Angular group by and filter - angularjs

I am trying to group my collection based on a property and at the same time i would like to filter my collection with one property.
When i try the following,
<div data-ng-repeat="(group,parameter) in parameters | filter : { 'type' : '!GroupType' }| groupBy :'group'">
<div data-ng-repeat="par in parameter">
<myfield ng-model="par.value" parameter="par" entry-map="entryMap"></myfield>
I get a lot of errors on the console as follows,
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations:
I dont have any watch on my collection. What is the correct way to do this.

I would advise you against using that implementation of the 'groupBy' $filter, use this one instead:
angular.module("sbrpr.filters", [])
.filter('groupBy', function () {
var results={};
return function (data, key) {
if (!(data && key)) return;
var result;
var scopeId = this.$id;
this.$on("$destroy", function() {
delete results[scopeId];
result = results[scopeId];
for(var groupKey in result)
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (!result[data[i][key]])
var keys = Object.keys(result);
for(var k=0; k<keys.length; k++){
delete result[keys[k]];
return result;
Also, have a look at this post, where I discuss why the implementation that you are using is actually pretty bad.
And finally, please support my answer here. Thanks!


Infinite Digest Loop in AngularJS filter

I have written this custom filter for AngularJS, but when it runs, I get the infinite digest loop error. Why does this occur and how can I correct this?
angular.module("app", []).
filter('department', function(filterFilter) {
return function(items, args) {
var productMatches;
var output = [];
var count = 0;
if (args.selectedDepartment.Id !== undefined && args.option) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
productMatches = items[i].products.filter(function(el) {
return el.Order__r.Department__r.Id === args.selectedDepartment.Id;
if (productMatches.length !== 0) {
output[count] = {};
output[count].products = productMatches;
output[count].firstProduct = items[i].firstProduct;
return output;
This is the relevant HTML:
<tr class='destination' ng-repeat-start='pickupAccount in pickupAccounts | department : {"selectedDepartment": selectedDepartment, "option": displayExclusive }'>
<!-- td here -->
displayExclusive is boolean.
I have written this custom filter for AngularJS, but when it runs, I get the infinite digest loop error.
Keep in mind that filter should return array of the same object structure. When we activate filter, it fires digest cycle that will run over our filter again. If something changed in output list - fires new digest cycle and so on. after 10 attempts it will throw us Infinite Digest Loop Exception
This empty filter will works (100%). Actually we do nothing here but return the same object that filter receives.
filter('department', function(filterFilter) {
return function(items, args) {
var output = items;
return output;
Now the main idea is: write some condition to push to output objects from input list a.e. items based on some if statement, a.e.
var output = [];
if (args.selectedDepartment.Id !== undefined && args.option) {
angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
By this way it will work too.
our case:
we have this logic:
productMatches = items[i].products.filter(function(el) {
return el.Order__r.Department__r.Id === args.selectedDepartment.Id;
if (productMatches.length !== 0) {
output[count] = {};
output[count].products = productMatches;
output[count].firstProduct = items[i].firstProduct;
Here we completely modified object that has been stored in output.
So next digest cycle our items will change again and again.
The main purpose of filter is to filter list and not modify list object content.
Above mentioned logic you wrote is related to data manipulation and not filter. The department filter returns the same length of items.
To achieve your goal, you can use lodash map or underscorejs map for example.
This happens when you manipulate the returned array in a way that it does not match the original array. See for example:
.filter("department", function() {
return function(items, args) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
output[i] = {};
output[i] = items[i]; // if you don't do this, the next filter will fail
output[i].product = items[i];
return output;
You can see it happening in the following simplified jsfiddle:
If the returned array does have the same 'structure' as the input array, it will cause these errors.
It should work in your case by just assigning the original item to the returned item:
if (productMatches.length !== 0) {
output[count] = items[i]; // do this
output[count].products = productMatches;
output[count].firstProduct = items[i].firstProduct;
output[count] = {};
Above line is the main problem. You create a new instance, and ng-repeat will detect that the model is constantly changed indefinitely. (while you think that nothing is changed from the UI perspective)
To avoid the issue, basically you need to ensure that each element in the model remains the 'same', i.e.
firstCallOutput[0] == secondCallOutput[0]
&& firstCallOutput[1] == secondCallOutput[1]
&& firstCallOutput[2] == secondCallOutput[2]
This equality should be maintained as long as you don't change the model, thus ng-repeat will not 'wrongly' think that the model has been changed.
Please note that two new instances is not equal, i.e. {} != {}

