C: Minimising code duplication using functions in a header file - c

this is a bit of a strange use case so searching for existing discussion is difficult. I'm programming for embedded systems (Microchip PIC24 using XC16 compiler) and am currently implementing a communication protocol identically across 3 separate UART channels (each UART will grab data from a master data table).
The way I started out writing the project was to have each UART handled by a separate module, with a lot of code duplication, along the lines of the following pseudocode:
static unsigned char buffer[128];
static unsigned char pointer = 0;
static unsigned char packet_received = 0;
void interrupt UART1Receive (void) {
buffer[pointer++] = UART1RX_REG;
if (end of packet condition) packet_received = 1;
void processUART1(void) { // This is called regularly from main loop
if (packet_received) {
// Process packet
static unsigned char buffer[128];
static unsigned char pointer = 0;
static unsigned char packet_received = 0;
void interrupt UART2Receive (void) {
buffer[pointer++] = UART2RX_REG;
if (end of packet condition) packet_received = 1;
void processUART2(void) { // This is called regularly from main loop
if (packet_received) {
// Process packet
While the above is neat and works well, in practice the communication protocol itself is quite complex, so having it duplicated three times (simply with changes to references to the UART registers) is increasing the opportunity for bugs to be introduced. Having a single function and passing pointers to it is not an option, since this will have too great an impact on speed. The code needs to be physically duplicated in memory for each UART.
I gave it a lot of thought and despite knowing the rules of never putting functions in a header file, decided to try a specific header file that included the duplicate code, with references as #defined values:
// UART_RECEIVE_NAME and UART_RX_REG are just macros to be defined
// in calling file
void interrupt UART_RECEIVE_NAME (void) {
buffer[pointer++] = UART_RX_REG;
if (end of packet condition) packet_received = 1;
static unsigned char buffer[128];
static unsigned char pointer = 0;
static unsigned char packet_received = 0;
#include "protocol.h"
void processUART1(void) { // This is called regularly from main loop
if (packet_received) {
// Process packet
static unsigned char buffer[128];
static unsigned char pointer = 0;
static unsigned char packet_received = 0;
#include "protocol.h"
void processUART2(void) { // This is called regularly from main loop
if (packet_received) {
// Process packet
I was slightly surprised when the code compiled without any errors! It does seem to work though, and post compilation MPLAB X can even work out all of the symbol references so that every macro reference in UART1.c and UART2.c don't get identified as an unresolvable identifier. I did then realise I should probably rename the protocol.h file to protocol.c (and update the #includes accordingly), but that's not practically a big deal.
There is only one downside: the IDE has no idea what to do while stepping through code included from protocol.h while simulating or debugging. It just stays at the calling instruction while the code executes, so debugging will be a little more difficult.
So how hacky is this solution? Will the C gods smite me for even considering this? Are there any better alternatives that I've overlooked?

An alternative is to define a function macro that contains the body of code. Some token pasting operators can automatically generate the symbol names required. Multi-line macros can be generated by using \ at the end of all but the last line.
#define UART_RECEIVE(n) \
void interrupt UART##n##Receive (void) { \
buffer[pointer++] = UART##n##RX_REG; \
if (end of packet condition) packet_received = 1; \

Using macros for this purpose seems for mee to be a bad idea. Making debugging impossible is just one disadvantage. It also makes it difficult to understand, by hiding the real meaning of symbols. And interrupt routines should realy be kept independant and short, with common functions hidden in handler functions.
The first thing I would do is to define a common buffer struct for each UART. This makes it possible with simultanous communications. If each uart needs a separate handler function for the messages, it can be included as a function pointer. The syntax is a bit
complicated, but it results in efficient code.
typedef struct uart_buf uart_buf_t;
struct uart_buf {
uint8_t* buffer;
int16_t inptr;
bool packet_received;
void (*handler_func)(uart_buf_t*);
uart_buf_t uart_buf_1;
uart_buf_t uart_buf_2;
Then each interrupt handler will be like this:
void interrupt UART1Receive (void) {
handle_input(UART1RX_REG, &uart_buf_1);
void interrupt UART2Receive (void) {
handle_input(UART2RX_REG, &uart_buf_2);
And the common handler will be:
void handle_input(uint8_t in_char, *buff) {
buf->buffer[buf->inptr++] = in_char;
if (in_char=LF)
buf->packet_received = true;
And the message handler is:
void hadle_packet(uart_buf_t* buf) {
... code to handle message
And the function pointers must be initialized:
void init() {
The resulting code is very flexible, and can be easily changed. Single-steping the code is no problem.


