print variables that contain an array of numbers by columns - arrays

I gather an array of numbers like this
values=`sed -n "3,6p" STAT_EE/table_EE'.tex' | awk '{ print $4}'`
val=`sed -n "8,12p" STAT_EE/table_EE'.tex' | awk '{ print $4}'`
and then I want to print this to variables in columns. I tried with echo -en "$values\t$val but it prints the two variables as a one single array I also tried with printf but it did not work.
Could you please help me with this concern? Thank's a lot

First, the variables that you have defined are not bash arrays; they are bash strings. To make arrays, enclose the expressions in parentheses:
values=(`sed -n "3,6p" STAT_EE/table_EE'.tex' | awk '{ print $4}'`)
val=(`sed -n "8,12p" STAT_EE/table_EE'.tex' | awk '{ print $4}'`)
To print them out in two columns:
for ((i=0;i<${#values[#]};i++))
echo "${values[i]} ${val[i]}"
for i in $( seq 0 $((${#values[#]}-1)) )
echo "${values[i]} ${val[i]}"
Advanced Topics
Because the backtick notation is fragile and does not nest well, the %(...) construct is generally preferred. Also, in the sed-awk code above, sed is only being used to select and range of lines. That is something that awk does very well. So, the code can simplify to:
values=( $(awk 'NR>=3 && NR<=6{ print $4}' STAT_EE/table_EE.tex) )
val=( $(awk 'NR>=8 && NR<=12{ print $4}' STAT_EE/table_EE.tex) )


how to parse json in bash script as an array? array value should have both key:value format

my json.file looks like
"price1" : "120.10",
"price2" : "110.30",
"price3" : "244.45"
I have used below sed command in my bash script to declare array that reads from json
array=( $(sed -n '/{/,/}/{s/[^:]*:[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1/p;}' json.file) )
this gave me output for echo ${array[*]} values
120.10 110.10 244.45
I am looking for my array values to include the key name as well (key:value).
my desired output should be key:value format
price1:120.10 price2:110.10 price3:244.45
can someone please help or guide me?
Parsing json with sed is probably a bad idea. But let's assume it is a super-simple and regular kind of json format. You were not too far from a working solution:
$ array=($(sed -nr 's/.*"(.*)".*"(.*)".*/\1:\2/p' json.file))
$ echo ${array[*]}
price1:120.10 price2:110.30 price3:244.45
The p flag of the substitute command tells sed to print the result if there was a match. It is good to know. If you have only two quoted strings per line of interest it should work. The regular expression .*"(.*)".*"(.*)".* matches anything - .* - followed by a double quote, anything again, another double quote... The parentheses - (.*) - do not change what is matched. It just records the matched part between parentheses in one of nine buffers that can be used in the replacement string - \1:\2. So here, the replacement string corresponds to:
<first recorded match>:<second recorded match>
If you want to be more specific about the matching lines you can. For instance:
sed -nr 's/^ "(.*)" : "(.*)",?$/\1:\2/p' json.file
Also specifies that there are 2 leading spaces, that the colon is preceded and followed by one single space and that there is a optional comma after the last quote and before the end of line.
But there is also the much simpler:
sed -nr 's/[[:space:]",]//gp' json.file
that just removes all spaces, double quotes and commas, printing only the matching lines. And guess what? It is what you (apparently) want.
Anyway, remember that if your json files are more complex than what you show sed is definitely not the right tool.
Your solution just needs to extract the extra data:
array=( $(sed -n '/{/,/}/{s/"\([^"]*\)"[^:]*:[^"]*"\([^"]*\).*/\1:\2/p;}' <<< "$j") )
echo ${array[#]}
price1:120.10 price2:110.30 price3:244.45
Simpler looking solutions may work too, but I'm assuming that you wrote your pattern like that deliberately.
The key trick here is to enclose part of your pattern with escaped brackets \(...\) and then have a numbered substitution for each in the output part \1, \2, etc.
array=($(jq -r 'to_entries[] | ( "\(.key):\(.value)")' <<< "$json"))
echo ${array[#]}
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}"
declare -p array
array=($(jq -r 'to_entries[] | ( "\(.key):\(.value)") | #sh' <<< "$json"))
echo ${array[#]}
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}"
declare -p array
price1:120.10 price2:110.30 price3:244.45
declare -a array='([0]="price1:120.10" [1]="price2:110.30" [2]="price3:244.45")'
'price1:120.10' 'price2:110.30' 'price3:244.45'
declare -a array='([0]="'\''price1:120.10'\''" [1]="'\''price2:110.30'\''" [2]="'\''price3:244.45'\''")'
For bash scripting, you might want to use an Associative array:
declare -A prices
while IFS=$'\t' read -r key value; do
done < <(
jq -r 'to_entries[] | [.key, .value] | #tsv' json.file
Then, inspect the array
declare -p prices
declare -A prices='([price1]="120.10" [price3]="244.45" [price2]="110.30" )'
or iterate over it
for key in "${!prices[#]}"; do
printf '%s => %s\n' "$key" "${prices[$key]}"
price1 => 120.10
price3 => 244.45
price2 => 110.30

