Binding to data when changing the URL - angularjs

I am building an application that uses ui-router. On my /teams route I have a form where a user can add a team name which then pushes the name to my MongoDB and binds to the view and displays the team name with several options, one of those being a button that links to a page where more specific information can be added for the team. I have the routing working on this and the url appears like /#/teams/oklahoma or /#/teams/washington for example. Here is what my routing looks like:
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
.state('teams', {
url: '/teams',
templateUrl: './templates/main/league.html',
controller: 'leagueCtrl'
.state('teams/:title', {
url: '/teams/:title',
templateUrl: './templates/main/team.html',
controller: 'teamCtrl'
Here is my link to the /teams/:title route:
<a href="#subjects/{{ team.title | lowercase }}">
<button ng-click="viewTeam(team)" class="team-button">View</button>
Currently I do not have anything in my viewTeam() function. My question is how do I bind to my {{ team.title }} and other related information in the new view with the new URL? I know a factory must be somehow involved and I have tried implementing the solution described at without success. Any additional guidance would be very much appreciated.

The URL should probably contain the team ID. I'm going to assume your 'teams' array is loaded using $http from some backend API.
function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
.state('teams', {
url: '/teams',
// the `teams` state will wait to load until $http.get() call is completed.
// this resolve declaration will provide the resulting teams array as an injectable 'teams' object.
resolve: { teams: function($http) { return $http.get("/teams.json"); },
templateUrl: './templates/main/league.html',
// This simplified controller injects the 'teams' resolve and simply sticks the list of teams on the scope to ng-repeat etc.
controller: function($scope, teams) { $scope.teams = teams; }
// This is a nested state, called ``. It requires a `teamId` parameter.
// The parameter can be provided by a URL: http://localhost/app#/teams/9237594827
// The parameter can be provided by $state.go: $state.go('', { teamId: 9237594827 });
// The parameter can be provided by uiSref: <a ui-sref="{ teamId: })">{{repeatedTeam.title}}</a>
.state('', {
// `` state declares a `teamId` state parameter in the URL
url: '/teams/:teamId',
// This resolve function uses $stateParams to locate the correct team from the list.
// `team` will be made available for injection
resolve: {
team: function($stateParams, teams) {
// Find the correct team from the `teams` array, by ID.
return teams.filter(function(team) { return === $stateParams.teamId; })[0];
templateUrl: './templates/main/team.html',
// Inject the `team` resolve and put it on $scope
controller: function($scope, team) { $ = team; }
<li ng-repeat="team in teams">
<a ui-sref="{ teamId: })">{{team.title}}</a>


Angularjs and dynamic routes

I am trying to create a link in my template angularjs by doing something like:
<a ng-href="/#!/content/[[]]">[[key]]</a>
But I am wondering myself if is possible do something like symfony2 does, example:
path: /
_controller: FrontendBundle:Controller:function
path: /home
permanent: true
expose: true
And using it in your twig template by doing:
one link to home
That is really, really helpful because I don't have to "hardcode" all my routes.
To ensure a proper routing, you can use ui-router.
Here is an exemple on plunker
How this works :
1 - Follow the installation guide on their github
2 - Write your state definition :
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
//If no route match, you'll go to /index
//my index state
.state('index', {
url: '/index',
templateUrl: 'index2.html',
controller: 'IndexCtrl'
//the variable state depending on an url element
.state('hello', {
//you will be able to get name with $
url: '/hello/:name',
templateUrl: 'hello.html',
controller: 'HelloCtrl'
3 - Write links by their state name :
//add this directive to an html element
//This will go to /index
//This will go to /hello/
//This will go to /hello/ben
//This will go to /hello/{myname}
4 - Get the param into your controller :
//inject $stateParams
app.controller('HelloCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams){
$scope.controller = "IndexCtrl";
//get the param name like this
$ = $;
Hope it helped. Also keep in mind the ui-router got some really powerful tools such as resolve and nested state/view. You'll probably need theses now or later.
PS : If the plunker don't work, just fork it and save again.
You could do this :
'use strict';
.config(function ($stateProvider) {
.state('YourStateName', {
url: '/your/url',
views: {
'aViewName': {
controller: 'YourController'
resolve: {
// then in your controller
.controller('MyController',function($scope, $state){
$scope.goTo = function(){
//in your html make sure the <a> tag is in scope with the 'MyController'
<a ng-click='goTo'>[[key]]</a>
you can just do this :
<a ng-href="/your/url"></a>
that way you bypass the controller you can still put logic in the controller that was specified in the state

How to run controller each time angularjs ui-router named view is activated?

