generate C structures from high level definition of objects - c

I have to define high level definition of objects such as :
obj1 => [
name => "object1",
type => "uint64",
dependents => [
{type => "unit32", name => "dep1"},
{type => "uint32", name => "dep2"}
default_value = "100"
From this I want to generate the C structures and some helper routines such as:
struct_dependents {
int type;
char name[MAX];
struct struct_obj1 {
char name[MAX];
int type;
struct dependents deps[MAX_DEP];
unit64 default_value;
// Some initializations..
Earlier I thought I could define the high level objects in .pm (perl module) files and then use perl to generate C code, but writing code to generate C code this way might be error prone and tough to maintain if object definitions change in future.
What I want to know is that - are there any such ready made tools which allow us to write high level object definition and auto generate their C structures?

There are plenty of code generators for C - you're more likely to find something that uses an intermediary syntax such as xml; A quick google turned up xml2c. You can use XML::Simple for saving your hashes to xml.
More examples can be found on google.
If you wish to roll out your own, code generation using template toolkit provides a flexible approach.


How to use Collections.binarySearch() in a CodenameOne project

I am used to being able to perform a binary search of a sorted list of, say, Strings or Integers, with code along the lines of:
Vector<String> vstr = new Vector<String>();
// etc...
int index = Collections.binarySearch (vstr, "abcd");
I'm not clear on how codenameone handles standard java methods and classes, but it looks like this could be fixed easily if classes like Integer and String (or the codenameone versions of these) implemented the Comparable interface.
Edit: I now see that code along the lines of the following will do the job.
int index = Collections.binarySearch(vstr, "abcd", new Comparator<String>() {
public int compare(String object1, String object2) {
return object1.compareTo(object2);
Adding the Comparable interface (to the various primitive "wrappers") would also would also make it easier to use Collections.sort (another very useful method :-))
You can also sort with a comparator but I agree, this is one of the important enhancements we need to provide in the native VM's on the various platforms personally this is my biggest peeve in our current VM.
Can you file an RFE on that and mention it as a comment in the Number issue?
If we are doing that change might as well do both.

Google-protobuf: How to create unions using Google protocol buffer

I am currently trying to use Google Protocol Buffers for C language.
I am a little unsure as to how to create a C union using GPB.
For example, with a proto file as follows:
message msgToSend
required Type msg_type=1; //Type is a predefined enum to determine message type
optional ReqMsg1 msg1=2;
optional ReqMsg2 msg2=3;
I expect above to generate a union upon compilation but a structure is generated as follows:
struct _msgToSend
ProtobufCMessage base;
Type msg_type;
ReqMsg1 msg1;
ReqMsg2 msg2;
In protobuf there is a dedicated structure for that (I'm using it in C++ though, not sure if it will work in pure C):
message MyUnion {
oneof MyUnionOneof {
bool booleanValue = 1;
string stringValue = 2;
Check out this link:
I don't think you can.
In Protobuf "optional" doesn't mean "it's either this or this other" like with C unions; it means "this might be here". That's why you're getting a C structure that can express both optional fields being present.
At work this alone was enough to make me implement a Protobuf replacement system, since we really wanted unions.

SystemVerilog: How to create an interface which is an array of a simpler interfaces?