C: How to guard static variables in multithreaded environment?

Suppose having the following code elements working on a fifo buffer:
static uint_fast32_t buffer_start;
static uint_fast32_t buffer_end;
static mutex_t buffer_guard;
void buffer_write(uint8_t* data, uint_fast32_t len)
uint_fast32_t pos;
pos = buffer_end;
buffer_end = buffer_end + len;
(...) /* Wrap around buffer_end, fill in data */
bool buffer_isempty(void)
bool ret;
ret = (buffer_start == buffer_end);
return ret;
This code might be running on an embedded system, with a RTOS, with the buffer_write() and buffer_isempty() functions called from different threads. The compiler has no means to know that the mutex_lock() and mutex_unlock() functions provided by the RTOS are working with a critical sections.
As the code is above, due to buffer_end being a static variable (local to the compilation unit), the compiler might choose to reorder accesses to it around function calls (at least as far as I understand the C standard, this seems possible to happen). So potentially the code performing buffer_end = buffer_end + len line have a chance to end up before the call to mutex_lock().
Using volatile on these variables (like static volatile uint_fast32_t buffer_end;) seems to resolve this as then they would be constrained by sequence points (which a mutex_lock() call is, due to being a function call).
Is my understanding right on these?
Is there a more appropriate means (than using volatile) of dealing with this type of problem?

how to include several lines of C code in one line of source code (AVR-GCC)

Is there a way to add an identifier that the compiler would replace with multiple lines of code?
I read up on macros and inline functions but am getting no where.
I need to write an Interrupt Service Routine and not call any functions for speed.
Trouble is I have several cases where I need to use a function so currently I just repeat all several lines in many places.
for example:
void ISR()
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
// do some stuff here ...
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
// do more stuff here ...
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;
The function is many pages and I need the code to be more readable.
I basically agree with everyone else's reservations with regards to using macros for this. But, to answer your question, Multiline macros can be created with a backslash.
#define INIT_VARS \
int a = 1; \
int b = 2; \
int c = 3;
#define RESET_VARS \
a = 1; \
b = 2; \
c = 3;
void ISR()
// do some stuff here ...
// do more stuff here ...
You can use inline function that will be rather integrated into place where it is called in source instead of really being called (note that behavior of this depends on several things like compiler support and optimizations setup or using -fno-inline flag feature). GCC documentation on inline functions.
For completeness - other way would be defining // do some stuff here... as pre-processor macro which again gets inserted in place where called; this time by preprocessor - so no type safety, harder to debug and also to read. Usual good rule of thumb is to not write a macro for something that can be done with function.
You are correct - it is recommended that you not place function calls in an ISR. It's not that you cannot do it, but it can be a memory burden depending on the type of call. The primary reason is for timing. ISRs should be quick in and out. You shouldn't be doing a lot of extended work inside them.
That said, here's how you can actually use inline functions.
// In main.c
#include static_defs.h
void ISR() {
// ...
// In static_defs.h
static inline void inline_func(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
// ... Further down in file
static inline void inline_func(void) {
// do stuff
The compiler will basically just paste the "do stuff" code into the ISR multiple times, but as I said before, if it's a complex function, it's probably not a good idea to do it multiple times in a single ISR, inlined or not. It might be better to set a flag of some sort and do it in your main loop so that other interrupts can do their job, too. Then, you can use a normal function to save program memory space. That depends on what you are really doing and when/why it needs done.
If you are actually setting variables and returning values, that's fine too, although, setting multiple variables would be done by passing/returning a structure or using a pointer to a structure that describes all of the relevant variables.
If you'd prefer to use macros (I wouldn't, because function-like macros should be avoided), here's an example of that:
#define RESET_VARS() do { \
a = 1; \
b = 2; \
c = 3; \
while (0)
void ISR() {
uint8_t a=1, b=2, c=3;
// ...
Also, you said it was a hypothetical, but it's recommended to use the bit-width typedefs found in <stdint.h> (automatically included when you include <io.h> such as uint8_t rather than int. On an 8-bit MCU with AVR-GCC, an int is a 16-bit signed variable, which will require (at least) 2 clock cycles for every operation that would have taken one with an 8-bit variable.