Bash: Is there a built-in way to get the maximum length of the keys in an associative array

In Bash, given an associative array, how do I find the length of the longest key?
Say, I declare myArray as shown below:
$ declare -A myArray=([zero]=nothing [one]='just one' [multiple]='many many')
$ echo ${myArray[zero]}
$ echo ${myArray[one]}
just one
$ echo ${myArray[multiple]}
many many
I can get it using the below one-liner
$ vSpacePad=`for keys in "${!myArray[#]}"; do echo $keys; done | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -1 | awk '{print $1}'`;
$ echo $vSpacePad
Am looking for something simpler like below, but unfortunately, these just give the count of items in the array.
$ echo "${#myArray[#]}"
$ echo "${#myArray[*]}"
You do need to loop over the keys, but you don't need any external tools:
for key in "${!myArray[#]}"; do
((len > max)) && max=$len
echo $max # => 8
If you want to print the elements of an array one per line, you don't need a loop: printf is your friend:
printf '%s\n' "${!myArray[#]}"
printf iterates until all the arguments are consumed
Is there a built-in way to get the maximum length of the keys in an associative array
how do I find the length of the longest key?
Iterate over array elements, get the element length and keep the biggest number.
Do not use backticks `. Use $(..) instead.
Quote variable expansions - don't echo $keys, do echo "$keys". Prefer printf to echo.
If array elements do not have newlines and other fishy characters, you could:
printf "%s\n" "${myArray[#]}" | wc -L

Problem with Splitting Up a String and Putting it Into an Array in BASH on a Mac

I have been trying to split up a string and putting it into an Array in Bash on my Mac without success.
Here is my sample code:
declare -a allDisks
allDisksString="`ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }'`"
#allDisksString="/dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk1s1"
echo allDisksString is $allDisksString
IFS=' ' read -ra allDisks <<< "$allDisksString"
echo allDIsks is "$allDisks"
echo The second item in allDisks is "${allDisks[1]}"
for disk in "${allDisks[#]}"
printf "Loop $disk\n"
And below is the output:
allDisksString is /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2 /dev/disk0s3 /dev/disk0s4 /dev/disk1s1
allDIsks is /dev/disk0s1
The second item in allDisks is
Loop /dev/disk0s1
Interesting if I execute the following in the Mac Terminal:
ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }'
I get the following output
So I have also tried setting IFS to IFS=$'\n' without any success.
So no luck in getting a list of my drives into an array.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
You're making this much more complicated than it needs to be. You don't need to use ls, you can just use a wildcard to match the device names you want, and put that in an array assignment.
declare -a allDisks
echo allDIsks is "$allDisks"
echo The second item in allDisks is "${allDisks[1]}"
for disk in "${allDisks[#]}"
printf "Loop $disk\n"
read only reads one line.
Use an assignment instead. When assigning to an array, you need to use parentheses after the = sign:
disks=( $(ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }') )
echo ${disks[1]}