angular push result to controller

(was not sure what to have as a title, so if you have a better suggestion, feel free to come up with one - I will correct)
I am working on an angular application where I have some menues and a search result list. I also have a document view area.
You can sort of say that the application behaves like an e-mail application.
I have a few controllers:
DateCtrl: creates a list of dates so the users can choose which dates they want to see posts from.
SourceCtrl: Creates a list of sources so the user can choose from which sources he/she wants to see posts from.
ListCtrl: The controller populating the list. The data comes from an elastic search index. The list is updated every 10-30 seconds (trying to find the best interval) by using the $interval service.
What I have tried
Sources: I have tried to make this a filter, but a user clicks two checkboxes the list is not sorted by date, but on which checkbox the user clicked first.
If it is possible to make this work as a filter, I'd rather continue doing that.
The current code is like this, it does not do what I want:
.filter("bureauFilter", function(filterService) {
return function(input) {
var selectedFilter = filterService.getFilters();
if (selectedFilter.length === 0) {
return input;
var out = [];
if (selectedFilter) {
for (var f = 0; f < selectedFilter.length; f++) {
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
var myDate = input[i]._source.versioncreated;
var changedDate = dateFromString(myDate);
input[i]._source.sort = new Date(changedDate).getTime();
if (input[i]._source.copyrightholder === selectedFilter[f]) {
// return out;
// we need to sort the out array
var returnArray = out.sort(function(a,b) {
return new Date(b.versioncreated).getTime() - new Date(a.versioncreated).getTime();
return returnArray;
} else {
return input;
Date: I have found it in production that this cannot be used as a filter. The list of posts shows the latest 1000 posts, which is only a third of all posts arriving each day. So this has to be changed to a date-search.
I am trying something like this:
.service('elasticService', ['es', 'searchService', function (es, searchService) {
var esSearch = function (searchService) {
if (searchService.field === "versioncreated") {
// doing some code
} else {
// doing some other type of search
and a search service:
.service('searchService', function () {
var selectedField = "";
var selectedValue = "";
var setFieldAndValue = function (field, value) {
selectedField = field;
selectedValue = value;
var getFieldAndValue = function () {
return {
"field": selectedField,
"value": selectedValue
return {
setFieldAndValue: setFieldAndValue,
getFieldAndValue: getFieldAndValue
What I want to achieve is this:
When no dates or sources are clicked the whole list shall be shown.
When Source or Date are clicked it shall get the posts based on these selections.
I cannot use filter on Date as the application receives some 3000 posts a day and so I have to query elastic search to get the posts for the selected date.
Up until now I have put the elastic-search in the listController, but I am now refactoring so the es-search happens in a service. This so the listController will receive the correct post based on the selections the user has done.
Question is: What is the best pattern or method to use when trying to achieve this?
Where your data is coming from is pretty irrelevant, it's for you to do the hook up with your data source.
With regards to how to render a list:
The view would be:
<div ng-controller='MyController as myCtrl'>
<input name='searchText' ng-model='myCtrl.searchText'>
<li ng-repeat='item in myCtrl.list | filter:myCtrl.searchText' ng-bind='item'></li>
<button ng-click='myCtrl.doSomethingOnClick()'>
controller would be:
myApp.controller('MyController', ['ElasticSearchService',function(ElasticSearchService) {
var self = this;
self.searchText = '';
ElasticSearchService.getInitialList().then(function(list) {
self.list = list;
self.doSomethingOnClick = function() {
ElasticSearchService.updateList(self.searchText).then(function(list) {
self.list = list;
service would be:
myApp.service('ElasticSearchService', ['$q', function($q) {
var obj = {};
obj.getInitialList = function() {
var defer = $q.defer();
// do some elastic search stuff here
// on success
// on failure
return defer.promise();
obj.updateList = function(param) {
var defer = $q.defer();
// do some elastic search stuff here
// on success
// on failure
return defer.promise();
return obj;
This code has NOT been tested but gives you an outline of how you should approach this. $q is used because promises allow things to be dealt with asynchronously.

Converting string to array using filter and using it in ng-repeat

I have a string which is in "1200:2,1300:3,1400:2" format. I need this to be printed like
I tried using filter,
return function (input) {
//Validate the input
if (!input) {
return '';
var hoaArray = [];
var inputArray = input.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
var adminTimeArray = inputArray[i].split(':');
hoaArray.push({ 'adminTime': adminTimeArray[0], 'dose': adminTimeArray[1]?adminTimeArray[1]:'' });
return hoaArray;
and inside html like
<p ng-repeat="timing in timing_list | formatter">{{timing.}}</p>{{timing .adminTime}}</div>
I am getting the following error,
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: [[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":36,"oldVal":34}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":38,"oldVal":36}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":40,"oldVal":38}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":42,"oldVal":40}],[{"msg":"fn: regularInterceptedExpression","newVal":44,"oldVal":42}]]
Could anyone please help me understand what am I doing wrong?
In the IndexController.js file:
var inputString = "1200:2,1330:3,1400:4,1500:3";
var formatInputString = function (input) {
//Validate the input
if (!input) {
return '';
var hoaArray = [];
var inputArray = input.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
var adminTimeArray = inputArray[i].split(':');
hoaArray.push({ 'adminTime': adminTimeArray[0], 'dose': adminTimeArray[1] ? adminTimeArray[1] : '' });
return hoaArray;
$scope.inputString = inputString;
$scope.formattedString = formatInputString(inputString);
In the HTML file:
<div ng-repeat="timing in formattedString" >
The issue here - possibly a limitation or a bug in Angular - is that your filter creates new array objects every time it runs. ng-repeat uses under the covers $scope.$watchCollection to watch for the expression "timing_list | formatter" - this watcher always trips up because, in trying to detect a change in a values in the collection, it compares objects with a simple "!==" - and the objects are always new and different objects.
In short, this is another way to reproduce:
$scope.items = [1, 2, 3];
$scope.$watchCollection("items | foo", function(){
where foo is a filter that operates on each element in the array creating a new object:
.filter("foo", function(){
return function(inputArray){
return {a: item};
So, to answer your question - you cannot with Angular v1.3.15 use a filter that returns an array with objects (without some funky object caching) with $watchCollection, and by extension, with ng-repeat.
The best way is to create the array first (with ng-init or in the controller), and then use it in the ng-repeat.

