Moving more than 200 SQL Server 2008 Databases to another machine - sql-server

I have a server which is running SQL Server 2008R2 SP1 and there are more than 200 online databases with their specific login and I want to move all of these databases to another machine with the same software SQL Server 2008R2 SP1.
I can afford downtime up to 8 hours so I'm not looking for complex solution like database mirroring and logshipping.
I have tried Backup & Restore, it work fine but trouble me in two ways :
1- I couldn't transfer login to new server so all of my users will have to create their user again which will my users to get angry.
(I have tried to script all of the logins from the security section but since I have realize the hash algorithm between two system maybe different, I cannot transfer my logins in this way)
2 - I have to backup & restore each database one by one which is so time consuming.
I have also tried copy wizard, but I have encountered with following error message at the final stage :
"SQL Server schedule job" job failed the job was invoked by user sa step to run was step 1.
Since mysource server is running based on windows server 2003, I cannot use the powershell V3 solution.
I have done many searches but all I found was a solution to transfer one database to another server.
But since I'm looking for a solution to transfer mass databases, this situation is being hair pulling and so difficult So I wil be very appreciated if you can provide me an easy and practical solution.

for moving logins between servers
[moving logins][1]
then backup and restore all databases in that migraton day using pre built restore script if the db size is small , later restore the differential backups and make it online. if the size is an issue then implement log shipping or mirroring


Azure VM with SQL Server database - backup and file recovery

I have an Azure VM - Windows (Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter). It has Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 running on it (version v10.50.6549).
The Azure VM has backups running according to a policy - and I can see in the backups blade for the VM that they are running nightly.
If I have an issue with the SQL Server, and need to roll back to a prior version of the database, will the File Recovery option from the VM backup be adequate?
Or should I also be running SQL Server backups via a maintenance plan on the server on the VM?
If I have an issue with the SQL Server, and need to roll back to a
prior version of the database, will the File Recovery option from the
VM backup be adequate?
Maybe. VM Backups don't always give you consistent SQL backups. They usually work, but not always. If you have everything setup just right and get consistent VM backups, it might be ok-- but you are running a fairly old OS on that VM, so I'd be nervous. Very nervous. If the data is really important to you, then you should backup the data, not just the VM. Sometimes you want to restore just the data to another VM to investigate, not the entire server. I also hope you have more than just "last night's VM backup" at any given time. Sometimes bad things happen on Friday and you don't notice until Monday.
Or should I also be running SQL backups via a maintenance plan on the
server on the VM?
Yes, you should be running SQL backups if you your data is important. If your data is really important (you don't want to lose half a day of it), you should be doing full backups periodically (e.g. nightly) transaction log backups many times per hour, and keeping a few weeks worth of backups in rotation. If your data is super-important (you don't want to lose more than a few seconds), you should be mirroring it over to another database server in near-time (asynchronously). If it is critical (you don't want to lose any data), then you want to mirror to another server in real-time (synchronously).
Of course, if you are already running in Azure and don't have a DBA, managing a database is a lot easier, safer, more available, and generally cheaper if you use Azure SQL rather than trying to manage your own instance SQL Server in a VM-- oh yeah, and backups are handled for you, with millisecond point-in-time recovery for up to 45 days-- and they handle the mirroring for you to. If you want to mirror to another region across the country, you do have to pay extra for that, though.

Automating a SQL Restore - but delayed by 24 hours

I need to be able to script the following process and would be grateful for any guidance in achieving it!
We have a live database which is backed up every night (SQL 2008 R2). We have a 3rd party which requires access to the database but management have decided they can have access to a time-delayed copy instead. So I have been tasked with restoring the previous nights backup to another SQL instance, complete with login information to which the 3rd party can access without impacting the live database.
I believe a script could perform the task, except the backup file name is not constant (i.e databasename_2015_02_15_223005_3661110) and I can't figure out a way of automating a restore without knowing the backup name. We keep 3 days of full backups on the server before they are archived.
Instead should I be looking at either snapshots or replication to produce the 24 hour delayed copy?