I'm attempting to create an interface that is an array of a simpler interface. In VHDL I could simply define two types, a record and an array of records. But how to do this in SystemVerilog? Here's what I've tried:
`define MAX_TC 15
interface scorecard_if;
score_if if_score [`MAX_TC];
interface score_if;
integer tc;
integer pass;
integer fail;
bit flag_match;
real bandwidth;
But I get an error from Aldec Active-HDL:
Error: VCP2571 TestBench/ : (53, 34):
Instantiations must have brackets (): if_score.
I also tried
interface scorecard_if;
score_if [`MAX_TC] if_score;
interface scorecard_if;
score_if [`MAX_TC];
but both of those just resulted in "Unexpected token" syntax errors.
Is it even possible to do this? There are two workarounds that I can think of if there isn't a way to do this. First I could define all the individual elements of score_if as unpacked arrays:
interface score_if;
integer tc [1:`MAX_TC];
integer pass [1:`MAX_TC];
integer fail [1:`MAX_TC];
bit flag_match [1:`MAX_TC];
real bandwidth [1:`MAX_TC];
This compiles, but it's ugly in that I can no longer refer to a single score as a group.
I might also be to instantiate an array of score_if (using the original code), but I really want to instantiate scorecard_if inside a generate loop that would allow me instantiate a variable number of scorecard_if interfaces based on a parameter.
Just to provide a bit of explanation of what I'me trying to do, score_if is supposed to be a record of the score for a given test case, and scorecard_if an array for all of the test cases. But my testbench has multiple independent stimulus generators, monitors and scorecards to deal with multiple independent modules inside the DUT where the multiple is a parameter.
Part 1 : Declaring an array of interfaces
Add parentheses to the end of the interface instantiation. According to IEEE Std 1800-2012, all instantiations of hierarchical instances need the parentheses for the port list even if the port list is blank. Some tools allow dropping the parentheses if the interfaces doesn't have any ports in the declaration and and the instantiation is simple; but this is not part of the standard. Best practice is to use parentheses for all hierarchical instantiation.
score_if if_score [`MAX_TC] () ;
Syntax Citations:
§ 25.3 Interface syntax & § A.4.1.2 Interface instantiation
interface_instantiation ::= // from A.4.1.2
interface_identifier [ parameter_value_assignment ] hierarchical_instance { , hierarchical_instance } ;
§ A.4.1.1 Module instantiation
hierarchical_instance ::= name_of_instance ( [ list_of_port_connections ] )
Part 2: Accessing elements for that array
Hierarchical references must be constant. Arrayed hierarchical instances cannot be accessed by dynamic indexes. It is an rule/limitation since at least IEEE Std 1364. Read more about it in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 23.6 Hierarchical names, and the syntax rule is:
hierarchical_identifier ::= [ $root . ] { identifier constant_bit_select . } identifier
You could use a generate-for-loop, as it does an static unroll at compile/elaboration time. The limitation is you cannot use your display message our accumulate your fail count in the loop. You could use the generate loop to copy data to a local array and sum that, but that defeated your intention.
An interface is normally a bundle of nets used to connect modules with class-base test-bench or shared bus protocols. You are using it as a nested score card. A typedef struct would likely be better suited to your purpose. A struct is a data type and does not have the hierarchical reference limitation as modules and interfaces. It looked like you were already trying rout in your previous question. Not sure why you switched to nesting interfaces.
It looks like you are trying to create a fairly complex test environment. If so, I suggest learning UVM before spending to much time reinventing for a advance testbench architecture. Start with 1.1d as 1.2 isn't mainstream yet.
This also works:
1. define a "container" interface:
interface environment_if (input serial_clk);
serial_if eng_if[`NUM_OF_ENGINES](serial_clk);
virtual serial_if eng_virtual_if[`NUM_OF_ENGINES];
2. in the testbench instantiate env_if connect serial_if with generate, connect the virtual if with the non virtual and pass the virtual if to the verification env:
module testbench;
environment_if env_if(serial_clk);
dut i_dut(...);
genvar eng_idx
for(eng_idx=0; eng_idx<`NUM_OF_ENGINES; eng_idx++) begin
env_if.eng_if[eng_idx].serial_bit = assign i_dut.engine[eng_idx].serial_bit;
initial begin
env_if.eng_virtual_if = env_if.eng_if[0:`NUM_OF_ENGINES-1];
//now possible to iterate over eng_virtual_if[]
for(int eng_idx=0; eng_idx<`NUM_OF_ENGINES; eng_idx++)
uvm_config_db#(virtual serial_if)::set(null, "uvm_test_top.env", "tx_vif", env_if.env_virtual_if[eng_idx]);