angular function in ng-show with a promise getting error

I'm using restangular for my app. Say I have this in my view:
<div ng-repeat="resource in resources">
<i ng-show="isCheckedLabel(resource)" class="fa fa-checked"> Checked </i>
and in my controller I have my api call to the service
$scope.getResources = function(){
$scope.getResourcePromise = ResourceService.getResourceById(${
$scope.resources = response;
and here is my check function which will return true or false
$scope.isCheckedLabel = function(resource){
for(var group in resource.groups){
for(i = 0; i < resource.groups.length; i++){
if (resource.groups[group].isChecked === true){
return true;
} else {
return false;
What i'm trying to do: loop through each group and if 1 or more is 'checked' I want my label in the front end to show checked.
My function is returning true when one of them is checked and false when none are checked but it's not displaying the i element in the view because I'm getting this error in the console:
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!
Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations: []
and it just keeps firing over and over. What's going on here?
First and foremost thing is a value returned inside async then callback will not be the return value of isCheckedLabel.
Looking at your code, you do not need $scope.getResourcePromise.then in isCheckedLabel as the you already have the resource object passed as parameter. Also for loop code seems to wrong. Change it to
$scope.isCheckedLabel = function(resource){
for(var group in resource.groups){
if (group.isChecked === true){
return true;
} else {
return false;
This error occurs only when you trying to update the dom when the $digest is running. In your case you can try to set the checked variable as another property in the $scope variable resources.
$scope.getResources = function () {
$scope.getResourcePromise = ResourceService.getResourceById($ (response) {
$scope.resources = response;
$scope.resources.forEach(function (resource) {
$scope.getResourcePromise.then(function () {
for (var group in resource.groups) {
for (i = 0; i < resource.groups.length; i++) {
if (resource.groups[group].isChecked === true) {
//Here setting another property on the resource object
resource.checked = true;
} else {
resource.checked = false;
Now in HTML you can do something like this simply:
<div ng-repeat="resource in resources">
<i ng-show="resource.checked" class="fa fa-checked"> Checked </i>

Angular filter returning an array of objects causing infinite $digest loop

I have a custom filter which returns an array of matches to search field input and it works, but only after causing an infinite $digest loop. This also apparently only began happening after upgrading from Angular 1.0.6. This is the filter code:
angular.module("Directory.searches.filters", [])
.filter('highlightMatches', function() {
var ary = [];
return function (obj, matcher) {
if (matcher && matcher.length) {
var regex = new RegExp("(\\w*" + matcher + "\\w*)", 'ig');
ary.length = 0;
angular.forEach(obj, function (object) {
if (object.text.match(regex)) {
ary[ary.length-1].text = object.text.replace(regex, "<em>$1</em>");
return ary;
} else {
return obj;
I've seen elsewhere that this could be caused by having the filter inside of an ng-show, or that it's because the array being returned is interpreted as a new array every time it's checked, but I'm not sure how I could fix either problem. You can see a production example of this issue at and the open source project is available at Thank you!
This is happening because of angular.copy(object). Each time the digest cycle runs, the filter returns an array of new objects that angular has never seen before, so the the digest loop goes on forever.
One solution is return an array containing the original items that match the filter, with a highlightedText property added to each item...
angular.module("Directory.searches.filters", [])
.filter('highlightMatches', function() {
return function (items, matcher) {
if (matcher && matcher.length) {
var filteredItems = [];
var regex = new RegExp("(\\w*" + matcher + "\\w*)", 'ig');
angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
if (item.text.match(regex)) {
item.highlightedText = item.text.replace(regex, "<em>$1</em>");
return filteredItems;
} else {
angular.forEach(items, function (item) {
item.highlightedText = item.text;
return items;
You can bind to the highlightedText property, something like...
<li ng-repeat="item in items | highlightMatches : matcher" ng-bind-html="item.highlightedText"></li>