In regular angularjs ui-router state the controller runs each time the state is activated. I found this not to be the case when dealing with named views in an ionic application. The named view controller runs only once per element(game). Eg. user displays a game -> controller runs. Then user goes to another state and upon their return to displaying the same game controller does not run again - the view uses an already generated scope from before. I would like reinitialise that games scope with controller.
My code:
.state('', {
url: "/x/{gameID:int}",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/html/my-game.html",
controller: 'GameCtrl'
controllers.controller('GameCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, Game) {
//alert("running controller");
Game.get({id: $stateParams.gameID}, function(res){
$ = res;
Edit: I actually use this code to go to the view of game (currently playing with guid idea from Steven Wexler)
<ion-view view-title="Games">
<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="#/app/x/{{}}?guid= {{guid()}}" ng-repeat="game in games">
I Think your problem is already solved in this post Angular / Ionic - controller only runs once
brandyshea says that you need to add the code you want to run in the $ionicView.enter event
controller : function( $scope, $cordovaSQLite ){
$scope.$on('$ionicView.enter', function() {
// code to run each time view is entered
You probably are navigating to a state with the same url and params that was previously loaded. One way to force a reload is to pass in a guid as a parameter with your state and set reloadOnSearch=true (it's true by default). The second way to force a reload is to use the reload option added in version 0.2.5.
Option 1
.state('', {
url: "/x/{gameID:int}/{guid}",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/html/my-game.html",
controller: 'GameCtrl'
$state.go("", { gameId: id, guid: guid });
function guid() {
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
return v.toString(16);
Option 2 (if you have version >= 0.2.5)
.state('', {
url: "/x/{gameID:int}",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/html/my-game.html",
controller: 'GameCtrl'
reload: true
Note: Awesome guid function copied from Create GUID / UUID in JavaScript?

Preventing parent state from reloading on child state change

I am trying to implement a tabbed interface akin to this:
However, on my state change, the controller of the parent state seems to be reinitialized (or a new $scope is created?)
There are two major differences between the example plunkr and my project.
I use a parameter in my url
I resolve different data on the state change for each tab (removing this does nothing).
I am not using ui-bootstrap for the tabs but am triggering a $state.go on ng-click of the tab.
I experimented with the above plunkr and added a dropdown to the parent state; however the parent dropdown values seem to persist when the child states change. I am not too concerned with the child states and will probably end up using sticky states anyways.
I am using wondering if I am doing something fundamentally wrong before I try and add another package to my project.
here is a rough plunkr of what I am trying to do:
here is my config:
app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){
function ($state) {
$state.go('parent.tab1', { main_id: '00008' });
//Handle States Here
.state('parent', {
abstract: true,
url: '/parent?main_id',
templateUrl: "main.html",
controller: 'Main_Controller',
resolve: {
//Calls to API
.state('parent.tab1', {
url: "/applications",
templateUrl: "tab1.html",
resolve: {
//Get some different data from an API
.state('parent.tab2', {
url: "/phasing",
templateUrl: "tab2.html",
controller: 'Tab2Ctrl',
resolve: {
//More API Data
I've made your plunker working here
function ($state) {
$state.go('parent.tab1', { main_id: '00008' })
Also there is a change in main.html, which does not use ng-controller any more. We just have to pass the proper Controller name
//Handle States Here
.state('parent', {
abstract: true,
url: '/parent?main_id',
templateUrl: "main.html",
controller: 'MainController',
resolve: {
//Calls to API
// MainController
// these two names should fit
app.controller("MainController", function($rootScope, $scope, $state) {
So now, it is working, and let's discuss
I use a parameter in my url
I resolve different data on the state change for each tab (removing this does nothing).
I am not using ui-bootstrap for the tabs but am triggering a $state.go on ng-click of the tab.
Quick answers:
parameter in url exists, e.g. #/parent/tab1?main_id=8000
resolve is trigerred for each controller if controller is reinstantiated. That happens when we navigate to that state (among tabs)
no need to use $state.go, I used:
a snippet:
<a ui-sref="parent.tab1({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab1 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
<a ui-sref="parent.tab2({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab2 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
<a ui-sref="parent.tab3({main_id:'00008'})"> go to tab3 with main_id '00008'</a><br />
Check it here

