Angular.js: Set form fields "dirty" upon submission - angularjs

How can I make a form input to become dirty as the form is submitted?
This is needed so that the input fields with an $error can be
name: <input type="text"
ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
required /><br/>
As the form is submitted, I want this field - if left blank - to be rendered using the "invalid & dirty" style:
.css-form {
background-color: #FA787E;

Disable the submission button until form is dirty and the form items are valid.
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-disabled="myFrmName.$invalid || !myFrmName.$dirty">Submit Form</button>
Using ng-disabled will disable the form submission button while the form is $invalid or the form has yet to be touched (not $dirty).
I usually do something like this to display an error next to the required field:
<input type="text" name="myField" required ng-class="{true : 'has-error'}[hasError(myFrmName.myField.$error.required,myFrmName.myField.$dirty)]>
<span ng-if="hasError(myFrmName.myField.$error.required,myFrmName.myField.$dirty)">Required!</span>
Then in your controller:
$scope.hasError = function(e,d){ // e = $error, d = $dirty
return e && d;
return false;
} // end hasError
Example with ngMessages (Angular 1.3)
<input type="text" name="myField ng-model="fields.myField" ng-class="{true : 'has-error'}[hasError(myFrmName.myField.$error.required,myFrmName.myField.$dirty)] required>
<ng-messages for="myFrmName.myField.$error" ng-if="myFrmName.myField.$dirty">
<ng-message when="required" class="text-danger">The field is required!</ng-message>
The great thing about ngMessages is that all you need to do is add more <ng-message> tags for each type of validation for the field and just change the when attribute approrpriately.
<ng-message when="minlength">Your entry is too short.</ng-message>
Angular will display the correct message based upon whether or not the when is in the $error object for the field.

You can use $submitted flag of the form to highlight the field if the form is submitted and is empty.
<input type="text"
ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }"
ng-class={'has-error': yourFormName.$submitted && !yourFormName.uName.$valid}
required />
Or I guess just setting the form's dirty flag to true in your controller might do the same work. But I believe this implicitly changes the DOM as it adds a class to form which is not a good practice in angular.
$scope.yourForm.$dirty = true;

in case you would like to do that programatically, there is a method named "$setDirty()" you could use for that purpose.


Angular: Disable button on click after required fields are filled in the form

I need to disable the submit button after clicking on the button to prevent multiple submissions but before the it has to ensure that the required fields are filled.
I tried
<body ng-app="ngToggle">
<div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
<form name="newUserForm">
<input type="text" required>
<input type="text" required>
<input type="text">
<button ng-click="disableClick()" ng-disabled="isDisabled"
ng-model="isDisabled">Disable ng-click</button>
angular.module('ngToggle', [])
.controller('AppCtrl',['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.isDisabled = false;
$scope.disableClick = function() {
$scope.isDisabled = true;
return false;
but this will only disable the button without any validation
Ok, I get what you mean/want so I'll try to help and come up with some code - which is obviously missing but if it wasn't missing the necessary code, you'd have the solution :)
First, you'll have to properly write your form:
<form name="newUserForm" ng-submit="disableClick(newUserForm.$valid)" novalidate>
<input type="text" name="input1" ng-model="form.input1" required>
<input type="text" name="input2" ng-model="form.input2" required>
<input type="text" name="input3" ng-model="form.input3"> //not required
<button type="submit" ng-disabled="isDisabled">Disable ng-click</button>
so what we've got here, which you're missing:
You did name your form, but you're missing a submit, in the form as ng-submit or the button with type="submit", which will submit the form and that's when the validation happens
In order for Angular to validate your inputs, they need to have ng-model, otherwise it will not validate (HTML5 validation would, but read on)
I've added novalidate so we tell the browser "Hey, we need this validated but not by you, so do nothing", and Angular takes over
And last but not least, Angular adds a couple of properties to the form (see more here: Angular form Docs), $valid being one of them, which is set to true when all validated inputs are valid.
So this sums up the changes you needed to do to your form.
As for the Javascript part, there is just one small change:
$scope.disableClick = function(valid) {
if(valid && !$scope.isDisabled) {
$scope.isDisabled = true;
return false;
I guess the change is obvious, but I'll explain anyway - check that newUserForm.$valid (boolean) and if it's true (meaning form has passed validation) disable this button.
Of course, you'll have to add checks not to run the code on any type of submits and not just disabling the button (which can easily be re-enabled via Dev Tools), so that's why I added !$scope.isDisabled to the if statement.
Hope this answers your question :)
P.S. Here's a running demo in Plunker

