Capture the original value of an Angular model for in-place editing - angularjs

I built a simple in-place editing solution for profile data in my app. The problem is, if someone edits a field and modify the text of that field but choose "cancel," instead of save, because of Angular's bindings, the text change is still displayed in the UI.
I was thinking that when someone it "edit profile," I would capture the original value of the field so that if they hit cancel, it could restore the original text.
$scope.editProfile = ->
$scope.editState = true
$scope.originalDescription = $scope.user.profile.description
Of course, something like this doesn't work. I do want to capture $scope.user.profile.description at the time that editProfile function is called.
Any suggestions for strategies here?

What you can do, is:
angular.copy($scope.user.profile.description, $scope.description.backup)
and if you need to restore the original values:
angular.copy($scope.description.backup, $scope.user.profile.description)


ReactJS - make text input that contains tags and free text as template

I'm researching an easy way to make a free text input that can also contain multiple replaceable tags to create templates. As on this picture example
In that picture, the information witch player (tag) made the goal would be stored.
Later I would reuse that template and replacing the tag by a value.
Like: Goal of Iniesta, Goal of Rivaldo, ...
I couldn't find a lib that would do the job. The few attempts that I made to try to resolve it lead to extremely complex inputs with redefining selects (onClick, onKeydown, onSelect, maintaining current select) as the user can't edit the tag by hand (they are trigger by clicking buttons).
Does somebody already had to handle this kind of input?
Edit: As my question seems to be not clear, I will add a few details.
In fact, the input should work as it is a free text input but should also allow adding tags/chips that are provided by external triggers (onClick buttons)
Example: I will make [activity] on [day]
First I type "I will make " then I click the button "activity" that will add a "activity" tag/chip to the input. I continue with typing " on " and finaly click the button "day" to add the tag "day".
Then I will store this as template and reuse it in several scenarios by replacing the tags. Like:
I will make sandwiches on Monday
I will make sport on Friday
If somebody else have the same issue. I finally found the right lib Tagify. It has a mixed mode (text + tag)

CakePHP pre-filling form data doesn't seem to work

Here's what I am trying to accomplish:
A user fills out a form, saves a record. At some later date they wish to "clone" this record, but may want to make a few tweaks. This "clone" functionality should direct them to a form that is pre-filled with the previous record's data so that they can review it, edit as needed, and submit it as a new record.
What I'm trying:
I've modified my add() function to accept a parameters:
function add($cloneid = NULL)
Then created a Clone link that sends them to siteurl/model/add/id_to_clone
Then, I get the data from that model:
$clone_source = $this->Model->findById($cloneid);
$this->data['Model']['field1'] = $clone_source['Model']['field1'];
and so on. Based on Google searching and other posts, this should work. But what actually happens is that upon clicking the 'Clone' link, the user is directed and the form submits itself immediately (failing to save the record, since it fails validation) and the user never actually sees the form.
What am I doing wrong? (Also I should note, there are relational models present, but I don't think this should be the cause of any problems...I hope).
Forms are pre-populated using the $this->request->data array.
In order for your form to be populated you will need to set some data to the request.
So you'll be better off with the following.
$this->request->data = $this->Model->findById($id);

ExtJS Store/Grid reset

I have a button that when clicked, will create a JSONstore using a url provided. The store is then loaded into a grid. If the button is clicked again, it adds all the information again (so it is listed twice). I want it so that when the user clicks the button, it clears the store/grid and then adds everything.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
ExtJS 3
It will be useful to see some code examples (and extjs version), but you can simply use loadRecords method (!/api/[array of your new records here], {addRecords: false});
{addRecords: false} indicates that existing records will be removed first.
for ExtJs4: simply doe store.loadRecords([ array ]). In version 4.2.2 the store.proxy has NO clear() method so that doesn't work (was proposed in other examples elsewhere...)
If you want to to totally clear store and proxy, pass an empty array. This is handy because in some cases you want to clear the store and removeAll only moves the data to an array managed internally in the store so when later doing a sync on a gridStore which shows only 1 record, you may see your controller flooded with a bunch of records marked for removal!!

How to prefill a field of a node using rules in Drupal7?

Using rules it's easy to fill field values of a node after user pressed the save button. Just add a rule on before saving content event. But is it possible to have a rule to prefill a node field before edit form is shown to the user? So he has a change to corrent the default values.
This is a very late reply, but hopefully someone might find it to be of some help:
If you are creating the node using Rules, you could save it first, selecting "Force saving immediately: true". In the next step, you could set the value of the node field. You might need to save again. (also 'Force save' immediately.) And in the next step, do a 'page redirect' to the edit url.
Not sure if this is an elegant way to do it, but it might work. I had a somewhat similar requirement (not the same), and this is how I finally did that - by saving first, and then redirecting to the edit url of the saved node.
Not sure if this is something you can accomplish with rules or not, but if you go to structure->content types you can click "manage fields" and edit the default value of any field other than the title field (which you could always turn off and replace with a custom title field with a default value)
I think there are basically two ways of doing this:
1) Use Rules Forms. I don't know very much about that module, and I have had some less than perfect experiences with the module, but I'm fairly certain it could be done with the module.
2) Use Rules to create a node, populate the relevant field values, and then send the user to the edit page. One downside with this approach is that if the user decides to abort the node creation, you'll end up with a half-populated node that needs deletion in one way or another.
If you choose to go for option 2, and are comfortable with Page manager and Panels, it is probably worth checking out the Rules Panes module.

How to get a value from a combobox in a form after the field is populated by the database

I have a formPanel with two of the form items as comboboxes with their stores populated by the database. The value from comboBoxA needs to be used to get the value for comboBoxB however comboBoxA.getValue() (as well as getRawValue()) are returning undefined.
var comboBoxA = Ext.getCmp(comboBoxAID);
storeB.baseParams.UserID = comboBoxA.getValue();
As noted in the docs, store loading is asynchronous, so you have to do your additional processing within the appropriate callback:
storeA.on('load', function(){
var comboBoxA = Ext.getCmp(comboBoxAID);
storeB.baseParams.UserID = comboBoxA.getValue();
Loading a ComboBoxes store does not actually select a value. Try making a selection first (or loading a record into the form, etc). It sounds like your trying to link the 2 combos. If thats the case, search around for a tutorial, there are few out there. This should get you started, Linked Combos.
You might want to try this. It might be exactly what you are looking for. It also has a demo on the same page. The page is in german but the demo is predictable and the code is in english so test this.
