unless we speak of the ability to organize modular code easily).
This is a great article that outlines angular in large applications.
Also from wunderkind Brian Ford this article.

AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap themes (or alternative?) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We're looking to build an app with a bootstrap theme (e.g. so that we can get UI that looks nice without investing too much in design.
The problem is that we want to build it around AngularJS, and from what we read about bootstrap they don't play together so well. There are workarounds e.g., but we're not sure if they work well with themes. Any experience with that?
Are there any frameworks similar to Bootstrap with rich themes to choose from (or buy) that play well with AngularJS?
Have you tried Flatify? It's built with Angular JS and Bootstrap 3.
Disclaimer: I own
I created this website to promote Open Source Bootstrap based AngularJS themes and templates. It can serve as a good starting point for your Admin dashboard based projects.
I am continuously enhancing it with best practices like ui-router and Yeoman.
On alternative to Bootstrap is Zurb Foundation.
Admin themes such as this are available for it:
As I understand it, it should work AngularJS though you will still have jQuery as a dependency.
With regard to the AngularJS Bootstrap, I really can't see why this wouldn't work with the theme, since it seems like this is just a rewrite of the javascript the functionality
Take a look at boom admin.
Seems like the most angular oriented theme around as of today (September first 2014).
uses bootstrap + LESS + other stuff obviously.
Bootstrap and angular play very well together. I am using SmartAdmin with AngularJS 1.3 and I can tell you that:
1) SmartAdmin now also provides an AngularJS version
2) Angular UI provides support for bootstrap (you have already found the framework as it seems) BUT, the thing is that angular can very well cooperate together, because they are tied to solving specific needs.
You can mix angular and bootstrap with just about anything, and still get a perfect result. The only thing I would advise you before starting with this, is to understand fully what angular does. And to use something like beforehand in order to understand how all components fit together.