Best SQL Server 2005 database transfer method

We currently have a Live and Dev environment within our offices, at regular intervals we need to move the live DB to Dev to make sure data is updated for the dev team to work with.
However the live DB is becoming very difficult to manage as its almost hit 100Gb, we currently run a DB backup, copy the file to the other server and restore it. however this is becoming a major headache that can take upwards of 4 - 5 hours.
does anyone have any good recommendations for how we can move the DB in a more efficient manor?
We are using MS SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.
The best way to update your dev server from the production is to implement a shipping logs strategy. Perform an incremental backup of your production database daily and place the incremental log in a location where the development server can see it. Then once a week take all the incremental backups (there should be 5) and increment the development database to make it look like the production. The process can be automated with sql server tools out there if you want it to, or you can write a little program that will generate the scripts for you from the file names in the directory where you put the log files. After you do the operation a few times and see the TSQL that SQL server will generate for you each time, you will get a good idea how to write the script generator utility. You can even automate the restore process to your dev box with the same utility, just connect to the dev server and run the scripts that it generates and then automate the running of the utility. Most programmers could whip up this utility in a day or two at best as long as they have a decent understanding of sql server and tsql.
You have other options as well, but this one would probably solve most of your issues
You get incremental backups of your production database in addition to your full backups that you may or may not do.
The utility you write will save time and automate the process all you have to do is check that it was successful or not and you have the utility email you the success/failure. If you are cloud based use an amazon tool for email, or if you azure based, use
Your time for producing the utility is not great.

Best practice for replication situation

I have just lost pretty much a day and a half trying to get pull replication going for an off site server. After experiencing the pain that was this experience I am now thinking it shouldn't be this hard so maybe I am doing it wrong. I never did get it to work, I had to go to push replication.
Here is the situation. We have a virtual server being hosted off site that will a database for a public web application. We want to push all the data from a few of our tables in our internal database to this off site location and it has to be done almost instantaneously so that the web information is current. We don't want to set up VPN because if that machine gets compromised we don't want that vulnerability.
If sql server replication is not the best method how would you do it?
FYI: Publisher = SQL Server 2005 & Subscriber = SQL Server 2008 Web Edition
Well, if you want it to be fast and easy to manage, one solution is to set a merge replication topology, having your main server as a publisher, and the hosted server as a suscriber. Replication can then be done through http, thus without vpn.
Be careful: web replication is not as straighforward as opening a page in your browser! You can find some interesting infos here
I do not have SQL Studio on this machine, but I guess you can parameter your subscription in such a way that only downloads will be replicated to the suscriber, while uploads will be ignored.
By running the replication script (it's a BAT file) from the suscriber every minute (through any scheduled tasks manager), you can have a quasi-instantaenous update of your suscriber's tables.

Advice needed: cold backup for SQL Server 2008 Express?

What are my options for achieving a cold backup server for SQL Server Express instance running a single database?
I have an SQL Server 2008 Express instance in production that currently represents a single point of failure for my application. I have a second physical box sitting at the installation that is currently doing nothing. I want to somehow replicate my database in near real time (a little bit of data loss is acceptable) to the second box. The database is very small and resources are utilized very lightly.
In the case that the production server dies, I would manually reconfigure my application to point to the backup server instead.
Although Express doesn't support log shipping, I am thinking that I could manually script a poor man's version of it, where I use batch files to take the logs and copy them across the network and apply them to the second server at 5 minute intervals.
Does anyone have any advice on whether this is technically achievable, or if there is a better way to do what I am trying to do?
Note that I want to avoid having to pay for the full version of SQL Server and configure mirroring as I think it is an overkill for this application. I understand that other DB platforms may present suitable options (eg. a MySQL Cluster), but for the purposes of this discussion, let's assume we have to stick to SQL Server.
I would also advise for a script based log shipping. After all, this is how log shipping started. All you need is a time based agent to schedule the scripts (ie. Tasks Scheduler), and a smart(er) file copy (robocopy).
