Set default value of select to null option - angularjs

According to the Angular documentation, you can create a null option that is not part of your model. This allows you to have a descriptive option. I.E. in their example they have -- choose color --. How can I make the null option the default option? I want the user to see this descriptive null option when they first load the page.
Bonus points if you can also tell me how to make the null option be disabled via angular.

The value is set to null automatically.
But if you receive data from REST for exaple and it will be set to some value - you can add ng-init to your select tag.
And for disable null option after selection of some value - you need to add ng-disabled to your option tag.
<select ng-model="model" ng-options="item for item in items" ng-init="model = null">
<option value="" ng-disabled="!!model">--Select option--</option>
And in controller:
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.model = 'First';
$scope.items = ['First', 'Second', 'Third'];

Just use the ng-if to completely remove it once they have a selection. Best option from my experience.
<select name="objectSelector"
ng-options="obj for obj in Objects" required>
<option value="" ng-if="!selectedObject">--- Select Object ---</option>
If you really, really must show the '--- Select Object ---' after a choice has already been made, then you may just want to insert a second
<option value="" ng-if="!!selectedObject" disabled>--- Select Object ---</option>
Then the visible option will display accordingly...haven't found a simple way to set 'disabled' dynamically.


AngularJS: setting the previously selected option in the tag <select>

In the form I have a drop down list with multiple choice, as shown below. Elements are loaded from the database.
<select class="form-control m-b"
<option ng-repeat="itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"
I make choose.
For example, I choose an item2.
Then save data. Then, I open the form to edit and I want to see an item that I chose, but the list is empty...
How can I set the previously selected value?
I would recommend to use the ngOptions directive to generate the select menu options:
<select ng-model="model.livingComplexId" ng-options=" as itemOne.tobName for itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"></select>
Maybe you could additionally change the ng-model value to model and use ng-options="itemOne as ..." (without the .id) and add an track by
<select ng-model="yourModel" ng-options="itemOne.tobName for itemOne in itemsForAddrLevelOne"></select>
In the js you should set $scope.yourModel = itemsForAddrLevelOne[0];

How bydefault select an Item in - ng-repeat on options through use of model

I am using ng-repeat on option in select.
<select ng-model="mymodel">
<option ng-repeat="p in persons" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
$scope.persons= [
How can I make an option selectable means by default "tester33" should be selected
through use of ng-model.
I know it is achievable through ng-options. But I want to try this one.
Thanks in advance.
There is no perfect way to achieve this using ng-repeat, but here's a workaround:
<select ng-model="mymodel">
<option ng-repeat="p in persons" ng-selected="'tester33'" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
This just sets the option with name='tester33' but the model won't get updated until the user changes select value explicitly
NOTE: This is not a recommended way, you must use ng-options for complete functionality

AngularJS - Select default value with ng-model

I have an select tag which i am using ng-model to get the selected value. The Select tag shows Empty first value, it should be showing Choose. What i am doing wrong?
<select ng-model="todo.opts">
Try to set the todo.opts variable in the scope as the value you want to select as a default.
By the way check documentation for the ng-option
Since your model will be empty to begin with, you can easily select the Choose option by giving it an empty value:
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<select ng-model="opts">
<option value="">Choose</option>
Here is an updated fiddle.

ngSelect in Angular showing weird behavior

I am new to Angular, I have the following code:
<select id="selectUser" class="form-control" ng-change="selectAction()" ng-model="users"
ng-options="value.SignOnId as value.UserName for value in users">
<option value="">Select a User</option>
As soon as I select a value from the drop down, it executes the selectAction() method and then all values from the drop down disappear, can anybody tell me what's the reason?
change this: ng-model="users" to ng-model="user"
When you select the user, you are setting the users variable to be the selected user, which means your ng-options no-longer has options in it.

Angularjs ngOption with array

I want to add an html select with options AM,PM with angularjs,
what i need is having the key and the value of the option be the same :
<option value="AM">AM</option>
<option value="PM">PM</option>
My html looks like this
<select ng-model="ampm" ng-options="k as v for (k , v) in ampms"></select>
and my controller looks like
$scope.ampm = (new Date().getHours()) >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
$scope.ampms ={"AM":"AM","PM":"PM"};
and every thing working fine.
My question is why i cant have the same thing when i used an array (i tried all the options in the ng-options)
as this
$scope.ampms =["AM","PM"];
what ever i do i always get this
<option value="0">AM</option>
<option value="1">PM</option>
What i want is using an array like above with the option has the key and the value the same.
With AngularJS, you don't need to worry about what the value of the option is. All the selects I've seen with ng-options have values of 0 through whatever. If you're just looking for a dropdown with the two options, it can be as simple as
<select ng-model="ampm" ng-options="currOption for currOption in ['AM', 'PM']"></select>
This is is a default behavior of ng-options in Angular. If you do not specify a key name, angular will automatically choose to use the index rather than a key. The code that does that can be seen on line 405 in /src/ng/directives/select.js on Angular's Github repository.
It can't even be forced by "value as value for (index, value) in values".
But as dnc253 just beat me to the punch with his answer (it showed up while I was typing)... you don't have to worry about it, Angular does it all for you automatically.
I did find a way to place specific data in the value of the options for a select. You have to add an ng-repeat attribute to the option tag inside the select tag:
<select id="{{}}" name="{{}}"
class="{{question.inputclass}}" ng-required="question.required"
<option value=""></option>
<optgroup ng-repeat="group in" label="{{}}">
<option ng-repeat="item in" value="{{item.value}}"
ng-selected="{{item.value == question.defaultValue}}">
As a bonus, I left the option group tags in place to serve as an example for everyone.
The JSON is:
{"value":"Quebec","description":"Quebec City"},
{"group":"United States of America","data":[
{"value":"Louisiana","description":"Baton Rouge"},
