stratum value of NTP server in ntpq output - ntp

I have a stupid question, but I don't understand and i'd like to :)
I've set up a server mysrv and different client machines. The server is used as NTP server, and is configured with a Undisciplined Local Clock : with fudge stratum 5
First question, if I well understand, my NTP server is now set as stratum 5 ?
Now on my clients, when I type a ntpq -p to check, they are synchronized so it's cool, but they see mysrv as stratum 6 (the column st of ntpq -p indicates 6) ... I was expecting 5...
Why ?
Thanx a lot

Your reasoning in the comment is correct. A server's stratum is X+1 where X is the stratum of the time source that the machine is synced to. Reference clocks, ie GPSDO, Rubidium, etc, are stratum 0. The time servers connected to these sources are stratum 1.


chrony - local stratum & orphan - when there's no Internet

Most chrony server configurations I've found so far are about commenting out and setting the allow directive.
I'd like several servers in my network to be synchronized to one of my 2 dedicated chrony NTP servers, even if there's no Internet, and when each chronyd is not able to synchronize to any of servers.
According to man, local stratum directive allows chrony to serve time 'even if not synchronized to a time source' - I'm wondering if it works in the following way: as long as chronyd is able to sync to one of the servers, everything is fine; when chronyd is not able to sync to any external source, then it still serves as a valid NTP server for the local clients thanks to local stratum directive - am I right? Isn't it like telling the clients that chrony is always healthy no matter the Internet connection status thus you can always sync to it?
Question 1: should I comment out local stratum 10 to meet my requirements?
Question 2: I'm also considering using orphan mode on my NTP servers in the following way: local stratum 10 orphan
As far as I understand, it works in the following way: let's assume my NTP servers lose connections to all servers (I configured them to pool the same external sources) - now - thanks to local stratum 10 orphan, the clients will always sync to the server with the lowest Reference ID first (we assume my production servers are set to poll only my local NTP servers) - am I right about it?

How can i configure a load balanced ntp servers

i want to use server for ntp in my linux machine .
When i am configuring this server am getting the following ntp status :
[root#machine~]# ntpq -p
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
ntp-a2.nict.go. .INIT. 16 u - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.000
What i could see is that the domain is load balanced to different domains
and if i am configuring any of the domains in the above list , the ntp works fine .
i wish to configure the entire servers under for ntp.
How can i do this ?
You can use the "pool" command in the ntp.conf file as follows.
pool iburst

NTP Configuration without Internet

I am trying to setup a local NTP Server without Internet Connection.
Below is my ntp.conf on Server
# Server
fudge stratum 5
Below is my ntp.conf on Clients
# Clients
but my clients are not sync with the server. Output to ntpq -p on Clients show that they are not taking time from the server, and server ip is show at stratum 16
Could any one please help in this issue.
The server should use its local clock as the source. A better set up is to use orphan mode for isolated networks which gives you fail-over. Check out the documentation:
You need to configure the clients with th e prefer keyword. ntpd tries its hardest not to honor local undisciplined clocks in order to prevent screwups.
server prefer
For more information see:
This is all assuming that you have included the full and entire ntp.con and did not leave out any bits about restrict lines.
How about using chrony?
Install chrony in both your devices
sudo apt install chrony
Let's assume the server IP address then client configuration (/etc/chrony/chrony.conf) as follows:
server iburst
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift
log tracking measurements statistics
logdir /var/log/chrony
Server configuration (/etc/chrony/chrony.conf), assume your client IP is
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift
log tracking measurements statistics
logdir /var/log/chrony
local stratum 8
Restart chrony in both computers
sudo systemctl stop chrony
sudo systemctl start chrony
5.1 Checking on the client-side,
sudo systemctl status chrony
июн 24 13:26:42 op-desktop systemd[1]: Starting chrony, an NTP client/server...
июн 24 13:26:42 op-desktop chronyd[9420]: chronyd version 3.2 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SECHASH +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +IPV6 -DEBUG)
июн 24 13:26:42 op-desktop chronyd[9420]: Frequency -6.446 +/- 1.678 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift
июн 24 13:26:43 op-desktop systemd[1]: Started chrony, an NTP client/server.
июн 24 13:26:49 op-desktop chronyd[9420]: Selected source`
5.1 chronyc tracking output:
Reference ID : C0A80157 (
Stratum : 9
Ref time (UTC) : Thu Jun 24 10:50:34 2021
System time : 0.000002018 seconds slow of NTP time
Last offset : -0.000000115 seconds
RMS offset : 0.017948076 seconds
Frequency : 5.491 ppm slow
Residual freq : +0.000 ppm
Skew : 0.726 ppm
Root delay : 0.002031475 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.000664742 seconds
Update interval : 65.2 seconds
Leap status : Normal

Set NTP server in windows7 but dynamic ip

I try to set NTP server in windows7.
on client side as usual we need to set the server's IP.
the problem is Server side always have different ip everyweek I suppose.
any one can throw me a bone here?
Good NTP servive: Choosing as a NTP host will automatically select a well performing server. Read more at the same address (
This will put a light on your problem since this site also gets you different IPs every now and then.

Controlling Nagios Login Frequency When Monitoring Remote Hosts

I've constructed a Nagios remote-host monitoring setup (non-NRPE), and it's functional and useful, except:
Somehow, I found that the Nagios host logs in to various remote hosts, only to log out one second later (if not in that same second), every 3 minutes or so; how often it does this doesn't appear to be deterministic. These logins don't coincide with any check periods I've defined.
From an arbitrary member of my remote host array's auth.log:
Feb 25 10:51:11 MACHINE sshd[3590]: Accepted publickey for nagios from port 54069 ssh2
Feb 25 10:51:11 MACHINE sshd[3590]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user nagios by (uid=0)
Feb 25 10:51:11 MACHINE sshd[3599]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user
Feb 25 10:51:11 MACHINE sshd[3590]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user nagios
And then, three minutes later:
Feb 25 10:54:10 MACHINE sshd[3632]: Accepted publickey for nagios from port 54176 ssh2
Feb 25 10:54:10 MACHINE sshd[3632]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user nagios by (uid=0)
Feb 25 10:54:10 MACHINE sshd[3642]: Received disconnect from 11: disconnected by user
Feb 25 10:54:10 MACHINE sshd[3632]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user nagios
I can't figure it. My service follows the generic-service template, which I've modified for a slightly longer check-interval and max-check-attempts. Why is Nagios on this serial login spree?
Have you checked your host definitions? What do you use for 'check-host'? If that performs a check 'through' an NRPE check (rather than something like a 'local' check-ping), then it could be logging in as well.
Also you can check your Nagios log file to see what checks are actually being performed. I usually perform a 'tail -f nagios.log | grep [IP_ADDRESS_of_target_host]' to narrow the results to a specific machine.
If nothing is showing up there, in a last ditch effort you can enable debugging and check the Nagios debug file - EVERYTHING Nagios does will go into this file. As the debug file tends to roll very quickly (at least in our install - >6.8K checks), you may have to get creative with 'grep' to find what you're looking for.
If the check is returning a CRITICAL/WARNING state, it could be that your retry_interval is set to 3 minutes, which I believe is the default. Doublecheck your service template in nagios/etc/objects/templates