Iterating over lines (w/ numbers) read from a file to an array in bash

I'm trying to write a small script that will take the 4th columns of a file and store it in an array then do a little comparison. If the element in the array is greater than 0 and less than 500 I have to increment the counter. However when I run the script the counter always shows 0. Here's my script
mapfile -t my_array < <(cat file1.txt | awk '{ print $4 }' > test.txt)
for i in ${my_array[#]}; do
if [["${my_array[$i]}" -gt 0 -a "${my_array[$i]}" -lt 500 ]]
printf "%s\t%s\n" "%i" "${my_array[$i]}"//just to test if the mapfile command is working
mapfile -t my_array < <(awk '{ print $4 }' file1.txt | tee test.txt)
for idx in "${!my_array[#]}"; do
if (( value > 0 )) && (( value < 500 )); then
printf "%s\t%s\n" "$idx" "$value"
echo "$COUNTER"
The use of cat here is needless: It added nothing but inefficiency (requiring an extra process to be started, and forcing awk to read from a pipe rather than direct from a file).
mapfile had nothing to read because the output of awk was redirected to test.txt. If you want it to go to both a file and stdout, then you need to use tee.
-a is not valid in [[ ]]; use && instead there. However, since you're doing only arithmetic, (( )) is more appropriate. Incidentally, -a is officially marked obsolescent even for [ ] and test; see the current POSIX standard.
${my_array[#]} iterates over values. If you want to iterate over indexes, you need ${!my_array[#]} instead.
Whitespace is mandatory in separating command names. [["$foo" is a different command from [[, unless $foo is empty or starts with a character in $IFS.
If you redirect the output to a file: > test.txt then there is no output in "standard output" because it is consumed by the file. So, first, you need to remove that redirection. You may use:
mapfile -t my_array < <(cat file1.txt | awk '{ print $4 }' )
But since awk could perfectly well read a file, this is better:
mapfile -t my_array < <(awk '{ print $4 }' file1.txt)
And since you are using awk, it could do the comparison to 0 and 500 and output the whole count.
counter=$(awk '{if($4>0 && $4<500){c++}}END{print c}' file1.txt)
echo "$counter"
Simpler, faster.
That will also avoid some simple mistakes in your script, like missing an space in the […] construct:
if [[ "${my … # NOT "if [["${my …"
And some missing quotes:
for i in "${my_array[#]}" # NOT for i in ${my_array[#]}
In general, it is a good idea to check your script with to remove some simple mistakes.

Comment out items that do not match pattern in array

I have a log file I am trying to comment out lines that do not match my array. I did successfully learn how to create an array and I can echo out the array items but I am having trouble taking anything that doesn't match my array and adding something in front of it. Here is my code, if you have suggestions on another path or ways I can make it better:
for itsSaturday in $(find "$LOCATION" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log" ); do
declare -a someArray=( "breakfast" "scrambled eggs" "Bloody Mary" )
commentOn="## You_need_"
for arrayItem in "${someArray[#]}"; do
if ! grep -q "$merged" "$itsSaturday"; then
sed -e '/$merged/! s:$commentOn$theCall::g' "$itsSaturday" > $TEMPFILE && mv $TEMPFILE "$itsSaturday"
some_additional_text_scrambled eggs
some_additional_text_Bloody Mary
some_additional_text_orange juice
file into:
## You_need_some_additional_text_bacon
some_additional_text_scrambled eggs
some_additional_text_Bloody Mary
## You_need_some_additional_text_orange juice
How can I add a variable before items that do not match my array?
I don't like doing this using bash and sed, but I think the following might be enough:
#! /bin/bash
declare -a someArray=( "breakfast" "scrambled eggs" "Bloody Mary" )
commentOn="## You_need_"
IFS='|' mergedLines="${someArray[*]/#/$theCall}"
for i in *.txt
sed -r "/$mergedLines/!s/^/$commentOn/" "$i" >> "$TEMPFILE"
I shifted the array and other constants out of the loop.
"${someArray[*]/#/$theCall}" uses bash string substitution to append the contents of $theCall to every element in the array.
IFS='|' mergedLines="${someArray[*]} is a convenient trick to combine the elements of an array into a pipe-separated string.
Combined, (2) and (3) get me
some_additional_text_breakfast|some_additional_text_scrambled eggs|some_additional_text_Bloody Mary
in mergedLines.
Then it's just a matter of using extended regular expressions in sed (for |) and replacing non-matching lines.
Your sed pattern used single quotes, so the variables within were not expanded.
Try replacing the inner for-loop with:
PROG=$(printf '%s\n' "${COMMENT[#]}" | while read comment ; do
/bin/echo -n '$0 !~ /'"$comment"'$/ && '
echo '1 { printf commentOn } ; { print }')
awk -v commentOn="$commentOn" "$PROG" $itsSaturday > $TEMPFILE && mv $TEMPFILE $itsSaturday
On each file, this creates an awk program that does the work.
