angular ng-repeat accessing next item - angularjs

I'd like to reference the next element is this possible within the ng-repeat directive ?
<li ng-repeat="row in rows">
if {{row.someValue}} === {{row+1.someValue}}
//Is it poss to check if the following row so I can do some kind of conditional comparison ?

As #PSL said - you just need to get the next index in the array you are looping:
<li ng-repeat="row in rows">
{{rows[$index+1]}} // this will give you the next row's data
<div ng-switch on="rows[$index+1].value">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
<!-- shows when the value of the next row is true-->
<div ng-switch-when="false">
<!-- shows when the value of the next row is false-->


How to auto select the first element with ng-repeat in angular?

Could you please help me to auto select the first item for the menu on the left.
here is my code :
Like this:
<div class="floatingbox list">
<input type="text" ng-model="check" placeholder="search applets"
<li ng-repeat="model in model | filter:check">
<a class="listItem" href ng-click='setSelectedModel(model)'>{{model.key}}</a></li>
Notice the ng-init="setSelectedModel(model[0]) that selects the 1st item on page load by calling the same function that would be used when clicked on a certain item.
If I read what you wanted correctly.

Geting incorrect $index value for parent ng-repeat loop

I have following code and try to use $index in delete function but it gives incorrect value of it.
<li ng-repeat="joinMember in data.teamMember | orderBy:'member.screenName || member.fname' ">
<div class="member-list-img">
<a ng-href="">
<img ng-src="{{ ? ( == 'avatar' ? '/public/images/avatars/' + : '/public/images/' + : '/public/images/avatars/avatar-73.png'}}" width="100%" alt="{{joinMember.member.screenName ? joinMember.member.screenName : joinMember.member.fname + ' ' + joinMember.member.lname }}" />
<div class="member-list-cont">
<a ng-href="#">
{{joinMember.member.screenName ? joinMember.member.screenName : joinMember.member.fname + ' ' + joinMember.member.lname }}
<span>{{joinMember.created | date : "MMMM d, y"}}</span>
<div ng-if="data.canModify" class="membr-delete">
<a ng-href="">
<i class="fa fa-trash text_link" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="deleteTeamMember($parent.$index,"></i>
That's because the directive ng-if creates a new scope for itself, when you refer to $parent, it access the immediate $parent's scope, i.e., the inner repeat expression's scope.
So if you want to achieve something you wanted like in the former, you may use this:
<div ng-repeat="i in list">
<div ng-repeat="j in list2">
<div ng-if="1">
({{$parent.$parent.$index}} {{$parent.$index}})
if you have more than one inner directives, you can use ng-init for storing $index in a variable for references in child scopes.
<div ng-repeat="i in list" ng-init="outerIndex=$index">
<div ng-repeat="j in list2" ng-init="innerIndex=$index">
<div ng-if="1">
({{outerIndex}} {{innerIndex}})
So try $parent.$parent.$index in your example and please check understanding the scopes
You are using $parent.$index in a div that have ng-if tag. which delete dom element(div) if condition is fall so that case you will receive incorrect $index value. but with ng-show it only add hide class to that div.
So try to ng-show if it is not important to remove div element instead just hide it.
Note:- You are also using orderBy filter in ng-repeat which will sort in only your DOM so if you will find incorrect object value in your controller.
As you can see in the official documentation of angularjs you should get a zero-based index via $index within a ng-repeat. Try the example by angularjs here. Try to debug data.teamMember in your controller to make sure that this is the correct array you'd like to iterate.

AngularJS: drag-and-drop directive

I want do some modification with code or with directive to allow:
Limit dragging only vertically(by Y axis)
Make possible to pick up item for dragging only in one place of the
I'm using implementation of this directive.
<ul dnd-list="list.value"
<li ng-repeat="entry in list.value"
dnd-moved="list.value.splice($index, 1)"
dnd-dragstart="selectedItem(entry, list.value)">
<div class="numeric-column">{{$index + 1}}</div>
<div class="col-md-5">{{}}</div>
<div class="col-md-5">{{}}</div>
This code working fine.
Question: can i restrict li element to move only verticaly.

How to append expression variable on ng-repeat in Angularjs?

How to append expression variable on ng-repeat in Angularjs
My code:
<div class="col-md-9" ng-controller="AddOrderController">
<div class="owl-demo" class="owl-carousel" ng-repeat="t in [1,2]">
<div class="item" ng-repeat="d in datas.item{{t}}" >
<imagedata value="d"></imagedata>
Error this line: ng-repeat="d in datas.item{{t}}"
i have data.items1, data.item2 json data
how to declare datas.item{{t}} ?
you can't use an expression in this case, but you don't need to because the t variable is already available to you. just use ng-repeat="d in datas['item' + t]"
If this ng-repeat is throwing Duplicate Key in Repeater, you may have to modify it slightly to be ng-repeat="d in datas['item' + t] track by $index"
How about ng-repeat="d in datas['item'+t]"?

Two ng-repeat, one affect another

Today I faced a strange problem for me in AngularJS.
In this example I have two ng-repeat in product (two or three images and the same number of colors) and one ng-repeat for pagination (irrelevant in this case I assume).
<div class="item-wrapper" ng-repeat="item in pagedItems[currentPage]">
<div class="item">
<!-- Item image -->
<div class="item-image">
<li ng-repeat="desc in item._source.description" ng-show="$first">
<img class="preview" ng-src="server/{{desc.smallImage.url}}">
<!-- Item details -->
<div class="item-details">
<div class="product-colors">
<ul class="btn-group pull-right">
<li ng-repeat="color in item._source.description">
<img class="color" ng-src="server/{{color.thumbnailImage.url}}" />
All I wanted to do is that click on one of colors (img.color) changes corresponding img.preview visibility. In my attempts I was always able to changed every img.preview in whole list, not the one I clicked on.
<li ng-repeat="desc in item._source.description" ng-show="$index === selectedColor">
<li ng-repeat="color in item._source.description" ng-click="changeColor($index)">
JS (controller)
$scope.changeColor = function(idx) {
$scope.selectedColor = idx || 0; //default show always first img.preview from list
MY ATTEMPTS #2 (working)
<li><img class="preview" ng-src="server/{{desc[__selected === $index ? __num : 0].smallImage.url}}">
<li ng-repeat="color in item._source.description" ng-click="changeColor($index, key)">
JS (controller)
$scope.changeColor = function(idx, key) {
$scope.__selected = key;
$scope.__num = idx;
This might be quite simple:
Considering desc and color will be referring to same object as they are of the same source.
So, desc and color should be identical and setting a property on either of them supposed to reflect on the other.
Make the changes as follow and try, havent tested though:
<li ng-repeat="desc in item._source.description" ng-show="item.__selected ? desc==item.__selected : $first">
<li ng-repeat="color in item._source.description">
<img class="color" ng-src="server/{{color.thumbnailImage.url}}" ng-click="item.__selected = color" />

