I have a table and its primary key is an identity column and I was using it as my "folio" to display its value on reports.
If an insert statement fails, SQL Server's default behavior is to auto-increment the seed of my identity column and because of that the user get confused when they have a report with folio 1000 and the next one is folio 1004 (because maybe 3 inserts fails).
So, what is the best way to create a folio column and manage it within a web application?
Is it a good practice that before doing a save I go to my table and get my folio column, auto-increment that on server side and then save it to db for the new record? I'm worried about concurrency because what happens if in the same second 2 users get the same folio number, the issue will be that I will have 2 reports with the same number.
Appreciate any advice.
I hope the question is not too generic.
I have a table Person that has a PK Identity column Id.
Via C#, I insert new entries for Person and the Id get set to 1,2,3 for the 3 persons added.
Also via C#, I perform all deletions of the persons with Id=1,2,3 so that there's no Person in the Table anymore.
Afterwards, I run some change scripts (I can't post them as they are too long) also on Table Person.
I don't do any RESEED.
Now the fun:
If I call SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('Person') it shows 3 instead of 4.
If I do an insert of Person again, I get a Person with the Id 3 added instead of Id 4.
Any idea why and how this can happen?
I think I found the explanation of my question:
While performing DB Changes via SQL Server Management Studio, The Designer creates
a temp table Tmp_Person and moves the data from Person inside there. Afterwards he performs a rename of Tmp_Person to Person. Since this is a new table the Index starts again from the beginning.
An IDENTITY property doesn't guarentee uniqueness. That's what a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE INDEX is for. This is covered in the documentation in the remarks section, along with other intended behaviour. CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL) IDENTITY (Property) - Remarks:
The identity property on a column does not guarantee the following:
Uniqueness of the value - Uniqueness must be enforced by using a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint or UNIQUE index.
Consecutive values within a transaction - A transaction inserting multiple rows is not guaranteed to get consecutive values for the rows
because other concurrent inserts might occur on the table. If values
must be consecutive then the transaction should use an exclusive lock
on the table or use the SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
Consecutive values after server restart or other failures -SQL Server might cache identity values for performance reasons and some of
the assigned values can be lost during a database failure or server
restart. This can result in gaps in the identity value upon insert. If
gaps are not acceptable then the application should use its own
mechanism to generate key values. Using a sequence generator with the
NOCACHE option can limit the gaps to transactions that are never
Reuse of values - For a given identity property with specific seed/increment, the identity values are not reused by the engine. If a
particular insert statement fails or if the insert statement is rolled
back then the consumed identity values are lost and will not be
generated again. This can result in gaps when the subsequent identity
values are generated.
These restrictions are part of the design in order to improve
performance, and because they are acceptable in many common
situations. If you cannot use identity values because of these
restrictions, create a separate table holding a current value and
manage access to the table and number assignment with your
Emphasis mine for this question.
I'm kind of new to SQL and databases and there's one thing that bothers me.
I'm using SQL Server for my ASP.NET MVC project and my database and its tables were auto-generated by Entity Framework using a code-first approach.
I have a table for book collections - just CollectionId and Name columns.
During development I've made many inserts and deletes in this table and right now it has 10 rows with Id's 1 to 10 (the initial entries). But when I add a new one it has the Id set to 37. Obviously in the past there were entries with Id up to 36, but there are now gone and these numbers seem to be free.
Then why a new entry does not have the Id set to 11? Is it a kind of limitation or maybe a security feature?
Thank you for answers.
This is default behavior when we define identity column. Whenever we perform delete operations there will be gaps in records for identity column.
Remarks from MSDN
If an identity column exists for a table with frequent deletions, gaps can occur between identity values. If this is
a concern, do not use the IDENTITY property. However, to ensure that
no gaps have been created or to fill an existing gap, evaluate the
existing identity values before explicitly entering one with SET
In addition to the other answer, it also has to do with performance of the server. The server typically cache's a group of ID's in memory to make assignment much faster, since the next number has to be stored on disk somewhere. So if the server allocates 100 numbers at a time, it only has to write to disk 1 out of every 100 usages (inserts) of the identity.
Trying to maintain gaps in the sequence would suck up a lot of time.