AngularJS - load data before loading any controller

I'm making a single page application (SPA). I made a controller called InitialControler to load the data from the server at this url (
I want this url to be opened before any other url. I'm using ui-router, I did a $state.go('init') in the .run() function but it still load the requested page before the 'init' page
First create state called app
$stateProvider.state('app', {
abstract: true,
templateUrl: "assets/partials/container.html",
controller: 'AppCtrl',
resolve: {
init: function(MyFactory) {
return MyFactory.resolver();
Now, any new state you create should be child state of app state. This is also good because it become sort of your root scope. And state will not process unless your factory resolves.
This is how you create your factory
app.factory('MyFactory', function($http){
var items = [];
return {
resolver: function(){
return $http.get('my/api').success(function(data){
items = data;
get() {
return items;
Now in any other state
$stateProvider.state('app.items', {
url: '/items',
templateUrl: "assets/partials/items.html",
controller: function($scope, MyFactory){
$scope.items = MyFactory.get();
More on sate resolve
If you are using ui-router then you could resolve this using nested states. For example:
.state("main", {
url: "/",
template: '<div ui-view></div>',
controller: 'InitController'
.state("main.landing", {
url: "landing",
templateUrl: "modules/home/views/landing.html",
controller: 'LandingPageController'
.state("main.profile", {
url: "profile",
templateUrl: "modules/home/views/profile.html",
controller: 'ProfileController'
In this example you have defined 3 routes: "/", "/landing", "/profile"
So, InitController (related to "/" route) gets called always, even if the user enters directly at /landing or /profile
Important: Don't forget to include <div ui-view></div> to enable the child states controller load on this section
One way to do is, in config declare only 'init' state. And in InitialController, after data is loaded(resolve function of service call), configure other states. But in this approach, whenever you refresh the page, the url will change to
To stay in that particular state even after reloading, the solution I found is to have a StartUp app in which I loaded the required data and after that I bootstraped the main app manually by angular.bootstrap.

