Sencha Architect not reflect with changes - extjs

I'm using Sencha Architect to building Sencha Touch application.
The Architect not reflect code changes in it. It don't ask me something like "This file has been modified by another program....Do you want to reload it"
Does archtiect support this function ? How to enable it ?

No, architect does not support this feature. All the changes you do to your source code must be done inside Sencha Architect.
Even if you try to edit the files, the first comment lines say:
* This file will be auto-generated each and everytime you save your project.
* Do NOT hand edit this file.
The reason for that is when you make changes to your code, Architect also changes a structure in it's meta folder so all the components and properties show up in the right places with the right seetings. Editing this by hand may break this functionality leaving your project broken and unable to be loaded inside Architect.


Manually Editing Codename One (Old) UI Designer Built Project

I have a project that I built with the old Codename One UI Designer. It has many 'SpanButtons' that I need to change for 'Buttons'. I don't want to have to do this using the Designer tool as it will involve a lot of work. Which files should I manually edit to make the change?
This wouldn't be much simpler with the old designer...
You can migrate to the new GUI builder which will be a lot of work.
Alternatively you can try this but a word of warning you would want to backup everything...
Turn on File -> XML Team Mode then save and close the designer. Open all the relevant .ui files under the res directory and edit them appropriately.
Open the top level XML file of the resource file (usually theme.xml) and set the attribute useXmlUI=true in the top tag.
Finally reopen the res file in the designer and save.

JFreeCharts demo does not allows copy to clipboard from the Source panes?

In the screenshot below we see the (useful!) source code for an XYPlot chart. The problem is - well if I were to actually want to use the code .. how to do it? Notice that the Edit menu item is disabled. So presumably there may have been cut and paste there .. but ..
So is there a workaround for this (well .. besides whipping out iTerm, cutting to the directory of the source and launching vim manually ..)
This is an oversight in the demo application. The 'Edit' menu is used to copy and paste chart images when charts are being viewed. The menu is disabled for the other tabs.
It does, of course, make sense that the user should be able to copy and paste the demo source code from the 'Source Code' tab rather than be required to find the relevant source file in the download. I will update the code to enable this.
I tried to fix this in source code. However the whole ant/build.xml and even the codebase are broken in multiple ways.. See here: JFreecharts Demo Code does not build? . I have contacted Object Refinery about a series of issues in their demo build script and setup.

Custom node.tpl file not working in drupal 7 project

I've created a node file named node--product-display.tpl.php as suggested by theme developer module. But the changes I make to this file doesn't show up. I've also copied the node.tpl.php file in my templates directory. The changes in the latter one show up but that in the former one doesn't. Any suggestions? I'm a beginner in Drupal by the way.
Try to clear the cache. Go to "admin/config/development/performance" and click on "Clear cache" button.
Hope this helps... Muhammad.

extjs 4.x with Sencha Architect v2.x

We are trying to evaluate extjs 4.x with Sencha Architect v2.x (UI designer) for our in-house sales tracking system. We are able to design and develop each/single modules like user manager, item manager etc as an application for using designer.
However, in order to make entire application work - driven by menu or dashboard and opening each module/application in separate tab, we are not able to make out the appropriate approach. Are we expected to design entire application in single design file which I believe is not practical as we would have more than 50 modules and many UIs.
We want to have something like we have dashboard with tree menu on left and tabs opening on right. On menu click we create a tab (if it does not already added) and open application that was originally designed with designer. E.g. if user clicks on “Sales order” we open sales order tab and so on.
We wanted make sure that we do use designer with model, store. I would appreciate suggestion on reusability of components like models, stores etc.
Architect 2 does not have a single design file. In fact each class has it's own file. You would not need to have separate projects. In fact both the metadata and the source Architect produces is very source control friendly.

Sencha application deploy

I have a JSP with Sencha grid (filtering and sorting columns).
After deploy I have an app-all.js file with size 550KB !
Is it possible ? 550KB only for grid ?
This is normal with Sencha. You can save some space by editing the CSS template files(SCSS files) and re-generating the CSS work files from the template, but it won't save you much space (10-20%, probably not much more).
I've tried removing actual functionality from Sencha (functionality that I didn't need): some files that were removed were not worth the trouble and other files that were removed just broke Sencha.
So, yes, sadly that is possible.
It's definitely possible. Grid panels have a long list of dependencies that need to be included. Just for example, it extends from Ext.Panel, which uses the Ext.Draw package for certain functionalities in IE6+ (like vertical text). Then there is the whole Class system, MVC, etc that gets involved.
