Gxt 3 Neptune Theme Setup Issue - extjs

I just installed GXT SDK 2.6 and created a new google web project.
added the following jars to the lib folder and to the build path
but when i run my page on the browser i get the following error pls help.
[ERROR] [ia] - Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/Anant%20Choubey/Eclipse%20Workspace/GXT%20-%20IA%20-%2003Oct2014/IA/lib/gxt-theme-neptune.jar!/com/sencha/gxt/theme/neptune/client/base/Css3ThemeAppearance.java'
[ERROR] [ia] - Line 58: The method moreIcon() of type Css3ThemeAppearance must override or implement a supertype method
I have made no other changes elsewhere.

I think you have old version of theme plugin. Download new gxt-theme-neptune.jar-3.1.1 and try again.
Download link of gxt-theme-neptune.jar-3.1.1...


android build error on codenameone with braintree payments

when I add braintree extension to my codenameone project and send android build to codenameone I got build error with these error log:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'NLApplication'.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':_debugCompile'.
Could not find com.android.support:cardview-v7:26.0.0.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
:NLApplication:unspecified > com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:3.1.0
Could not find com.android.support:design:26.0.0.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
:NLApplication:unspecified > com.braintreepayments.api:drop-in:3.1.0 > com.braintreepayments:card-form:3.1.0
It seems that Braintree pushed out a 3.1 update with an odd new dependency that fails. I've restricted gradle to use 3.0 and will push out an updated cn1lib. This should appear as an update in your extension manager later today. However, if you have the cn1lib already installed you will need to first delete the build hint android.gradleDep then do a refresh cn1libs.

Class 'SqlFormatter' is missing CAKEPHP 3 DebugKit

I've just installed the latest Debugkit from https://github.com/cakephp/debug_kit.
Everything is working. However, when I clicked on the "SQL Log", the CakePHP logo keeps spinning. I tried to debug by opening up the console.log and saw an 500 error. It shows the below.
Error: Class 'SqlFormatter' not found
File /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/App/vendor/cakephp/debug_kit/src/Template/Element/sql_log_panel.ctp
Line: 24
From my understanding, SqlFormatter class is not found in sql_log_panel.ctp. How can I add/declare the SqlFormatter class?
Just install it via composer, problem very likely solved then.
I highly recommend you to become familiar with composer, it is a standard tool for php developers for some time now. Composer will automatically install the dependencies for you.
Your second best option would be to download the SqlFormatter package manually from where ever it comes from and set your autoloading or include manually up.

Sencha Cmd build error while building an ExtJs App extending 3rd party classes (non-extJs classes)

I have an extJs 4 app that is extending 3rd party non-extJs classes. I just can't seem to build the app. It keeps giving me the error below. Objective is to minify the app with appropriate dependencies since it is taking longer time to load both libraries and slowing down the application.
I am using Sencha Cmd v4.0.4.84.
C2008: Requirement had no matching files
[ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.ExBuild: Failed to find any files
Any help is truly appreciated.
So far I have tried:
1) modified app/.sencha/app/sencha.cfg classpath to include the external library. No luck.
2) Added to section of the index.html. No luck.
3) Added loaders and set path of the external library. No luck.
External library is already on my local machine inside of the app folder.
Anyone out there?
I take you out for a lunch if you help me resolve this issue. No seriously!
This is really a showstopper for me.
Thank you,
Issue is resolved in the Sencha Forum post below.
If you can't get to the link then....
If a testing build works and production build does not you might try disabling optimizations. If you look in ".sencha/app/production.defaults.properties" you will see the various settings that make production builds unique.
Try adding this setting:
Hope this will help someone.
You cannot extend a 3rd party class as Ext.define expects that all classes inherit from Ext.Base what is unlikely for non-ext 3rd party lib.
Of course, you can use a third party lib by including its javascript outside of <x-compile> block in your index.html

CakePHP Media Plugin Issue - undefined method MIME_Type::config()

I am using the Media plugin by David Persson for CakePHP (https://github.com/davidpersson/media). I've placed the files in app/plugins/media and added
require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';
to my app's core.php, but when I run cake media init I get this error:
Fatal Error: Call to undefined method MIME_Type::config() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wompwomp\app\plugins\media\config\core.php on line 166
Any idea what's happening here? Can I just make the directories manually? If so, what are the default directories?
It looks like you need to install the MIME_Type library. The pear package for it is available here.
The proper library would be found here.
I encounter this error on windows when i updated my php to 5.3.5 (xampp 1.7.4).
There is a conflict between Cakephp Mime Types and Pear Mime types. I rename the folder or
disable Pear Mime Type located at /php/PEAR/MIME..
That solves the problem.
Here is my solution to the conflict between the Plugin library and Pear library:
As we all known, the order of multiple php include_path matters, in other words, if the PEAR path is set before the Cake Media Plugin Built_In Mine_Type Library Path, the Mine_Type class in PEAR is found first, and the built-in one is ignored, that's the reason of the error.
To fix this, just open /app/plugins/media/config/core.php, and find the ini_set('include_path') directive, move the cake media plugin built-in library path to the very beginning of the INCLUDE_PATH.
That's it, enjoy!
Maybe someone can report this as a bug to the plugin author.

jTwitter, oAuth, and Google App Engine. NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use jTwitter to get an oauth instance to twitter with my consumer key/secret and access token/secret. This is well documented in the javadoc here. I have downloaded signpost, signpost-jetty, and the jtwitter library, but after deploying and running the servlet, I get a error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: winterwell/jtwitter/OAuthSignpostClient Eclipse isn't complaining about the class not being there, because it is there-- I can see it in the JAR file itself, which is in my project. So, I said forget it, I'll try out OAuthScribeClient instead, but this generated a VERY SIMILAR ERROR java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/scribe/oauth/Token This one confuses me even further because I have the following code in my java file, and it compiles without error or warning:
import org.scribe.oauth.Token;
Token token = new Token("myaccesstokeninfo", "accesstokensecret");
Clearly, I'm missing something very fundamental, but I am at an absolute loss as to what it may be. Thanks.
Usually "NoClassDefFoundError" happens when you forget to copy all jar-files to your "/war/WEB-INF/lib" directory, so those libs will be unavailable from server-side.
Xo4yHaMope is probably right.
If you're working from Eclipse but running using a web container, then your runtime classpath might be different from your project classpath - which can cause this error.
In order to complete Ben Winters answer what I actually did and worked is add the jar in
the libs folder within the project
see also here about folder hierarchy.
When you do this eclipse will normally add the jar to the android dependencies before launching the application. What I realise is that adding a jar in the build path will make classes available only during the build