Angular-ui.router: Update URL without view refresh

I have an Angular SPA that presents a variety of recommendation lists, and a Google Map of locations, based on different cuts of some restaurant data (see I want each of these lists to have their own URL. In order for Google to crawl the different lists I use <a> tags for the offcanvas navigation.
At present the <a> tag causes a view refresh, which is very noticeable with the map.
I can prevent this using ng-click and $event.preventDefault() (see code snippets below), but then I need to implement a means of updating the browser URL.
But in trying Angular's $state or the browser's history.pushstate, I end up triggering state changes and the view refresh...!
My question is therefore how can I update a model and the URL, but without refreshing the view? (See also Angular/UI-Router - How Can I Update The URL Without Refreshing Everything?)
I have experimented with a lot of approaches and currently have this html
In the controller:
this.action = ($event) ->
params = $\/(.*)\/(.*)$/)
# seems to cause a view refresh
# history.pushState({}, "page 2", "criteria/"+params[1]+"/"+params[2]);
# seems to cause a view refresh
# $state.transitionTo 'criteria', {criteria:params[1], q:params[2]}, {inherit:false}
And, what is I think is happening is that I am triggering the $stateProvider code:
angular.module 'afmnewApp'
.config ($stateProvider) ->
.state 'main',
url: '/'
templateUrl: 'app/main/main.html'
controller: 'MainCtrl'
controllerAs: 'main'
.state 'criteria',
url: '/criteria/:criteria/:q'
templateUrl: 'app/main/main.html'
controller: 'MainCtrl'
controllerAs: 'main'
One possible clue is that with the code below if I load e.g. then the view refreshes as you navigate, whereas if I load there are no refreshes, but no URL updates instead. I don't understand why that is happening at all.
This is an example of the way to go if I understand correctly:
$state.go('my.state', {}, {notify:false, reload:false});
//And to remove the id from the url:
$state.go('my.state', {id:undefined}, {notify:false, reload:false});
From user l-liava-l in the issue
You can check the $state API here:$state
Based on our previous discussions, I want to give you some idea, how to use UI-Router here. I believe, I understand your challenge properly... There is a working example. If this not fully suites, please take it as some inspiration
DISCLAIMER: With a plunker, I was not able to achieve this:, but the principle should be in that example similar
So, there is a state definition (we have only two states)
.state('main', {
url: '/',
views: {
'#' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.layout.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl',
'right#main' : { templateUrl: 'tpl.right.html',},
'map#main' : {
templateUrl: '',
controller: 'MapCtrl',
'list#main' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',
controller: 'ListCtrl',
.state('main.criteria', {
url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',
views: {
'map' : {
templateUrl: '',
controller: 'MapCtrl',
'list' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',
controller: 'ListCtrl',
This would be our main tpl.layout.html
<section class="main">
<section class="map">
<div ui-view="map"></div>
<section class="list">
<div ui-view="list"></div>
<section class="right">
<div ui-view="right"></div>
As we can see, the main state does target these nested views of the main state: 'viewName#main', e.g. 'right#main'
Also the subview, main.criteria does inject into layout views.
Its url starts with a sign ^ (url : '^/criteria/:criteria/:value'), which allows to have / slash for main and not doubled slash for child
And also there are controllers, they are here a bit naive, but they should show, that on the background could be real data load (based on criteria).
The most important stuff here is, that the PARENT MainCtrl creates the $scope.Model = {}. This property will be (thanks to inheritance) shared among parent and children. That's why this all will work:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope)
$scope.Model = {};
$ = ['Rest1', 'Rest2', 'Rest3', 'Rest4', 'Rest5'];
$scope.Model.randOrd = function (){ return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); };
.controller('ListCtrl', function($scope, $stateParams)
$scope.Model.list = []
.sort( $scope.Model.randOrd )
.forEach(function(i) {$scope.Model.list.push(i + " - " + $stateParams.value || "root")})
$scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.list[0];
$ = function(index){
$scope.Model.selected = $scope.Model.list[index];
This should get some idea how we can use the features provided for us by UI-Router:
Absolute Routes (^)
Scope Inheritance by View Hierarchy Only
View Names - Relative vs. Absolute Names
Check the above extract here, in the working example
Extend: new plunker here
If we do not want to have map view to be recreated, we can just omit that form the child state def:
.state('main.criteria', {
url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',
views: {
// 'map' : {
// templateUrl: '',
// controller: 'MapCtrl',
'list' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',
controller: 'ListCtrl',
Now our map VIEW will be just recieving changes in the model (could be watched) but view and controller won't be rerendered
ALSO, there is another plunker which uses the controllerAs
.state('main', {
url: '/',
views: {
'#' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.layout.html',
controller: 'MainCtrl',
controllerAs: 'main', // here
.state('main.criteria', {
url: '^/criteria/:criteria/:value',
views: {
'list' : {
templateUrl: 'tpl.list.html',
controller: 'ListCtrl',
controllerAs: 'list', // here
and that could be used like this:
The last plunker is here
you can use scope inheritance to update url without refreshing view
.state('itemList', {
url: '/itemlist',
templateUrl: 'Scripts/app/item/ItemListTemplate.html',
controller: 'ItemListController as itemList'
//abstract: true //abstract maybe?
}).state('itemList.itemDetail', {
url: '/:itemName/:itemID',
templateUrl: 'Scripts/app/item/ItemDetailTemplate.html',
controller: 'ItemDetailController as itemDetail',
resolve: {
'CurrentItemID': ['$stateParams',function ($stateParams) {
return $stateParams['itemID'];
if child view is inside parent view both controllers share same scope.
so you can place a dummy (or neccessary) ui-view inside parent view which will be populated by child view.
and insert a
$scope.loadChildData = function(itemID){..blabla..};
function in parent controller which will be called by child controller on controller load. so when a user clicks
<a ui-sref="childState({itemID: 12})">bla</a>
only child controller and child view will be refreshed. then you can call parent scope function with necessary parameters.
The short answer ended up being do not put the map inside a view that changes. The accepted answer provides a lot more detail on how to structure a page with sub-views, but the key point is not to make the map part of the view but to connect its behaviour to a view that does change and to use a Controller to update the market icons.