Const pointer to volatile struct member

I'm using microcontroller to make some ADC measurements. I have an issue when I try to compile following code using -O2 optimization, MCU freezes when PrintVal() function is present in code. I did some debugging and it turns out that when I add -fno-inline compiler flag, the code will run fine even with PrintVal() function.
Here is some background:
AdcIsr.c contains interrupt that is executed when ADC finishes it's job. This file also contains ISRInit() function that initializes variable that will hold value after conversion. In main loop will wait for interrupt and only then access AdcMeas.value.
static volatile uin16_t* isrVarPtr = NULL;
uint8_t tmp = readAdc();
*isrVarPtr = tmp;
void ISRInit(volatile uint16_t *var)
isrVarPtr = var;
typedef struct{
uint8_t id;
volatile uint16_t value;
static AdcMeas_t AdcMeas = {0};
const AdcMeas_t* AdcMeasGetStructPtr()
return &AdcMeas;
void PrintVal(const AdcMeas_t* data)
printf("AdcMeas %d value: %d\r\n", data->id, data->value);
void StartMeasurement()
int main()
Is there something wrong with usage of const AdcMeas_t* data as argument of the PrintVal() function? I understand that AdcMeas.value may change inside interrupt and PrintVal() may be outdated.
AdcMeas contains a 'generic getter'. Is this a good practice to use this sort of function to allow read-only access to static structure? or should I implement AdcMeasGetId() and AdcMeasGetValue functions (note that this struct has only 2 members, what if it has 8 members)?
I know this code is a bit dumb (waiting for interrupt in while loop), this is just an example.
Some bugs:
You have no header files, neither library include or your own ones. This means that everything is hopelessly broken until you fix that. You cannot do multiple file projects in C without header files.
*isrVarPtr = tmp; Here you write to a variable without protection from race conditions. If the main program reads this variable in several steps, you risk getting incorrect data. You need to protect against race conditions or guarantee atomic access.
const AdcMeasGetStructPtr() is gibberish and there is no way that the return &AdcMeas; inside it would compile with a conforming C compiler.
If you have an old but conforming C90 compiler, the return type will get treated as int. Otherwise, if you have a modern C compiler, not even the function definition will compiler. So it would seem that something is very wrong with your compiler, which is a greater concern than this bug.
Declaring the typedef struct in the C file and then returning a pointer to it doesn't make any sense. You need to re-design this module. You could have a getter function returning an instance to a private struct, if there is only ever going to be 1 instance of it (singleton). However, as mentioned, it needs to handle race conditions.
Stylistic concerns:
Empty parenthesis () in a function declaration is almost always wrong in C. This is obsolete style and means "accept any parameter". C++ is different here.
int main() doesn't make any sense at all in a microcontroller system. You should use some implementation-defined form suitable for freestanding programs. The most commonly supported form is void main (void).
DelayMs(1000); is highly questionable code in any embedded system. There should never be a reason why you'd want to hang up your MCU being useless, with max current consumption, for a whole second.
Overall it seems you would benefit from a "continuous conversion" ADC. ADCs that support continuous conversion just dump their latest read in the data register and you can pick it up with polling whenever you need it. Catching all ADC interrupts is really just for hard realtime systems, signal processing and similar.