If you create a new table, insert a single row, kill the server and restart, you'll find the next insert will most likely contain a gap of whatever that number of cached values contains.
I have a table in MS SQL SERVER 2008 and I have set its primary key to increment automatically but if I delete any row from this table and insert some new rows in the table it starts from the next identity value which created gap in the identity value. My program requires all the identities or keys to be in sequence.
Assignment Table has total 16 rows with sequence identities(1-16) but if I delete a value at 16th position
Delete From Assignment Where assignment_id=16;
and after this operation when I insert a new row
Insert into Assignment(assignment_title)Values('myassignment');
Rather than assigning 16 as a primary key to this new value it assigns 17.
How can I solve this Problem ?
Renaming or re-numbering primary key values is not a good database management practice. I suggest you keep the primary key as is, and create a separate column index with the values you require to be re-numbered. Then simply create a trigger to run a routine that will re-number every row in the order you expect, obviously by seeking the "gaps" and entering them with values incremented from their previous value.
This is SQL Servers standard behaviour. If you deleted a row with ID=8 in your example, you would still have a gap.
All you could do, is write a function getSmallestDreeID in SQL Server, that you called for every insert and that would get you the smallest not assigned ID. But you would have to take great care of transactions and ACID.
The behavior you desire isn't possible without some post processing logic to renumber the rows.
Consider thus scenario:
Session 1 begins a transaction, inserts a row (id=16), but doesn't commit yet.
Session 2 begins a transaction, inserts a row (id=17) and commits.
Session1 rolls back.
Whether 16 will or will not exist in the table is decided after 17 is committed.
And you can't renumber these in a trigger, you'll get deadlocked.
What you probably need to do is to query the data adding a row number that is a sequential integer.
Gaps in identity values isn't a problem
well, i have recently faced the same problem: i need the ID values in an external C# application in order to retrieve files named exactly as the ID.
==> here is what i did to avoid the identity property, i entered id values manually because it was a small table, but if it is not in your case, use a SEQUENCE SQL Server 2014.
Use the statement UPDATE instead of delete to keep the id values in order.
I'm using visual studio 2010 an working on asp.net mvc3 project and sql server 2008. I have a table that the primary key of this table is int data type. I set Identity Specificatin "yes", Is Identity "yes", Identity Increment and Identity Seed "1". everything is OK when table is empty and data can be saved easily, But when I close visual studio, open it again and want to save data a break occured that shows the value of primary key is "1". (I deleted the data of database once, after this deletion the primary key of first row is 5 and other rows 6,7,...). What's the solution for this problem? your answer will be so helpfull. Thanks
There is no solution for *automatic gap removal": identity columns always have gaps for good reasons. For example, the deleted row is probably in some history or audit table and you don't wan to reuse it.
However, you can reset the column by using DBCC CHECKIDENT
Note the gotchas here: SQL server identity column values start at 0 instead of 1
Using Sequence type for the Primary Key may help...
I'm building an ASP.Net/MVC application using SQL 2008 Developer edition and a DB in Sql2005 compatibility mode. Using Entity Framework as DAL.
My problem is that I have a table where I'm using the integer identity column in a like an Invoice Number, that is, it always has to be unique and never reused. So using the GUID column type won't work without a substantial effort.
What I'm seeing is that the DB is filling in the gaps in the identity column. This will cause me long term problems. Is there a setting to disable this "filling in"
That sounds like something outside SQL server; SQL server does not "go back" and re-use gaps in identities unless the table's been reseeded, but even then it will blindly increment one-by-one and probably return a lot of duplicate key errors as it hits rows with existing values.
Are you sure the column is an identity? Is there anything else that might be re-assigning keys and/or turning on identity insert when creating rows?
SQL Server does not fill in the gaps of an identity field by default it will just keep going up in numbers as you insert rows.
It is possible to reset the identity back to 1 and therefore you may then see what you are describing.
Can I suggest you post some code / db structure that shows your problem and search for any code you may have that my perform an identity reseed.
Unless I am not understanding your issue correctly. If you create a primary key on your identity column, or a unique constraint, you can avoid the issue of duplicate values.
For example:
create table TableName
InvoiceID int identity(1,1) not null primary key