Implementing Hierarchical State Machines in C

I'm a bit confused about how to implement my state machine.
I already know it's hierarchical since some states share the same action.
I determine what I need to do by these parameters:
Class (Values are: Base, Derived, Specific)
Parameter 1 - optional
Parameter 2 - optional
My hierarchy is determined by the Class and the OpCode represents the action.
Derived can use the OpCodes of Base and Specific can use OpCodes of both Base and Derived.
The naive implementation is the following:
void (*const state_table [MAX_CLASSES][MAX_OPCODES]) (state *) {
{base_state1, base_state2, NULL, NULL},
{base_state1, base_state2, derived_state1, NULL},
{base_state1,base_state2, derived_state1, specific_state3},
void dispatch(state *s)
if (state_table[s->Class][s->OpCode] != NULL)
This will turn unmaintainable really quick.
Is there another way to map the state to a superclass?
Further calcualtion leads me to think that I'll probably use most if not all OpCodes but I will not use all of the Classes available to me.
Another clarification:
Some OpCodes might be shared through multiple derived and base Classes.
For example:
I have a Class called Any
which is a Base class. It has the
I have another Class called
MyGroup which is a Derived class. It has the OpCodes:
The third Class is a Specific
class called ThingInMyGroup which
has the OpCode:
So a message with class Any is sent from the server, recieved in all clients and processed.
A message with class MyGroup is sent from the server, recieved in all clients and processed only on clients that belong to MyGroup, any OpCodes that are valid for the Any class are valid for the MyGroup class.
A message with class ThingInMyGroup is sent from the server, recieved in all clients and processed only on clients that belong to MyGroup and are a ThingInMyGroup*, any **OpCodes that are valid for the Any class and MyGroup class are valid for the ThingInMyGroup class.
After a message is received the client will ACK/NACK accordingly.
I prefer not to use switch cases or const arrays as they will become unmaintainable when they get bigger.
I need a flexible design that allows me:
To specify which OpCodes are available
for each Class.
To specify a superclass for each Class and through that specification to allow me to call the function pointer that is represented by the current OpCode.
There are several ways to deal with this. Here is one:
edit -- with general purpose hierarchy added
typedef unsigned op_code_type;
typedef void (*dispatch_type)(op_code_type);
typedef struct hierarchy_stack hierarchy_stack;
struct hierarchy_stack {
dispatch_type func;
hierarchy_stack *tail;
void dispatch(state *s, hierarchy_stack *stk) {
if (!stk) {
printf("this shouldn't have happened");
} else {
stk->func(s, stk->tail);
void Base(state *s, hierarchy_stack *stk ) {
switch (s->OpCode) {
case bstate1:
case bstate2:
dispatch(s, stk);
void Derived(state *s, hierarchy_stack *stk ) {
switch(s->opcode) {
case dstate1:
dispatch(s, stk);
NOTE : All function calls are tail calls.
This localizes your "class"es a good bit so that if you decide that Derived needs 100 more methods/opcodes then you only have to edit methods and the enum (or whatever) that you use to define opcodes.
Another, more dynamic way, to deal with this would be to have a parent pointer within each "class" that pointed to the "class" that would handle anything that it could not handle.
The 2D table approach is fast and flexible (Derived could have a different handler than Base for opcode 0), but it grows fast.
I wrote a little tool that generates code similar to your naive implementation based on a mini-language. The language just specified the state-opcode-action relationships, all of the actions were just C functions conforming to a typedef.
It didn't handle the HSM aspect, but this would be relatively easy to add to a language.
I'd recommend taking this approach -- create a little language that gives you a clean way to describe the state machine, and then generate code based on that machine description. That way when you need to insert a new state a month from now, the whole thing isn't a tangled mess to edit.
Let me know if you want the code and I'll make sure it's still available somewhere.

Theory of formal languages - Automaton

I'm wondering about formal languages. I have a kind of parser :
It reads à xml-like serialized tree structure and turn it into a multidimmensionnal array.
My point is on the similarities between the algorithm being used and the differents kinds of automatons ( state machines turing machines stack ... ).
So the question is : which is the automaton I implictly use here, and to which formal languages family does it fit ?
And what's about recursion ?
What i mean by " automaton i use implicitly " is "which is the minimal automaton to do the same job".
Here is the complete source :
$words; // an array of XML tag '<tag>', '</tag>' and simple text content
$tree = array(
'type' => 'root',
'sub' => array()
$pTree = array(&$tree);
$deep = 0;
foreach ( $words as $elem )
if ( preg_match($openTag, $elem) ) { // $elem is an open tag
$pTree[$deep++]['sub'][] = array( // we add an element to the multidim array
'type' => 'block',
'content' => $elem,
'sub' => array()
$size = sizeof($pTree[$deep - 1]['sub']);
$pTree[$deep] = &$pTree[$deep - 1]['sub'][$size - 1]; // down one level in the tree
} elseif ( preg_match($closeTag, $elem) ) { // it is a close tag
$deep--; // up in the tree
} else { // simple element
$pTree[$deep]['sub'][] = array(
'type' => 'simple',
'content' => $elem
Please take a look at your question again. You're referring to a $words variable, which is not in your example. Also, there is no code, without knowing what is being done it's hard to answer you.
Judging from the name of the variable $deep, it is probably not the state. The state in an automaton is an element of a set that is specific to the automaton; $deep looks like it could contain a depth, any positive integer. Again, hard to tell without the code.
Anyway, you are probably not "implicitly using" any automaton at all, if you didn't design your code as an implementation of one.
Your simple xml-like files could probably be recognized by a deterministic stack machine, or generated by a deterministic context-free grammar, making them Type-2 in the Chomsky hierarchy. Once again this is just a guess, "a xml-like serialized tree structure" is too vague for any kind of formalism.
In short, if you are looking to use any formal theory, do word your questions more formally.
Edit (after seeing the code):
You're building a tree. That's out of reach for an automaton (at least the “standard” ones). Finite automatons only work with an input and a state, stack machines add a stack to that, and Turing machines have a read-write tape they can move in both directions.
The “output” of an automaton is a simple “Yes” (accepted) or “No” (not accepted, or an infinite loop). (Turing machines can be defined to provide more output on their tape.)
The best I can answer to “which is the minimal automaton to do the same job” is that your language can be accepted by a stack machine; but it would work very differently and not give you trees.
However, you might look into grammars – another formal language construct that introduces the concept of parse trees.
What you are doing here is creating such a parse tree with a top-down parser.