Linkage problem with extern variable when compiling?

I'm using MikroC for PIC v7.2, to program a PIC18f67k40.
Within functii.h, I have the following variable declaration:
extern volatile unsigned char byte_count;
Within main.c, the following code:
#include <functii.h>
// ...
volatile unsigned char byte_count = 0;
// ...
void interrupt () {
if (RC1IF_bit) {
uart_rx = Uart1_read();
uart_string[byte_count] = uart_rx;
// ...
Then, within command.c, I have the following code:
#include <functii.h>
void how_many_bytes () {
// ...
// ...
In main.c, I process data coming through the UART, using an interrupt. Once the end of transmission character is received, I call how_many_bytes(), which sends back the length of the message that was received (plus the data bytes themselves, the code for which I didn't include here, but those are all OK!!).
The problem is that on the uart1_write() call, byte_count is always 0, instead of having been incremented in the interrupt sequence.
Probably you need some synchronization between the interrupt handler and the main processing.
If you do something like this
if(byte_count != 0) {
byte_count = 0;
the interrupt can occur anywhere, for example
between if(byte_count != 0)and uart1_write(byte_count); or
during the processing of uart1_write(byte_count); which uses a copy of the old value while the value gets changed or
between uart1_write(byte_count); and byte_count = 0;.
With the code above case 1 is no problem but 2 and 3 are. You would lose all characters received after reading byte_count for the function call.
Maybe you can disable/enable interrupts at certain points.
A better solution might be to not reset byte_count outside of interrupt() but instead implement a ring buffer with separate read and write index. The read index would be modified by how_many_bytes() (or uart1_write()) only and the write index by interrupt() only.

Run-time mocking in C?