ng-minlength and ng-pattern preventing binding

I have defined an input feild as
<form name="signUpForm">
<input type="text" name="username" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username" ng-pattern="/((?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[##$%^]))/">
And defined user in controller as
Now when I bind user.username value in HTML, its preventing it.
<p ng-if="user.username.length > 0">Display True</p>
Even if I simply bind its value in HTML as
Its not being displayed.
Now if I remove ng-pattern from input field as :-
<input type="text" ng-minlength="8" ng-maxlength="64" ng-model="user.username">
then only its binding and that too after satisfying ng-minlength="8" condition. Means '12345678' is displayed and '1234567' not.
One more issue is there i.e. if I use ng-pattern then ng-minlength validation is not working.
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$error.minlength">Please enter minimum length</p>
You can try setting the form.$setViewValue.length instead of the model's length
for example:
<p ng-if="signUpForm.username.$setViewValue.length > 0">Display True</p>
here's a solution i found:
How do I prevent AngularJS from unbinding a form input's value from its model when it's invalid?

Angularjs ng-model-options is not working.

I have a pattern on my controller
$scope.pattern = {
name: /[a-zA-Z]{5,}/
On the view
<input type="text" name="name" data-ng-model="name" ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'blur' }" ng-pattern="" required />
<div ng-show="$dirty &&$invalid">
<span ng-show="$error.required">The name field is mandatory</span>
<span ng-show="$error.pattern">The name must be at least 5 characters long</span>
I want the field to be validate only when it looses the focus but it doesn't it validates every time I press a button.
ngModelOptions was introduced only in Angular 1.3.x
If you want to use similar functionality in Angular 1.2.x, check out this poly fill:

empty form field is still being submitted when using angular form validation

The validation is being highlighted correctly, but when I click submit button, even with empty form field, the form is still being submitted (and nick value is undefined)
I tried adding novalidate to the form -- but that didn't help.
<form class="nick" ng-submit="joinChat()">
<input type="text" required name="nick" ng-model="nick" ng-minlength="2" ng-maxlength="10">
I'm trying to follow this guide here:
The joinChat() function doesn't do any validation itself. As its my understanding this shouldn't be necessary when using Angular form validation.
$scope.joinChat = function(){
socket.emit('chat:join', { nick: $scope.nick });
Invalid input does not prevent angular form submission, instead try this:
<form class="nick" novalidate ng-submit="joinChat()" name="myform">
<input type="text" ng-required="true" name="nick" ng-model="nick" ng-minlength="2" ng-maxlength="10">
<button ng-disabled="myform.$invalid">Join</button>

Is ng-model needed when using ng-disabled and $invalid on a form?

I'm using AngularJS and have a form where I want the Submit button to be disabled if some fields are not filled in.
The standard way seems to be the following:
<form ng-app name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="name" ng-model="" required>
<input type="submit" ng-disabled="$invalid">
However, if I omit the model from the input field the validation doesn't work and I don't need any models on my input fields (I submit my form using the ngUpload directive so it's actually sent to the form action in an iframe).
Is there any solution or should I add random models just to make the validation work? It seems like a bad work-around.
You could simply do the invalid check at the form level, then no need to define a model for each input:
<form ng-app name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="name" required>
<input type="submit" ng-disabled="myForm.$invalid">
You are missing your model at your test input tag : ng-model=""
