I have VF Component controller class that extends the Main VF page Controller class. The component is added inside the Main VF page. I am not able to pass the input field from component to main Controller. When I insert, only main VF page input field is inserted, not the component input field. Please suggest a solution.
I have problem fetch data in class component one button click first check id is match are not that match show all data another page
I am try that I am check id for fetching request input filed not but I am not able to do
i have a datatable and a pagination component every time change the page the query-parameters are added to the url like: /table?pageNo:2 as soon as i go to different page it loses the query-params i want while coming back from any component it should show the same url like: table/?pageNo:2
My issue is that I have 2 components. They are not sibling components. When I click the first component, it is a link to the parent of the second component. This link has an onClick function that takes the id of the component clicked and finds the object in the database with a matching id and makes it accessible in props as its own object. In the child of the component that you go to after you click this link, I was trying to use ComponentDidMount() with a function that gets a new set of objects from the backend based on the id of the returned object in props from the first function performed. It currently returns undefined, because the first function is happening too slowly I think. Any suggestions?
I am using Angular 1.5 component model using typescript. I have created a demo component and calling it as card demo component, another component is calling as Card Component. I have below requirement.
On a page I added Card demo component using the tag <card-demo></ card-demo>.
It renders different cards using <card></card> child component and repeat based on my json array object.
In each individual card I have a link called "More".
When someone clicks on the more link I need to load the <card-demo> dynamically on the page. (This is same card demo component in step #1).
For this, I have created a 2-way attribute called ids. So, the syntax is <card-demo ids="8,4,5,88"></card-demo>. So, when someone clicks on more link I am passing ids dynamically to the ids attribute.
Below code works perfectly.
<card-demo ids="1,2,3,55"></card-demo> <!--(Hard-coded ids)-->
But, from click event of card "more" event inside card-demo I need to pass ids data to another card-demo object on the page.
So, simplified question: How to set the <card-demo> ids attribute from click event of the child component of another <card-demo>.
Please let me know if you don't understand the requirement correctly.
Reference : http://busypeoples.github.io/post/react-component-lifecycle/
I am a newbie in React Native.
I have Navigator in main.js and I am routing 2 pages in that navigator.
While navigating to second page from first page, The cycle methods from componentWillReceiveProps() to componentDidUpdate() gets called for the first page.
It should not get call as there is no props on the first page is changing. Even render() method for the first page is getting called. I just want to simply go to second page.