This has been pending for a long time in my list now. In brief - I need to run mocked_dummy() in the place of dummy() ON RUN-TIME, without modifying factorial(). I do not care on the entry point of the software. I can add up any number of additional functions (but cannot modify code within /*---- do not modify ----*/).
Why do I need this?
To do unit tests of some legacy C modules. I know there are a lot of tools available around, but if run-time mocking is possible I can change my UT approach (add reusable components) make my life easier :).
Platform / Environment?
Linux, ARM, gcc.
Approach that I'm trying with?
I know GDB uses trap/illegal instructions for adding up breakpoints (gdb internals).
Make the code self modifiable.
Replace dummy() code segment with illegal instruction, and return as immediate next instruction.
Control transfers to trap handler.
Trap handler is a reusable function that reads from a unix domain socket.
Address of mocked_dummy() function is passed (read from map file).
Mock function executes.
There are problems going ahead from here. I also found the approach is tedious and requires good amount of coding, some in assembly too.
I also found, under gcc each function call can be hooked / instrumented, but again not very useful since the the function is intended to be mocked will anyway get executed.
Is there any other approach that I could use?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void mocked_dummy(void)
/*---- do not modify ----*/
void dummy(void)
int factorial(int num)
int fact = 1;
while (num > 1)
fact *= num;
return fact;
/*---- do not modify ----*/
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int (*fp)(int) = atoi(argv[1]);
printf("fp = %x\n",fp);
printf("factorial of 5 is = %d\n",fp(5));
printf("factorial of 5 is = %d\n",factorial(5));
return 1;
test-dept is a relatively recent C unit testing framework that allows you to do runtime stubbing of functions. I found it very easy to use - here's an example from their docs:
void test_stringify_cannot_malloc_returns_sane_result() {
replace_function(&malloc, &always_failing_malloc);
char *h = stringify('h');
assert_string_equals("cannot_stringify", h);
Although the downloads section is a little out of date, it seems fairly actively developed - the author fixed an issue I had very promptly. You can get the latest version (which I've been using without issues) with:
svn checkout http://test-dept.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ test-dept-read-only
the version there was last updated in Oct 2011.
However, since the stubbing is achieved using assembler, it may need some effort to get it to support ARM.
This is a question I've been trying to answer myself. I also have the requirement that I want the mocking method/tools to be done in the same language as my application. Unfortunately this cannot be done in C in a portable way, so I've resorted to what you might call a trampoline or detour. This falls under the "Make the code self modifiable." approach you mentioned above. This is were we change the actually bytes of a function at runtime to jump to our mock function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Additional headers
#include <stdint.h> // for uint32_t
#include <sys/mman.h> // for mprotect
#include <errno.h> // for errno
void mocked_dummy(void)
/*---- do not modify ----*/
void dummy(void)
int factorial(int num)
int fact = 1;
while (num > 1)
fact *= num;
return fact;
/*---- do not modify ----*/
typedef void (*dummy_fun)(void);
void set_run_mock()
dummy_fun run_ptr, mock_ptr;
uint32_t off;
unsigned char * ptr, * pg;
run_ptr = dummy;
mock_ptr = mocked_dummy;
if (run_ptr > mock_ptr) {
off = run_ptr - mock_ptr;
off = -off - 5;
else {
off = mock_ptr - run_ptr - 5;
ptr = (unsigned char *)run_ptr;
pg = (unsigned char *)(ptr - ((size_t)ptr % 4096));
if (mprotect(pg, 5, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)) {
perror("Couldn't mprotect");
ptr[0] = 0xE9; //x86 JMP rel32
ptr[1] = off & 0x000000FF;
ptr[2] = (off & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
ptr[3] = (off & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
ptr[4] = (off & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Run for realz
// Set jmp
// Run the mock dummy
return 0;
Portability explanation...
mprotect() - This changes the memory page access permissions so that we can actually write to memory that holds the function code. This isn't very portable, and in a WINAPI env, you may need to use VirtualProtect() instead.
The memory parameter for mprotect is aligned to the previous 4k page, this also can change from system to system, 4k is appropriate for vanilla linux kernel.
The method that we use to jmp to the mock function is to actually put down our own opcodes, this is probably the biggest issue with portability because the opcode I've used will only work on a little endian x86 (most desktops). So this would need to be updated for each arch you plan to run on (which could be semi-easy to deal with in CPP macros.)
The function itself has to be at least five bytes. The is usually the case because every function normally has at least 5 bytes in its prologue and epilogue.
Potential Improvements...
The set_mock_run() call could easily be setup to accept parameters for reuse. Also, you could save the five overwritten bytes from the original function to restore later in the code if you desire.
I'm unable to test, but I've read that in ARM... you'd do similar but you can jump to an address (not an offset) with the branch opcode... which for an unconditional branch you'd have the first bytes be 0xEA and the next 3 bytes are the address.
An approach that I have used in the past that has worked well is the following.
For each C module, publish an 'interface' that other modules can use. These interfaces are structs that contain function pointers.
struct Module1
int (*getTemperature)(void);
int (*setKp)(int Kp);
During initialization, each module initializes these function pointers with its implementation functions.
When you write the module tests, you can dynamically changes these function pointers to its mock implementations and after testing, restore the original implementation.
void mocked_dummy(void)
/*---- do not modify ----*/
void dummyFn(void)
static void (*dummy)(void) = dummyFn;
int factorial(int num)
int fact = 1;
while (num > 1)
fact *= num;
return fact;
/*---- do not modify ----*/
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
void (*oldDummy) = dummy;
/* with the original dummy function */
printf("factorial of 5 is = %d\n",factorial(5));
/* with the mocked dummy */
oldDummy = dummy; /* save the old dummy */
dummy = mocked_dummy; /* put in the mocked dummy */
printf("factorial of 5 is = %d\n",factorial(5));
dummy = oldDummy; /* restore the old dummy */
return 1;
You can replace every function by the use of LD_PRELOAD. You have to create a shared library, which gets loaded by LD_PRELOAD. This is a standard function used to turn programs without support for SOCKS into SOCKS aware programs. Here is a tutorial which explains it.
