Protecting API endpoint when developing two separate apps, Angular app & Laravel app - angularjs

I've picked up Angular and am now developing two separate applications, the frontend, Angular app, and the backend, the Laravel app.
As of now my backend app is just an API endpoint that handles requests, database interaction, logic, validation, etc.
However, what stops someone from requesting /api/users/1 and getting that data?
Right now there is nothing in place that prevents this from occurring.
What's the best way to prevent this from occurring and verify the request is sent through the application and not through something like from some random user?

You should first evaluate what routes need to be protected, and who should have access. Sometimes it might be fine to leave them open to the public.
Once you've figured that out you have a few options. I personally lean towards the oAuth 2.0 protocol. Some people find it to be over kill. Then there is also WSSE, I personally feel like today there is far better resources explaining the use of oAuth and would probably be easier to follow.
You can google around for oAuth server libraries for laravel. One such is:
You will also probably want to enable CORS if your angular app is on a different domain from your api. IE: (holds api). And is where your app lives.
For CORS laravel also has some packages, one such being:


Secure webapp with Django and React

I'm experimenting with these 2 technologies to make a secure web app [Currently learning React (60%) and Django (<50%). This is intended to be like a medical database, so doctors and nurses enters their patients' information. They need to login obviously. I wanted to implement React-based UI (And not using the classic method to create views from django), so I've found many tutorials just like this one:
It basically turns Django into a restAPI, and then the React frontend uses axios to retrieve data from the endpoint. Sounds not bad at all (comparing to the native method of rendering data in a webpage from Django), but the problem is that I have no idea on how to make this secure, you know, Django provides an auth system, which is pretty good and secure, I have to say, but in a project with this structure, the auth needs to be done in React, so there many questions appear:
To start with, is it a good idea to make a project of this structure? (If no, then what could be a good one)
If it's a yes, how can I protect the API so only logged in users can interact with it? (What mechanisms to ensure protection)
Yes, this is absolutely a good idea to separate the client application and the backend server application.
You can access the backend through the rest api basically with any frontend framework/app/script.
Customers are able to extend their own applications with the abilities of your backend service.
You can create multiple different frontends that use the same backend or different parts of the same backend via the rest api (multi-branding, reselling). Or you can just swap the frontend framework every second year to a new one.
It's also easier to create different automations by using the rest api.
And the list goes on.
For django rest api auth I would recommend Token Authentication which is already included in the Django REST Framework and for React use this tutorial for implementing the login and the token handling.
And don't forget to use TLS on your servers, and create API documentation. (Example)

Securing Symfony RESTful API consumed by angular front?

I have set up a Symfony based API which is being used by an Angular front end which is totally dependent of it (User registration included)
I have read multiple threads recommending using WSSE or FOSOAuthServerBundle but I'm not sure about the best method ?
If I understood correctly, WSSE has to send for each API request x-wsse headers which make me think it is not the best suited for performance.
About the FOSAuthServerBundle I have never used it and looks a bit complicated to me compared to WSSE, thus that's why I'm asking there before trying to implement it.
I have 2 simple groups of user (basic and admin), what would be the best way to secure my API, additionally providing an easy way to keep user persistence (I mean accesses through the different pages)?
How should it be in the Angular front side ?
Thanks for your help.
It all depends on what your requirements are.
First of all, OAuth 2 is an authentication mechanism/spec which you can use in combination with sessions/bearer tokens/... This also applies for local accounts (since you want to do user registration).
FOSAuthServerBundle is a bundle to implement the server-side of the OAuth2 specification. This basically means you can expose your OAuth2 side of the API to other applications and allow them to use your accounts to authenticate. Think google login, twitter login, etc but for your own app.
This all has nothing to do with the way you validate / authorize your requests after the initial login has taken place.
Do you want to implement stateless authentication? Then I would recommend using the new JSON Web Token (JWT) specification.
See Symfony Bundle (LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle) and JWT description (
There are many resources on it from the angular side of things and the API part is pretty straightforward.
WSSE does not seem suited to implement in a RESTful API and I have no experience using/implementing it so I cannot comment on it too much.

Is it possible to restrict url access from application only in Django REST

I have Web application with angular as frontend and Django REST as backend.
My web application does the request like
Now is it possible that if those requests are made from application then they go through but they type that in broswer directly and edit some filters then they don't work
Although the data is not sensitive and they can still see it via console but i just don't want them to play with it or at least make it hard
You can't rely on the URL to distinguish between the two cases. You could have your application provide information in the headers of the request, which a browser would not know, but someone writing their own application could mimic your technique.

Spring vs Angular js - Rest URLs getting exposed

I have a backend REST app. I'm presently developing the frontend app. Now i have a confusion as to how to setup the frontend app.
Case 1 - Plan to use Spring and have a frontend controller layer that takes care of calling the REST services. But i need to have models and POJOs setup same as in the backend to parse the JSON response. This seems like a overload on frontend. How to go around about this?
Case 2 - Plan to use Angular.js. Then i need to have all my REST URLs in the controller.js which is completely accessible for anyone. That way im totally exposing my REST domain, URL and request format. Is it not a security threat? How to go around about this?
Can you please tell me which case is better and secure and how to resolve the problem attached with it?
Secure your REST endpoints using a scheme like OpenId or OAuth or something else. Spring and numerous other web app frameworks have components to help with such authentication.
AngularJS is a client side framework. You can use Angular along with Spring. They are not mutually exclusive.
Finally, any http request (including RESTful http requests) invoked on a client is easily accessed simply by viewing the network traffic. Chrome, Firefox, along with other browsers provide tools, out of the box, that make this very easy to do. All the more reason to secure those REST endpoints.

Build a REST WebService with GAE using OAuth

I'm about to build a community platform from scratch. We are going to create the WebServices first and the community might have some third party components, so having solid WebServices is a good idea anyway.
Since the service is stateless we need authentication for every single call. Is it a good idea to implement the OAuth protocol for our service provider to perform this task although we are the only consumer right now?
By the way: We will deliver a mobile application before a website is launched.
The whole point of OAuth is to allow other websites (consumers) to get access to your data (you are the provider). Since you are the only consumer of your data, there is no need to implement OAuth at this stage of development.
Be lean, build something fast and put it in front of users/testers. Only at this point you will discover real bugs and get a feedback on the service so that you can improve it and steer the development in the right direction.
Note: OAuth as provided by App Engine (second paragraph) only supports users with Google Accounts (even if OpenID is used).
From my experience I created the REST WS in a authentication agnostic way: jersey methods accept everything, then there are several filters in order to validate the requests.
I used OpenId authentication for the web part, OAuth and BASIC AUTHENTICATION (with SSL) for API.
Probably it is not needed to create everything from the beginning, but remember to de-couple as much as possible your REST endpoint from the authentication: you will have a great benefit when you want to release APIs.
Last "philosophical" thing: OAuth is not totally stateless, in fact you have a temporary token that authenticates a user and it is similar to a session in the browser!
